Infinity Armament

Chapter 620

In the dead of the night, in Sam's backyard.

Bumblebee's wheels scrolled around a few times, smashing into black lightning, making a low call on the radio: "Hey, man! ”

Black Lightning did not respond.

“Don't play dumb!” Bumblebee's a little angry: “I know you can talk! ”

Black Lightning is still quietly lying there.

The bumblebee was somewhat dissatisfied. With a click, the yellow beetle turned into a shape, and the bumblebee grabbed the black lightning: “Who do you think you are? Can you ignore me like this? A broken car that can't even be deformed? You think you're better than me? Why don't we go out and fight? Look how I turned you around. Why would that kid give up on me for you? You insult my dignity. I will duel you! ”

“What's going on out there?” Sam's mother was screaming.

Father looked out the window and said, "Nothing... but how did the two cars get so close? I remember they weren't together before. Am I mistaken? ”

Father sat back a little confused.

“You better be careful, because the TV said there were a number of explosions and devastating incidents in New York today, several of which were directed at cars. I don't want to buy a new car in the daytime and ruin it at night. ”

“Don't keep Rory talking all day. ”

“Ah! You dislike me, don't you? ”

“That's not what I meant... women always like to think. ”

There was a noise in the room.

The bumblebee pressed its voice down again, as the student who tried to cheat on the exam said to the neighbor: "Are you afraid of me? Come out with me if you can. Let's fight. ”

Black Lightning finally responded: "You're boring. ”

“Ha, you're finally talking! I knew you'd talk, come on, and compare me to, look who's better than us!” Bumblebee freckles up.

It helps Zeus a little: “This guy is poorer than I am. ”

“What did you say?” The Bumblebee is a little angry.

Shen Yi's figure appeared outside the yard: “Bumblebee, be quiet, this is not a car mobilization, don't make things look like animations. Besides, Zeus is not a car, it's nothing compared to you. ”

“So what is it?” Bumblebee asked.

“A procedure, precisely a procedure with artificial intelligence. Unlike you, you are a whole, with a structure and composition similar to that of a human being, but more like a pure brain, with the ability to think and judge, but without the ability to act accordingly. ”

“So it's not as good as me? ”

“It cannot be said that, although it is only a program, it can therefore be loaded onto any computer, so that the target machine temporarily possesses intelligence similar to that of a robot… you are completely different types of beings and have no comparability at all. ”

“So which should I express my anger at? Car or program? ”

Shen Yi smiled: “Whatever, I can understand your current mood. If you really want to vent, there is someone waiting for you outside. Want to compete with him? ”

“That bastard...” When I think of Zhou Yiyu, the bumblebee bites his teeth again: “Of course! ”

“Then let's go.” Shen Yi pulled the door open and sat in. The bumblebee roared and drove out of the yard.

When he heard the roar of the car's engine, Sam Wee basically came out, but when he saw the yellow beetle driving out, he was relieved: “Hey, can't you say hello when you take the car away? ”

Shen Yi waved in the car: "You'll get it back in the morning! ”

“That's not my car.” Sam answered ill-humoredly.

Unlike the plot, he did not go out that night, so it was not possible to spend another night in prison.

At least he'll get a good feeling.

Driving along the way, they quickly arrived on a hillside not far from Sam's house.

From here you can see a panoramic view of the Sam family, and people on the hill can jump right down to the rescue as soon as something blows.

Zhou Yiyu was waiting for the bumblebee on the hillside at this moment. When the car arrived, the bumblebee finally appeared in human form with a deformed sound. It's not much different from the bumblebee in the movie, except he's clearly armed a lot more than in the movie. In addition to the heavy machine guns on the right arm, the bumblebee has an extra heavy gun on its back, while the left hand has an extra sharp blade that looks more powerful.

“Hey, kid, I'm having a rough day, just use you to exhale my anger!” The bumblebee shouted.

Zhou Yiyu with one finger, metal control starts.

“Ah, this again, I hate this!” The bumblebee roared in anger, its huge metal body wobbled, and Zhou Yiyu felt the energy draining rapidly from his body.

“Energy consumption increases by 100 percent when struggling, and it's not appropriate to use prolonged control behavior," he said. ”

Shen Yi is not surprised by this. Transformers possesses the ability to control their metallic bodies and forcibly control their bodies. It is like using mindfulness control to seize weapons in the hands of adventurers. It is equivalent to energy and physical fighting. It is too inexpensive and destined to lose money.

At this moment, Zhou Yiyu slowed down the energy output slightly. A bumblebee turned around, breaking through Zhou Yiyu's metal control, punching Zhou Yiyu in the face.

Zhou Yiyu pointed at the Bumblebee Iron Fist. When the Iron Fist fell, it slowed down. Zhou Yiyu had quickly retreated. At the same time, he called out: "Force to stop the energy loss caused by the shock is greater, it is not suitable to be used to stop the attack. ”

Shen Yi nodded: “Absolute control over Transformers can only lead to massive energy loss, which is a non-reimbursable behavior, try local control. ”

Zhou Yiyu pointed at one of the bumblebee's right leg fingers. The bumblebee only felt that one of the right legs could not move when standing. The whole body was planted forward. Good thing it reacted quickly. One arm pressed the ground and the person had taken off.

“Valid!” cried Zhou Yiyu.

“Pull it in the air!” Shen Yi Expressway.

At this moment, just as the bumblebee flew off, Zhou Yiyu changed the power of metal control below, holding the bumblebee up into the air. The bumblebee didn't realize that he still had this hand, his inertia was undiminished. The whole man continued to fly into the air, flying out of the air for dozens of meters in an instant. He rolled several heels in the air and fell, landing on the ground, smashing a huge pit.

“Effective!” Zhou Yiyu shouted again. The excitement appeared on his face: “Thanks to the inertia of the other party, the energy consumed is almost zero, and no resistance will be encountered, which should also apply to King Kong. ”

Shen Yi nodded.

Metal control, mindfulness control, is indeed the most suitable ability to deal with Transformers, but even so, consider ways to apply it.

At present, it seems that the pursuit of absolute control over large robots such as Transformers is not as good as the pursuit of relative control, rather than the loss of the other party's ability to act, leaving the other party in a difficult state of self-control, making the behavior relatively confusing, and thus unable to strike a better blow.

“See if you can remove it!” Shen Yi called again.

Zhou Yiyu pulled a knob and a screw on a bumblebee spinning fast off the bumblebee. With the application of Zhou Yi Feather's metallic capabilities, more and more parts on the body of the bumblebee begin to loosen up and appear to be flying away from the body of the bumblebee.

“Bastards, are you serious? Then I'm going to fire!” Bumblebee scolded.

“Don't worry, it's just trying to find a better way to deal with the Tiger.” Shen Yi laughed: “With me, you won't die. ”

As Shen Yi stepped forward, his palms slapped on the body of the bumblebee, and the metal parts just sucked out by Zhou Yiyu instantly returned to the bumblebee.

“What kind of ability is this?” The bumblebee was astonished.

“The ability to keep Transformers alive… but I didn't expect lost parts to return as well.” Shen Yi replied.

Previously, his activation could only restore damaged parts or restore loose parts to normal, simply by limiting the activation to the whole of the target being activated. Once a part is detached from the whole thing, it doesn't work.

I didn't expect this time to bring the parts straight back to the bumblebee.

However, Shen Yi soon realized that this may have something to do with Transformers' unusual properties.

They are metallic robots, but they are also a special life form. Although their bodies are all metals, as a combination of Transformers, these metals also have their own will and a tendency to protect themselves.

It is precisely for this reason that the metal control of Zhou Yiyu is limited. Instead, it is activated by Shen Yi, and the effect is greatly increased.

At this time, he looked at Zhou Yiyu, who sighed: “Too bad... I wish I had your precision talent. ”

Earlier, he dismantled the bumblebee with metal control, and found that the energy requirement was not high, but the precision requirement for energy control was extremely high. When there is insufficient precision, it can cause him to disassemble significantly less efficiently - don't look at how well he just disassembled several parts of the bumblebee, which is why he didn't try so hard.

He didn't do it so easily.

Understanding this, Shen Yi nodded: “You still have one day to exercise your metal control. Precision doesn't have to rely on talent for this kind of thing. Familiarity is real. Bumblebee, practice with my friends. It's good for both of us. ”

“Of course I will.” The Bumblebee is also keen to learn how to combat this ability of Zhou Yiyu.

The two men were fighting on this hillside, studying each other, learning from each other, and enhancing their experience in action.

Shen Yi, on the other hand, tells all adventurers through channels and callers about all kinds of thoughts gained during the consultation.

He was not cheap on the matter, let alone charged anyone.

To survive this task safely, some of the obligations are still necessary, not to mention the greater the contribution to the group, the greater the voice.

This information is quite useful for the vast majority of adventurers, avoiding some unnecessary harm to them, who soon benefit from it, and who have to report their warfare intentions to everyone.

Inspired by this, all adventurers are exchanging their warfare ideas, and the more clearly the adventurers understand the power of the Titan Tiger.

One thing is unfortunate, however, that so far none of the other well-known heavenly tigers have died, apart from the main heavenly tiger, the crankcase, which was killed by Hung Wang.

This means that the power of the Super Tiger on Earth is still far greater than adventurers imagine.

Tomorrow night, Optimus Prime will arrive on Earth, and the final battle will be at any moment.

Until then, they must eradicate as many hegemonic tigers as possible, especially those who dominate them.