Infinity Armament

Chapter 418 Fusion

Seems to have heard Shen Yi's words, Azmodan glanced at him and said in a haughty tone: "No, it's called deduction. ”

King of Evil Azmodan's Ultimate Competency: Integrate yourself into the battlefield, present all possible changes in the shortest possible time, and make the best choice.

As the supreme commander of the Hell Corps, Azmodan had no Andariel's speed and poison, no Durierna's extraordinary skill and strength, no Belia's deception and explosive power, but he had unparalleled joint combat capability.

The Devil's Gate creates an army with the Devil's Flag, and Hell King's Sword reinforces his attack, while he himself combines the two closely to create his own unique deductive abilities.

This gives him the freedom to lay on the battlefield and turn all complex changes into his own use. Its intrinsic core is different from its sophisticated talents, but its manifestations are very close to those of sophistication. It also uses powerful computing power to fight, except that Shen Yi is better at manipulating his own power, while Azmodan is better at borrowing from the surrounding situation.

Most importantly, even his own abilities were built entirely on the needs of war.

There is an eternal classic in war: injuring one's fingers is not as effective as cutting off one's finger.

As commander of war, Azmodan naturally understands this, and so his abilities are evident. The secondary jump space gives him the ability to strike precisely, even in the most chaotic circumstances. The storm invasion weakens the opponent's defenses and makes him more traumatized in the event of a mass attack. Dark wounds and sickles of war are the best knife repair skills, and hardly anyone escapes the fate of death in such an attack. The deduction, on the other hand, allows him to make the most of all surrounding situations, avoid, resist or attack, and even use the enemy's own power to attack the enemy.

An outstanding commander of war is necessarily skilled in the use of strategic situations, as is the case in Azmodan.

Above the battlefield, as long as there are soldiers beside him, he will always be able to use his strength to frighten all enemies.

Not to mention the Devil's Gate, the Devil's Flag, and the Sword of Hell King.

Shen Yi looked at Azmodan at this moment as if he saw himself in the future.

He took a deep breath: “It turns out… you are indeed a very powerful being, Lord Azmodan, but it seems that your luck is really not very good. ”

At this time Azmodan continues to fight, and he is free to swim in the midst of a group of demonic dances, no matter how frenetic, agitated and agitated he is around, he always seems to be able to grasp fighters and crush opponents. Especially if he is good at pursuing a target, he will surely kill that target.

After killing another adventurer, Azmodan heard this, and he looked slightly at Shen Yi: “What are you talking about? ”

“I said... you're dead!” Shen Yi's eyes were more fierce.

He rushed toward Azmodan and said, "Ant tactics! ”

Hearing this, Hong Chang, gentle, and far away Kong, Luo Hao ran towards Azmodan at the same time, only Zhou Yiyu backed away, he put away the motorcycle, released the black lightning, looked at the front with great tension, and Ivy also killed out of the crowd and jumped into the car.

Five figures rushed towards Azmodan at the same time, and Azmodan retreated sharply. He was tall and flexible. Nai He Shen Yi's hand swung, the flying paw had clawed towards Azmodan, and he fell on him with Shen Yi, then the flying paw came out, grabbed Hung Lang continuously, King Kong and others brought them to him.

Five people just jumped and couldn't even stick to it, led by a flood wave, and five people attacked Azmodan wildly.

Azmodan was furious and angry, and his big hand quickly fought against the flood wave. He didn't expect the fat man next to him to rush over and take the blow instead of the flood wave.

“Fuck off!” Azmodan shouted and punched again, not expecting the dead fat man to bite the hard roof of his teeth. Meanwhile, Shen Yi has rapidly attacked, pressing his left hand against Fatty, and started a despicable medical technique.

Azmodan punched his finger and shot Shen Yi away from his body like a bullet ant. At this time, Zhou Yiyu's black lightning had flown over. Shen Yiren gently flew back into the air and borrowed his strength. Zhou Yiyu's car had not yet fallen, but Luo Hao flew away with it.

“Fuck, that's too fast!” As soon as Zhou Yiyu slapped the car door, the black lightning had not yet landed and floated again, like a goalie, catching Luo Hao, while a bottle of medicine had been stuffed into his mouth.

Just a few breaths, Luo Hao jumped back again, he just flew out of the car, gently beaten by Azmodan, but she didn't ask Zhou Yiyu to greet him, the wings flashed behind him, and flew back again.

It's like cowhide and sugar. It's the Ant Tactics that the Blade Breakers invented during their long training in the Bloody City.

The biggest feature of this tactic is hard combat resistance, complete abandonment of evasive abilities, abandonment of combat skills, abandonment of swing space, arguably the most brutal and unreasonable mode of combat, but also the mode of combat that causes the greatest damage to the opponent in a short period of time - because the opponent also loses room for swing.

Adventurers and BOSS hard antigens are unwise behaviors, but special circumstances make them special, given BOSS's super powerful lifespan.

As a comprehensive ability, attacking low-output adventurers, Shen Yi has asked himself more than once, who he is and who he is.

The answer to the former is: opponents with obvious weaknesses.

The answer to the latter is: barbaric impact type opponents.

Shen Yi and Azmodan are essentially the same kind of people, they all like to turn battle into art.

It's not a hoax, it's a quest for perfection.

It was in this pursuit that the bloody and brutal killing process gradually evolved into a visually stimulating artistic performance.

They succeeded in this quest - to create miracles with their creativity and perfect control, fearless of the ultimate.

They fail in this quest - there has never been a truly perfect battle, and the well-planned backdrop is endless if anything goes wrong.

So, like sophisticated instruments fearing brutal use, artistic combat is the most irrational way to fight, and perfectionists often suffer a huge loss when they encounter coarse people chewing on cows and peony.

Shen Yi knew what he was afraid of, so he also knew what Azmodan was afraid of...

Azmodan did not expect him to run into such a desperate bunch of cargo - the Blade Squad Five lay on him as if he were five parasites and stabbed his weapon in his wound again and again.

While they were devastated, they also dramatically reduced the life force of Azmodan.

This is a totally hard battle, like when both sides give up trenches, bunkers, give up all tactics, all stand up and focus on machine gun fire, who can stand alive to the end, who is the final winner, and strategic tactics lose all meaning in this barbaric and bloody confrontation.

The difference is that the Broken Blade Team has at least two more men ready.

One is Zhou Yiyu, who is responsible for taking care of seriously injured people, giving everyone cushioning time.

One was Ivy, who was responsible for rescuing people who couldn't leave.


As another sickle of war flashed in Azmodan, King Kong screamed and was beaten out of Azmodan's body.

The black sickle almost broke his body into two pieces. At the moment of imminent separation, the black lightning had jumped over the sky to catch King Kong, and Ivy's time had started backflow. At that point, the dark wound of Azmodan had struck. Right in the middle of Ivy, she threw up a breath of blood, but still let out the time backflow, and Kong's body had spelt up again.

When he saw himself suddenly in the car, he realized what had happened and asked Ivy, "Am I dead again? ”

“Don't worry, you'll die twice in a short time.” Ivy smiled.

“Shit!” King Kong cursed, raising his hand to Azmodan is a punch, skill thrashing.

This assault he had used against Azmodan three times, but he could only have one beam God at a time and recovered thereafter. He didn't expect much use at this moment, and didn't expect Azmodan to be completely stuck.

As King Kong wandered, Shen Yi had called out: “He is in the final step of integrating the Divine Soul! ”

Vajra suddenly realized that after having swallowed the ghost, Azmodan had been trying to merge his soul. He was forced by Shen Ying to do nothing about it, and had to suspend the integration and fight back with all his might.

By the time Shen Yi and the ants attached their tactics, Azmodan knew that, instead of seconds, the forces of convergence accelerated the fusion of the divine soul. What exactly is the result of his integration with this divine soul? King Kong doesn't know, Shen Yi doesn't know, maybe even the space manager doesn't know, but surely, it will greatly increase the strength of this guy - the divine soul is not only the source of life, but also the source of their power.

At this moment, everyone came crazily to Azmodan, and the flood took out Durrell's blood.

He was about to use it and Shen Yi had screamed: “No! ”

Hung Lang was stunned: “Boss, if you don't need it, it's too late! ”

Shen Yi answered aloud: "I said I can't use it! ”

The waves stamped their feet and finally retrieved the blood.

He knows what Shen Yi thinks. If Durrell's blood is used, they will lose a powerful weapon when dealing with Diablo.

Shen Yi would rather lose his soul than Durell's blood. After all, the former affects the future rather than the present - not everything must be considered in the long-term interest, at least today, the immediate interest is above all else!

But an Azmodan is already so difficult to deal with, the fourth difficulty of a whole difficulty area total BOSS, how can a demon-level Diapolo be able to beat it?

Hung Wang really wants to say that it is destined to be a battle with no hope of victory, let's give up!

But he also knows that many people, including Kong, will die once this battle is abandoned…

In anticipation of this, Hong Wang sighed.

Forget it, let's call it repayment - without Shen Yi, I might still be in the slums mixing up the nightmares and robbing the city.

As Shen Yi said, this is a bloody city!

Die long ago!

Late is death!

If you're going to die sooner or later, why don't you kill him? Immunity to accomplish an impossible task...

He roared loudly and the blade of strength swung a ray of strength, slashing him into Azmodan with utter ferocity.

One knife, one knife, another!

Purple thunder sparkles at the tip of the knife, jumping out of the sparkling star fire.

In the wave of onslaught by adventurers, the tall and mighty Azmodan suddenly shouted.

The roar ran brightly, the sound shook everywhere, and with the roar of the sea, a female face flashed over Azmodan's head between the secrets, which was Tiadoma.

Fusion successful!

Meanwhile, the hong wave axe blade swung heavily over Azmodan's head.

Along with that bloody spring, Azmodan roared and fell like a mountain.

It turns out that at the moment of his integration, his life also ended under the siege of many people.

At this point, he was stunned to discover that a little starlight had risen from Azmodan's body, followed by a little more starlight, more and more, such as the dots of the stars, flowing into the air, and only the sword of the Hell King and the flag of the devil remained.

As the starlight emerges from Azmodan's body, the body of this immense demon vanishes gradually.

And the stars in the sky continued to float in the air, gradually condensed into a bunch, forming a colorful little bead suspended in the air, the bead revealed Azmodan's face...

Soul recoil!