Infinity Armament

Chapter 386 Contribution and Leasing

With the end of the fighting, the jungle returned to the calm of the past.

But for adventurers, it's only just the beginning.

“Dabinet, Evans, Yellow Tianyang, Hiroshi, Sansansa, you five go explore the path and find the location of the spider cave.” Shen Yi gave the order.

Each of the five men proceeded simultaneously in five directions to search for the Spider Cave.

In this period of waiting, no one is idle - Zeus has already begun to assess the performance of each person in battle.

The statistics are projected in front of everyone through virtual images that come with computers.

Among them, the battle contribution of the Broken Blade team of six is assessed at 27: 8 percent, plus Shen Yi's command contribution of 1: 5 percent, with an average of 4.88 per person, which accounted for nearly 30% of the team's contribution by one sixth.

The total contribution of Wind Forest and South China Sea is 35 percent, with an average contribution of 2: 5.

The total contribution of others was 35: 7 percent, with an average contribution of 2: 1, of which Scarface contributed the highest, reaching 3: 9 percent. His strength was not weak, and now he has a mercenary of all forty attributes to assist him in the fight, and he has become an all-powerful figure in the scattered crowd.

That number was a shock to everyone, and some people did not believe that the Blade Squad had the strength to demand a re-look at the video. Lyle plays back the video, and Zeus gives the statistics. Changing statistics make most adventurers look dizzy, they don't have the ability to compute like computers, and even if they are tired of cats, they can't capture them, but in the scene, the horizontal and horizontal killings of Flood and Shenzhen and others like no one else can see clearly, and at the same time they are horrified.

In fact, the contribution is really important. Hung Wang's contribution accounted for all three people in the past. Gentle excellence in group attack can be counted as two. Shen Yi, due to his command, does not have much fighting time, but his summoning soldiers are even stronger in attack power than an adventurer, so it can also be counted as two. Kong and Zhou Yiyu can only be counted as one person. Fatty can only be counted as half a person even with a halo.

So in calculation, they used Zeus to calculate about three, six, five percent more for themselves, and then they secretly passed the bill on to everyone else, and they scraped zero to one percent off everyone.

This zero point is not an unacceptable number for most adventurers, hidden in huge and cumbersome numerical changes, even more difficult to see. Don't say you can't find out, even if you do, you'll find that it's just a few errors, completely acceptable.

But when these errors are concentrated on the Blade Break Team, they become more visible.

Adventurers are also surprised by the Blade Squad's “power" without finding any evidence.

There are, of course, exceptions: a handful of people have found that Zeus' calculations of the five adventurer groups killing addicts show clear signs of diminishing contribution and questioning.

A gentle explanation for this: adventurers should also make a distinction between dealing with different monsters. How can a low defense monster like a sucker be compared to a puncture demon? It is only right to add or subtract it properly.

That also makes sense, people have nothing to say, can only darkly spontaneously fight the advanced monsters more hard.

So there's only one reason why the Blade Team is so high: they're too strong.

“I really don't see the strength of your team members, you can already pick me two South China Sea teams.” Ambella came to Shen Yi to relax and say.

The meaning of her doubt was obvious, but Shen Yi replied seriously: "Captain An, are you kidding me? Your team's average contribution is 2.7, multiplied by 2 is higher than mine. We can't just pick two South China Sea teams, but pick one and a half... it should still work! ”

Shen Yi, with obvious unwelcome ingredients, Ambella lagged behind and realized that she had made a mistake on the issue - questioning alliance fraud without any evidence was taboo.

She smiled hastily: "That's right, the Blade Breakers have eliminated the blood team, Captain Shen's generation Jie, how can we compare, shame, shame! ”

“You're welcome.” Shen Yi accepted her ass blushly.

Sometimes the ass is too much, the person who is kissed does not have to be sober, the person who is kissed does not have to be sober, let others adjust to the blade team's strength,

Corruption, which contributes 3: 65 percent, is really not much.

If you multiply it by 63 percent of the disposable harvest, it's actually 22 percent of the revenue. In other words, even if 100,000 points were harvested, the Blade Squad would only be corrupt to 2200 points.

That ungraded piece of junk was bought by a scattered adventurer for 700 bloody points. Allocated proportionally, the Blade Squad received 172 points in arrears, a total of only so many, as can be seen from the small amount of embezzlement, which has reached a single digit level. Even the adventurer who bought the reward earned 200 points when he returned to the city, much more than the bloody point of Shen Yi's corruption.

Thinking about it, Ambella also felt that it was really unnecessary to think that Shen Yi would greed this little flyhead.

Of course, she didn't realize that, while she admitted the Blade Team harvest, she admitted another thing invisibly: the Blade Team's strength.

People are used to power to determine the concept of harvest and to affirm it in their subconscious through harvest.

It's like modern people judging their abilities by income and deciding to stop.

BMW is always easier to get favored by beautiful women than bike riding. Large groups are always easier to get loans than small companies. Good education is always easier to get teacher coaching than poor schooling...

Shen Yi naturally couldn't care less about those bloody points. What he really cared about was the perception of strength that resulted from it.

This perception of power can have a tremendous impact on the leadership behind him, making his words more authoritative and inviolable.

That's what he wants.

Just as everyone's attention was still focused on the distribution of contributions, Dabinet responded: "Sir, we found our way to the vast wetlands, should we go over there and see? ”

“No, write down your position and come right back.” Shen Yi gave the order in low voice.

“Understood, sir! ”

Then Li Jianzhu walked to Shen Yi and whispered: “Sansa found the location of the spider cave in front of him, and Tianyan found a path to the skinned jungle in the west. ”

“Very good!”

Shen Yi frowned and shouted out: “The Pathfinder did not find the Spider Cave. ”

“What?” Everybody yelled and stood up: “How is this possible? Could the cave be hidden? ”

Shen Yi shook his head: “I don't know, but the jungle is huge, and it's normal to have omissions. Fortunately, someone came and found a way out of the skinned jungle. ”

“So what now? ”

“Unless you're willing to waste your time, you'll have to peel the jungle first. ”

Ambella asked Shen Yi: “No more looking? ”

“Is it necessary?” Shen Yi replied: “Which task is not done? It's perfectly timely to solve other tasks and turn back to the Spider Cave. ”

Ambella and Zongtang looked at each other and nodded at each other: "Well, it's all a task to face anyway, do whatever you want first. ”

“Then let's go, but paving the road still has to be done. ”

“Oh... shit!” A large group of adventurers mourned: “We are adventurers, not loggers! ”

“Our job is only to fight! ”

“I hate it! I'd rather fight the monster! ”

Seeing this scene, Shen Yi's mind suddenly flashed.

He summoned fifty ordinary soldiers to replace Hung Wang Jinggang and others and shouted, “If you don't want to work, you can rent labor from me! ”

Shen Yi highlighted the Medal of Honor in shining hands: “At 15: 00, a soldier does not earn everyone's money, but considering the efficiency of labor, he must rent at least ten people at a time, and is only responsible for labor, not for combat. ”

“At 150 o'clock, I rent ten soldiers.” Luo Sheng took the lead in calling out. He and Kong have a good relationship now. King Kong has a look in the past, immediately grasp it and play the leading sheep role again.

Then he woke up often drunk and the brothers healed.

Then there's the scar face. Ten more.

“Cunning bastard.” Ambella whispered softly.

Shen Yi, it is clear that other people's money will be used to expand their strength - the contributions of these soldiers in wartime can be counted on Shen Yi.

But then again, it's always good to have a few soldiers to help themselves out with the nasty chores - since entering the bloody city, Ambella has been so far away from “work” that she can't really love a job like paving the way for logging.

Considering that Shen Yi's request is fair, if the soldier dies, and the compensation is still paid by him, what if Ambella thinks he can make this guy some cheap money? Besides, the rent for a soldier at 15: 00 is really not much.

“I rented 45 South Marines... I said do you have that many soldiers?” Ambella asked. All fifteen of the soldiers she had previously rented from Shen Yi were still there, so it would only take an additional forty-five.

“Of course." Shen Yi chuckled: “First come, first served, the last served was to rent elite soldiers... that would be expensive. ”

So Zongtang quickly paid for the lease.

Both the Wind Forest Team and the South China Sea Team did not miss these bloody spots in their pockets. Even Huang Tianyang and others who had not yet returned booked soldiers with Shen Yi through Li Jianzhu.


Eventually, all adventurers rented soldiers from Shen Yi.

At first, there were people who couldn't resist this fifty bloody spots. But as more and more adventurers lease soldiers, it's silly for an unreleased adventurer to find himself working with soldiers —— who would be willing to treat soldiers the same way? It feels like people are working with their pets.

Especially embarrassing to them is that, as Supermen, they don't necessarily work better than ten soldiers - some things can't be solved by strength and speed alone.

People are worse than pets!

So these adventurers eventually couldn't hold on, and one by one, they slipped over to Shen Yi Rent Soldier.

When the last six adventurers were left, there were only six ordinary and elite soldiers left. As a result, one soldier per person was divided into ordinary soldiers, who eventually borrowed nine more first-class elite soldiers at 30: 01. Good thing Shen Yi still has a lot of first-class elite soldiers, but those adventurers can only cry and accept the “brutal facts” that cost another 135 points.

Thus, Shen Yi, with the help of others, launched his biggest summons ever.

306 ordinary soldiers, 54 first-class elite soldiers, a total of 6210 summoning points, plus 3690 points spent summoning 14 people like Frost, paid 9,900 summoning costs alone, while also giving Shen Yi a cadre of up to 374 soldiers, a total of 411.

Looking at the hundreds of soldiers, Zongtang couldn't help but sigh: “This is probably the most spectacular adventure line I have seen since entering the bloody city, with such a force, we can even win a war. ”

Shen Yiyu replied: “This was war! ”