Infinity Armament

Chapter 330: Competitive Models

Out of the portal, Shen Yi found herself in a broken village.

The village is small, surrounded by a wall erected by sharp wooden stakes, behind the wall stands a row of soldiers in medieval armor, holding a spear blade, Sumu looks forward.

The sky above the head is covered in gray, and the air is filled with a burning atmosphere of exhaustion, which is located in a wilderness, far away in the alpine jungle, where you can occasionally hear some bright beasts howling, but you can't tell what kind of animal is making the sound.

This is the world of the Dark Destruction.

A magical world full of magic power.

One adventurer after another is appearing in every corner of the village, measuring the surrounding environment, with slight tension in their eyes.

Blood crest prompt sounds in due course:

“Enter Diablo 2 Mission World, Current Location: Rogue Camp. ”

“This task is a competition mode, no main line task. Adventurer Mutual Attacks reduce damage by 25 percent and kill other adventurers get a random piece of equipment. ”

“Mission Content: Mission Competition - To counter the evil Three Demons, the Dark World has issued numerous missions to the human brave. Adventurers are free to perform any task, unlimited in number, and all tasks are unique. When the task is completed, other adventurers will not be able to complete it and will not be rewarded accordingly. ”

“There are five arenas in the dark world, each with six simultaneous theatrical assignments. The Adventurer's Contribution Points will be calculated during the Mission Execution, but only one Adventurer will eventually be able to become the corresponding Task Complete, and only Task Complete will receive Bonus Points and Mission Rewards. ”

“The total contribution points for each task are equal to the reward points, and when the task is completed, a portal will appear that can be transferred directly back to the starting point. ”

“Only by completing all tasks in one arena will all adventurers be able to travel collectively to the next. ”

“All camps shall be safe areas of the stadium, which shall not be mutually slaughtered or destroyed by violators. ”

“Thirty days of mandate implementation. Total Adventurer Contribution Points will be calculated at the end of time and redeemed for 10 Bloody Points per point. The task standard is 900 points. If the points are less than 450 points, erase them, and if the points are less than 900 points, deduct half the reward, higher than 1800 points, more than partially double the calculation. ”

“Task Tip: This dark world is a panoramic mode with one standard difficulty area for each arena. ”

“52 participants in this mission. ”

“Five Stadiums: 1 Rogue Camp 2 Rugauin 3 Kurast Seaport 4 Magic Fortress 5 Harrogas.” "Mission Background: Heaven and Hell forces enter a glued state after the end of the war with the original sin. In order to break the balance, get the stone of the soul, hold the power of fear, destruction and hatred, the three demons of Hell entered the human world through the rebellion of the Four Demons, causing great suffering to mankind...”

The drama of the dark world was already in hand long before Shen Yi entered. This is a typical bitter meat show - to compete for the stone of the soul, the three demons of Hell seduce angels with bait. As a result, the angels themselves failed, but let the human world seal each of the three demons, eventually turning this infernal invasion into a joke. As a game, the Dark God of Destruction unfolds in this context.

Unlike in the past, this time the bloody city has not drastically changed the background of the dark world, but has been faithful to the greatest extent possible, while the adventurers will carry out an unprecedented campaign of collective warfare as human samurai - they will sweep the dark world and drive the forces of hell back into the new Savior.

Immediately after the introduction on the background of the mission, the voice of King Kong sounded on the team channel: “Shen Yi, are you there? ”

“Yes, I am.” Shen Yi looked around and saw that Kong was in a corner not far from himself, standing beside him by the flood wave, gentle, "he laughed.“ I see you. ”

“I saw you, too. Did I say you saw anything?” Kong came towards Shen Yi, and Zhou Yiu and Fatty appeared on the other side.

“Well, it's kind of funny, if I'm right, that we're actually players who are going into the dark world and playing a real simulation game.” Shen Yi smiled.

Obviously, this time Shen Yi is like a saint in the game, a savage and other professional characters, will make a breakthrough in an autonomous game journey.

The only difference is that there are as many as 52 characters entering the game this time, while each game task is unique in nature and once completed by others, you will lose your chance.

This is just a small change, so that the game is no longer a battle between the players against the demon gods, but the adventurers are fighting each other, ruining my fraud, you die and I live the death race!

Indeed, the eyes of the adventurers have become fierce after listening to the mission prompts. Some familiar adventurers approach each other and gradually form a group of people large and small.

The largest group of around ten, obviously one team, followed by an eight-person team, followed by the Blade Team and another six-person team. Four teams take up more than half the power of adventurers, and the remaining 22 adventurers are mostly small groups of three or two.

In addition to this, there are some people in 16th-century old clothes walking around in the Rogue camp, who are obviously the dramatic characters of the world. Perhaps because of the bloody city, they were not surprised by the adventurers, as if they were supposed to exist in the world.

“There should be a change.” Zhou Yiyu walks in: “At least in the game, one task must be completed before the next one can be started. But listen to the crest, all tasks in each arena are simultaneously open and freely contested. In other words, we can now carry out the task of annihilating Andariel. ”

Andariel, the queen of torment and anguish in the Dark World Hell Camp, is one of the four demons of the Hell Camp and the final BOSS in the first scene of the Dark World.

When Zhou Yiyu said this, Hung Wang immediately exclaimed: “Then let's go and kill Andariel now! The task suggests that each field corresponds to a difficult area, that is, Camp Rogue, a scene that should only be equivalent to the difficulty of a slum, and Andaril is certainly not difficult to deal with, which I estimate is the level of a Count Dracula. ”

Yes, according to the bloody crest, the mission world is in a panoramic mode, with five scenes corresponding to five difficulty areas. What this means, obviously, is that Camp Rogue, the arena, has only a slum difficulty. It is naturally easier to challenge the difficulty of slums with the ability of ordinary area adventurers.

Even the flood waves can see the problems, other adventurers will naturally not see them, everyone is talking about this moment and talking to each other enthusiastically.

Shen Yi watched the surrounding adventurers whisper and suddenly whispered in Farsi: "Andariel should not be difficult to deal with, but it is not necessary to say that Count Bidracula is weak. ”

Hung Wang wonders: “Why say that? Is Andariel stronger than Dracula? But isn't that not compatible with the difficulty of slums? ”

Shen Yi answered softly: "There are 52 adventurers here, even if the level of everyone is only in the slums, to deal with Count Dracula, you can easily deal with three or five? Andariel can't deliver too cheaply, even if it's a delivery. ”

Hung Lang immediately dissatisfied: “But now it is the contents of the competition, it is impossible for everyone to fight together. In this case, Andariel should deal with it better than Dracula, because you will surely compete for me, leading to additional damage, otherwise you said the difficulty of adjusting the pattern is just an empty phrase. ”

Shen Yi's eyes showed a strange color: “That's the problem, this is the contents of the competition, but the pattern of our mission is the competition mode. You know what competition is? ”

And you look at each other, and you say, "Competition is about competition and cooperation coexisting. Competitive relations are one of the most complex and difficult relationships in human society, and a relationship that has risen to political heights, like Sino-US relations, Sino-Japanese relations, etc., all maintain cooperation in competition, which usually exists only between politicians and politicians. Of course, there will also be competition among some large companies. Pepsi and Coca-Cola, for example, had previously agreed to a major sales area when entering the Chinese market. Although the two companies competed strongly with each other, they would maintain some cooperation in the face of some common interests and try to avoid a struggle that would result in additional losses. ”

With such a gentle explanation, everyone suddenly realized, King Kong shouted: “I understand...”

He didn't finish his speech, Shen Yi had glanced at him. King Kong had just woken up and lowered his voice in Farsi: “This task appears to be the contents of the competition, but one important difference is that, unlike the last regional competition, it was targeted by the last ranked adventurer, but with fixed points as the criteria for wiping out. In other words, if we can all work together, we can still do something that doesn't erase everyone. So this contest task looks like a regional contest on the surface, but it's actually closer to a teamwork task in essence, which is why it's called a contest model. ”

Zhou Yiyu also interfaced: “Since there is a basis for cooperation, the strength of our mission objectives is certainly considered from an overall perspective. Andariel is one of the four demon kings of hell, one king and one countess, and is unlikely to be weaker than Dracula. So while it's a slum mission, it's best not to underestimate it. ”

Shen Yi continued: “Blue said that what a bloody city needs is a warrior, not a businessman, and a good warrior should have the courage to face strong enemies without retreating, so I think that this dark destructive mission is to force us all to join together to challenge the high difficulty, otherwise it is pointless to open all five difficulties at the same time, leaving us free to challenge. ”

“Shit!” Hong Wang scolded. “That's not bad. Who can handle such a complicated relationship? All I know is that the tasks are unique. If you get someone else, you won't be able to compete. What cooperation? ”

Shen Yi grinned bitterly: "That's the problem. We are on a stage that requires a high degree of cooperation, but eventually development may be a priority civil war, like…"

“It's like the communion of the Japanese at the time of the invasion.” Zhou Yiyu inserted a sentence.

“Is it possible to talk to them? Everyone breaks into the mission together, without fighting inside, and stays as alive as possible.” Luo Hao whispered.

Shen Yi shook his head: “There are only six of us on our team. We're not the strongest on the surface. Initiatives to cooperate, however, only the powerful are eligible to do so, and the weak are not allowed to do so. But cooperation is not necessary for the powerful, who can simply take on enough tasks on their own, rather than have to join the weak. Even coalitions can well wait to capture enough benefits before joining forces, but by then, people's strengths are often much weaker, and challenging high-level tasks is bound to be more difficult, so it is a cycle of death. This is also why competition and relationships become the most complex and difficult relationships in human society... To be honest, even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it now, but I'd have to distribute it evenly with others. Since we can't do it, how can we expect others? ”

Shen Yi's gaze had fallen on the team of ten in the distance, and he saw greed, ambition and a strong desire to compete in each other's eyes.

He couldn't help sighing: “Clearly it's a competitive game, but eventually it's a zero-sum game. ”

Competition-based cooperation ultimately takes place on the basis of a strong core of command. Losing this core command, without the maturity, stability, cultivation and invisibility of the politicians themselves, the so-called competitive relationship is ultimately just a joke.

Hung Lang grinned and whispered: “In that case, let's race first, then cooperate, it's time to kill, it's time to spare. As long as we get enough tasks on the first two stadiums first, it's not up to us to break into the Premium Zone. ”

Though the Blade Team is superficially weak, each team member's mind has long defined itself as a true strength, so this strong mindset appears not only on the distant team of ten, but also on the Blade Team.

In response, Shen Yi smiled slightly: “You are right this time. Compete first and then cooperate. If there is one that doesn't open its eyes, then it has to be killed. This task always requires the death of a group of people in order for everyone to learn to behave... let's see who will have bad luck first. ”

Complex things, simple to do, this time the flood is right.

At this point, the Bloody Seal again prompts:

“Rogue Camp Six is out. ”

“1: Clear the Evil Cave and contribute 150 points. All participating adventurers will calculate their contribution and assign points based on their contribution when the task is completed. Killing a Corpse Fire becomes a Mission Complete and receives an extra 150 Bonus Points and a Skill Point Bonus. ”

“II: Kill the Bloodhog and contribute 200 points. All participating adventurers will calculate their contribution and assign points based on their contribution when the task is completed. Killers of Bloodlust become mission completions, receive an extra 200 reward points and a mercenary bonus of all 25 attributes. Mercenaries can be upgraded, the mission world can be resurrected after death, and cannot be resurrected after death after taking them away from the world. ”

“Three: Rescue Deckard Cain for 300 points. All participating adventurers will calculate their contribution and assign points based on their contribution when the task is completed. Save Kane as a Mission Complete and earn an extra 300 Bonus Points and Dicka Kane's Friendship. ”

“Four: Kill the Countess and contribute 400 points. All participating adventurers will calculate their contribution and assign points based on their contribution when the task is completed. Kill the Countess to become a Mission Complete and receive an extra 400 Bonus Points and a Class D Skill Scroll. ”

“Five: Kill the Blacksmith and contribute 500 points. All participating adventurers will calculate their contribution and assign points based on their contribution when the task is completed. Kill the Blacksmith to become a Mission Complete and earn an extra 500 Bonus Points and a Double Class D Gear Upgrade Scroll to upgrade your Class D Gear to a Double Class D. ”

“Six: Kill Andariel and contribute 600 points. All participating adventurers will calculate their contribution and assign points based on their contribution when the task is completed. Kill Andaril to become a Mission Complete and earn an extra 600 Bonus Points and a Class C Gear Level Up Scroll to upgrade dual Class D gear to Class C. ”

Subsequently, a map of the dark world appeared on the bloody crest, marked with six red dots, representing six different mission completion sites.

This time the bloody city is giving you all the maps.

Unlike all mission points in the game, the first scene maps of the dark world, including Blood Wasteland, Cold Land, Buried Bones, Stone Wilderness, Dark Forest, Black Wasteland, Tamo Heights and even Tristrem, have all been drastically modified, thus preventing adventurers from going through all mission points on one route at the same time and having to make certain choices. This has partly caused civil strife to be dispersed and confined to various routes, not to become a full-scale self-immolation, and to lay the foundations for cooperation for future solidarity.

Seeing this series of tasks, everyone laughed.

The total points for the six missions add up to 4,300, divided into 52 heads, each with less than 100 points. In this case, it would be strange if you could still talk about cooperation in peace. In any case, this mission is doomed to unfold in your struggle for me.