Infinity Armament

Chapter 412: Purchasing Life

Wild and windy.

Shen Yi stood on a black lightning truck and looked down at Scar's face.

His eyes were compassionate, compassionate, angry and confused.

The trench coat flew in the hunting wind, lifted up and floated, for a while, Scarface sighed: “You knew that already, didn't you? ”

“Yes." Shen Yi replied faintly.

“When? ”

“When you return my equipment. ”

Scar's face beamed: “So early? How could you have suspected me at that time? ”

'Cause you shouldn't have given me back my puppet. ”Shen Yi shook his head and sighed,“ You should know that most people in this world don't cherish things that aren't their own. ”

Scar's face suddenly stuck.

He had no idea how shocked Shen Yi was when he saw him return the puppet.

For Shen Yi, when he gave the puppet to Scarface, he didn't expect Scarface to return it to him.

The degree of care people take for an item always depends first on whether it belongs to them or not. It's like the public goods are always not loved, the public money is always luxurious to eat and drink, and the public money consumption is always pricey... it's not your own money, it doesn't hurt.

Although the puppet worm is not of great value, it still has a clear contribution to make to Tina's task and can further improve her chances of completing it, and Scarface has no reason to use it. So what made Scarface give up using puppets?

Shen Yi thought of only one reason at the time - unless he already thought it was in his own bag.

He's saving for himself, not Shen Yi.

Perhaps in his mind, when the fourteen scattered adventurers united to storm Shen Yi from behind, the blade team that lost its gear and key personnel was likely to be wiped out.

It doesn't matter if there's one or two of them alive, he can kill again... as a friend and stab them in the back.

Then everything that was loaned to him belonged to him.

Perhaps that's why Scarface eventually returned to Rugauin - not too late, but too early. Early enough he has enough time to go back to Royal Prison, hide in some secret corner, observe everything, and act as a sword replacement if necessary...

Of course, all of this is Shen Yi's speculation.

He didn't want to doubt Scarface, after all, it was his instructor who, although rude, violent, ruthless, always helped him, and although he had paid interest on the help he had received, there was always a sense of solidarity.

Without wishing to doubt, he could not but doubt that all the spearheads pointed to the scar face from the post-mortem profitability analysis and from the current evidence analysis.

Of course, one question that doesn't make sense is how Scarface knows where the Royal Prison is. Since this is a world of bloody cities, Shen Yi suspects that Scarface should be some kind of prop that can detect the target address. That would require him to find a way to push this prop out.

He also resorted to a series of techniques, first allowing Scarface to investigate the four Dragon Tooth Squad members, and then deliberately hiding the location of the Spider Cave from Yellow Sky.

In this way, Scarface has the opportunity to frame Huang Tian up to them. As long as the location of the spider cave does not appear for a day, the scar face will sooner or later accuse Huang Tianyan of knowing the location of the spider cave by deliberately concealing it - he knows where Huang Tianyan and others are searching. Whenever he wishes, he can reconnect the two points to confirm the fact that the Dragon Tooth Team is hiding the location of the Spider Cave.

This is what Shen Yi wants.

However, the scar face did not jump out.

Perhaps because he felt that the evidence was not enough to confirm that they had betrayed Shen Yi, or because the temptation of the Spider Cave was not great, and more likely because he was cautious enough and unwilling to reveal that he had a fixed astrolabe, Scarface didn't rush to plant it anyway.

Until Shen Yi decided on a plan to hunt Diapolo, he began to think that the plan might be more radical - to force Scarface with a mission that was about to be robbed.

Assuming, of course, that Scarface has completed the planting, it is confirmed that he will no longer be suspected.

That note is evidence.

Shen Yi looked at the note at this moment and smiled slightly: “I'm sure the handwriting on this is different from your original handwriting, but what does it matter? This note couldn't have fallen on them, but you're the only one who took it out. You didn't join the Scatter Alliance, if you hadn't betrayed us, you wouldn't have seen the handwriting on that note, much less copied it... I would have just wanted to set the starboard evidence, but you sent me the same. ”

As he spoke, a figure of four people, including Huang Tianyang, had appeared in the distance.

Scar's face trembled: “They didn't go to the spider jungle? ”

“Of course not. It's not their business.” Shen Yi answered naturally.

Zontang and Ambella are almost insane.

What was happening in front of them was so weird that the first wave had not yet subsided and the next wave had risen that even they could not figure out what had happened.

“What the hell is going on, Shen Yi!” Zongtang roared.

Shen Yiyang stopped: “Don't worry, things have come to this point, I'm just taking the opportunity to find out who I've been looking for. And don't worry too much about what you owe bloody. Old Meng must be on his way to Spider Cave by now, you're in no hurry. Why don't you come with me and fight hate prisons for more money. ”

“So this is really your fault? ”

Shen Yi replied positively: “Don't talk nonsense about the lack of evidence. Let me remind you that if you bite me, it means we can no longer cooperate. Hate the cage so much I can let go, you can do it yourselves. ”

“You!” Zongtang and Ambella sipped a cold breath at the same time. They are almost certain that all of this is Master Shen Yi's fault. After all, he can only bow his head. Instead of believing that it was Master Shen Yi who caused all this, let yourself be anesthetized and convinced that he did not do it. At least there are fewer obstacles to future cooperation.

Shen Yi said to Scarface, "Find a place to talk, just you and me. ”


Shen Yi and Scar sat opposite each other on a turret at Fort Trevank, with some wine in the middle.

Not far from them, Hung Chang Jinggang and others stared dead at Scar's face without relaxing. Zhou Yiyu was holding the steering wheel tighter, and the car was always in a low roar.

Shen Yi raised the glass and toasted Scarface: “This glass is to you for helping me. Fuck!”

Drink up.

Scarface smiled bitterly, similarly drank the wine, and then wiped his mouth and said, "I know what you're asking. Do you think I hurt you for those pieces of equipment? ”

“Yes, but I don't think it's enough. ”

“Why? They add up to a lot of money. ”

“Because it's too risky. You know I'm not one to be fooled, and those scattered adventurers don't have the certainty to win. I mean... actually, this victimization is not desirable, it doesn't count, it's even a little silly. ”

“Stupid indeed… if not stupid, how could I have done such a stupid thing?” Scarface hey hey bitter laugh. He drank another glass of wine and lit himself a cigarette, leaning against the fortress wall and looking at Shen Yi: “You are the most wonderful new man I have ever met. When I first became your new coach, I was already a veteran of the common area, but only a few months later, you have risen to my level. I can't say that with a team, I killed the strongest blood stab in the common area and killed Xie Rongjun to return..."

He said the tone had improved considerably and the tone had become exciting: "I've been living in a bloody city for a whole year and a half! I haven't seen anyone in 18 months? But none as fast as you. ”

“I've brought countless newcomers, and I've even seen other great newcomers before you, but none of them behave like you! You caught me, you know? I was your instructor! Once I could beat you all over the teeth with one hand and play with you as much as I wanted. But now you and I are on the same mission, and I even have to ask you for help! You know what that means? ”

Shen Yi looked at Scarface with a calm look: “Psychological imbalance? ”

“Yes!” Scarface admitted simply: “Can't you imagine? That's the main reason I hurt you. I envy you..."

He stumbled in front of Shen Yi, staring dead into his eyes: “I'm jealous of you, like some guy who could not easily climb to the director's position, suddenly found a little civil servant under his feet a few months ago, climbing overnight to the mayor's position, actually leaning on each other's nose to live! Do you know the difference and the pain in that heart? ”

“I don't know, I've never been through this before. ”

“Yes, of course you won't. You're the only one who catches up to others, and you're the only one who puts psychological pressure on others...” Scarface laughed.

He gave himself another sip: “When I went back that day, looking at all this equipment I had never gotten before, I was very uncomfortable with your development and change. ”

“You can join my team. ”

“Yes, I know, but I don't want to do that! If I wanted to join whose team, I would have joined already, why wait for you?!” Scar's face points to his chest: “I was born with no willingness to bend over, and I don't want to do what anyone tells me. But I also know that I don't have the qualifications and ability to lead others, so I'm doomed to be alone. ”

"It's a group society, and sometimes the power of the individual is insignificant, and it's even more important to be able to unite others. ”

“Yes, you're right, but that's how I was born, and I'm arrogant, so I don't want to join you. In turn, I'd rather watch you fail, perish. Eliminating a brilliant adventurer like you is an unparalleled temptation for me. And when I'm standing on your body, I'm going to say to you," Look, this is you, a new guy, who's been doing great, but so what? At the end of the day, it's not dead. In this bloody world, only a long life is a real success... ”Scarface spoke out loud, his words were clearly heard by everyone in the distance, and then Scarface looked softly at Shen Yi:“ That's what I wanted to tell you. ”

“For a moment of pleasure? ”

“Just for a moment of joy. ”

Shen Yi is silent.

For a while, he said, "I guess you don't want to die either. ”

“Is it possible that you let me go? ”

“Of course, you're my instructor anyway. ”

“Come on.” Scarface smiles shamelessly: “You're not that kind of person, I know. I even killed your teammates... if it wasn't for that little girl. You can't let me go. ”

“I care more about preserving myself than killing my enemies. I would do so if giving up hatred would do me more good. That's the biggest difference between me and you, I do things without emotion, instructor.” Shen Yi said word for word: “How much will you pay for your own life? ”