Infinity Armament

Chapter 302 Fracture

Neither Ban Dongming nor Shen Yi thought they would see each other again under such circumstances.

This situation came too suddenly, too strange, so that everyone stayed for a while before coming back.

Behind Ben Dongming are six people, five men and one woman, including Chen Tao. It was Shen Yi who rescued the engineers and Chen Tao's helpless smile on his face.

However, he sent Shen Yi a friendly smile and whispered to the others: “It's Shen Yi. ”

So the faces of the people simultaneously revealed suddenly enlightened God, and they stopped chasing him, but stood there quietly.

It doesn't look like the Storm Squad has any concerns about Shen Yi either.

Thinking about it, Shen Yi jumped out of the car and waved at Ben Dongming: “I really didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Ben. ”

Bandong Ming's original angry look disappeared, and he hung up again with that signature elderly smile: “Yeah, I didn't expect to see you in the wilderness either. Why are you alone? Where are your partners? ”

He said it seemed casual. It was like an old friend meeting with a cold, so he asked if he wanted to eat it.

Shen Yi shrugged: “Random transmission, all dispersed. Boss Ben, don't you have all your men? ”

Bandong smiled: “It doesn't matter, this wilderness has not been here before, more often than not, naturally the door is familiar, meet somewhere, just wait. I still have a lot of faith in my brother. ”

“That's good, that's good, the wilderness is a dangerous place, but we should all be careful.” Shen Yi looked concerned.

Both of them spoke in an abnormal manner, but the person behind them was nervous.

The little nurse's eyebrows were raised upside down: "Captain, no, this guy is friends with them! ”

The scalpel in her hand had been aimed at Shen Yi's back. As soon as the lord grabbed the little nurse: "Don't mess around! ”

Don't look at him. He doesn't have much prestige. Teammates fight with him. It's really a critical moment. Everyone still listens to him. Although the lord is sincere, he is not really an idiot. Just listening to the two of them, he knows that Shen Yi and Bang Dongming know each other, but they are prepared for more than friendship.

At this time, Ban Dongming smiled and said to Shen Yi: “It is indeed time to be careful. But, little brother, you don't seem to be too careful when you run into a car like that. That's a good car for you, it doesn't look like it was bought from the city. ”

Shen Yi shrugged: “There are no traffic cops and red and green lights. It's inevitable that you will indulge yourself. Besides, who doesn't like to play with a racing car? Unfortunately, without a car mate, you run a little lonely alone. ”

Suddenly someone snorted behind Bandongming: “Well, it's hard to say, there are a lot of bloody metropolitan people out there who will be racing in the wilderness, and you're not the only one. ”

“Fire!” Bandong suddenly sighed, the previously intervening adventurer immediately shut up.

Ban Dongming laughed and said to Shen Yi: “Our team's thunderbolt happens to be a car player, and there is also a good car, not necessarily slower than yours. Too bad he's not here now. Pick up the others, get a chance to compete. ”

No wonder the Wind Squad can get half of their teammates together so quickly, emotionally they have someone to pick them up and drop them off. Since Bandong bragged, it is certain that Shen Yi is mostly unable to catch up with each other.

“A thunderbolt, a fire, just like a thunderbolt, I don't know, I thought it was Cheng Long, I guess these two must be good friends.” Shen Yi smiled.

“A team of good friends, of course.” Chen Tao stepped forward and said: “It's strange that he's not on a team, but he's a good friend. Shen Yi, you really have the leisure time to come out to our mixed water. M7 has a bit of a problem with us. You didn't know it before, so forget it. Now you know it. ”

He was polite on the face of it, but it was actually for Shen Yi's own good.

He and Shen Yi were also a little affectionate, knowing that Ben Dongming was quite angry because Shen Yi refused to repay 14,000 bloody points, but he didn't want to officially turn his face with Blade Squad because of it, but the affair broke.

There is only one person in Shen Yi nowadays. Ban Dongminduo probably wants to take advantage of the opportunity to kill people. The previous remarks are just the bottom of Shen Yi first.

The reason he asked Shen Yi to hurry up to hand over his people is actually to suggest that he hurry away from the water - Shen Yi and M7 obviously only met each other, otherwise the engineers would not get in the car and resist. If Shen Yi is smart enough, when they know it should stop immediately.

Unfortunately, he didn't know much about Shen Yi at the end of the day, and Shen Yi could only appreciate his kindness.

Shen Yi shook his head at this moment: “Some people, even if you've known them all your life, may not be friends. Some people, just a few minutes away, can be good friends. I like the M7 team a lot, although I don't really like to meddle, but become a friend, that's not idle, it's a family matter. ”

Benton's eyes flash with murder: “Family business? Shen Yi, you don't care about your family, it's my family! ”

Shen Yiyi dashed and the lord sighed and replied: “The gardener used to be one of their team. ”

- What? - What?

Shen Yi turned back stunned and the gardener bowed his head and did not speak.

“You dig people's corners?” Shen Yi's face became solemn.

“It's not like that!” The nurse screamed: “It was the wind team who only wanted to use the gardener himself, and he didn't take him seriously. The gardener ran out and entered our M7. This is free to come and go. Ben Dongming is just using this as an excuse. His real purpose is ours...”

Instead of continuing, she swept away the staff officer, who was silent and apparently had something to do with him.

Shen Yi coldly said: “What is it? Say it!”

He spoke loudly, but with an unquestionable rejection, if M7 can't tell him the key, it means he really doesn't have to go to this mess.

The lord hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Staff wheelchair… it is a Class A piece of equipment. ”

“Meteorological equipment?” Shen Yi was shocked and looked at the staff officer.

The staff member nodded with a grin: "That's why I was hunted down by the West End. ”

“Did you unseal it?” Shen Yi asked loudly.

“The price is my leg.” The staff laughed bitterly.

“What abilities? ”

“Free transfers within 10 kilometres can reach any designated target and can be carried out in one direction and round trip. One-way transfer cooling time is twenty minutes and round-trip transfer cooling time is one hour. Does not consume mental power, dual conveyor type, cooling time overlap. ”

Shen Yi couldn't help but suck in a cold breath.

This is killing and killing. Come and go!

Ten kilometers long and accurate, if so, wouldn't no one be able to kill him and go wherever he wants?

Seems to see Shen Yi's thoughts, Staff Counsellor smiled bitterly: "It must have clear designated coordinates to do so, so either move to a clearly located teammate or summons, or record the coordinates beforehand. In each mission world, only 10 coordinates can be recorded, which cannot be transmitted beyond distance or without coordinates, and the transfer function can be sealed, although with higher priority and harder to seal. ”

He looked at Bandong Ming and others in the distance and whispered, “They see this thing, they want it. I paid for the legs to unblock them, and the price they could afford was 18,000 points, the price of a pair of C-class equipment. ”

“How do they know what your wheelchair does? ”

The lord sighed: “It's all my fault. The biggest advantage of the staff wheelchair is that it has a strong locational transmission capability, but one disadvantage is that it can only carry things, it can't bring people...”

Gardener Interruption: “The Wind Team has a prop called Miniature World that lets people from the whole team go in a miniature world, like equipment, and take them away freely. With it, along with the staff's wheelchair, we can break into a lot of places we didn't dare to break into before. You know how important it is to get back and forth in the wilderness. ”

So that's how it is, Shen Yi understood.

The wheelchair, combined with the function of miniaturizing the world, acts as a portal, although it delivers more precisely, faster, less restrictive and more frequently.

Equipment that quickly disengages itself from the battlefield and makes it easy to get around has always been good, and despite the limitations, deficiencies can be compensated for through a variety of combinations.

The M7 hopes to make effective use of this wheelchair to really maximize its value, so if the lord wants to get this prop, he goes to Ben Dongming and offers to buy it. Instead, he didn't expect Ben Dongming, who has been raped by the old man, to give him a tone of mouth.

Instead of selling the miniature world, Ban Dongming offered to buy wheelchairs, causing trouble for the M7.

Shen Yi sighed knowing about it at this moment.

He looked back at Ben Dongming and smiled helplessly on Ben Dongming's face: “You know, now you understand? ”

“Yeah, I get it. Except the price is really low. There are some things that can't be said about buying Class A equipment for a double Class C. ”

“That's because the gardener stole from us and must be punished. ”

The gardener screamed, "I didn't steal from you! I planted the bloodsucking vines myself, and I got the seeds myself. What does that have to do with you? ”

Chen Tao's face sinks: “But as a member of the wind team, your harvest should belong to the team and be at the boss's disposal!. ”

The gardener had to jump: “Bullshit! Seeds were obtained by me on my own mission. When I joined the team, they were fed with my own flesh and blood. How can you be part of this? ”

“How can we call you a loser if we keep you safe? ”

“I also contributed my strength! ”

Fire beside him grinned: “Huh, how much skill can a kid have? If I hadn't seen you build a little on the plant, who the fuck would have charged you, I wouldn't have thought your wings would have flown before they grew hard. ”

The gardener jumped on his feet and yelled, "Anyway, the bloodsucking vine is mine, and I'm not lazy to fight as a team. Don't use that as an excuse. You're the wheelchair of the conspiracy. I knew I wouldn't let the lord look for you. You didn't say anything when I left. It was only when I heard that the staff officer had a wheelchair that I deliberately used this reason to find out! ”

“The fact that I didn't ask you to settle the bill doesn't mean I won't ask you to settle the bill later.” Bangdong clearly meant a long way. He accidentally looked at Shen Yiye, but the meaning was obvious.

Shen Yi smiled bitterly.

Unlike Xie Rongjun, Ban Dongming took great care of the scene. He clearly wanted to seize the pride, but he would still give himself a big name first.

This makes him look much better in touch than the Xie Rong Army, but much more difficult.

Ban Dongming looked at Shen Yi at this moment: “Little brother, you've made it clear what happened. Honestly, I really don't want to be your enemy. But if you keep choosing to stand opposite the Wind Squad... alas, it's going to be hard for me, bro. ”

When he said that, his gaze at Shen Yi was sharp. He seemed polite and most of his mind didn't think so. If Shen Yi retreats, it means that he has no bottom of his heart. This is his chance to kill him. If he does not retreat, there is at least one reason to do it, and if he cannot kill, there is also a just position to pass it on.

Morality and fame are things that are a shame, no matter how cruel a bloody city is, as long as there is order, there is still meaning.

Shen Yi Laidyang replied: “Boss Ben, you have to leave your hand and leave your hand behind. As a person, he sees each other well. I came here this time to do something and I just needed the help of M7. Why don't you just give me a face and let them go? After this one, I'll leave you two out of this. ”

Chen Tao stood up behind him and said, "What the fuck are you? Want us to give you face? ”

Shen Yi looked upright: “What are you, drinking in front of me? Two captains talking. Do you want to interrupt? ”

The big man was furious. He was about to rush to teach Shen Yi a lesson. Shen Yi waved his hand, and the reaper fell flashing, lying between the two sides.

The pounding momentum scared the wind team, but they saw it on the harvester's shoulder, standing on the left on the T1000 liquid metal terminator, standing on the right on the knife arm mantis, staring at themselves together.

Shen Yi dropped an armour-piercing bomb on Bang Dongming at random, which was a good time to say: “The wind team is very powerful, I don't deny it. I wouldn't dare to fight the Wind Squad. Once there's a real fight, I'm sure there's only one run. Like these little things, I'm sure they're not in Mr. Ben's eyes. Take them out. There's no threat. There's only sincerity. I hope Mr. Ben understands. Although I have no intention of threatening you, I also hope that Mr. Ben will show some respect for his past relationships. This is today... let's just call it a day. ”

His tone of voice was no threat, but the strength shown was a reminder to Ben Dongming that if we were to fight, we would not necessarily have the power to fight. Even if we can't beat you, killing a few of you won't necessarily be a problem. With the harvester plus the T1000 plus the knife-arm mantis and armor-piercing bullets, it's really not easy for anyone to say.

This is not enough. Shen Yi actually took another thing out of the bloody crest.

This thing made Ban Dongming Chen Tao's face change dramatically again.

“Space door!” Chen Tao screamed.

Exactly the space door item from the Stabbing Blood Squad.

Ben Dongming's eyes stared dead at the space door and said for a while: “I didn't expect Xie Rongjun's space door to get it too. This is a good thing to escape from. With it, it's even harder for you to kill a little brother. ”

Shen Yi smiled: “That's why you dare to come to the wilderness. Unlike you, Mr. Ben, people are strong and strong. Our younger generation can only eat by running away from their lives. Of course, for me, anything is possible as long as I live, don't you think? Boss Ben. ”

He pulled out the space door, which was to make Ban Dongming give up the idea of World War I.

Ban Dong Ming insisted, under Shen Yi and M7, even though he could win, he was afraid of death and injury. Shen Yi had a space door in his hand, killing him was already very difficult.

If Shen Yi ran away, in the future, he would get into trouble with the team, and when the wind team loses soldiers, it is not impossible to repeat the mistake of the blood stabbing team.

In weighing the pros and cons, Ban Dongming has made it clear that it is absolutely unwise to do so.

At this moment he stared hard at Shen Yi and suddenly laughed after a while: "Okay, good! Little brothers always move so fast, I like your witty strength. That's right, only dead people don't have to care about sin. In that case, I'll give you a face for this today. ”

“Boss!” Fire shouted.

Ban Dongming waved and broke his drink: “Let's go! ”

The wind team rubbed Shen Yi's side and walked by. One of the team members stared at Shen Yi badly. Only Chen Tao sighed as he walked by him: “Why, brother? Actually, the last time...”

“I'll give you back that bloody spot last time.” Shen Yi suddenly said.

Chen Tao stayed put and walked past Ban Dongming already drank heavily: “No need! I don't need that kind of money, let alone charity! What our Wind Team wants… we'll do it ourselves! ”

This sentence undoubtedly declares the complete breakdown of relations between the two sides.

It was at this time that Shen Yi's two Mustangs, summoning soldiers, also drove by. Ban Dongming waved with his hand. The two vehicles flew off and fell into the grass. All soldiers simultaneously fell to the bottom of the vehicle.

Ability Reading Control: Level 3.

energy value of 1800.