Infinity Armament

Chapter 697 Outpost (Upper)

Since the ultimate goal was to take down the top castle of Haikar, the four main camps were stationed in four directions of Haikar Mountain and all had their own outposts beneath the hill.

The outpost is both a bridge fortress for the four battalions attacking the Haikar Mountains and a guarantee for their evacuation in the event of hostilities. Due to its importance, most of the outposts have chosen to be stationed in dangerous locations, not many soldiers are stationed, but there are a large number of turrets and urban fortifications.

Simply put, there is a wave of towers in the game - erect several arrow towers in front of enemy doors before attacking.

Of course, the three arrow towers in the game, in the mission world, became thirty.

Shen Yi's second task is to destroy any of the three ethnic outposts, destroy at least the 30 arrow towers, erect his own towers, and completely seal the enemy's march path.

The problem was that the outpost was not just an arrow tower, but an army of up to 500 men, five captains, a commander and 30 elite close guards.

Throw away the soldiers without saying that an arrow tower alone would be enough for adventurers to drink a pot.

The Elf Tower is actually a giant tree. Unlike the game, these trees are not tree men, they do not throw stones, but rather they are iron bark trees that can be fired as profit arrows.

The Elf Nation also built the Arrow Tower in a very simple way, finding a place, spraying seeds, and then pouring some water into the spring of life, so that the trees would grow rapidly and grow into giant trees within a few days.

The barbed wood arrow tower is a weapon of war created in this way, which fires sharp branches with an attack range of 800 meters and damage of 40-120, allowing up to twelve stabs to be fired simultaneously at multiple targets or individual targets. With 1500 HP, the fixation cannot be moved.

That doesn't count. When Elf soldiers hide on the Ironwood Arrow Tower, they automatically have a stealth effect, doubling their life recovery speed. Each Ironwood Arrow Tower can accommodate up to three Elf Archers, and there can be no more guaranteed effects.

In other words, an arrow tower alone is enough to temporarily counteract an adventurer.

This is why Shen Yi tried everything he could to drag other adventurers into the water. Even if he could take down this base, he would lose a lot. But now that adventurers support themselves, Shen Yi's chances for success are greatly increased.

Due to the difficulty of this task, Carlos divided the request into two parts: 1 to dismantle the enemy arrow tower 2 to build his own.

Reward Shen Yi for one hour of teaching time for each part completed.

Heritage tasks of warcraft are essentially in this way, depending on how much inheritance you can gain, on the one hand, on your enlightenment, and on the other, on your ability to accomplish the task. Of course, if you have the ability to kill a hero directly, you may drop the corresponding skill scroll, you can grasp it directly.

The former requires hard work and learning, gradually, and the latter requires hard work and luck, one step at a time, with advantages and disadvantages.

Around 2 p.m., Shen Yi brought 32 adventurers and his own Orc Squad to a hillside 1,000 metres from the outpost, just outside the Elf Warning Line.

From here, it can be seen that the entire outpost is positioned at the forefront of a forest. For the Pokémon, the forest is the best place to be safe. They can play 120 percent of the battle here. The base is surrounded by trees on all sides, except the front, which is a barracks door stacked with huge stones.

Rejection horses and stone barriers are also placed in front, albeit rudimentary, but extremely effective.

Several vigilant owls are flying in the sky - God bless the city for not making them invisible, but real owls.

Some Elven Archers stood in front of the base camp door, guarding the perimeter carefully.

“This is the base we're going to hit.” Drop the binoculars, Shen Yi said: "Thirty barbed wood arrow towers, each 100-point camp honor, 120 shooters, each 1-point honor, 120 sentries, each 2-point honor, 30 Horned Eagle Beasts, each 3-point honor, 90 tree demons, each 4-point honor, Raptor Druid 60, each 5-point honor, Riddle Druid 60, each 7-point honor, 20 crossbows, each 6-point honor. In addition, there are five captains, one commander and 30 close guards, which is their full strength, with a total of about 7,000 battalion honors, enough for everyone to share. ”

He had to admit that his speech was very skillful, and at the same time, he directly linked his opponent's enormous strengths to his own gains, so that his comrades around him, while cooling the air, could not fail to see the enormous gains.

An adventurer looked straight at the distant camp and said to himself, “Shit, I can't eat it. Boss Shen, don't you think your appetite is too good for us to die? ”

To say that more than 30 adventurers can't handle such a base is not necessarily there. With the existing capabilities of the adventurers, a one-to-fifteen ratio can still be fought, the problem is that wars are not like individual fights and are not evenly distributed. There may be only one or two, but there are dozens of enemy sieges, which means there will inevitably be a lot of war damage.

For adventurers, a battle that loses 20 percent is already a very dangerous battle, after all, no one can be sure if it's that 20 percent.

Anyone like Shen Yi who dies every battle of his comrades can only say that this guy is sincerely wearing a group extinction ring. I can't help it. Who told him to keep picking rewarding missions?

Shen Yi has recently converged, but after the manager gave him the information, that adventurous heart in Shen Yi's heart burned again. For him, there are plug-ins that don't need to be struck by lightning.

Indeed, Shen Yi smiled at this moment: “Don't worry, it's not like we're going to have to fight for our lives. We can do something about it. ”

“What way?” Someone asked.

“There are too many methods, such as seducing snakes out of holes, encroaching on troops, weakening opponents; for example, sounding east and west, attacking secretly, striking opponents in time; for example, disguising as diving in, assassinating the leader, eliminating heavy weight; and for example, hitting far away, how much can be saved... so many of our classic Chinese tactics, which is not a good way to learn to use them? Especially since we are not ordinary people and have special abilities that no one else has. Our lives are stronger, our speed is faster, our power is stronger, our capabilities are more diverse, and the tactical changes that we can use are more varied. ”

Everyone's eyes were bright.

As Shen Yi said, there are too many good things left to them by the ancestors of the Chinese people about the war strategy. Shen Yi doesn't need to push out Chen Xin at all. Just follow the learning and there will be endless good solutions.

Since the opponent is strong, break it down and then erode it, which is strategically called building local advantages and gradually controlling the whole thing by expanding them.

This is also a classic idea of the Cold Arms War era, and all tactics are constantly changing and inseparable from this core essence. With that in mind, all the plans to serve that purpose made sense.

In this case, the 500-person outpost in front of them does not look so horrible, but rather more like a delicious big cake, waiting for them to feed it one by one.

But wait.

These things all sound good. The question is, is it really just a Chinese invention? Doesn't anybody understand anything?

Besides, classic tactics are classic because they are often used, so classic tactics are inevitably flawed forever - lack of innovation.

Since there is no invincible pattern of tactics per se, any tactic necessarily has its counterpart. Accidentally, it's not new in history to be reckoned with by someone else.

But Shen Yi Tong did not say that he would never do anything to destroy his morale.

“In that case, what does Boss Shen suggest?” Someone asked.

Shen Yi's tone is very relaxed: “Let's start with a batch of them before they die. In any case, the first time we attack each other will not be alert, and it is the easiest time for us to get it. ”

This time he didn't lie, at least for the first time, because the Pokémon's unprepared side is bound to work. As for the so-called follow-up plan, that was bullshit.

Shen Yi's plan is actually very simple, which is to take advantage of poor intelligence, firstly to extinguish a batch, then to attack. He didn't even think about playing tactical changes with the elves. Are you kidding me? He's a regular army. He won't know less than himself. Speaking of diverse abilities, although adventurers are not ordinary people, can the Elves be ordinary people?

This is the time to reflect Chu Sheng's words, in which case, the hard war is the way of the king.

As for what happens to the rest of the battle, it depends on how many of these Pokémon have been lured away in the first place. Shen Yi hopes to attract more.

If you're going to catch a big fish, of course you have to put in enough bait.

As Shen Yi waved his hand, his team of 78 animal soldiers walked out of the hillside towards the base of the Elf clan.

The vigilant Pokémon Sentinel quickly detected the peripheral movement and immediately alerted a large group of veterinary soldiers, after which only a large number of Pokémon soldiers were seen pouring out of the base.

The Orc soldiers saw so many elf soldiers, they first beamed, then turned their heads and ran.

Indeed, the tall man in front of the base, with a pair of beautiful long ears, the leader carrying the green jade bow forward a finger, a group of elf soldiers have chased past.

Although the Elf tribe has not issued endless killings, there is no reason not to eat for enemies sent to their doors.

Unfortunately, Shen Yi pursued only 100 elf soldiers, 50 elf sentries, 20 leopard Druids and 30 tree demons, and none of Shen Yi's most wanted elf archers. It is true that the Commander acted with great stability and did not give any opportunity to the enemy at all.

“Looks like we'll have to eat the Hundreds first.” Shen Yi sighed. Either way, it would be good to destroy one fifth of the other's troops first.

At this moment, Shen Yi's body suddenly shocked.

He saw a few special figures following him around the pursuit team.


“Shit, some adventurer's coming after us!” Shen Yi shouted: “Everybody come with me, ready to kill them! ”

Things are definitely moving in the worst direction, there are adventurers in the outpost!

These guys must have taken some kind of assignment to get here, the problem is that they shouldn't normally have it at all.

It must have been the city!

There have been changes on this side of the Beastman camp, and there will inevitably be some changes in other camps accordingly.

When I think about it, Shen Yi was pissed off. He scolded the city: Bastard, I was working for you!

He is indeed working for the city, but what he is doing has nothing to do with what the city has told him. However, Shen Yi directly ignored this.

Take everyone down the hillside and the elf tribe's pursuit troops have arrived.

The Beastman Squad stopped running and turned around to greet them.

Shen Yi pointed to the soldiers in front of him: "Kill them all and resolve them quickly! ”

Meanwhile, an accompanying owl shouted from the shoulder of an elf sentry and headed towards the barracks, apparently to report on what was happening here.

Leave Shen Yi their time, no more than five minutes.