Infinity Armament

Chapter 487 Conference

The raised thumb was not retracted, but extended directly to become a handed out right palm, and the blonde white youth said to tenderness, "Jack Sandro, you are welcome to join us. ”

Turns out he's Jack Sandro.

“You're welcome.” Gently patted on his right palm, but didn't shake his hand.

Jack Sandro snapped his right hand back and shrugged helplessly: "She's great, isn't she? ”

“It's really good.” A bunch of people laughed strangely.

An obscene man screamed, “Hey, beautiful, interested in having sex with me? My dick is great. ”

Though gentle and others have demonstrated extraordinary combat capability, this does not mean that people here will be afraid of them. Of course, such speech is also not provocative - these Westerners see sex as normal as eating, and neither opponents nor friends nor any other relationship can stop them from having such a strong sexual impulse.

Especially in this precarious bloody world, such things become more and more common, even in the East Side, where “solicitations” like this are common.

“Come on, fool, if this beauty really wants to think about it, it's better to think about me first.” A full-body tattooed, bald-headed mouth with a grin that didn't even let go of his scalp.

Even though Daniel had been slammed down by a gentle gesture, showing strong strength, this guy didn't care at all, and his eyes had a strong desire to conquer, as if he were saying: I like women who smell spicy like this.

Gentle wanted to smoke these guys hard, but she also knew it wasn't worth getting upset about, just coldly said: “Sorry, I have a boyfriend. ”

“It doesn't matter!” Previously on Dirty Man Spread Hands: “Who cares? ”

“You better still care, Pierre...”

An audible voice came from afar.

Looking deep into the darkness, the three shadows gradually appeared, moving from obscurity to clarity.

The head is a blonde, beautifully eyed woman wearing red vigorous clothing and carrying a horse whip, with two strong men, white and black, beside her.

The woman walked in and continued, “If you offend her boyfriend, I promise you you'll never leave the world alive again. Not only that, but before you die, he will fully squeeze out every inch of your utilisation value, open the way for him with your force, trade your death for his safety, and increase his strength with your corpse. You'll find yourself like a pig on a Chinese case board, not wasted a dime of value. And the only thing you can do… is mourn. ”

A string of words made everyone stare, but the woman turned to the gentle three of them and smiled slightly: "Am I right? Miss Gentle. ”

“Weena!” Gently called out.

Not just her, but even Vajra and Hung Wan woke up.

This sudden woman, who they met in the X-Men world, was also standing behind him, the white fellow with the flying knife, looking at them with a smile.

Gently rushing over to hold Weena, the two women cultivated good feelings in the X-Men world, and at this moment saw a split excitement.

Then Weena also gave Kong and Hung Wang a hug and kissed each other in the face.

Lake opened his arms gently, gently and immediately stepped back, fingering him: "Don't even think about it. ”

Lake's face collapsed immediately.

Hung Wang and King Kong Ha 'ha laughed and said, "Let's hug. ”

One man gave him a bear hug.

“That's different.” Lake answered powerlessly.

“It's wonderful to see you here.” Gentle and happy march.

Indeed, in this dark world, there is nothing more comforting than the sudden encounter of former comrades. With Weena, it will be much easier for Blade Team to fit into the West Side Adventurer circle.

“Me too. I was so surprised when I heard your voice. How'd you get to the West End? ”

“It's a long story. Let's talk about it later. How are you doing now? ”

“Me...” Weena twisted her head: “Not bad, now she's on her own team. ”

“Build your own team?” Gently, she found Weena standing beside Jack Sandro.

Jack Sandro smiled, "My captain. ”

Eternal Night?

I really didn't expect the captain of Eternal Night to be Vera.

She seemed to be doing really well, but in X-Men, gentle enough to know that this woman was one of the calmer and bravest of the group of four at the time, and her own strength was not weak, and it was not surprising that she could achieve this.

Weena asked: "So... tell me where Shen Yi is? And that fat fuck. Don't tell me they're dead. ”

“Fatty will be here soon, and there will be new players to introduce you. Be careful, it's a real wolf. ”

He was greatly discontentented when the words reached Zhou Yiyu's ears.

“As for Shen Yi...” he replied softly: "He went to an adventurer's rally. ”

Adventurer rally?

Everyone was confused.

Isn't the rally right here? Where else can I go?

King Kong chuckled: “Not the West Side. ”


The church bell tower adjacent to the subway station is one of the tallest buildings in Fox Town.

From the top down, you can see everything around you.

Shen Yi's precision talent was influenced by the deduction, the effect improved again, and everything around him was carefully observed, almost impossible to escape his search.

Centered here, two kilometres west, is where they meet gently. A thousand meters north is the subway station, while Shen Yi's main observation direction is east.

The moment is immersed in the darkness, occasionally lighting a candle fire that shines like a dark starlight.

What interests Shen Yi is one of the stars, which is the town mall and the busiest place in town. At this moment, a night supermarket and a gas station were still lit, and a Porsche stopped at the supermarket door, coming out of it with two black people, shopping at the supermarket.

Most of them chose food and water and disappeared as soon as they touched their hands...

When they came out, a supermarket cashier seemed to have noticed something, pointing to them and shouting. One of them clapped his hands in front of the cashier's chest and the cashier fell down and never got up.

Two people get in the car and leave.

“Find the target.” Shen Yi spoke to herself and jumped from the bell tower. The trench coat was fierce, exciting his body to spin in the air, steadily landed on a tree, and through the bouncing force of the branches, Shen Yi had rushed into the air again, his eyes locked the departing Porsche firmly at all times, quickly pursuing it.

Porsche is not going too fast, along the road and parked in front of a hotel for a short time. Two men stopped to enter the hotel.

Standing in the shadow around the corner, Shen Yi's whole body seemed to melt into the dark, but only his eyes still shined in the night, taking care of everything around him.

After a short look, Shen Yi took out the scout bee.

Ten scout bees flew into the hotel from different angles and began searching for adventurers entering the hotel.

Two minutes later, a scout bee spotted the target on the fourth floor of the hotel.

It is a large General Assembly Hall where some thirty adventurers have gathered in one place.

A white middle-aged man in a shady trench coat sat at the head of the hall, wearing a green jade finger on his left hand and a large cigar between his right thumb and forefinger.

Behind the middle-aged man stood a black teenager who looked extremely thin and seemed to be congenitally malnourished, except for a pair of bright and abnormal eyes, who stared violently at everyone present, like a hungry beast looking at food.

Surprisingly, when his eyes fell on those adventurers, many of these lame men bowed their heads and dared not look at him.

The middle aged man's fingers were knocking unconsciously on the table for a while, and he finally said, "The time is almost here, the thought is here, that doesn't want to come, it won't wait any longer. Let's get started. ”

A big black man sitting on the side of the table, losing the head of Moses, shouted, "Start what? ”

“Discussing how to deal with those bastards in the West End, of course. ”

“It's no good discussing, finding them, killing them all, everyone with their strength, that's it. ”

“Your mind is always so simple, Pietru. You know, this is a regional confrontation model, organized combat far outweighs the unorganized mixed warfare, you can never get to the end with your own personal bravery! ”

“Organizations need leadership, so who leads us? You, Alex? ”

The middle-aged man in the trench coat smiled: "Can I understand this as an initiative? If there is no objection, I have no objection. ”

Pietru stares at each other: "Don't even think about it, Alex, I will never obey your leadership. Don't think I don't know what you did in the last mission world, Claudine. You killed them! ”

The windbreaker man's face changed slightly: "Give you a chance to retract what you said. ”

“Don't even think about it!” Pietru has stood up, right next to him, and four other adventurers have stood with him.

Look at the five people standing together, the windbreaker man whimpering: “In that case, go to hell! ”

With his words falling, the black teenager behind him instantly rushed out, straight to Pietru.

He rushed out and the four adventurers around Pitre intercepted at the same time, while Pitre himself took a few steps back.

Unexpectedly, the black teenager was fast, ignoring the four intercepted adventurers. He took a few hard shots and had already crashed into Pietru's arms.

Petru screamed backwards, lifting his knee above his leg, trying to hit the teenager out of his arms, but the teenager had an opposite knee, while his right hand was extended forward, grabbing Petru's neck and pressing it down, while his right knee was raised, and Petru's head was like hitting the teenager's knee.

The impact was quite minor, with the bones of his nose crushed directly, the most vulnerable part of the human body, and this time it hurt to look up to the head of Petru, tears flowing uncontrollably down.

The teenager had struck out with lightning, his left hand pointing one finger at Pietru's right arm, then grabbed his arm and pulled it down. Pietru screamed painfully, and one of his right hands drowned helplessly.

This scene landed in Shen Yi's eyes, and the cardiac drama jumped.

Divide Muscle Alter Bone Palm!

Except that the young man made the splinter's wrong hand, stronger than Shen Yi's power and harsher tactics, and the other side's right arm was scrapped at the first stroke, greatly reducing his fighting power.

Petru still wanted to fight back, but he couldn't find a chance in the teenager's swift thunder attack. A series of hard hits, almost every hit falls to the other party's key point, not only hurting the opponent, but also directly defusing the opponent's counterattack.

While the four adventurers returned simultaneously to clamp, the teenager swept up empty-handed with Pietru's body and stepped on the ceiling, as if completely unaffected by gravity.

Meanwhile, he grinned coldly at Pietru. Pietru's heart was cold and he saw the teenager biting his throat with open white teeth.

“No!” Pietru roared wildly.

Four adventurers chased the teenager wildly. How could the teenager be so fast and weird, even with a hug?

They can't catch up either.

The flash of skill shouted out in the lobby, the four of them chasing one, but the man in the trench coat didn't care at all, he just had a cup of tea. Just blinking time, the teenager fell over and finally let Pietru go.

At this point, Pietru's throat had been completely cut off by him, and he was gradually unable to fall down with his throat mourning.

Then a terrible scene happened - the teenager stuck his fingers out, dug out Pietru's eyes, put them in the mouth and chewed them down.

The scene scared everyone back at the same time and the teenager wanted to chase him, and the man in the trench coat had raised his hand: "Enough! ”

The teenager stopped and went back behind the man in the trench coat, only a pair of eyes like a jackal still stared dead at everyone in the room, and everyone saw that it was not cold.

“Anyone else have a problem with that now?” Alex, the man in the trench coat, asked casually.

Looking at the unanswered, Alex smiled: "In that case...”

At that point, the teenager behind him suddenly stood up.

The windbreaker man beamed: “What's going on? ”

The teenager just stared at the ceiling.

He pointed to a little black dot on the ceiling: “The fly… has a problem. ”

His English was so difficult that no one understood what he was saying.

However, the man in the trench coat changed his face and he turned to the ceiling. A flying insect had fallen into his hand and could not fly.

Then the man in the trench coat held the mechanical bee in front of him...

On the computer, Alex's face completely covered the screen, and his eyes filled with shock.

Shen Yi shook his head and laughed: “There are two things. ”

Pinch hard, scout the bees to shreds, and the screen turns to snowflakes.

Alex shouted, “Someone's watching us! ”

At this moment, the teenager suddenly turned his head and looked out the window, shooting a sharp light in his eyes: "There! ”


The black teenager smashed the glass and flew out of the window....