Infinity Armament

Chapter 433: The Great Universe Program

The next morning, everyone gathered early to go to X-Men World.

Until then, they went to the dark world and took out three D-level appraisal scrolls. As for training to summon soldiers, Shen Yi intends to train them later.

Without spending more time in the dark world, everyone came out and went to the M7 team.

As soon as he saw Shen Yi, the nurse first rushed out and hugged Shen Yi and gave him a big kiss.

Shen Yi just felt that his brain was killing him. He began to regret why he didn't come alone.

Fortunately, the lord took the nurse aside in time and smiled at Shen Yi: “Haven't congratulated you on killing Diablo yet. ”

“How did you know? ”

“The whole world knows.” The Lord replied: "I wanted to come to you yesterday, but thinking that you had just returned from your mission and needed a break, I decided to visit you today. I didn't expect you to come first. ”

Shen Yi laughed: "We're going to the home world, and we're going to take the staff officer with us. I didn't forget I promised to make him a prosthetic limb. ”

To make a prosthetic limb for the staff officer, he had to be taken with him to the home world, and after all, he had to install a control chip with the equipment there.

The gardener exclaimed excitedly: "Oh ho, I knew Brother Shen always spoke with credit. Now the staff officer can stand up! ”

Shen Yi took out the blood-sucking vine seed and threw it to the gardener: “I got it in the mission world, it didn't work for me, but I think you could use it. Two blood-sucking vines are better than one, right? It's for you. ”

Big Happy, the gardener, he is an expert in plants. This blood-sucking vine seed can indeed play unparalleled power in his hands. He hastily picked it up: “Thank you, Brother Shen. ”

The engineers immediately screamed, “Wow, what about me? What about me? Nurses, gardeners, staff officers, all your gifts, I don't have them! ”

The Lord gave him a moment: "Don't do this. ”

Shen Yihao laughed: “You are an engineer, you are good at reconnaissance. Didn't you always like my electronic reconnaissance bee? When the home world returns, I'll give you 20 more, but you'll have to make your own computer. ”

“Wonderful!” the engineer jumped up: "Just in time we have a gift for you. ”

“Oh? What is it? ”

Lord took something and sent it to Shen Yi's eyes.

Reaper Energy Crystal!

Shen Yiyi looked at the Lord and said, "You went to Terminator World? But no Terminator World has emerged recently. ”

Small Nurse Quick Interface: “There is no West Side in the East Side. We got word three days ago that Terminator World appeared in the West End, and we went there to complete our mission. Then I delayed there for two days and came back and found out you were in the mission world and had to wait for you first. ”

Shen Yi was surprised, and they actually ran to the West Side to do the task.

For so long in the city, he also knew that adventurers from different regions could carry out missions across regions. But this freedom comes at a huge price - crossing districts to carry out tasks, which means that there are strangers all around. Not only do we have to face the threat of the mission, but we also have to face the dangers of adventurers from other regions.

If adventurers from other districts emerge in the dark world, Shen Yi must have chosen to kill in other districts. Humanity's xenophobia remains the same.

Therefore, unless specifically required, adventurers in other districts will never be able to perform tasks across districts easily, which is too risky.

He was greatly moved by the unexpected fact that the Lords had gone to the West Side to pick up the assignment for themselves.

"It's nothing," said the lord. "After all, the staff is from the West End, where some friends participate in the terminator task of teamwork scene. ”

“Even so, there is a great risk to you. ”

“Is there a high risk of solo intrusion? Is there a big risk against Diablo? ”

Shen Yi was speechless.

Lord gave the reaper energy crystal to the past: "Give it to you. ”

“Thank you.” Shen Yi took the crystal: “So... are you interested in visiting our home world? ”

“With pleasure!” Everybody screamed together.


X-men home world.

Three years after the onset of the Mutant War, the United States regained its former prosperity and the haze of the war gradually dissipated.

Standing on that tree-lined road, Shen Yi said: “There are more things going on this time. Hurry up and act. The robbery should be carried out. The stock scrambled. The stock scrambled should be bought for lottery tickets. The car repaired. ”

When Shen Yi said that, everyone laughed.

In order to get more development funding, Shen Yi thought of another good way to make money is to use Kong's ability to buy lottery tickets. As a result, there are additional revenue streams.

After assigning individual tasks, Shen Yi took the M7 team to the production base and visited Professor X.

The Newman Joint Plant is now becoming larger and larger under David Paul's leadership, with new plants being built, new workers being recruited and new machinery and pipelines being manufactured.

Thanks to the generosity of David Paul, coupled with the fact that the "Board” does not have much of a win-win claim on the plant itself, the factory now brings together a large number of talented scientists, given its size and development (as is currently the case with Vertical and Vertical Chinese networks). In their work in the past, all R&D projects were required to have "good investment prospects and a predictable future”, and some R&D projects that were not effective in the short term were not supported, but here they found their own playing field. Others are attracted by the futuristic technologies that Zeus offers, and they become the implementers of those technologies.

In less than a year, the joint plant has changed dramatically.

When David Paul reported the development of the plant and annual profits to Shen Yi, he also had to admit that he did a good job.

But what Shen Yi said next surprised David Paul.

“I want you to add at least 260 more plants, 3,000 pieces of equipment and 100,000 skilled workers to the factory in three years," he said. ”

Shen Yi pushed the computer to David Paul, with lots of plant planning and new equipment manufacturing drawings and various new technologies.

The number of these drawings is so huge that once they become entities, they can be stacked all over the plant.

David Paul shuddered: "Sir, that would take at least tens of billions of dollars, and no factory in the United States could have that size. What exactly do you want to produce? Carrier? ”

“Bigger than that.” Shen Yi said casually, "Don't worry about the money, the board doesn't need you to pay any profits, it just needs you to put all the profits in the direction we need, and we will continue to invest more money for you. All you have to do is tell me, can you do it in three years? ”

“Five years, I need at least five years, these devices cannot be purchased externally, they all need our own production, and a lot of technology takes time to digest. ”

“I can only give you three years. If you do, you're the super factory general manager with the most advanced technology in the world.” Shen Yi used this as an incentive for the other party, and by the way, used a tweet order.

Looking back at the M7 team, they've been completely stupid.

They knew the Blade Squad owned a high-tech equipment production plant in the X-Men home world, but never thought it would continue to expand.

“What are you going to produce? Brother Shen Yi.” The nurse asked.

“Universe Battleship.” Shen Yi told the truth in a joke.

The Battleship of the Universe is the highest in the fortified series of Bloody Cities, ranked like the Supreme Spirit, and is a manifestation of the development of science and technology to its peak.

The manufacture of a spaceship is no longer something that can be done by the normal development of the superfactory itself, but requires financial as well as technological inputs from the bloody city, in addition to significant local construction funds, including the promotion of Zeus to double S - a spaceship equivalent to countless S or double S combinations.

Although Shen Yiyu also told Zhou Yiyu that he would be given a cosmic battleship to fly in the future, Zhou Yiyu never really took it seriously - no one has ever owned a cosmic battleship in the history of a bloody city. It's like killing a four-digit top BOSS as a second-digit adventurer, which is unprecedented and even more difficult than the latter.

And to do that, you have to invest heavily in superfactories first. The more money you invest, the larger the base size, the faster it will develop, and the stronger the technological armament that Shen Yi can provide for them in the future.

Even so, the equipment that Shen Yi requires is only the most basic - the difference between the level of human technology in the 21st century and the level of science and technology required in the Great Space Age can be calculated in light years.

As a result, higher-end equipment could not be produced in a short period of time and could only be purchased directly through the bloody city. Super factories are doomed to become the blade squad's suction hole, absorbing huge sums of money, including the dollar, including the bloody spot, and now it's just the beginning.

This project, it's called the Great Universe Project.

Compared to this plan, what Terminator manufactures, Mecha manufactures are all just plays.

When it became clear that Shen Yinah's grand vision was not a joke, the M7 team and Shen Yi had arrived in a brand new factory - where they would spend ten days in the home world.

“This is crazy.” The lord said, "I think the bloody spot alone needs to hit three million. ”

“My budget is five million… maybe more.” Shen Yi replied: “You did not include the cost of production, it is also a good investment. ”

“You'll never get so much money from the mission world unless you stop strengthening yourself. ”

“Not in the mission world, the wilderness is fine. ”

“Why do you have to do this? ”

“Because I intend to be able to return to Earth with a cosmic battleship one day when I complete the Tower of Heaven mission.” Shen Yi blinked at them.


The next time, Shen Yi began to formally address the many needs of both teams, first of all the mechanical legs of the staff officer.

According to Shen Yi, the main function of the robotic leg is to act rather than fight. Therefore, Shen Yi does not recommend the installation of too many attack weapons on the robotic leg, but rather adds a powerful ejection device to greatly enhance the motivation of the staff officer.

With a powerful bouncing device, the staff will jump to the top of the M7. When Shen Yi was chasing Xie Hongjun in the X-Men world, he had to use flying claws to play Spider-Man. With these super-bombing mechanical leg staff, he could use the skyscrapers as a stage for his own performance.

In addition, the staff officer's mechanical leg is equipped with a power booster to give the staff member greater speed. Shen Yi estimated that once the power booster has accelerated to its maximum, it can be comparable to an agile 80-point adventurer, but is only suitable for escape or pursuit, is of little use in battle, and is limited by power, and can be sustained for a short time. The mechanical leg's power system employs a reduced version of the T800 power unit with self-destruct capability, with damage of 80 points per tenth of energy depending on the remaining energy, which is also the only means of attack for the mechanical leg.

Because the structure is relatively simple, the fabrication of mechanical legs can be done quickly, the trouble is that superalloy materials are difficult to complete in a short time. Fortunately, the Lords have an alien energy that can change the physical structure and can only act on technology-type equipment. Shen Yi found that it could also be used to assist in production, which greatly accelerated the production of mechanical legs.

As for whether the chip is not a problem, you can directly ask the chip manufacturer to process the chip according to the technology provided by you. If enough money is thrown down, you can directly let the manufacturer stop the production for two days and quickly take care of the chip.

Because M7 harvests some energy crystals in Terminator World, Shen Yi simply let the super factory also produce a batch of Terminators to send to M7, of course, the identification scroll has to come out by themselves.

So it only took two days, and the chip and the mechanical leg were all taken care of. The chip was implanted in the staff officer's brain the same day it arrived, and the staff officer's legs were placed in a new mechanical prosthesis.

If the average person were to undergo such surgery instead, he or she might not be able to get out of bed for several months, which for adventurers would be nothing more than a bottle of restorative medicine.

With chip implantation and mechanical leg installation, everyone cheered with excitement as the staff member trembled out of bed and stood in front of the crowd.

“How do you feel?” The nurse asked.

“Excellent.” The staff member replied, "It's like using your own legs, it feels like flesh and blood. ”

Shen Yi said, "That's because the nerve cord of the robotic leg connects directly to the control chip of your brain and can easily accept any command signal from your brain. ”

“It just feels a little heavy. ”

“You'll get used to it.” Everyone laughed.

“It does weigh.” Shen Yi replied: “Don't forget that these robotic legs are made of super alloy bone, which was originally used to produce TX terminators. ”

In two years of development, the joint plant has reached the point where TX terminators can be produced. Unfortunately, energy crystallization and liquid metals cannot yet be produced, yet the powerful defenses provided by superalloys are amazing enough.

The engineer pulled the staff with excitement: "Let's go outside and try it out. ”

“You can't run away from me," the counselor said with a smile. ”

“You have to try to find out! ”

“Oh!” Several big boys ran out at the same time.

Just as they ran to the door, several people suddenly stopped at the same time and looked back at Shen Yi.

Together they bowed to Shen Yi:

“Thank you, Brother Shen! ”