Infinity Armament

Chapter 490 Trap

During the waiting time, Shen Yi first treated herself and changed clothes. As the boss, to maintain his image, he cannot easily be seen as a wolf. It's just that while sacred therapies can heal wounds and regenerate broken bones, the lost blood can't make up for it, so Shen Yi's face is pale at this moment and looks rather scary.

Look at the unconscious teenager, hesitated for a moment, Shen Yi eventually fed him a bottle of potion. The teenager was useful and he could not be killed for the time being.

After doing all this, Shen Yi began to look at the bloody crest on his hands. He wanted to know what the task was in the North Side.

“Main Quest 1: Hunt the werewolves and win the camp. ”

“Ordinary Lycans 100 points, Intermediate Lycans 500 points, Advanced Lycans 1,000 points. ”

“Kill Lucien, the werewolf leader, and reward 15,000 bloody points. ”

“Main mission two: Find evidence to prove Crain's betrayal of the Vampire Clan and kill it. Complete the task and reward a total of 126,000 points. Mission failed, all deducted 3,000 points. ”

“Conditions for the completion of the mission: destroy the werewolf's lair, kill all werewolves, including Lucien, the chief of the werewolves, the number of fleeing wolves must not exceed ten, and the number of elites must not exceed five. The total number of points awarded for battle victory is 252,000, distributed according to the contribution. All losers deduct 6,000 points and the underprivileged wipe out. ”

The tasks in Sector North are undoubtedly simpler than those in Sector West. But simplicity does not mean unfairness, at least in the light of the bloody rewards and difficulty of issuing the mission, the task in the North is simple and relatively less profitable. And because vampires are stronger than werewolves, the standard of victory in the North is relatively high. Even if the North destroys the werewolf's lair and kills Lucien, as long as the number of werewolves survives by more than ten, the North Side will not be a victory, but a battle between the two sides.

From this point of view, Shen Yi is not mistaken. The rules of the bloody city are themselves fair, and do not allow too much imbalance between the tasks of the confronting parties. Even if the task is difficult to make up for, it has to be remedied in other ways.

However, after determining this, Shen Yi did not feel relaxed, but her face became more and more difficult to look at - because it was just a surface balance.

On the mission itself, the North Side did not receive orders to kill Serena and Michael, but the city likewise did not allow them to kill them.

So in this case, what would they do if the North Side knew about the West Side mission?

According to the mission directives in Sector West, the death of either Serena or Michael would result in an overall deduction of 1500 points.

You know, it's everybody, and it's 9,000 points on the Blade Break team.

In the current situation, it is feared that only a significant number of people in the West Side will not have this bloody spot, and if one dies, a significant number of adventurers in the West Side will be wiped out immediately. If both die, minus 3,000 points per person, I'm afraid all West End adventurers will eventually survive no more than ten.

With such strength, the challenge of North Side plus Vampire Castle can be met with conceivable consequences.

This is the trap in the mission - the mission itself is not too unbalanced, as the bloody city has not issued directives to let the North kill Selina and Michael. The consequences of the failure of the mission, on the other hand, led to an attempt to kill both, even without a mandate, in the northern sector, which would indirectly encourage the hunting of two people in the northern sector.

Since this is an act outside the mandate, it does not violate the rules.

As for the relative difficulty of the protection task in the West Side, the city made up for it by increasing the return on the bloody spot.

In this way, behind the surface balance of the mission, there is a huge death trap hidden.

As space managers fill in rule loopholes, no one knows urban rules better than they do, and it is naturally the easiest thing to catch them.

This is the simple hand that has left the West Side Adventurer completely passive.

The only thing that's lucky is that the North Side still doesn't know what the West Side mission is. For the time being, I can't think of a way to kill these two, but who can guarantee that they won't find out?

Thinking about it, Shen Yi got into deep thinking...

Time passed quickly and Zhou Yiyu and Fatty finally arrived.

When they saw the teenager's wound, they were shocked. Zhou Yiyu pointed at the teenager and asked: "How did you get hurt so badly? ”

Shen Yi smiled bitterly: “I can't help it, I can't help it. ”

Zhou Yiyu heard some flavors: “Is this boy good? ”

Thinking about it, Shen Yi replied: “If it is paper strength, he is far less gentle than Hung Chang, but if he really fights, they will die. ”

When they heard the answer, they vomited their tongues together: "The North Side is really pure of evil. ”

Lifting the teenager to the car and tying him up with a chain, Fatty asked, "What's next? ”

Shen Yi just told the two people what he had just seen about the Northern District mission and his own analysis.

After hearing Shen Yi's analysis, Zhou Yiyu and Fatty were also surprised.

Zhou Yiyu asked hastily: “So what do we do now? ”

Shen Yi replied: “I want to talk to Weena first. ”

Abandoned in the factory.

The leader of the West End has been elected, exactly Weena, at a time when everyone is discussing what to do next.

Weena was a little surprised when Gently told Weena Shen Yi to talk to her alone.

“Is something wrong?” Weena asked.

“Shen Yi has captured a Northern Adventurer and has learned about their mission. ”

Weena's eyes lit up: "Really? That would be great. What is the other party's mission? ”

“You won't like that answer. ”

Gently said, passing his crest to Vera's eyes.

Shen Yi's voice came from the team channel: “Weena, this mission is troublesome, we don't have much time, I'll be brief...”

Upon hearing the information from Shen Yi, Wei Na frowned slightly: “If so, I will inform everyone to be careful. ”

“Careful? Is that your strategy? No, that's not enough!” Shen Yi shouted, "You must arrange a formation of all adventurers and do not allow any adventurers in the West Side to go out alone. At the same time, the order to die, once the fighting has begun, cannot allow any of our personnel to be captured by the other side. If someone gets caught... kill him now! ”

Weena startled: “Are you crazy? This is not my team! This is a temporary alliance, and if I give such an order, they will attack me! ”

“It depends on your personal charm and leadership, the boss isn't always that easy to do. The North Side will soon know that one of them has been arrested by me, and they won't know why. Whether it's for revenge or sample learning, they will do the same against us. As long as we leave any one alive in their hands, things will be troublesome! ”

Weena took a long breath: "Okay, I get it. From now on, I won't let anyone act alone. ”

“That is not enough. If we are to accomplish our task, we must continue to make the plot as much as possible. The more outsiders are involved, the more likely the plot is to be damaged. So we need to choose the battlefield again, never let the battle take place inside the subway station! Vampires and werewolves hit them. We hit us! ”

“What do you need me to do? ”

“Time is running out, you'd better take someone east of the subway station right now, and the people in the North Side are there, and they're almost on the move. All you have to do is jam them outside the subway station, and I'll go inside the subway station, and if there's a missing target, I'll take care of it. ”

“This is a fat shortage, Shen Yi. Killing hostile adventurers has no bloody gain, but killing vampires has. Importantly... vampires are much better than adventurers. ”

“Shit!” Shen Yi growled: “Now is not the time to plan for the better. Do you think I'm doing it for that bloody little bit? I can assure you that the purpose of my trip to the subway station is to protect Michael and Serrina, not to rob a bloody spot, and I don't feel safe doing this to anyone else! As long as you don't let an adventurer into the subway station, I swear I'll never hit a vampire, okay? ”

“… that is not easy. ”

Shen Yiyin answered in a measured manner: “It's not that hard, don't forget I have a live Northern Adventurer here. Through him, the whereabouts of all adventurers in the northern sector, three kilometres across, could not be concealed. I'll have him delivered. Keep an eye on him. Don't lose him! ”

After speaking to Weena, Shen Yi picked up the laptop and gave it to Zhou Yiyu. Zhou Yiyu would like to drive away immediately. Fatty also wanted to leave, but Shen Yi left him behind and asked him to go to the subway station with himself.

The reason for this is not to specialize. He just offered not to let any adventurer act alone, and he ran the list himself, which would obviously make Weena uncomfortable. Second, because Fatty's abilities are good for saving lives, Shen Yi doesn't want Michael to die in a subway conflict.

Michael will be fine, even as the plot unfolds.

But this isn't a real movie. Who knows what happens when adventurers get involved?

The only thing Shen Yi can do now is let the plot go in the same direction no matter how things change.

This is the hardest part!


When Shen Yi and Fatty arrived at the subway station, it was three minutes before the plot officially started.

Shen Yi sat on the chair of the subway station, waiting for Serena and Michael to arrive.

As he waited, his brain was not idle, and he kept thinking about what else was missing from the mission.

Somehow, he always felt like he missed something, but couldn't remember.

He was sure it would never be the space manager's fault. After all, space managers could never attack adventurers without a reason, so what did they miss?

Shen Yi rubbed the temple meditation.

Time went by, watching the plot about to start, Shen Yi still didn't think of anything.

Michael's figure has appeared at the entrance, he is walking towards the platform, and two werewolves have also appeared behind Michael.

Clearly, the plot is already a trigger.

Shen Yi glanced at the handsome young man and pretended not to know him.

What he needs to do now is not to interfere, but to avoid interference, and therefore not to draw the attention of the other party as far as possible.

The same goes for the fat guy next to him, very conscious low head not to talk, not only that, even wearing a hat on his head, not even his face can be seen.

When Shen Yi saw Fatty wearing a hat, his mind suddenly moved and finally realized what he had missed.

He whispered, "Oh, shit, Trister the Hat Man! ”

“What?” Fatty beamed.

Shen Yi's face was already iron blue: “The man with the hat! Luo Hao, have you seen a man in a hat in the factory? ”

Fatty thought about shaking his head: "I didn't see it! ”

Shen Yi has called out to the channel: "Gentle, are you in contact with the North Side? ”

“Not yet, the other person just showed up on the map. ”

“Search our map to see if our people are approaching each other! ”

“What did you say?” Be gentle.

“Someone's going to betray us, that's Trister the Hat Man! ”

“Damn, I saw it! There is a red dot going towards each other… definitely not the adventurer that emerged in the meeting. ”

“That's Trister, stop him, kill him!” Shen Yi shouted.

Michael had already entered the station with two werewolves and Serena and others who had followed the werewolves. The subway rampage had entered the station and was seeing Shen Yi roar.

Shen Yi turned quickly and shouted: “Ambush! ”

The lunar gun was raised and fired at one of the vampires in a row.