Infinity Armament

Chapter 533: Finding

“Serena, Serena... reply...”

“Serena, I know you can hear me. Answer me quickly...”

“Selena, you are in extreme danger right now, you shouldn't be doing anything...”

“Okay, baby, stop messing around, I know you see a problem...”

“Listen, Selena, I care about you, I want to protect you, you can't just avoid me... Yes, the people around me have done something wrong, but you can't expect people all over the world to love you... Don't be rude, baby, no matter how sorry the world is for you, no matter how dark the world is, no matter how difficult your future path is, you have to believe... at least I've always cared about you...”

“Remember the world of Van Helsing? At that time, you were Anna, carrying your family vows, and you never gave up in the face of unfulfilled promises. You are a strong girl and you will never be defeated by any difficulty or frustration... remember how much you longed for me to come back to you? I'm back, I'm back for you! But now you want to walk away alone? ”

“... please, Serena, talk! Damn it, I've never begged anyone like that in my whole life! ”

Shen Yi is going insane!

He kept complaining to the caller but never got back to him.

This compelled him to consider the worst.

Good thing Serena finally answered.

“I'm fine... Shen Yi.” Serena's tone is indifferent, without a hint of emotion.

“Oh, my God, you're finally talking. Tell me where you are. ”

“You don't have to come to me. I'm safe now. It's not that I don't believe you, Shen Yi, it's just that I don't want you to have an issue with your teammates. As you said, I can't expect people all over the world to love me, to have you… I'm satisfied. Too bad you don't belong to me. You have your own people, and you have to think about how they feel. I know what I'm wanted for… it's not you… or you… can fight. ”

Speaking of the last sentence, Serena's words trembled slightly, finally revealing her inner torment when she forced herself to calm down.

Shen Yi finally understood that she left Zhou Yiyu not to escape her life, but to prevent Shen Yi and his team from developing cracks.

A strong and united team is a fundamental guarantee of the survival of adventurers in cities.

She would rather face everything that could have happened.

She loves herself more than she loves her!

It's the sum of two worlds, two lives, two feelings.

It's the love of my previous life that lasted all my life!

“Elena!” Shen Yi lowly exhaled.

“That's it. I'm glad to see you again. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself. ”

Elena's voice slowly drowned.

“No, Serena!” Shen Yi screamed: “You can't just give up! Those who hunt you have endless abilities and they have too many ways to find you! You need me… I have been disconnected from my team, and whatever I do next will not involve them. ”

“What did you say?” Serena shouts out.

Shen Yi smiled: “I've said everything I have to say. Now tell me where you are and I'll find you! ”

Elena finally hesitated.

Long ago, she said, "Remember that apartment we were in? Here... I can smell you...”


Sixth Avenue.

This used to be one of Fox's busiest commercial streets.

Since the explosion, the entire Sixth Avenue has been hit hardest by being situated at the centre of the explosion and the entire avenue has been almost ruined.

At the center of the avenue is a huge pit, which looks like it was hit by an extraterrestrial meteorite.

The pit is accumulating large quantities of waste stone, the ruptured groundwater pipe is still running water, and the pit is gradually becoming a cloudy pond due to clogged pipelines.

Suddenly, one hand reached out of the pond.

A thick group of energy burst around the center of that hand.


A man flew out of the pond, and it was Marcus.

He was naked at the moment, with burned burns everywhere on his skin, and severe trauma following the impact of the air waves.

But Marcus didn't care, in fact, that his physical trauma was healing rapidly and quickly disappearing without a trace.

Nevertheless, Marcus, the grey-headed dusty face caused by the explosion, was outraged, winged behind him, and Marcus flew into the air, turning around in the air, finally locking a direction and flying down.

Marcus had just left and another person was drilled in the pond.


He obviously looks a lot worse than Marcus.

His clothes were shattered and his skin appeared dry. He was severely cut in the small abdomen. He was almost cut open and his intestines were exposed. One eye was also blown up, leaving only three fingers on his left hand.

But Alex didn't care, and the scouts grabbed him underwater, caught another man and threw him to the ground.

He grabbed three people out in a row, then walked back to the ground one step at a time, shoved his guts back out, and took the birth muscle and sprinkled it on the wound.

The small abdominal injury is still handled, the problem is that there is no cream and regenerative dan, the blind eye and the two fingers that blew up are not going to be able to answer this task.

It makes his teeth itchy —— it's never been so miserable.

The three adventurers who were thrown before woke up one by one and saw Alex in a beam.

They sat up and looked left and right.

Alex is cold: “No need to look, it's all here...”

“Alex, what did you say? ”

“I said Kurt's dead, Brad's dead, and Dale's dead... all killed by that bastard!” Alex answered angrily in his heart.

Six adventurers who chased Shen Yi with him were arguably all his best men, and now three are dead after the first war. Plus the teenager, his team lost half of its personnel, which is an unprecedented blow.

In fact, just to save the three people in front of him, he's exhausted all the protective crystals. Even Alex himself would have died if there hadn't been a protective crystal that would have stood up against any attack.

In the wilderness, we painstakingly found this kind of disposable prop that can counteract all kinds of powerful shocks. We thought we could greatly increase our chances of survival in future missions. We didn't expect that under World War I, all of it was used up, and we still lost a lot. This is something that Alex never dreamed would happen before entering the world of this mission.

“Shen Yi...” Alex chewed the name in his mouth as if it were the bite of a wolf. If hate is an attack, then this moment Shen Yi has been beaten by Alex.

“Boss, what do we do now?” An adventurer asked Kung Wang.

Alex did not answer, but was caught in a long thought.

Though he hates Shen Yi now so much that he hurts into the bone marrow, he also knows Shen Yi's horror.

As a leader, the more frustrated you are, the more you need to stay calm.

Above all, lessons must be learned.

Maybe Alex's leadership style is rough compared to Shen Yi's, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to learn.

At least by now, he knows that impulses of recklessness do nothing.

After a while, Alex finally said, "Bobby, get ready to hack into Fox Road Control. Let's take a look around. ”

“My system's intrusion into power is only one level, and it won't last long. ”

“All you have to do is find information on the actions of other West Side adventurers. ”

“What good is that? ”

“Do it as I said! ”

Berbich had to take out the computers and, according to Alex, began to hack into the city's road traffic control system.

Since most of the major roads in modern cities have cameras installed, most urban conditions can be observed by controlling urban transport systems.

Alex did not do so before because Berbich's capabilities were not sufficient to sustain a full-scale incursion, and the Northern District itself did not attach much importance to the collection of information.

But this time after Shen Yi, Alex finally realized the importance of collecting information.

Despite a major explosion, Fox's urban transportation system was not paralysed and most cameras were still working.

Berbich constantly switches between searching for available cameras around the neighborhood, looking at all directions, and he switches very quickly to achieve the best possible search results within the time he can control.

Alex's gaze always follows the beat of the computer image. He doesn't have superhuman memory and observation skills like Shen Yi, but he also has excellent memory and fine observation.

“Stop!” Alex pointed suddenly at a picture: “Zoom in here. ”

Zooming in, Alex finally saw the conversation between Shen Yi and Zhou Yiyu on the cross street.

“It's them!” Bobby was excited to call, and he didn't expect to find Shen Yi so soon, which can only be said to be lucky.

Alex watched closely, muttering: “Only he and the other two adventurers, looking at the face is Oriental, should be Shen Yi's direct men, the one in the car who did not appear in the direct battle in the corridor... should be the caretaker adventurer, the direct combat capability is not estimated to be strong, the car has been modified... should be a guy in the main direction of technological development. ”

Alex refers to the image: “Zoom in here. ”

The image was further magnified and Alex was excited to see what Zhou Yiyu was saying out loud.

“No Selena... If he's the caretaker, then Selena should be with him. Shen Yi has no reason to let Selena act alone. People like him... must have everything in their hands to rest assured. ”

Although it does not interact with Shen Yi, Alex already knows Shen Yi well enough.

To a certain extent, he and Shen Yi are actually the same kind of people, so proud, arrogant, with a strong desire to take control of everything. The difference is simply that the ability to achieve this desire differs from the size of the means.

“Something went wrong.” Although they couldn't hear what they were saying, Alex noticed something just by looking at the faces of the two sides during the conversation. His eyes lit up: “A million bloody spots… I see… not everyone seems to want to protect Serena like Shen Yi did. Serena must have run away. She's not under Shen Yi's control! ”

Alex exclaimed excitedly.

“Energy exhausted!” Berbich screamed, sweat has begun to seep from his forehead, and he has begun to overrun his life to maintain control of the system.

As a non-true hacker, an adventurer who relies entirely on alien rather than technical means to penetrate the system, it takes a lot of energy or life every second to sustain such penetration.

“Hold on!” Alex screamed, “Back off! Look at what happened before Shen Yi came back. We can definitely find Selina's direction of movement and reverse the time to 10 minutes ago! ”

The image retreated fast, Alex stared at the image without blinking until he suddenly shouted, "Stop! Right here!”

As his fingers fell, people saw Serena coming down from Black Lightning and walking to another street, turning her eyes and disappearing on the screen.

“Switch to Cross Street Camera!” Alex screams.

Berbich quickly switched cameras and saw Serena again.

She traveled very fast and disappeared again.

“Search nearby! ”

The scene starts to change, searching for all the footage of the area around that time period, and a road map that Selena walks by gradually shows up in front of her.

“I can't hold on!” Birbich shook his whole body.

“Hold on a little longer!” Alex screamed wildly, and the road map that Serena walked through in her mind became clearer and clearer.

Suddenly Bobby screamed and let go, falling motionless on the ground, and the image disappeared.

Two other adventurers rushed to hold him.

“He passed out!” One cried.

Alex turned a deaf ear and his eyes filled with madness and excitement.

For a while, he took a long breath and said:

“I know where she went… on the western outskirts, a vampire lair. Where Serena had taken Michael in the original plot. ”

He walked forward: "Let's go kill her and finish this emergency! ”