Infinity Armament

Chapter 658: Rich

On the ruined streets of Las Vegas, Tyrannosaurus took the lead, courageously rushing forward, followed by Shen Yi and the five of them. Hundred meters away, loud noise, crowbar and other heavenly tigers followed closely, accompanied by the sound of gunfire coming from the sky.

A strong explosion blew up not far from Shen Yi. The air wave struck him with dust. Shen Yi shouted: “Turn, turn! Don't go in a straight line, it'll only make our backs get hit as targets! ”

“Got it!” The tyrannosaurus roared loudly, turning sharply towards the street next to it.

Follow the Tyrannosaurus and see the Tyrannosaurus moving on after turning a bend.

The chasing Tigers soon appeared in the rear, continuing to chase Shen Yi and others while bombing indiscriminately.

“Damn it, Tyrannosaurus, turn around! You can't just turn one turn and walk straight again!” Shen Yi's depressed inability to add.

“Sorry, I'm always used to going straight ahead!” Tyrannosaurus shrugged his shoulders in front.

“I see!” Shen Yi shook his head helplessly.

The rear cannon turned around and fired a couple of guns at Tian Tian Tian Tian, then slid the wheel over and shouted, “No, we can't get rid of these guys. They stick to the back like dog cream and my back is starting to hurt again! ”

Shen Yi looked back at the heavenly tiger he was chasing and thought to the ambulance lane: “What do they hate most? ”

Ambulance beam: “What did you say? ”

“I ask you what they hate most? I'm gonna lure them away, make them chase me, and then you're gonna go around and help Optimus Prime! ”

The ambulance was very touched: "Sacrificing you to save us? How can we let you do this? ”

“Then why don't you come? ”

“… I still think it should be your great dedication.” The ambulance immediately changed its mouth.

Shen Yi nodded: “I knew you would say that... now tell me, how can I get them to focus on me and chase me instead of you when I'm separated? Is it helpful to say hello to their parents? ”

“Transformers don't have parents, we're all spark kids.” The ambulance answered.

“This is also...” Shen Yidu: “The curse is useless if they have children * * *, and you can't have children either. ”

Side iron interface: “You can curse them for clogging pipelines, short circuits in core energy, and mispainting. ”

“What do you mean?” Shen Yi was confused.

Ironhide replied: "Core energy short circuits can cause Transformers to lose their minds, similar to your human mental retardation or retardation, and mispainting means ugliness, incompetence, and wearing green hats. As for the pipeline clogging..."

Shen Yi understood: “It's impotence, can't be refuted, right? ”

"You're a genius. ”

“Fine, just a reminder from a guy who leaks oil once a month.” Shen Yi did not respond well.

The iron skins are very confusing: “Oil leaks once a month? What's that supposed to mean? Then his tank needs to be repaired. ”

Shen Yi has shot at the rear side and shouted: “Come on, you pipelines are jammed, energy shorts and wrong paint fools, let Grandpa and I teach you a lesson... that sounds awkward! ”

The ambulance covered its head and whispered: “This is so insensitive...”

Sure enough, Shen Yi's shouting made a bunch of chasing heavenly tigers rage.

Noisy shooting at Shen Yi while yelling: “You wrong license plate guy, I'll let you know what a regret is, you provocative non-fire bastard! ”

Shen Yi Daqi: “What does the wrong license plate mean? ”

“The BMW's got a Mercedes-Benz. What's that?” Ironhide questioned.

“Mixed? ”

“No, it's a shemale. ”

“… that's a good statement.” Shen Yi has turned towards the other alley.

Indeed, as Shen Yi turned, most heavenly tigers followed Shen Yi.

The bullet chased Shen Yi's body sweep, landed next to Shen Yi, and struck a dust smoke. Shen Yi rushed quickly towards a building. He had not yet entered the building, and only heard the whistling noise coming from the rear.

Shen Yi instinctively rolled on the ground. After only one shell had been fired on the support pillar of the building, the building, which had already been damaged many times, began to shake and collapse.

“Damn it!” Shen Yi rolled a few rolls on the ground, and as soon as he threw and grabbed him, man had taken off.

A large group of heavenly tigers simultaneously fired their guns, and countless fire dragons danced in the air toward Shen Yi. For a moment, Shen Yi was hit with dozens of bullets in his body. Shen Yi was like a sieve and the blood fountain was emitted.

Shen Yi tumbled down, took off, grabbed and ran, and started a despicable medical technique. A bullet with flesh was forced out of his body by him - these bullets were more powerful than the aircraft guns on the F22, causing him more than a dozen injuries each round.

“You can't run!” The noise against Shen Yi is a gun. The shell almost came out of the chamber and flew to Shen Yi's side. Shen Yi screamed: “Shield mode! ”

Only the shield mode of the T1000 has not yet unfolded. The shell has been heavily hit on Shen Yi's back. The huge impact force will shock Shen Yi flying when climbing, and it will only fall a few dozen meters straight out of the air.

Phew, Shen Yi spit out a large mouthful of blood. He couldn't climb up for a while. His vitality instantly dropped below 100 points.

Shen Yi hurriedly took out the potion for himself to drink. Without waiting for the potion to fully play its role, he immediately ran out. He heard only a series of bombardments behind him. The place where he had just fallen had been struck into a large pit.

The attack was relatively dispersed after a group of six heavenly tigers, and now a group of heavenly tigers is concentrated on him alone. If you don't pay attention, you can kill him directly in seconds.

At this moment, Shen Yi ran all the way, the crazy bouncing rain chased behind him, and the heavens and the earth were covered with sounds of explosions. He's like a god of pestilence, where he goes, where he ends up in great ruin.

Suddenly a shell called, exploded two meters behind Shen Yi, huge wave pushed Shen Yi acceleration forward, Shen Yi Lingkong one rolled over, has rushed into another abandoned building, called to the caller: “Chu Sheng, are you there! ”

“Me and my team have arrived, on the outskirts of West Side, preparing to enter the city! Others may be a few minutes late.” Chu Sheng shouted back in the caller.

Shen Yi immediately said: “I will take them to you. ”

“Who are they?” Chu Sheng didn't react.

“It's just a few hegemonic tigers, and I can't handle it alone. ”

“Well, then I'll take over, don't blame me for robbing.” Chu Sheng laughed and shouted at his team members: “Prepare for battle, a good man will bring us some super tigers! ”

“Absolutely not.” Shen Yi laughed and ran off.


Las Vegas is not the only one with a super tiger in the center. He ran all the way and the magnitude of the fire soon attracted more nearby super tigers to the chase.

It was like performing a death chase scene, Shen Yi used flying to catch a wild run in downtown Las Vegas, jumping, flipping and moving in the air, and chasing the bullet chain to form a fire dragon to dance behind Shen Yi.

Forgive him for being responsive, fast, and helpful. In a short moment out of the city, Shen Yi drank three bottles of potion and used two medical skills. Not only that, but a lot of bullets hit him, and a lot of blood loss caused a temporary drop of 50 points in the upper limit of vitality, with a negative effect for one day.

When Chu Sheng and his team were ready for battle, he finally saw Shen Yimi running wildly on the street in front of him, and behind him, a large number of heavenly tiger bombardments chased him with a crushing force, like a bunch of buffaloes chasing a poor rabbit, the scene was spectacular, the noise was huge, and people stared at him.

Chu Sheng spoke out: “Why so many? ”

Another member of the Barbarian Bulls team also changed color slightly: “At least thirty ordinary heavenly tigers, three dominant heavenly tigers... Shit, that's a dirty tiger, and Hercules troops are here! ”

"Wow, aren't we rich? ”

“I'm rich, your sister!” Chu Sheng gave his team a chestnut burst. He watched the masses of heavenly tigers rush in front of him. His face turned pale and yelled at the caller: “Shen Yi, fuck your grandmother! Didn't you say there were only a few? ”

Shen Yi rushed to the caller and replied: “I'm not wrong. There are nine of you plus me. There are less than 40 heavenly tigers behind me. There are less than five, of course only a few. ”

“Fuck you, per capita!” Chu Sheng is about to cry.

“Boss, what do we do now?” A Barbarian Bull teammate called.

Watching so many dozen Tiger Tigers rush in, anyone will be furious, not to mention the most horrible combination of the 40 Tiger Tigers.

The closer I looked at the Tiger Tiger Clan, the muscles on Chu Sheng's face had to be smoked, but it was also hard, knowing that retreating was definitely not possible. Once retreated, it is tantamount to giving their backs to the enemy to fight, and their purpose here is to complete the final battle, irrevocably.

At this moment, Chu Li's eyes burst with fierce lights and shouted: “Is the Almighty God great? I want to touch it! Fuck his mother! ”

“Fuck his mother!” All the Barbarian Bull players shouted together.

The Barbarian Bulls are also a small and prestigious team in the Three Difficulties area, and although they are not yet top notch strength, they already have middle- and upstream standards. Without the presence of Mighty God, more than thirty Ordinary Tigers alone, the Barbarian Bulls would really be out of sight.

As for now... I can only spell one first.

At this moment, as Chu Sheng shouted, a Barbarian Bull team member took the lead to rush out, holding a tube of reinforced rocket gun to Shen Yi's rear of the heavenly tiger is a gun.

The rocket struck a Heavenly Tiger, which apparently provoked all Heavenly Tiger anger at the same time.

Noisy roar: “Kill all these people! ”

“Kill all humans!” All the heavenly tigers roared at the same time, sounding like giant waves, shocking everyone's ears numbness.

Shen Yi had rushed to Chu Sheng's side like a "harmony sign” and gasped: “Thanks, brother, now we are going to fight side by side. ”

“Side by side with your sister!” Chu Sheng glanced at the distant and ambitious Tiger, then looked at Shen Yi, pointing to him and said, "I fucking remember you, you son of a bitch. ”

“Come on, man. I'm also pointing you to help me kill the Mighty God.” Shen Yi smiled.

“Help you kill Hercules?” Chu Sheng's eyes are staring out: “You're fucking beautiful! I'll kill you! ”

Shen Yi whispered a few words in Chu Sheng's ear.

Chu Sheng heard a shock: “Are you serious? ”

“I can't. Can't I give you back the 40,000 + points of Hercules? ”

hesitated for a moment, Chu raised his head vigorously: “Deal! ”