Infinity Armament

Chapter 616 Repair

Washington, D.C.

A luxury trolley parked at the Pentagon door.

The window rolled down and a man appeared in the car, hooking his finger at the door guard.

The guard looked at the man in the car and rushed over to pay a salute: "What can I do for you, Minister Keller? ”

It was John Keller in the car, America * long.

“Who's the duty officer today?” John Keller's voice was slightly hoarse.

“Major Danny Courtney. ”

“Call him over. I have something to tell him. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

The guard hurried in, and soon a handsome young major officer came out of the Pentagon and came to the front of the car to say respectfully: "Minister Keller, what can I do for you? ”

“Has the information analyst been invited? ”


The windows were lowered and two women and one man appeared in the car.

John Keller refers to the people around him: "Bring them in and give them a pass and ID for an information analyst. ”

“But this is not in order, sir, and we have not yet verified their whereabouts.” The Major is a little embarrassed.

“If it meets the rules, I don't need to look for you… Young man, our country is in danger and I need to take some special action for the sake of national security! The identities of these three men need to be kept confidential, and I'm personally responsible for the verification, and all you need now is for you to give them an alternate identity, okay? This is a secret mission.” John Keller has a serious face and a low voice.

The young major muttered slightly and finally nodded: "All right, sir, I'll do as you say. But I would like to receive a formal written order. ”

“is ready for you.” John Keller sends a document to the other person: "But I want you to understand that unless something goes wrong, it's best not to take it out. ”

The officer nodded, looking at the following document and the signature below: "I see, sir, I hope everything goes well, God bless America. ”

“So be it, remember, it's a state secret, don't talk about it in front of anyone, I'll remember you, boy, God bless America.” * Mr. Long patted the officer on the shoulder and rocked the window.

Looking back gently, John Keller's image has changed back to that of a liquid metal terminator.

“Nice work, number one.” Gentle and soft smile.

Ten minutes later, Gentle had stood in the conference hall of the * Information Command Division, not wearing identity cards in front of her chest, and behind her stood the spectacle.

The lobby was filled with people, all of them university students who had just graduated from school.

Scanning the whole field, finally, Gently said, "I found her, middle of the fourth row, the blonde one. ”

With a gentle look, a blonde girl is in the eye curtain.

This woman is Transformers' # 2 lead information analyst Maggie.

“How did you know it was her? She doesn't look much like the original actor.” The district asked.

“The clothes haven't changed.” Answered tenderly and faintly, man has moved forward.

Come to Maggie and gently say to the young man sitting next to the girl, "Hey, can you give me your seat? ”

The young man obviously stayed for a while and looked at his tender eyes and began to glow: "Oh, beautiful, you can sit right next to me. ”

“I prefer to change places with you. ”

“Ignore her, Bob.” Maggie next to her grabbed her partner and glanced softly. Beauty works for men and not for women.

He walked in the back and smiled at the boy named Babu: "Why don't you sit with me? ”

Even if you don't use the ability to seduce, the spectre of seductive blood is naturally an attractive boost to men, not to mention she is a beautiful woman herself, especially sexy in shape.

The teenager looked at the ghost and finally stood up.

But he soon disappointed.

Because gently sitting on Maggie, then sitting on the gentle right hand side, Zoyan sat on the sneak as Babu wanted to sit down.

He smiled at Bob and said, "We're a team. ”

Barb opened his mouth: “But... but Maggie and I are a team...”

“Now you remember we're a team? Stupid.” Maggie glared at him and ignored him.

“Men do that.” Gentle smiles at Maggie.

Maggie, look at the tenderness, the lack of airway: “You're kidding him, aren't you? ”

“Why don't you mind? I'm just kidding. ”

Maggie rolled her eyes and ignored her.

* Long John Keller had walked in from the outside, and what happened next was the drama as people knew it.

“I'm John Keller, and you're wondering why I'm here. Let me explain. At exactly 1900 hours yesterday, the United States Army Special Operations Command Centre stationed in the XX area was attacked and, as far as we know, there were no survivors. The attackers hacked into our military network, and we were not sure what they were looking for, and we cut the line, but judged that they were going to repeat themselves. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, the only clue we have so far is this…"

This is followed by a noisy signal wave.

“This is their signal to attack the network, and the National Intelligence Agency is doing its best to analyze the suspicious signal and intercept it, but now we need your help. You have all shown remarkable talent in signal analysis, and the situation is delicate, and the President has ordered the deployment of additional combat troops to the Gulf region, which is very urgent. I ask you to follow your respective commands, and you will work in groups. Good luck to you. ”

Softly and calmly, I couldn't help but think.

In addition to the two reasons analysed at the previous Adventurer Conference, the United States Government's slow response to the attack by the Tigers is also important because they have targeted other countries since the beginning of the attack.

A large number of troops were sent overseas, leaving little time for internal defence.

If the United States Government is to focus on the country, it must be made clear that the enemy is not from the outside and that the sooner the better.

So how do we do this?

Gentle into deep thoughts.



Two Mustangs parked in front of a bar and jumped over a dozen black suited men, arching on both sides as if they were bodyguards.

Hung Lang jumped from the car, constantly fiddling with his newly bought suit and tie, and mumbled in his mouth: “This clothes can't, once it gets into the rock changes have to rot. ”

“You can't fight while you're dressed.” Vajra came to Hong Wang.

“The problem is you can't be sure when the battle is going off. Maybe that thing is a super tiger.” Hung Wang tried his mouth and pointed to the ATMs in the distance.

“Will it fly round and round in battle? We don't have much money either.” Fatty came up from behind.

“No, it's going to roll up into bullets and hit you * * *.” Hung Lang said with a bad smile.

A group of people joked and laughed into the bar and took a seat to rest.

Not that they're lazy, but it looks like these super tigers are hiding deep, and a group of people searched for two hours without finding one. After getting tired, I decided to find a place to sit and have a drink, but the task was not in a hurry. As the flood waves say, entering a world that spans a larger time horizon, at least we don't have to compete for seconds.

At this time, the bar was just starting to open, with no guests, and there was only one lady dressed as a hottie sitting there bored.

When Hung Wang came in, the girl came over and asked, "What can I get you guys to drink? ”

“We have our own.” Hongchang picked up a bag and started picking up things from inside, which were actually stored in the crest earlier.

Wine, food, everything should be here.

“I say... I don't mind if you bring your own food, but since you're here, at least order something, okay?” The girl twisted her waist.

Hung Wang's big hand didn't touch the woman's ass: “I don't think we should order anything from you, but you can sit on my lap and share dinner with me. What do you think? ”

The woman frowned and flashed through the irregular hands of the flood wave. She wanted to get angry, but looking at these three people around a dozen big men in black, she looked a little smart and didn't dare.

Still King Kong stood up and said: "I'll go buy some drinks, don't make it difficult for the girl. ”

There was a beverage vending machine in the bar, and Kong walked over and was about to throw a coin, and the woman had said, “The vending machine is broken, go to the counter and buy it. ”

King Kong was about to turn around and look back at the beverage machine and suddenly a smile appeared in his eyes.

I bought some drinks and Kong returned to his position. Lower your voice: “The machine is a super tiger. ”

“What, are you sure? ”

“I just tested it, yes.” Vajra shot the Geiger detector in his arms.

“What's the hesitation? Kill it!” Hung Wang and Fatty got excited at the same time. Hongwang was about to get up and was pushed down by Kong: "Don't rush, remember what we did in the X-Men world? We're going to use it to find other heavenly tigers. ”

“What do you say we do? ”

Kong lowered his voice to the two men, who nodded continuously.

A moment later, King Kong came to the bar and said, "Hey, beautiful, I apologize for my brother's irregularities. ”

“It's okay, I meet a lot of these people every day.” The woman smiled at King Kong, perhaps because of the more cooperative relationship just now, and she had a certain fondness for King Kong.

“But I still think we should do something for you. By the way, isn't your machine broken? My brother will fix it. I mean, let's fix it for you, okay? ”

The girl was somewhat surprised: "This… is not necessary. ”

“It's okay." Hung Lang walked over and lifted his hand to the machine: “Where's the yard? ”

The girl was frightened by the power of the flood wave, pointing behind her finger: “Right over there. ”

“I'm going to help you fix it.” Hung Lang leaves with a trafficking machine.

Watching Hung Lang leave, Kong smiled at the woman: "How about a drink with me? ”

The girl blinked a pair of big eyes and looked at King Kong: “Why do I think you guys don't really want to fix the machine...”

“Let you guess, I don't have a plan.” Kong approached the woman with a smile: “I would like a luggage room, but I wonder if it would be too lonely to be alone in there...”

The woman's breathing grew thicker and thicker: “Well… here… here… there is someone… responsible… I cannot… leave without permission…”

“My people will watch for you, I promise nothing will go wrong.” Vajra's hand is on the woman's shoulder.

Two people walked toward the bagroom together.

There was a loud bang coming out of nowhere.

The girl startled, “What's that noise? ”

Vajra hugged her: "Don't worry, it's just some must-have noise from the repair. ”

The woman was completely lost in the powerful arm bend of Vajra.

Twenty minutes later, Kong came out of the bakery and the woman lying there was paralyzed.

Coming to the courtyard, you see only metal parts all over the ground, and it looks like this super tiger has been completely dismantled, leaving only one deformed head lying on the ground, and the courtyard has been messed up accordingly.

Vajra frowned: "Didn't I tell you to be quiet? Hard to deal with? ”

The waves shrugged: “That's it, 300 dots of junk. But this guy spilled orange juice all over me, and I got a little angry, and it got a little too big during the interrogation. ”

The strength of super tigers can be judged by their volume, generally the larger the mechanically changing super tiger, the stronger the power. A tyrannical tiger like this is arguably the weakest type, and eliminating it does not take much dust blowing.

“Asked what? ”

“This guy has a very low status among the Tiger Tigers and doesn't know much about it, but there is a small Tiger Tiger Gathering point nearby, which probably gathers a dozen Tiger Tigers, as if there is another Tiger Tiger.” Fatty replied.

“Do you know who it is? ”

“It's not clear either, but when we find them, we'll know. ”

Thinking about it, King Kong said, "Get ready and do it at night. ”

Then he gave Michelle a pile of money: "Go give it to the woman and tell her that the repair failed. ”