Infinity Armament

Chapter 862: The Dragon's Row

“Ow!” St. Louis Imogene, the diamond, finally fell after a despair hiss when the two teams attacked together.

Its body dissipates again, and the light gathers a great divine soul in the air.

Perhaps because the dragon balls have not been fully absorbed, Imogene's soul does not fly like other demons, but always exists in the form of dragon balls. It is within the dragon balls that the soul is condensed and reborn, as if another layer of crystal cover was put on the outside of the glass sphere.

Now there are only two spirits in this crystal cover roaming freely, and Hung Wang suddenly wonders: “Look at this, it only absorbs two now, you say if we take both spirits away... will it not be reborn? ”

“It's possible.” Shen Yi answered quietly: “But I don't really want to do this right now. ”

Nets capture not only the spirits of demon gods, but also the chance to resurrect demon gods. Two nets means, in a way, that you can kill a demon god twice without suspension or battle.

If it's a diamond dragon in its normal form, twice may be nothing, but for an incompletely developed Imogene, it's likely to strangle it directly in the cradle of growth.

Next door King Kong lowered his voice: “Why don't you just do this dragon now, now that everyone is united against the enemy, Hercules has the eternal sacred coat tirelessly, and is mainly dependent on attribute fighting, dragging it down is actually to our detriment. ”

“We have to wait and be gentle.” Zhou Yiyu cautioned.

Gently failing to return, the Blade Squad against the Hercules Seven were still too strenuous, and in the battle just now, Hercules intentionally directed the attack towards the Terminator, using the Terminator to absorb the damage on their own behalf, resulting in Shen Yi they damaged several Terminators - they learned to behave well, no longer directly to Shen Yi them, but mainly to weaken their fighting power, in the larger context of joining forces against the enemy, even Shen Yi could not say much.

Of course, Shen Yi and his men are not good merchandise, and the battle always leads Imogene's attacks to the Dragon of the Armored Overlord. The two big guys, though tough and fierce, had a poor IQ compared to the Hera Bumblebee and were beaten a lot by Imogene.

But with Merrill, the Tyrannosaurus Dragon is perfectly capable of withstanding. Conversely, Terminators are often slapped into iron cakes by Imogene, and even Shen Yi's activation cannot be saved in time.

In contrast, Shen Yi suffered some losses in this regard.

But it's not that Shen Yi can't handle it, and in fact, he himself is intentionally creating this situation - how can Hercules work with confidence and honesty without taking advantage of each other?

At this moment, Jinggang Zhou Yiyu said, Shen Yi answered softly: “Softly will be here soon, but she won't show up for now. As for Imogene, I need to use it to drag time and consume the enemy. Even if Hercules is tired, his comrades can't do it, it's time to speed up...”

He said, looking across the street, and Hercules was looking at him cold. Gwawart around him seemed to be whispering something too, Hercules listening quietly and his expression was not seriously changed.

Shen Yi repeatedly said that he had ordered everyone to do so. As he raised his hand and struck a shen trap net, the shen trap net immediately appeared and went toward the sky.

As soon as the trap net exited, a divine soul was sucked out of the dragon balls and fell into the net before calmly returning to Shen Yi's hands.

Shen Yi smiled at Hercules: “Take one, I hope you don't mind. ”

Hercules hugged his arm and said, "I knew you had this thing. But if I recall correctly, you must have the power to capture spirits, too, right? If you let Megatron strike now, it will have no chance of resurrection at all. ”

“Isn't that great?” Shen Yi asked back: “This dragon is now a bridge of friendship between us, so kill it, too bad! ”

Hercules lifted his chin slightly: “It's just temporary cooperation, it's going to die, and you and I are going to have a big fight sooner or later. Do you want to wait for tenderness? ”

Shen Yi didn't deny it. “Sure, but you? Are you suggesting that I use Megatron to harvest my soul? Does that mean that you do have a card hidden that I don't know can handle Megatron? It's not unusual. Those three dragons alone want to fight Meizhentian, but it's still not enough to see. But even so, this card shouldn't be so good. You know that forcibly harvesting a god requires that Mighty Heaven concentrate all its strength, and that should be an opportunity for you, right? It is also true that weapons capable of dealing with Megatron, unless they are expendable items of that artifact grade, should be special items that have a more cumbersome prerequisite for use. I estimate that you haven't been generous enough to take out even artifact level expendable props, which can only be some kind of troublesome prop to use...”

Speaking of which, why don't Shen Yi keep analyzing it:

“Strategic nuclear bomb? No, no, that would blow yourself up, even if you weren't afraid to die, your sheik wouldn't have sent you to die. Dead light waves? It is possible that if Megatron absorbs the soul and makes it difficult to move quickly, it is really possible to be killed by this thing for a second. But it's impossible for your elders to anticipate this, not to give you this kind of thing, it's only suitable for large-scale position warfare, not for small-scale combat. An interstellar orbiter? No, it's a shipboard weapon. It needs at least one space-grade warship, not necessarily Gatu himself. Time Storm? This is possible. You have a different dimension of banishment, and working with a timeout storm can indeed have a fatal impact on Megatron. Of course, if Weizhentian can limit himself, you can also save two different dimensional banishing reels, but this stuff is hard to use, if you can't use it, you will bring yourself in...”

He counted all the weapons and props known in the city to be capable of dealing with Megatron, like several Jewels, and analyzed them all. Hearing Hercules couldn't help clapping: “Awesome, awesome, I'm just a suggestion to make you feel so much. But Shen Yi, you have a lot of tools. Don't think I don't know how much good you've done on the Warcraft mission. You're not doing what you deserve. Did you use those special points to buy escape props? ”

“You have to save your life. No, it's a loser's behavior.” Shen Yi shrugged her shoulders: “I am a very petty person, I have never been able to get in or out. ”

“You still want to hold hands in front of me?” Hercules' eyes have been blown away.

Shen Yi smiled: “Didn't you save a hand too? Undying Bird Blood has never seen you use it. ”

“You'll see. ”

They are united, but when you say my lip and tongue sword, nobody gives in, making the atmosphere extremely tense.

Fortunately, Saint Dragon Imogene, the diamond in the sky, completed a resurrection in the face of their conversation and danced in anger in the sky.

The cargo succeeded in pulling away the hatred of the two men, who looked at each other and suddenly jumped at the same time to launch a full-scale attack on Imogene, and a dragon slaughter war began again.

But this time, as soon as Imogene woke up, her whole body was glowing, and that was precisely how it forcibly accelerated the absorption of dragon balls.

Shen Yi took one of his spirits with a trap net with more consequences than Hercules had feared for him. Originally it was just a prop for adventurers to increase their profits, but now it's a super killer against Imogene.

If Shen Yi hadn't wanted to use it to stall Hercules and wait for a gentle return, Imogene would be dead by now. It doesn't know if Shen Yi has any more shenzhen nets, but because he doesn't know the rules of the city as well as Hercules, he doesn't walk into Hercules' misunderstanding, so he starts absorbing dragon balls as soon as he's resurrected.

This absorption is no longer a matter of ensuring one's own resurrection, as it was before, but is accelerated by an overdraft and unreserved push.

It's like running 10,000 meters at a 100-meter punch speed, and although it exceeds your opponent in a short period of time, it will soon be exhausted, and it's good to finally walk the whole way.

Imogene, however, has been overwhelmed, and it is clear that if he cannot absorb as many more gods as possible now, it is likely that this death will be his final outcome.

With the full absorption of Imogene, its power rose dramatically in this absorption, finally returning to the original peak form of Saint Dragon, with a power of up to 500 points.

Each of its attacks was fierce, causing everyone to retreat, and the giant dragon tail waved wildly on those Terminators, sweeping them up like a bunch of ants.

Yet behind Imogene's fanaticism, the divine soul absorbs more and more slowly in its body.

One, two! Three!

Imogene finally stopped absorbing after a breath of absorption of three gods.

One dragon was forced by them to finally have three chances of resurrection, and one can only imagine that.

So just after it finished absorbing the dragon balls, it screamed heavenly, and a huge flame of energy had burst out of it.

Angelo looked at the shock: "Careful, it could be the dragon! ”

Dragon Tree, the most powerful guardian skill of the Divine Dragon Clan. Different dragons have different Dragon Tree skills, but no matter which dragon, the power of Dragon Tree is definitely not to be underestimated.

For dragons, however, the consequences of using dragons are also quite serious: some dragons have only one chance of use in their lifetime, and some dragons use it to cause their own severe weakness, and if they fail to kill the enemy after use, they may be killed by the enemy.

The Diamond Dragon, which belongs to the latter, does not have a single opportunity to use its dragon, but the price it pays to use it is so great that it is easily unwilling to use it. Just at this moment, it was forced by Shen Yi's shenzhen network and felt an unprecedented and immense threat, so even if it risked itself to die again, it had to kill these abominable bugs immediately and quickly.

At this moment, the flame is shining all over its body, which is exactly what the dragon started, and Gwawawalt has shouted: "Back off! ”

They don't know much about the Dragon's abilities, so they don't know exactly what the Dragon's Attack is like, but look at this momentum as if it's definitely a super-heavy damage ranging skill. The only thing that can be done in this situation is to retreat as far away as possible.

However, it was at that time that Shen Yi suddenly rushed up, and the vampire touch in his hand had stabbed Imogene. At the same time, he shouted: “Don't retreat, its dragon attack range is 1,000 meters, only close proximity is its attack death corner, fight it! ”

As he spoke, Hung Wang Jinggang waited for others to rush up and slash Imogene.

Gwawawalt et al. finally listened to Shen Yi and rushed towards Imogee.

Not that they trust Shen Yi, but at this time Shen Yi himself is really at the forefront of the battle against Imogene. If he is lying, he will die first.

Instead, Meryl frowned slightly. She now knows something about Shen Yi's character. To be honest, she would never believe that Shen Yi would tell everyone how to escape safely. Then suddenly she saw Zhou Yiyu gave her a look, made a mouth type, distinguished between “defense” and “lay down” mouth type.

Meryl was shocked and instinctively applied a protective shield to herself, shouting at the same time as she lay on the ground: "Quick! ”

At the same time, Hercules had also activated the energy shield of the ultimate fortress. Instead of being reminded by Merrill, he was instinctivated to reluctantly believe Shen Yi. It was only for a short time that he could only take care of himself, but not others.

Seeing the dragon Imogene whistle, the whole body scales up, as if the root was stung on the body.

The scene fell into the eyes of Gwawawalt, Kiplikov and others, while at the same time, Angelo had called: "Dragon's Reverse Scale! Shit!”

Dragon Reverse Scale: Dragon Skill. The Diamond Dragon's powerful defense comes from the steely hard scale on it. When the Dragon is angry, it fires 32,000 scales of its own as a dark instrument. Each scale causes 20 points of damage to the target in disregard of the defense. The radiation range is 300 meters, and there are no dead ends in all directions. The Dragon's inverse scale can be resisted or avoided. After using the Dragon's Reverse Scale, the Dragon loses all Defense before the end of this life. This ability must be used for at least 80% of the remaining HP.

At this moment Imogene's ability to trigger Dragon's Reverse Scale, all the scales on her body flew out simultaneously and burst in all directions.

But even so, in the face of the dragon's reverse scale as a storm of flying locusts, the ash chariot seemed to see an end in sight.

Phew, phew, phew, a member of the ash chariot was first struck as a sieve, and not many scales passed through his body, turning his whole person into a piece of rotten meat.

Another ash member jumped rapidly, his weapon swinging at full speed and desperately blocking the scales, but he made the big mistake that he should not jump.

Dragon's Reverse Scale attack is undiminished in all directions, which is perhaps the greatest shortcoming of its ability - once used it must be an all-round attack, 32,000 scales are bound to strike the same person.

So don't look at the introduction that you can hide, in fact the more you hide, the more you get attacked, the worse you die.

The only way to deal with Dragon's Reverse Scale is to narrow down your body as much as possible so that you can withstand as little scale attack as possible, while using as many capabilities or props as you can, such as energy masks, that have your own independent life defense system to defend against it, and make some blocks appropriately, so that you still have a good chance of fighting this wave of attack.

Unfortunately, ash chariots don't know.

So this second ash member was also in the instant of being penetrated by the dragon's inverse scaly hole without a chance to even snort and die like this.

“Get down!” Hercules had yelled, and the guy was quick to react, realizing the problem as soon as he saw Merrill down and laying himself on the ground while the scales fired.

Gwawawalt, Kiplikov lay down on the ground at the same time, and Angelo shook his arms: "Energy shield! ”

Exactly the energy shield skill he used to deal with Shenyi Energy Storm. I didn't expect that Shenyi's energy shield was not restrained, but was used at this moment to resist Dragon's Reverse Scale attack.

At that moment, a large number of dragon counterscales struck the energy shield like a mad burst of machine gunfire, just one blow down, and the energy shield had been smashed to pieces.

More scales passed through the shield, popping into Angelo's body, Angelo's body trembled, and then brushed out countless blood springs, like a human walking fountain, beginning to rave blood.

“Angelo!” Gwawawalt and Kiplikov screamed simultaneously that they had finally dodged the robbery by getting down on their knees in time, plus Angelo's energy shield, and were not seriously injured.

Angelo, however, knelt powerlessly.

Dragon's Reverse Scale attack stopped.

There are scattered dragon scales everywhere in the wilderness, some of them blood-stained and red in the sun.

“Oops, tsk, tsk, tsk, how could three people die all of a sudden!” Hung Wang shook his scalp and sighed.

He also had a golden ray of light on him.

Not just him, including Shen Yi, Kong, Zhou Yiyu and Fatty.

Blessing Scroll.

“You!” Hercules glared angrily at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi stretched out his hand and said nonsense: “I'm sorry, I don't think my message is accurate. Who says it has a dead end? Isn't that bullshit? Go back and I'll find that bastard and get back to my bloody spot. ”

Of course he doesn't know what the Dragon's Dragon Skills are, but he doesn't need to know either.

The absolute invincibility of the Blessing Scroll makes the dragon's power no matter how powerful they are, they don't need to be afraid. All they have to do is use themselves as bait and let the ash chariot stay here and enjoy the attack of the Dragon.

Looks good.

Hercules' eyes burst with fury, Shen Yi looked around because the scales had become bald.

The latter looked at a large number of those who had survived, and fears had appeared in their eyes.

Shen Yi thought about it and asked: "Well... are we still working together? ”