Infinity Armament

Chapter 800: Mock the World

Walking side by side with Zhou Hao on his way to the Temple of the Divine Demon, Shen Yi asked: “Boss Zhou, can you tell me something about the ash chariot? Listen to your tone, this team is amazing. ”

Although Cliff will give Shen Yi intelligence when the Danes officially send someone to hunt Shen Yi, Shen Yi doesn't mind learning about this ash tank in advance.

Hearing Shen Yi say this, Zhou Hao smiled softly: “Ashes tanks, probably the strongest team in the apartment area, but this is not their scariest place. To be precise, it's not ashes tanks that are really scary, but the Dane family and the denominations created by this family. ”

Purgatory Sect? ”

“Well, it's a complete, lunatic sect, with all the people in it, all the areas, all the difficulty.” Zhou Hao replied: “It is in fact the very existence of this sect that enables the power of the Dane family to cover all five difficult regions. And that's where their horrors are… offending this family is like walking away. ”

Shen Yi understood.

It's like the evil emperor wants to kill Shen Yi now, or it's in the wilderness, but the wilderness randomly transmits, it's too hard to find, or it's in the mission world, then you have to wait, or you have to find someone, but the person you're looking for is not necessarily reliable, and you have to give benefits.

The Dyne family is out of trouble. The denomination represents faith, the family represents descent, both of which can exist across regions, so their strengths are everywhere, problems occur anywhere, and the Dyne family can pull out an aggressive killer immediately.

Unlike mercenaries, this is a tie!

If that's all, it's okay.

The crux of the problem is that lineage can be nurtured.

It has been asked why people in high-difficulty areas do not train some of their own people from low-difficulty?

The answer is: Not enough trust, high investment risk. If you don't give money, the other party can come back alive. If you don't give money, others are willing to work for you.

But purgatory denominations, at least, solve the problem of trust - fanatical religious beliefs that make it difficult for newcomers to betray each other and thus have the value of being nurtured.

Purgatory sects are therefore rare and dare to invest in urban newcomers.

Twenty-three thousand bloody dots is nothing to a four-digger adventurer, but it's a tremendous fortune for a hard-to-reach rookie. As long as they are willing to join the sect, brainwash, and dedicate their loyalty, they will receive the benefit of the sect.

In addition, low difficulty is limited by a level that prevents you from purchasing advanced skills and props at a higher level. Normal senior adventurers can also sell to lower adventurers, but often have additional profits, which make them unaffordable.

Members of denominations, on the other hand, receive direct benefits, not only without a price increase, but also discounts for some of the best performers.

That's why Christine has such powerful skills as the Kowloon Shockwave at Trinity - of course, his harvest has nothing to do with his performance.

Of course, some of these people will die, and some of the investments will float, but those who survive will often be the elites.

And these sectarian elites will eventually be sucked into the Dyne family and become family members.

That's how Cliff got into the Danes, for example.

It is only a pity that he is overflowing with genius, but because there are two more roadblocks ahead, the third successor's position is almost doomed to be his end. If he can't be the first successor in line before he enters the Five Difficulties, it's hard to get another chance in the future. The Dyne family will never pick their heirs from the top five - nobody's boss will pick them from an old man who's about to retire.

That's why he turned to the outside world and was in love with Shen Yi.

So Purgatory Sect can also be described as an outward extension of the power of the Dayne family and an important external environment for them to absorb family members.

But the Purgatory sect is not just a Dyne family, there are other forces that are "in stock," except that the Dyne family, as its founder, is the most central of them all.

In this regard, there is still a distinction between the Dayne family and the Purgatory Sect.

An ash chariot is such a team of adventurers armed with the full support of the Purgatory sect, as well as a team of Purgatory law enforcement officers.

Every Ashes Chariot member is a fanatical Purgatory sectarian, one of the sharpest knives of the sect in the city, where the sect's fingers point, and they kill wherever they go.

Because of their religious beliefs, they believed that they could be redeemed after death and enter heaven, so they did not fear death, and some even learned suicide bombing skills specifically and were ready to die with their enemies. In the denomination, however, there are a large number of fanatics waiting as alternates for the ash chariot, and whenever one person dies, the denomination arranges for one to enter, keeping its overall number at around ten, seven full members and three reserve members. And the reserve members are self-destructing trucks that are permanently storming in front of them, if necessary, immediately.

In addition, ash tanks are a cross-regional team with ash tank members from the Purgatory Sect in each difficult area, and while the city system does not allow renaming, the solution is simple - just add a number or symbol after the name of the team.

For example, add a 0 after the edge.

Currently active in the Three Difficulties area are the Alpha Squads of Ashes Chariots, although they do not like to be called Alphas, but rather require others to be in the name of Ashes Chariots.

If anyone turns away, he will surely be avenged.

The bullying and ferocity of the ash chariot can be seen.

And as the most important foreign power of the denomination, they also get the denomination's massive resource tilt, and some of them have the blood of demon gods!

Interestingly, the Dayne family's first-in-line heir is the captain of the Ashes Chariot Alpha squad.

It's understandable why Cliff should watch out for ash chariots.

Even if the sect does not intend to send ash tanks, it is feared that Cliff will do his best to incite them.

“You killed Christine, and old Gatu would never stop. Although the Danes have other teams besides ash tanks, they are all very strong. If the ash tank is a reserve for the future elite of the Dyne family, then the rest can only be considered a reserve for the ash tank. Blade Squad's reputation is not so small right now. As long as the Daynes don't have any brains to smoke, they won't basically send them to the main fight, but it's very likely that they'll send an ash chariot to hunt you down with one or two additional support teams. The King's Way is outnumbered, so it is doomed to be an asymmetrical war.” Zhou Hao reminded Shen Yi.

“Old Gato?” Shen Yi did not pay attention to Zhou Hao's warning. Instead, he asked Zhou Hao for the name he had mentioned.

“Well, Christine's father, formerly Stian Gatu, joined the Danes when he entered the city and changed his surname. In the eyes of China, this is called deceiving master to extinguish ancestors, but these guys don't have ancestors at all, so long as they can live, their parents sell them, changing their surnames is nothing.” Zhou Hao's tone was full of disgust: “However, although he changed his last name, everyone was still used to calling him Gatu, now it's old Gatu... This guy is now a five-difficulty general, soon to complete the simulation exam and become a city guardian. You kill his son, he'll never let you go. And I..."

Zhou Hao sighed: “I'm about to enter the five difficulties too, then I'll most likely be fighting alongside old Gatu. This old thing is now in a very high position in the camp, and if he knew I was helping you, he would never let me go. ”

What he meant by that was that he was afraid to help Shen Yi anymore.

Shen Yi didn't mind, but Zhou Hao said more curiosity: “Urban Guardian, should be formally a member of the city after completing five difficult tasks? But what do you mean by mock exams and camp status? ”

Zhou Hao laughed: “You do already know what the city means. ”

Shen Yi shrugged: “Not surprisingly, the city itself may unintentionally let out the wind to prepare everyone. But it's strange that I've never seen five difficult generals since I arrived in the city. These guys live on independent islands. They can walk around the wilderness at will. Killing an adventurer is not like playing. How can you not see people? ”

“Of course not because of the time and energy.” Zhou Hao sneered: “The five difficulties are not the same as the first four, it has only one mission world. All our promotions, in fact, take place in this world of missions, and the missions are always maintained, never changed. ”

Shen Yi's heart moved: “Is there only one mission world? ”

“Yes!” replied Zhou Hao, "is StarCraft's mission world! ”

It really is!

Shen Yiyi pinched his fist: “In other words, from the fifth degree of difficulty, we will officially start a war with the insects, right? ”

“No.” Zhou Hao shook his head: “To be precise, it was a world simulating an out-of-town battlefield. Inside the insect family is still made by the city, not a real insect family, but all the strength and circumstances of the opponent are exactly the same as the outside world. ”

“In other words, once the generals enter the world, they must simulate the battle against the insects in order to leave the city in the future and prepare for real battle? ”

“Yeah, that's it. So by that time, the adventurers of all four regions will be together, and then we will be together under one roof, in the same virtual universe, at war with the same enemy. And some adventurers, by virtue of their strengths, can gain a very high place in that world of missions. Old Gatu is one of the most high-ranking bastards in the camp, and if I make it to the top five, I'll have to see his face. So I'm not afraid of evil lords, but I would never dare to mess with the Dynes... they are so powerful! Even if Old Gatu leaves Five Difficulties one day, he can tell the rest of the Dyne family to deal with me, and their power is passing along! ”

Speaking of which, Zhou Hao bit his teeth and looked quite helpless.

“So that's it...” Shen Yi nodded: “But it's okay, you can tell me this, I already appreciate it. But in that case, could you tell me more about the five difficulties? ”

“No problem.” Zhou Hao sees Shen Yi understand himself and has a slightly wider heart: “Once the adventurer enters the mission world, he must begin to fight the insects. Because the time flow in the world of interstellar domination is exactly the same as in the cities, which leads to free access to the world of the mission, it is very likely that you will return to the city for a day and find that the bases you have worked so hard to build have been destroyed by the insects, so no one dares to leave easily. These are not the bugs in the game, in fact, they entered the urban world before us, reinforced by the Querez, and in a sense, they are our predecessors. They have strong flesh, biological warships of their own, and strong reproductive capacity. Since this mission existed in the world, no one has ever completed the task of exterminating the insect race. ”

“Because if we can wipe out virtual worms in the mission world, we can wipe out real worms in the same way, right? ”

“Yes!” Zhou Hao nodded, greatly appreciating: “The city built a world of war in this space that fully simulates insects, with the aim of finding ways to defeat them, developing tactics and finding enemy weaknesses. Over the years, cities have been able to withstand the onslaught of insects, a simulation of the world. It is unfortunate that no one has ever been able to destroy them, even though it was the Querez themselves who studied the worms and tried to use them as their spiritual vectors, giving them the ability to evolve indefinitely with the environment and the attacks of their enemies, so that even if they left the city, they could evolve themselves. And now, they want to call back in order to reclaim this space that belongs to God! And we, are fighting our predecessors to death! ”

“So that's it.” Shen Yi took a deep breath: “But I remember a saying in the city that adventurers can enter the Tower of Heaven and fulfill one of their wishes just by completing the five difficult tasks...”

Zhou Hao laughed: “So now you understand? No one has ever been able to do this. There are only two ways out of the city. The first is that it is impossible to complete the task, to complete it, to destroy the bugs in the virtual world, to enter the Tower of Tong Tian, to face the dominion. The second is to fight a small battle, eliminate a certain number of insects, build enough merit, prove that you already have enough ability to fight insects, then break away from the five difficulties, become a city guardian, officially become a part of the city resistance to insect invasion. ”

“So the rumor is not true because it is a lie, but because it is too difficult to achieve? ”

“As I said, this is an impossible task. Do you know who the Lord of Hell is on the 36th floor of Hell? ”

Shen Yiyi: “It won't be...”

“Mother's nest of worms!” Zhou Hao replied: "In this world, insects are the most horrible lives killed from the bottom of hell. Their mother's nest, is the god of demons that you can't even imagine, a super horror that you can't fight! ”