Infinity Armament

Chapter 777, Third Period

The war continues, only this time it was replaced by a blood magician and jungle protector.

Yet Shen Yi withdrew from the fighting.

To this day, the situation has become clearer and clearer. With the complicity of the King Kong, Old Meng and Cliff traitors, the heroes are dying one by one, the morale of the camp has declined and the power of the battle has been greatly frustrated, and there is virtually no possibility of turning over.

In this case, Shen Yi is more interested in some information that Cliff will bring to him.

Walking in the middle of the battlefield, Shen Yi and Cliff responded casually to some of the attacked soldiers. Shen Yi and Cliff were walking in the garden behind their homes, looking at the battlefield with smoke everywhere, and chatting casually.

“The Danes have existed in the city for 120 years now?” Shen Yiqin.

To understand the city, you need to know the family first. After all, the Dyne family's knowledge of the city stems largely from their history. It was countless family members who gradually gathered and learned everything about the city in a single battle and contact.

If the urban information Shen Yi gathered is still just a ruined information puzzle, then this puzzle in the hands of the Dyne family, after countless generations of effort, has actually formed a roughly complete outline.

Perhaps the most important part is still missing, but the whole picture is already within sight.

“118, to be exact.” Cliff replied at this moment: "118 years ago, there were no cities, only death camps, but the primary power system was established, just not as comprehensive as it is now. It was then that Alexis Dayne, a Spaniard, gained his first descent, the Immortal Bird Descent, and from that day on, he founded the Dayne family. But at that time, his purpose was not to inherit from his family, but to resurrect his dead son. He hoped that a man would walk into the Tower alive and fulfill his will, and to that end he unleashed the inheritance of the immortal bird, entrusting the power of the bloodline, the memory and all his feelings to his successor, the second chief of the Dyne family. ”

“So is his wish complete?” Shen Yi asked.

Cliff laughed: "Accepting the inheritance of immortal bird descent is itself accepting some of the strong emotions of the inheritor. So at first, his heirs tried to fulfill his will, but unfortunately, he didn't make it to the end. So he passed it on again, hoping someone else would finish it. In the course of this power inheritance, however, Alexis Dayne's emotions faded away, generations of power could not control the successor's ambitions, and the blood inheritance of the undead bird, while continuing, nobody cared more about Alexis' legacy. ”

“With that said, the Danes should have disappeared very quickly. ”

“Indeed, when inheritance loses its purpose, inheritance becomes meaningless. The heirs, who no longer took the son of Alexis as their own, did not intend to continue all this, but rather one incident gave the Danes reason to continue to thrive. ”

Shen Yi raised his hand gently and killed a blind soldier who jumped at them: "I guess… is the secret about the city. ”

“Yes, have you heard of the third century?” Cliff asked.

Third century?

When he heard the name, Shen Yi shocked himself.

After entering the Three Difficulties, Shen Yi went into the wilderness and looked for the existence of the Third Century, but unfortunately he did not find what the Staff Counsellor called the stone tablet. In fact, the staff officer had never seen the tablet, and the news he had received was merely hearsay that Shen Yi had not expected to hear the term again from Cliff at this moment.

Seeing Shen Yi's reaction, Cliff smiled and the spear of darkness in his hand stroked slightly. He had swept through the throat of a soldier and picked it out at random: “You seem to have heard the name. ”

“I heard there was a stone tablet documenting something about the third century, which I had looked for and did not find. ”

“Even if you find it, it doesn't work. ”


“Because the tablet has been destroyed. You don't get any more valuable information than some broken narrative. ”

Shen Yi's eyes shrunk: “Is it the Dyne family who destroyed the tablet? ”

“Yes, but the Dynes destroyed the tablet not to make it disappear, but to pass it on better. It is precisely for this reason that the Danes need to continue to exist. And for me, these secrets are more valuable than anything else! ”

“That's true!” Shen Yi sighed as well.

Shen Yi or Cliff are people who like to solve their opponents with their brains. Anyone who likes to use the brain necessarily has a common trait, which is to value the gathering of information.

The secret about cities is undoubtedly the highest level of information in the world.

Skills can be bought, power can be strengthened, and the secrets of urban existence are not bought with money.

It is for this reason that the Dyne family has regained the meaning of inheritance, and their inheritance has grown in magnitude and strength, eventually becoming the most powerful force in the city.

This historic accumulation of information is far from comparable to that of “outbreakers" like Shen Yi.

“Can I see that inscription? ”

Cliff flipped his wrist and a sheepskin roll appeared on his hand.

“My name is Isot Belfort, and later, by the time you saw this inscription, I should have died. ”

“But I did not die under the claws of the fierce beast of the wilderness, but in a war against the Lord! ”

“Yes, fight the Lord! Please don't be surprised, because this is not the first time! ”

“In the distant ages, in the first and second eras of the world's existence, and even in the darker and more distant times, the world has never stopped fighting for freedom! ”

“It was this battle that transformed the world, ruled behind the scenes, that humankind gained greater right to exist and even possessed this habitat where we could survive… death camps. ”

“But don't be content with the Lord's retreat, it's just these extraterrestrial lives from exotic planets that are powerless choices! ”

“They rule us, they enslave us, they kill us, they disguise themselves as God, they pride themselves as God! But the truth is, they're nothing! This may be the world left behind by God, but they are nothing more than a bunch of uninvited bandits who think they can be masters of the universe. Yet when we fight back, they fear, they fear, they die, they even retreat, they give in! ”

“So again, we will raise the flag of rebellion and challenge the Lord! ”

“Perhaps we will die eventually, but our battle will not be meaningless! ”

“The end of the third century will come to an end, and a new era will come as a result of our battles, which will have better chances of survival, whether we win or lose. ”

“I may not see that day, but I will bless you in heaven...”

Next, there are some records of the fighting, some names of adventurers who died in the battle, and some trivial things he experienced.

At the end of the record, the pioneer adventurer, Isot Belfort, wrote two words:

“With this tablet I write down my struggle with my comrades and record our history of blood warfare. ”

“No matter what world we live in, humanity's resistance to tyranny will never cease! ”


Seeing this, Shen Yi Chang exhaled.

He finally figured out why adventurers are getting better and better in this world.

Not because of the kindness of the lord, but because of the rebellion of the adventurers.

In fact, he should have understood, in the first century, that Xiaobo, recorded in the death note, was also killed for rebellion against the dominion?

And with his death, the second century began.

Now it seems that the third and even fourth fifth centuries are all about this.

He looked at Cliff and said softly, "They're real warriors! ”

“That's true. Cliff replied softly:" It was their sacrifice that allowed the bloody city to exist in the world, and adventurers had to do their job only once a month. The less challenging task world also ensues, and the probability of people dying is greatly reduced… "

The city was actually built exactly 110 years ago.

It took only one day to complete the construction and was constantly patched and perfected thereafter.

It was a radical change, and the bloody brutal wilderness finally had a real city for adventurers to live in.

And it was the great rebellion that Isot Belfort wrote in his inscription that caused all this.

“Turns out this inscription is the true origin of the Dayne family… But now it seems that the heirs of this family have long forgotten the legacies of their ancestors and become corrupt, not only that, but even what Purgatory sect has been created! ”

Cliff sighed softly: "Without spirit and will, it can truly flourish. The blood of the immortal bird can pass on knowledge and power, but not the indomitable will. You're right, the Dyne family may have been founded because of a great dream, but after a lifetime of passing on, is it not human beings who forget their dreams and think only about their future? Humanity has the spirit of resistance to tyranny, the will to give its life for freedom, but it also has the same traitorous dream, self-depravity. Humanity is great, small, kind, cruel, generous and selfish. This myriad of qualities are concentrated on each of us and vary according to the environment… Whatever word is used to describe humankind, it is simple and pale. ”

Shen Yi smiled: “I didn't expect you to be a poet. ”

“It's just a sensation and a mouth. As the Dyne family grew stronger and stronger. Adventurers are no longer thinking about resisting domination, but about gaining more strength, more men, and better treatment in this limited environment. The Purgatory sect was born because of this. How can it be done without a better mouth if you want to fool some idiot into working for you? ”

“You call a believer an idiot? So you're not a member of Purgatory Sect? ”

Cliff smiled slightly: "Quite the contrary, I am a preacher of the Purgatory Sect, and at the highest level! ”

“Goddamn it, do you still use that tone to speak of your sect? ”

“I don't believe it because I'm a big fan of the sect.” Cliff laughed, “Believing in something like this, deceiving is always the bottom line, being a high priest, never really believing in anyone, because it doesn't help them to deceive others. Think Christian priests who fuck * *, when they stick their dicks in the daisies of those boys, did they ever believe in God? Were they ever able to believe in God when they covered their luxurious halls with the contributions of their faithful and allowed themselves to enjoy a good life? Where is God when they do all sorts of shameful things against the teachings over and over again? No, they know there is no God, so they dare to defraud everything in God's name. ”

“That's true.” Shen Yi laughed too: “In fact, even those who truly believe in God exist, many of them are hypocrites. ”

Shen Yi remembers wandering around in a novel forum before he came to the bloody city. At that time, he met a more famous author, and the voice of a person who died had a soul.

Those who did not believe in a man's soul argued with him, and the author hurried and said: "If you do not believe, sell me your soul. ”

So a large group of people agreed that they could sell their souls to him for a hundred dollars and sign an agreement.

As a result, the author realized afterwards that he was confused and immediately changed his mind to cancel the transaction. As a result, a large group of people chased him and scolded him.

What was debatable at the time was whether the deal should count, but Shen Yi thought of another thing, namely that the author himself did not necessarily believe his nonsense.

If not, why would he cancel the agreement?

Shen Yi complained that if he truly believed that there was a soul after death, it would be too good a price to spend a hundred yuan to buy a person's soul and drive it into service.

Unfortunately, none of them, except a few fanatics, most of them, would do such a thing.

It follows that many people are themselves hypocritical, although they do not necessarily understand.

As for Cliff, he is only the best hypocrite of all, because he lies only to others and not to himself.

With regard to the topic of religion, he did not want to go on, which was another matter that aroused his interest.

“You said there was a city in the fourth century? So how did the Fifth Century get out? Still the adventurers fighting back? ”

“Well... it's complicated, to be honest, I don't know a lot of things. ”

“Then tell me what you know. ”