Infinity Armament

Chapter 498 Discovery

It won't last, and Weena used her temporary powers to dissolve the meeting, leaving only a few people behind, including Gentle King Kong and Jack Sandro and others.

She said it was all up to her, and in fact she couldn't really decide all by herself, and she also needed someone else's opinion. It's just that these people should be the kind of people who have a clearer judgment of things and don't waste their time on meaningless peeling and arguing.

Weena was saddened to find that she couldn't find a few of these in her district.

“Well, not as many people as just now. Although you let me dictatorship, to be honest, I'm not used to making my own decisions.” Weena smiled bitterly.

Although she is the captain of the Eternal Night, she is not in charge of anything like Shen Yi, and in many cases the team's actions are jointly developed by all members.

Gentle reply: “Shen Yi said that not even dictators can do it. When all power rests with one person, all responsibility rests with him as well… you are just not ready to bear the burden of failure. ”

Weena smiled bitterly: "Yes, I can't resist that burden. ”

It's not about intelligence, it's about courage. For Weena, if she had a dictatorship, if she failed or made a mistake, the people below would be angry enough to drown her. So even now, she needs someone to help her.

“We'll take care of it for you.” Gentle doesn't care what people think, especially in the West Side. Speaking of boldness, she's better than the Vajra flood waves.

Weena just felt the general pressure was one of a kind, and she nodded, “Well, let me start with my point. These two tasks, apparently irrelevant, are in essence contradictory. ”

“Exactly.” Jack Sandro nods: “The second main task requires us to protect Selena and Michael, but also to let Selena know the truth, give Michael a double bloodline, and finally not force them, let alone proactively reveal anything. That means we have to protect the plot. But the first line of work is asking us to kill vampires, which is actually sabotaging the plot. ”

"Destruction is always easier than building, and once we launch a full-scale offensive against vampires, Serena will most likely never walk again, as the plot sets, and things will become unpredictable. So the order of tasks this time has to be second, then first. If we attack vampires prematurely, the second task is likely to fail completely. ”

Speaking of which, she paused for a moment: "We must thank Shen Yi, who saw this earlier than any of us and took the right action in the first place. ”

It all sounds like crap on the surface, but it has a profound meaning behind it.

After setting the tone of the first task after the second task, what Shen Yi is now doing is no longer an act of his own free will, but one that enjoys the support of the entire Western Alliance adventurers. He can turn to the Alliance at any time and will not be held accountable afterwards. Of course, Shen Yi is not afraid of pursuing it, but no trouble is better than trouble. Most importantly, everything you do, which in turn is perceived as “doing what you do”, “advocating what you do” and “must punish”, is annoying to everyone.

With this tone, all of this does not exist.

Next, Jack Sandro said, "If we're going to protect the plot, we need to choose the right time to start a war with vampires. ”

Gentle: “There is still a time. In the original plot, the legend of the night was that there were two large-scale battles. One was the end of the scene, where vampires invaded, but because it was the end, we could totally rewrite it as a werewolf attack on Vampire Castle. Until then, there was another battle, Amenia! ”

Armenia, one of the three great vampire elders.

According to the original plot, she was assaulted by a werewolf led by Wilson as a result of Klein's betrayal, leading to her murder.

This is the fate of the plot, not the fate of the adventurers. For the West Side, all they have to do is stick to this fate and follow the established script, and for the North Side, that's exactly one of the dramas they need to modify.

Due to unequal information, the North has not yet known about the West Side mission, so they will not act indiscriminately, but given the second main mission, which exposes Klein's betrayal, it is certain that the North Side will definitely work in this direction. For them, the Amenia affair was their best chance to obtain evidence of Crain's betrayal.

Therefore, the North Side is bound to engage in a massive confrontation with the werewolves at the train station, which will be the key to the success and failure of the first main task of the other party and the key to the second main task of the other party.

Jack Sandro cautioned, "This is not the only option in the North Side. Don't forget, Lucien had a meeting with Crain in the original plot. As long as they send someone to follow Crain, it's possible they'll find evidence of the meeting, so they can finish their second assignment ahead of schedule. ”

"Then let's remind Lucien not to go see Crain. The North can sabotage our second mission, and we can in turn sabotage their second mission. ”

“Lucian is with Shen Yi. ”

Weena immediately said: "Contact Shen Yi immediately! ”

This time she spoke in a commanding tone, smiling gently: "Yes, sir! ”


Shen Yi can no longer see Michael as he walks out of the river with Selina's body in his arms.

I can't believe this guy ran away!

“Shit!” Shen Yi shook his head helplessly.

Now that this has happened, it is no longer realistic to follow the plot, Shen Yi can only adapt to its change.

Summoning Frost, Gambell and Michelle, Shen Yi ordered: "Frost, take your men to a young man. His name is Michael, and he just got out of here for a few minutes, and I don't think he's gone far, looking at the signs on the ground, and he should be running in that direction. By the way, he's all wet. ”

“Like you?” Frost asked.

“Exactly. Remember, when you find him, follow him, protect him, and don't do it without my orders. ”

“Understood, sir.” Frost saluted a military ceremony and followed with haste. After passing by Shen Yi, Gambell glanced at the unconscious Selina and said to Shen Yi: “Actually, you can ask me to do this directly. ”

“I'll call you next time.” Shen Yi smiled bitterly.

He didn't really think of that at the time.

Michelle said, "Do you want me to give her an artificial breath? ”

“She's a beautiful woman, but she's also a vampire, Michelle, and this is the first time I've heard of someone willing to put their tongue in a vampire's mouth. ”

Michelle freaked out and ran away with Frost.

Holding Serena to a dry ground, Shen Yi used despicable medical techniques against Serena.

Lucian stabbed her shoulder quickly recovered and soon Serena woke up coughing loudly, then she saw Shen Yi smiling face:


“Did you save me?” Serena's expression was indifferent.

She noticed that the wound on her shoulder had healed.

Shen Yi shrugged: “Do you sound more like 'you killed me'? ”

Elena stood up and turned her head and left.

“Where are you going?” Shen Yi asked.

“Go get the kid. The werewolves are planning an operation against the vampires, and I have to stop it. ”

“He's already gone. ”

“I'll find him. ”

“You should probably pay more attention to other aspects than a normal human being! ”

Elena Horan turned to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi stood still and looked at her with a smile.

“Which aspects?” Serena asked.

Shen Yi pointed to his head: “Think about it, you'll think about it. Selena, you're a smart woman, and I'm sure you'll find out what's most important. ”

Serena's eyes flickered through Lucien's image, and her heart trembled: “The werewolf...”

Shen Yi nodded: “I'm sorry I can't tell you more, things are a little off track, some unexpected factors may affect your thinking, but I'm sure you'll know what's important and what's minor. ”

Selena turned her eyes: “I guess you wish I thought you were secondary. ”

Shen Yihao laughed and nodded: “Yes, if you can, you better forget me. ”

“Maybe that fat guy, he's one of yours, too, right? ”

Shen Yiliang stopped: “How do you know? ”

Selena flushed her wet hair very nicely: "Michael said the fat man was a gunshot patient he had just saved at night. But do you know how many shots I fired at this gunshot wound patient in the building? I shot him sixteen times, and I didn't even get rid of one of the wounded patients' hair! ”

“What does that prove?” Shen Yi pretended to be foolish.

“Prove he wasn't really hurt, just borrowed the wound and intentionally approached Michael to protect him! ”

“But you can't prove it was my arrangement. ”

“Michael said it was the fat guy he saved tonight, but before the building Michael had only had one shootout...”

Shen Yi sighs: “MRT station. ”

Serena wrapped her arms around her: "That's right, the fat guy was at the subway station, too. ”

“Still can't prove I had anything to do with him. ”

“Of course, but with your behavior now, you can prove it. Tell me, why are you so desperate to catch up? Obviously you weren't trying to catch Michael, otherwise you wouldn't let him go. You didn't do it to kill me, or you wouldn't have to save me. ”

Shen Yi was helpless: “So there's only one answer: to save Michael. ”

Serena nodded: "This is the only correct answer. So how did you know I wanted to kill Michael? ”

“Of course he's a fat fuck.” Shen Yihaha laughed: “I didn't think it would be so simple to make you see through... I hope he didn't make you too angry. ”

“Next time I see him, I'll try to use a dagger to see if I can pierce his membrane. ”

“Stab his membrane...” Shen Yi almost didn't choke on it.

Thinking about it, he shook his head and laughed, "You forgot me, but you revealed all my bosses. It's not better to have that energy, to think more about werewolves. ”

“I will.” Serena suddenly laughed: “Anyway, thank you for saving me once. Since you don't want me to kill him, I won't go after him. ”

This smile, such as fireworks blossoming, also looked slightly silly.

On the team channel, a communication request is sent to.