Infinity Armament

Chapter 602: Heart of Resilience

Frost woke up with six men lying beside him, Arias, Habie, Knight, Kafka and Dabinet, and one, Tina, a mercenary of the Vajra.

Obviously, Shen Yi had ordered the other six to use the medicine while he was asleep. Making such a decision would only mean one thing - that he succeeded.

In fact, he was feeling endless.

It was an unprecedented feeling that the whole world had become somewhat different in his eyes.

The perceptions of the world have changed since the intensification, but this change usually takes place over time, and all differences will be clearly felt only when significant enhancements occur.

Without a doubt, Frost did.

Having been promoted to level 10, he now has the attributes of strength 52, agility 52, physique 56, will 60, and spirit has reached a horrible 114 points.

Looking at Frost as he is now, Shen Yi smiled with satisfaction.

For a long time, the development of summoning soldiers has been a headache for Shen Yi.

On the one hand, soldiers who need to spend a bloody summons as auxiliary forces are actually weaker than most summons life - consuming 3,000 points to summon 10 elite soldiers of Level 10 will never defeat the Gate of the Devil, which consumes 30 points of spiritual summons. Its value for money in combat is conceivably low.

But on the other hand, the summoning soldiers have high intelligence characteristics that any other form of summoning life does not possess, and they can accomplish needs other than combat, such as reconnaissance, blockade, ambush, manipulation of machinery, cleaning of battlefields, emergency rescue, ability to perform tasks independently, etc.

The last of these, having the ability to perform tasks independently, is arguably the most important part and the most intrinsic distinction between summoning soldiers and other summoning creatures. However, this intrinsic distinction is constrained by their limited combat capabilities, preventing Shen Yi from fully fulfilling their role.

Though there is an infinite potential for escalation to summon soldiers, they can also become very powerful if they invest huge sums of money. But in a certain sense, the potential to consume a lot of resources is tantamount to a lack of potential - for the adventurer, the bloody spot is never too much. Therefore, even Shen Yi would not dare to invest a great deal of wealth in summoning soldiers.

It was not until the advent of chromosome 24 that Shen Yi brought a glimmer of headache - he finally found a suitable reinforcing direction for his summoning soldiers.

At this moment, when Frost got up, Shen Yi was glad to say, "You know what? Frost, I've been looking forward to this for a long time. ”

Frost respectfully saluted a military salute: "Yes, sir, I understand what you expect of us. The 2nd Airborne Battalion will always be your most trusted army… not just loyalty. ”

“Yes, more than loyalty.” Shen Yi smiled.

He looked at Arias and others who were still unconscious and sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, Ralph's physical examination failed and he was unable to use the chromosomal agent. ”

As the strongest Ralph in the melee, the inability to use chromosomal agents is too bad for Shen Yi.

“It doesn't matter, sir. Ralph answered aloud:" We are in a complex world, and even without chromosomes, there are other good things waiting for us to discover and get. ”

Shen Yi chuckled: “Yes, this is a complex and huge world, a wonderful world. Now we have one last task left, and as long as we do it, we can go home. ”

When Shen Yi said that, the crowd was all over the place.

Gently asked, “What mission? ”

“Attack the gates of hell.” Shen Yi replied.

He wanted to attack the gates of hell, and that answer surprised everyone again.

It has been a long time since Shen Yi heard such a bold answer.

Vajra said, “Isn't that thing indestructible? ”

“No, we're wrong.” Shen Yi shook his head: “It can be eliminated, in fact the gates of hell are the key to our mission! ”

According to Shen Yi's previous analysis, when the monster refreshes to the last round, the number and quality of the monsters that emerge from the gates of Hell will greatly exceed normal standards.

It is known that when these monsters do not have adventurers at the gates of Hell, they may be randomly or purposefully assigned to the Institute's various or priority locations as soon as they enter the Institute.

Once the last round is randomly allocated, it will be very, very difficult for Adventurers to destroy all monsters within 20 minutes. And for every monster left, deducting a hundred points of punishment makes it unbearably high.

At first, Shen Yi thought that it was most likely a bloody city or a girl in white had secretly set him up again. But he soon realized that this was not the case.

Because the current strength of the Blade Squad and the bloody points they have accumulated do not necessarily make it through this level, after all, everyone's bloody points have grown dramatically in battle. Deducting a hundred points for each surviving monster may wipe out other adventurers, but it does not necessarily wipe out a powerful Blade Squad.

If cities or girls were to set themselves up, they should have come up with a tougher and harder way to deal with it, rather than a foolish solution that could kill others like they do now.

Since no one is framing it, it can only be understood as a trap in the urban task itself.

That's it.

Knowing that urban task difficulty cannot be benchmarked by the strongest adventurer, Shen Yi firmly believes that behind this great difficulty, there must be other solutions.

This is what he's been thinking about all this time.

“What makes you think it must be the gates of hell?” Gently ask.

“Remember the battle in the market garden? How did we accomplish that task in the last round of the German invasion?” Shen Yi questioned in internal language.

Gentle also replied in internal language: "Of course, you broke into the Germans' position and replaced the defense with offense. ”

“And that time in Terminator World, we also used aggression as a substitute for flight.” Shen Yi: “If you think about all the tasks we've been through, you'll find that many of the tasks published in cities actually follow a certain pattern, that is, many of the tasks are often accomplished in ways that are contrary to the requirements of the tasks…”

Not just the main mission, but even the hidden one.

For example, the task of protecting Little Jerry in X-Men is the opposite of the main task of killing mutants.

In a market garden mission, for example, the final counterattack plan is the opposite of the purpose of guarding the bridge.

In the Terminator world, for example, the final counterattack is the opposite of an escape mission, a process that even includes a hidden mission and a mainline mission.

At that time, Shen Yi's understanding of urban tasks was unclear, and he was not sure whether it was a pattern or a special phenomenon.

Especially after the Caribbean and Dark Missions, Shen Yi even questioned his discovery, as there was no law of reverse engineering in the course of both missions.

Shen Yi suddenly realized after the incident with the left eye of the underworld king.

That incident gave Shen Yi an important message that the purpose of the existence of the bloody city was, most likely, to train the warriors.

No matter how many lies spatial managers such as Blue have made, at least in this case they have not lied to themselves.

Bloody cities do need warriors.

One thing, once you understand the meaning and purpose of its existence, a lot of things become speculative.

The so-called true warrior should be the one who courageously pursues victory, no matter how unfavourable the environment. Brave killings under the premise of superiority are not expensive, struggling under adversity, never discouraged, brave to fight back is more valuable.

According to Blue Yan, the bloody city is besieged by insects and is at a disadvantage.

Brave counter-attacks, winning in the upside, annihilating opponents are perhaps the most desirable thing the city has ever hoped for. So what they need most is not the strongest warrior, but a warrior who is resilient and resilient.

Therefore, it is not the adventurers who are needed in a bloody city to go against the urban mainline mission; “against the mainline mission” is not the theme of the city. What they really want is for adventurers to have the courage to resist powerful enemies and the corresponding ability to fight back without any demands.

That's why adventurer counter-attacks can be hidden tasks and have significant rewards in the market garden battle and terminator world.

Or what they nurture, what they value, is exactly who they are.

From this perspective, it is no wonder that the Supreme Council sees Shen Yi as so important, perhaps not only because he has a strong and ambitious plan, but also because of his tenacity to persevere in renouncing the fighting.

“We, the future, are destined to be warriors fighting insects under urban control. By then, cities will no longer control everything and the future will be unpredictable. Nobody knows what we're going to get into at that time, so cities need to do everything they can to set up problems so that we can face them early in the learning period, so that we can figure out how to deal with all kinds of fighting before we get out of the city. ”

“We must learn to observe the situation in battle, not simply rely on information from cities. Because of future battlefields, cities don't necessarily have enough detailed information for us. This requires us to discover, judge, make decisions ourselves. Sometimes cities even give the wrong message, which we need to verify ourselves. In short, everything that may happen on the battlefield in the future will appear in the tasks we have experienced. And what has not happened on the battlefield in the future is equally likely to appear in our mission. This is a basic rule in the world of bloody urban tasks… A soldier who gives up without a word is the best soldier. ”

Everyone finally understood what he meant.

"So, according to you, this time the city intentionally gave a task under conservative conditions, but conservative means..."

“Means death.” Vajra Interface: “Cities are actually using conditions to cultivate our psychological inertia and make us more active, not more passive, in the face of tasks. Only in this way will we be more proactive and proactive in the future in the face of the battle of the insects, even in the face of the powerful, mountainous attack of the insects, keep the heart of the battle strong… If we do not consider counter-attacks, the death trap of this mission will truly be established. That's why the boss sees the problem… the city needs us to see it and try to overcome it. ”

“That's it. It's an exercise in our abilities, it's also a cultivation of our psyche... Interesting, don't you think it's very human?” Shen Yi smiled: “For some… inhuman race. ”

His last words were very low and no one heard them clearly.

Zhou Yiyu frowned: “The question is, how can the gates of hell be eliminated? You tried that thing before, couldn't destroy it. ”

“Then we'll try again. If it can't be destroyed, it can be blocked in front of the door for a blockaded battle, but the monster can't be randomly transported to the institute.” By the time Shen Yi said this, he had a fierce look on his face and was obviously ready to go to the end of a vicious war.

“If that's what you're hesitating to do, go fuck yourself!” Hong Wang shouted.

“Yeah, fuck you!” Everybody scream and drink.

A gentle look at the time: “In another hour and a half, we need at least four large-scale battles at the gates of hell. ”

“In fact, I only intend to take half an hour… up to 40 minutes to solve the problem.” Shen Yi replied: “The best solution is to destroy that door before the last two rounds of monsters come out. ”

“Do you have a way to destroy that door?” Gentle or heard what Shen Yi meant.

“There are just some concepts.” Shen Yi smiled and answered.