Infinity Armament

Chapter 307 Death Marathon

Mathematics is a wonderful discipline that strips away all complex manifestations, leaving only the essence of transparency.

Shen Yi doesn't know why the bloody city demonstrates all of its capabilities in a digital way, but at least he knows that the greatest use of this way is that you can predict the consequences of your attacks.

The consequences of the attack can be expected to seem simple, but the changes it brings in battle are overwhelming.

It's like you punch someone in life, you don't know what the consequences are, so it can be minor injuries, serious injuries, or even a blow to death, which you often don't expect.

In bloody cities, however, this is no longer happening because of the ability to digitize, and the effects of your attacks are largely unimpressive and unexpected.

In the X-Men world, Shen Yi faced three South Side Adventurers when he rescued Amwen and others. At that time, he used precise calculations to accurately estimate the opponent's remaining life, and then harvested the target's life in a spiritual add-on manner.

Thus, the capability is digitized so that the battle can be predicted, and thus can be planned.

At the strategic level, it has led to a significant reduction in unexpected and uncontrollable factors in the design of battles, as well as to the evolution into more precise video game-style sandbox projections in the way that situational considerations were originally the main guiding philosophy.

It can be said that the digitization of capabilities has brought about dramatic changes for every adventurer, not only in tactical behavior, but also in strategy development.

It's just not much to really grasp that, after all, it requires high-speed computing and a sensitive core capture capability.

This time, Shen Yi again grasped the significance of capability digitization - precisely calculating the shortest theoretical time needed to kill an ant queen.

Of course, at first it scared everyone.

“Thirty seconds to kill the queen? Am I crazy or are you crazy?” Zhang Jianjun stared at Shen Yi.

“Theoretically there are no problems.” Shen Yi replied.

“Enforcement problems are enormous. A double-C nest maze with at least dozens of large and hundreds of small and medium-sized paths, long and difficult roads, huge buildings, traveling in a hole that big, how do you know where the queen is? How did you last 30 seconds? Thirty seconds, enough for those big and small black ants to rip you to pieces. ”

Shen Yi took out the guide bee: “This little thing is a natural maze killer that can help me determine the orientation of the queen ants. The T1000 can absorb damage as armor. Thirty seconds is not the problem. ”

“How do you get in? There are 4,000 workers in the hills and 1,000 soldiers in the lair. You are facing an entire army!” Lan Meier didn't ask nicely.

“That's what we need to plan for. ”

“Some things can't be solved by plan.” The Lord reminds him, "no one knows what's going on in the labyrinth, and limited information can't help you make the perfect plan. If you get stuck once, the constant black ants will surround you... and you won't get away with it. ”

The dual C-level nest has the ability to seal the transmission. After entering the nest, the presence of low priority such as random transfer scroll cannot be used at all. Even the space door cannot be used. The return door can be used with neglect of priority. The problem is that the start-up time is too long and it takes an entire minute.

“Can run away.” The staff member suddenly said: "Transient beads are Class A equipment whose priority can break through ant nest sealing forces, not only can they run out, but they can also be moved back instantaneously. ”

Everyone looked at the staff, and the staff shrugged: “I mean, borrow it. You don't have to be so surprised, do you? ”

Shen Yi smiled and patted the staff officer's shoulder: “Thank you, I did hit your wheelchair idea, of course, I will take out the mortgage. ”

It has to be said that the staff member's transient bead is a very useful strategic tool. With it, users have the strategic right to withdraw. And a plan that can withstand countless failures is much more meaningful than a fine sculpture that looks gorgeous but can't withstand any accidents.

It makes Shen Yi's progression plan look more like a game archive. Whenever the progression is unfavourable, the coordinates are recorded using a transient bead, then fly out, then fly back, and continue the progression - to succeed by repeatedly archiving.

It is also for this reason that Shen Yi became paranormal. Due to prop conditions, he formulated this seemingly “rough and reckless” offensive plan - straight to the core.

Of course, this is just the subject of the plan, and the specific execution details need to be well designed.

“However, using the transient bead has a cooling time problem and you cannot use it continuously. ”

“Tell me exactly how it cools down. ”

“Transient beads are divided into round trip and one-way transfers. Round-trip transfers are round-trip transfers with a round-trip time of three minutes. If you use this as your origin for round-trip transfers, you will be forced to return wherever you are, whether you wish to return to your origin or not, after three minutes of transmission to your destination location. This compulsory return distance is not limited to 10 kilometres and cools for an hour. ”

“In other words, I only have three minutes of break-in time per hour to get it inside the nest from here. ”

“Yes, transient beads can only be marked at 10 coordinates per mission world, and I've used four. Unless you can reach the queen in 18 minutes, six transients, there is no hope. ”

“One-way transmission? ”

“The cooling time for a one-way transfer is twenty minutes. You can pass yourself out of the colony, but if you pass yourself back to the colony, you have to support it for at least 20 minutes before you can activate the transient bead again. The two transfers are superimposed cooling, and you can quickly use the other after you have used one, and the cooling time is one hour and twenty minutes after both transfers are applied simultaneously. The two can then be shared again. ”

“That is, every time I go into an ant nest, I have to support it for at least 20 minutes, and I...

There can only be up to six locators in the nest, and if I can't get close to the target in the sixth transmission into the nest, I lose my chance, right? ”

The staff shrugged: "Yes, you can only save six times on this death-game path, and don't come again if you miss your chance. ”

“For many people, life is already very difficult even if there is only one chance to come back... how about a bet? In less than six archives, I'll be able to kill that fat bug. ”

“If you lose, learn to scream three dogs and climb three laps around the floor!” The little nurse exclaimed excitedly.

Together, Shen Yihao laughed. “What if I win? ”

The little nurse turned her eyes and shouted, “Then I'll let you kiss me. ”

“ …… ”

Lord slapped his forehead: “Too early to ripen. ”

“Hardship makes people grow up, boss.” The engineers intervened.

“It's growth, not ripening!” Lord helplessly corrected.


Three hours later.

Preliminary plans for related actions have been tentatively developed.

Shen Yi's initial plan was to send an electronic reconnaissance bee into the ant's nest on the first breakthrough. Then we rush in unfavourably and return. Further action plans will be made when specific information is available.

Another advantage is that the structure of each black ant nest is roughly the same, as long as you know the structure of one nest, the other nests are equivalent to what you've learned.

This is very helpful not only to himself, but also to the M7 team.

Stabilize the footsteps, probe the surroundings, step by step to do things, which is Shen Yi's consistent style. His plan seemed reckless but always refined in detail.

Of course, even the first breakthrough is not that easy.

Shen Yi pointed to the black ants in the far hills and said, "Arias, do you see those guys? ”

“Yes, sir. ”

“Thirty-six black ants are there, pay attention to their distribution.” Shen Yi drew a chessboard on a piece of paper and marked it with thirty-six black dots: “This one, this one, and this one, are far away from the nest, do not attack, the others are the target nest, remember them, don't get me wrong. ”

“Understood, sir. ”

The gardener asked, "How do you know which black ants are a nest? ”

“Information networks.” Shen Yi refers to the head: “I have taught you the conclusions of countless pieces of information consolidated. ”

The gardener rolled his eyes.

Shen Yi has pointed at the bottom and said: "I will give you an order as I approach the guard circle of the Ant Cave, and you will shoot any black ant besides these three, just don't hit them. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

“Lord, it's up to you how much you can earn to lay down your troops over there ready to intercept the attack. Remember, softer in the first place, as much as possible without killing, harder in the second place, and as much as possible eliminating all troopers in one breath, which avoids them calling for backup. ”

“Understood." The lord chuckled.

Shen Yi also took off the caller on the summoning soldier and threw it at the lord: "Stay in touch with me with this. All soldiers temporarily followed the Lord in battle, under his command. ”

“Yes, sir!” The airborne soldiers responded in a collective voice.

After all the explanations, Shen Yi jumped down the small slope and rushed to the ant point.

On the ant hill, a human shadow ran at high speed, like a wild deer, strange smell approached over the distance, several black ants responsible for swimming raised the top contact angle, collided with each other a few times in the air, seemed to be searching for something.

The smell is not too strong, indicating that the distance is still far away, and the black ant in charge of the patrol did not care.

Shen Yi stopped when he rushed 2,000 meters from the perimeter to be on guard and fell down carefully.

Three kilometers from here to the colony.

The range of influence of the target nest is one thousand meters square, two thousand meters alert and eight thousand meters launch range.

He's on the alert perimeter right now.

Take the guide bee out, the little bee flies out with its wings on, leaving a faint silver trajectory on the ground.

Take out the palm computer, Shen Yi softly ordered: "Zeus, calculate the speed and flight time of the guide bee, confirm the distance length. ”

On the bloody crest, the little dots representing the guide bee kept shining and stretching farther.

About six minutes later, the highlights disappeared.

Zeus sounded cold: “Flight time is 42 kilometres per hour, flight time is 6 minutes and 21 seconds, and flight distance is 4845 meters. Three kilometers from the nest, the length of the nest * * channel is 1845 meters, and the numerical error does not exceed 100 meters. ”

Shen Yi picked up the caller: “After entering the ant cave, you need to rush into about 1,800 meters more... it's a huge underground maze. ”

“This is a death marathon. Good luck.” The Lord is helpless.

Shen Yi smiled lightly: "Arias, shoot. ”

Bang, shots fired,