Infinity Armament

Chapter 400: White Clothes Reproduction

Small jungle outside Kurast City.

Shen Yi lowered his head and stood still. Opposite him was a gentle knee hug. He looked at Shen Yi obsessively.

The wind blows through and brings up that deep loneliness in the jungle.

For a while, Shen Yi opened his eyes.

He shook his head gently.

Gently asks: "Or not? ”

Shen Yi smiled bitterly: “I'll try again later. ”

Four hours have passed, during which Shen Yi repeatedly tried to use communication to find the girl in white, but never met her. He also knew that the odds of finding each other were low, after all he had tried before and without exception had failed.

“Why do you have to, maybe when you get back to the city, the clergy can cure me? ”

Shen Yi shook his head: “Impossible, this is not a wound. ”

Conflicts of descent have already involved the level of urban rules, and according to Shen Yi's knowledge of space managers, Blue Yan did not have any possibility of defying the rules, so purple sand could never heal such injuries, just as the staff officer's legs could not be healed.

The only one who could ignore the rules was the girl in white.

Gentle sigh: “Then wait. Some people, like that red dust passenger. You may not be able to find it when you're looking for it, but every time it happens to you by accident, it automatically appears to you. Maybe in a few days you'll find something new? ”

“It's like giving destiny to God! Luck may be important, but I have never been able to take the initiative... I have to find her today!” Shen Yi said very resolutely.

Standing gently brushed, his little hand blocked Shen Yi's mouth, fingering the sky with his other finger: “Careful...”

She was reminding Shen Yi's eyes on the day, and could be watching his every move at any time.

“So what?” Shen Yi chuckles: “You know, gentle, people really are a strange animal, people fear their leadership more than fear death. We are born and die in a world of tasks, and the vast majority of the enemies we face are stronger than us, requiring our constant efforts in order to hope for victory! Compared to these immediate threats, those space managers look more like kindergarten aunts, who may be able to spank our asses with a little punishment, but are not worth being afraid of at all. Of course, if they behaved better, I could give them some respect. ”

“So, what if I know?” Shen Yi shouted.

He raised his hand to the sky and shouted heavenly with a heavenly voice: "I want to see you! I know you can hear me... I want to see you! ”

At this moment, the open mind conveys Shen Yi's strong thoughts to the whole world, and almost all adventurers feel Shen Yi's voice.

Ambella was pouring alcohol for four hours, I didn't know how many pounds she had drunk. Some confused flood waves had already pulled out her ears and said with a big tongue: “How do I seem to hear... the boss told me... to see me...”

Ambella, who was similarly drunk, lay in his arms: "Don't be ridiculous... he's not here... come on, keep drinking! ”

“No... I can't drink... it's messy when I drink too much..."

Ambella's slightly reddish eyes looked at the flood waves: “Turbulence... turbulence... well... then turbulence. ”

The sky suddenly darkened.

The clouds covered the sky and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely low, as if a storm had struck.

Ambella shuddered for a moment and subconsciously drilled a little tighter into the waves. Hung Wang's eyes shed light: “Oh... then... mess it up...”

A pair of thieves poked their hands at Ambella's chest, and Ambella did not mind. Instead, she pushed her breasts higher.

In the jungle, intangible energy once again isolated Shen Yi from the world.

Under a tree in the distance, the girl in white stood on top of the grass leaves, a pair of eyes like water looking at Shen Ying.


“You shouldn't be looking for me. ”

The sounds of a spiritual child are fresh and delightful.

This is the first time Gentle has officially seen a little girl in white.

Shen Yi was right. She looked a little like the girl in white in the bell at midnight. She just didn't have that heavy temper in her eyebrows. Instead, she was as calm as a lake.

“My friend is in trouble and I think you're the only one who can help her. ”

The little girl in white looked at the gentleness and looked back at Shen Yi: “Her trouble is small, your trouble is huge. ”

"Shen Yi laughed.“ Oh? Because of the way I called you? ”

“The space manager already knows about you and me. ”

“Maybe they already knew.” Shen Yi shrugged: “I don't care about them, let alone fear them. I just want my woman alive. You can help me, right? ”

The little girl in white looked gentle again.

“She now has two kinds of blood in her body. Temporary bloodline was originally a blood force that automatically dissipated after use, but Dawn Angel and Hell Demon King coincided with death, when they met each other, because the battle was entangling. So part of the power of the Demon King of Hell is intermingled in the blood of the Aurora angel, leaving behind and counteracting part of the power of the Aurora angel blood. The two kinds of blood unity have been in conflict, and since the Angel of Dawn is of official descent, most of the time it has been able to suppress the blood of the Demon King of Hell. But occasionally the residual forces strike back, and when the conflict reaches its peak, she becomes powerless and suffering. The more intense the battle, the more obvious this is, especially when she invokes the power of the Angel of Dawn, and the time is right for the Demon King of Hell to grow and fight back. But there is also an added benefit: when a conflict occurs, she has a strong resistance to blood spells. ”

“How? ”

“I can help her remove the blood of Hell's Demon King, but the space manager won't allow me to intervene. They'll wipe out the impact of everything I've done. ”

Shen Yi frowned: “Is there any other way? ”

“It is in keeping with the rules of the city to find a force capable of combining and using two different kinds of blood, so that they can merge into one another and evolve into a new lineage. Until then, she had to use Andaril's lineage again to balance the two. When the lineage is balanced and the two forces confront each other, she will temporarily lose her ability to fight with lineage. ”

“Where can we find the power to blend the two bloodlines? ”

“You don't need to get answers from me, the more help you get from me, the worse it will be for you. ”

Shen Yi understood, he nodded: “Well, anyway, I want to thank you for your advice. ”

The little girl in white took a few steps back.

"Don't go," she said softly. What kind of trouble would Shen Yi have? Will he die? ”

“He didn't receive my direct help, so he won't die, but the space manager will punish him, most likely by removing the Skynet chip, depriving him of half of his abilities, and not excluding the possibility that the punishment will be extended to all members of the team. ”

Gently ask again: "How can we solve this problem? ”

“Bloody cities have special needs for adventurers, and space managers want enough generals to walk into the sky tower. Just let them see that you have the potential to be generals, and they will have some tolerance. For example, the last time you called in the Black Ant Nest, that space manager tolerated you, that space manager thought you had enough potential to be a general. ”

Shen Yiyi: “So you know about the ant hole? ”

“I know everything that's happened in the bloody city. ”

Gentle: “Now that Shen Yi has demonstrated the potential to become a general, space managers should continue to tolerate him. ”

“provided that his performance brings with it greater expectations than the troubles he causes. ”

Shen Yi smiled: “Is contact with you a big problem? ”

“Top of the line trouble. ”

“How can they continue to tolerate it? ”

“Space managers need not only generals, but also the best and best generals. The trouble you face is so great that you need to prove yourself to be the best and most promising adventurer you've ever had in order for the Supreme Council to put you on the net. ”

“How can I prove I'm the best? ”

“Challenge the unfinished business of the former. ”

Gentle: “We are doing a tricky task as ordinary area adventurers. ”

“That's not enough. ”

After pondering for a while, Shen Yi suddenly asked: “What about Ivy? She's had your direct help. She's in bigger trouble than I am. Will she die? ”

“Yes, after the mission, the space manager will wipe her out and all rewards received through time reflux will be cancelled. They called it correction. ”

Shen Yi and tender took a breath at the same time.

It's true!

Thinking about it, Shen Yi said: “The girl saved my teammate's life, and I hope to save her. So how do we keep her alive? Also, how do we keep our earnings from being cancelled? ”

“That's hard. ”

“So there's a way? ”

“Correcting a mistake is an important part of the space manager's existence, and the only way to keep her alive and retain her earnings is to get her into another mistake and reverse it. ”

“To make amends? ”

“Yes, but even then, time currents are cancelled. ”

“I didn't expect it to last. So is there a mistake in this space? ”

“With me, there will be mistakes in. ”

“What kind of mistakes do we have to face? ”

“An opponent who shouldn't have appeared and can't face, it's a key to everything. ”

Shen Yi and Gentle simultaneously had a dramatic mental shock.

Shen Yi called out, “Kill the demon god? ”

“Demons and gods are the ultimate existence of a bloody world, representing order and majesty, with absolute strength. Normally, they do not target any adventurer below three degrees of difficulty. ”

“So that's how it is...”

Shen Yi finally figured out why the ultimate BOSS was not Mephisto, but Azmodan.

In the world of bloody cities, demons and gods are the highest and most supreme beings, such as the goddess Tia Doma. These demons, or gods, possess extraordinary power, all-powerful abilities, are the masters of all worlds, and are simply not resistant by adventurers.

So under the three levels of difficulty, demonic figures will not only not be the main task, but will not even appear as optional tasks.

That's why the Starlight Necklace requires cleaning with the blood of a four-digit BOSS, while the Demon Mask only requires survival in the face of the Demon Gods.

In essence, only the latter is more difficult than the former.

Shen Yi nonetheless said: “Gentle has encountered Belgian transformed Diapolo, and must admit, it is strong, but it doesn't make me feel like I can face it. ”

“The Demon God's horror lies not in his powerful attack power, but in the immortality they possess. Every demon or god has the ability to resurrect indefinitely, and no matter how he destroys them, they will eventually come back to life. ”

This answer is like a thunderbolt struck Shen Yi.

He looked incredibly at the little girl in white, one word at a time: "The infinite resurrection? ”


“How do we kill them? ”

“The immortality of the demon gods derives from their souls, which are the end of all their power. When the demon god is killed, his soul or demon will dissipate. When they regroup, a new demon is born. The soul of God is immortal, and the devil is immortal. ”

“So it turns out, isn't it possible that as long as we get the beads, they won't be resurrected? ”

“It's not that simple. The divine soul beads you have ever received are nothing more than a demon or the tiniest form of divine soul. The divine soul is the most valuable being in a bloody city, and the divine soul beads are just the lowest manifestation of the divine soul. When you kill a demon god, the power of the god will be scattered and regrouped. You must do everything you can to capture or destroy the god, but as long as there is a little spirit left, the demon god will be reborn. The more spirits you capture or destroy, the slower the demon is reborn, and the faster it is captured than it is destroyed. So theoretically, if you want to get the soul of a demon, you might have to kill it a hundred times. If you just destroy the soul, kill it at least ten times. ”

“It turns out that our security is proportional to our level of greed, right? ”

“Yes. Unlike the resurrection that you produce with time reflux, the resurrection of the Demon God is the all-round resurrection of the true meaning, and some demons even inspire more powerful forces after resurrection, such as Diapolo. ”

"This is an impossible task," cried Gently. “Don't say it dozens of times, but you can't do it once! ”

“You'll only have to kill once. Even without considering the immortality of the demon god, the power of the demon god is the highest of all times, and has never been done by any low-level adventurer before. You have been able to kill once, and you have been impressed enough by the Supreme Council.” Little White Girl Sounds Clear: “With the Devil's Mask, Diapolo will appear and hunt down the user. The normal time for pursuit is three minutes and only one target is being pursued. If you need it, I can make it last for a long time and attack all the targets, and that's why the mistake is made. I make mistakes, you solve mistakes. ”

“Will the space manager know all this? ”

“Blocked here, they won't know about our conversation, but they may guess the content based on what happened. But it doesn't matter, as long as they think you have great potential and can be the person they need most in the future, they can tolerate some of your actions. ”

Shen Yi asked, “So can you tell me why you're helping us? ”

The white girl is silent.

For a while, she said, "I'm not helping you, I'm helping you. ”

She slowly retreated back and disappeared into the darkness.