Infinity Armament

Chapter 868 Partnership Agreements

The fighting continues, but there is no suspense.

Though there are many demons in Yellow Springs Purgatory, Vajra's Decathlon Purgatory and Shenzhen's nuclear bomb explosion are mass warfare stars.

When killing is faster than gathering, there is a demonic vacuum on the battlefield.

While no other demons were disturbing him, Imogene took full advantage and finally severely wounded Hydra Xudra.

Shen Yi took the opportunity to go up and start shooting the moon to harvest this guy's final life.

Since Xudra herself is only a demonic projection, not a real demonic god, this guy did not resurrect after death, let alone give blood, but the sacrifice was given, a serpentine eye, also the body of Xudra's projection, formed after penetrating into the divine soul. Since Hsudra herself belongs to the High Demon God, this sacrifice is of a fairly high rank.

As for the great demon, it has the ability to move without a moment. He immediately escapes when he sees that the situation is not good. He is summoned by the battle flag and is not bound by the task. Therefore, he can go if he wants, and the Blade Squad cannot retain it.

It even walked before Xudra died.

So when Imogene killed Hydra, he was stunned to find that he was the only one left on the battlefield.

The guardians of the dragons, who had previously fought side by side, were looking at themselves with bad intentions, and not far from the other side, there was even a powerful, breathless “steel puppet”.

It itself was traumatized by the vicious war with Xudra.

Seeing this situation, Saint Long Imogene has already felt bad. He is angry and arrogant towards Shen Yi, but Shen Yi laughed low: “I know you are still uncomfortable, but unfortunately I tell you that although you still have two gods, this death is doomed to your last death... I mean, you will not have a chance to come back. ”

He waved, “Kill it! ”

Flood waves have roared on, the Axe of the Hopper has been severely chopped on Imogene, and blood has splattered.

“Ow!” Imogene whistled angrily, spraying a flame at Shen Yi.

It hated Shen Yi so much that it ignored the attack on the flood wave and tried its best to kill Shen Yi as well.

Shen Yi just shook his head: “It's no use. ”

Only Meizhen Tian went one step forward and was blocked from Shen Yi. The flame sprayed on Meizhen Tian. If Meizhen Tian did nothing, his right arm had changed to a laser energy heavy artillery, which was a cannon against Saint Lung Imogi.

Imogene cried out for flight, and Shen Yi had ordered: "Fire! ”

All Terminators have simultaneously pointed their guns at Imogene.

A plasma beam hits Imogene and instantly opens a large blood hole in its body.

“Phew!” Imogene cried again in despair, a huge dragon's head raging low, rushing towards Shen Yi in the face of the endless fire.

Shen Yi, however, looked at Imogene without moving a trace.

Just as Imogena's pair of giant dragon horns were about to hit Shen Yi's instant, a light flashed through the sky.


Imogene's faucet had taken off high and blood had sprayed all over Shen Yi, so the giant dragon body fell heavily from the sky and spurted up smoke and dust.

Shen Yihuan, bathed in dragon blood, had no expression. Instead, he retracted his laser sword. “I have to admit, when it comes to crossing the river to dismantle the bridge, you did better than I did. ”

“Just to avoid bigger trouble, the Diamond Dragon is dead, Yellow Springs Purgatory should not have any more demons to come to our trouble, even if most of them are coming for me, with you, there will be no problem, we can easily drag the rest of the time. ”

Shen Yi said that the trap net had been removed from the crest.

Two spirits rose from Imogene's corpse.

Shen Yi grabbed one by herself with a trap net and said: “One more, please. ”

Powerful Heaven hey hey smile, wave to another god, the energy magnetic field starts, has captured that last god.

Since this is the last god, the Dragon no longer has any chance of resurrection, Mighty Heaven will not have to deal with it as hard as before, but will soon completely subdue it.

At the same time, with the total death of Imogene, its body did not disappear, but instead a diamond box appeared underneath it.

Shen Yi grabbed the box. The first thing he saw was the blood of the Holy Dragon.

Sacred Dragon's Blood (Double Class A Special Descent), can be used to possess Sacred Dragon's Blood, paying 63,000 Blood Points to obtain this Descent.

Put away the blood of the Holy Dragon and see that there are three more things in the box.

Horn of the Dragon: sacrificial objects, may only be sacrificed to the Temple.

Dragon Ball (Incomplete Body): This is a dragon ball that cannot be fully absorbed, but only those of Divine Dragon descent can use it, continue to absorb its remaining power, and upgrade all Dragon related abilities.

Shen Yi didn't expect even dragon balls to burst out after Imogene died.

See how this dragon ball can continue to be absorbed and possibly upgrade the pedigree to S level.

Class S demons are extremely rare in the city. After all, the five difficulties are star domination. The legendary demons will not appear. Generals rarely have time to hunt in the wilderness, so demonic descent above S level is rare.

Of course, hierarchy is just one aspect.

To be precise, hierarchies represent quality, and souls represent quantity.

Only a combination of quality and quantity is truly a powerful lineage.

An A-level Demon Blood Absorbs two Divine Souls and is definitely better than an S-level Demon Blood that does not absorb Divine Souls.

But it is still a great good thing to be able to elevate a double A-grade Saint Dragon bloodline to S-grade when conditions permit.

Especially now that Shen Yi is not without a soul, the two nets of divine traps and the striking heavens have made him already possess three holy dragon god souls. Instead, the dragon balls are more valuable to him.

But this has to wait until we get back to the city, and now we're not in a hurry.

Apart from dragon horns and dragon balls, the last one is a stack of dragon scales.

Dragon's Scale (12), can act on Armor Defense Armor, increasing Defense by 1 point per piece, can be used for launching, causing 20 Ignore Defense Damage (can only be used once per mission world, additional Defense effects disappear after launching, possession of Dragon Blood can regenerate it, each scale takes 1 hour corresponding regeneration time), Maximum Armor Inlay: 24.

“Maximum setup 24?” Shen Yi whispered, seemed to think of something.

And he thought a little bit, and he said, "Come on, take off all the scales on this dragon! ”

The box gives the system reward. Generally speaking, the system reward items will no longer be on the target of the killing, such as dragon balls and dragon horns. At this time, the dragon does not exist. But dragon scales, this guy's got plenty on him. Yeah.

Although all items are unidentified, Shen Yi has no shortage of scrolls to identify.

At this moment, at his command, everyone went up to pick up the dragon's body. Although the dragon scale of Saint Dragon was large, many dragon scales had been damaged as a result of the intense fighting. Damaged scales are of no use, so try to find those that aren't damaged.

It's like a bunch of ants climbing onto a dragon's corpse and plowing hard. They don't just search for dragon scales, they even draw dragon muscles, cut dragon bones, dig dragon hearts, pick up dragon blood, dragon meat... dragons are full of treasure, and the rewards in the box are always limited, so they need to see what good stuff is worth bringing back with an identification scroll.

For example, dragon skins can make cloak protective equipment, dragon bones can make shields, dragon inner dan can pour the world tree, dragon heart can improve the energy, dragon flesh is useless, dragon blood can form the blood of the Divine Dragon after refining, although it cannot provide blood, it can increase the number of dragon blood of adventurers like the blood of immortality.

Ultimately, Shen Yi collected 12 complete dragon scales, took four bottles of dragon blood, only one inner dan and one dragon muscle. The dragon muscle can be used to strengthen the attack power of whip weapons, and is suitable for gentleness.

As such, they consumed almost one S-grade scroll. Because they did not know how much dragon blood could be extracted for consumption, Shen Yi did not dare to identify too much. The blade team's identification scroll did not fall out of the sky.

In addition to pickpocketing dragon corpses, they don't forget to attack the windy demons of Hell for additional rewards.

The scene stares at Megatron, and these guys are just a bunch of bandits, a bunch of locusts, passing through the grass.

Shit, I'm not as tough as you guys when I'm a bad guy!

Shen Yi is still holding the computer to constantly calculate, measure the gains and losses.

From afar, the waves shouted, "What about the Hellfire? Can you plunder it too? ”

Shen Yi shook his head: “No, there is a thorn guardian, and Hercules has reinforced it with life. This flag will not reach the hand, and everything in space will collapse. ”

“Too bad.” Flood waves, along with Vajra, voiced their regrets.

At this point, the entire space suddenly shook violently, as did the earth beneath its feet.

Shen Yi looked up from his computer and said to himself: “Here we go...”

With what he said, spatial tremors came again and became increasingly dense.

A huge crack began to appear in the earth.

In the sky, a black hole emerges, like a giant energy vortex, devouring everything around it, unable to escape even the light, and expanding rapidly towards the surrounding area, spreading the entire sky.

Some Hellfire demons, summoned by the Hellfire, who have just arrived on the battlefield, have either fallen into the abyss or been absorbed by black holes in the sky, and Mighty Shock has witnessed these demons vanish into nothingness.

The whole world of Yellow Springs Purgatory is falling apart.

Surprisingly, Shen Yi is fine, Mighty Zhen Tian is fine, and all those who have been dragged into this space by Yellow Springs of Purgatory are unaffected by the collapse of this heaven and earth.

The ground that once stood had become a bottomless abyss, so they stood in the air and watched as the black swallowed up everything. If the tide swept by, until it was dark in front of them...


Open your eyes and Megatron sees herself on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

There was a corpse lying seven ways across the ground, and besides the Blade Breakers, the only living person standing was Meryl.

“How do you feel?” Shen Yi asked Megatron with a smile.

Powerful touched his chin thoughtfully: "To be honest, I don't really like this answer. ”

“Of course I understand. You used to stare at the universe, and the wind couldn't last forever, and in your eyes, humans are nothing but inferior creatures. And all of a sudden, you realize that you're just a product of human fantasy combined with the mysterious energy of space, and that's a terrible feeling… I'm surprised you're not going crazy. ”

Megatron replied very seriously: "That's because my neuronal circuit doesn't have the crazy function, which means nothing to a hegemonic tiger... even if we're sober, we're even more evil than lunatics. ”

Thinking about it, Megatron asked: "Are you sure the world is okay, I exist like this, and this is the only kind of result that has been recycled? I mean... there's no other way? Like banishing to some free space? ”

Shen Yi replied: "If I opened a factory, I would build a garbage station, but no matter how long the garbage is placed in the garbage station, there is only one final outcome, which is to be sent to the incinerator. Of course, if you have reuse value, maybe you'll be stuck in a newly produced Transformers world to do your mighty work, but everything you see, know and experience will be wiped out. ”

“No memory equals no life, equals death!” Shake your head instantly: “I will never accept this! ”

“That's what I thought.” Shen Yi smiled and answered.

Megatron was exasperated and sat on the floor with his ass.

He looked at Shen Yi and pointed at him with his finger: “To be honest, I was really, really unwilling to be summoned by a human like a dog. ”

“Your dignity, your pride, your desire for freedom, is also, to some extent, the will imposed on you by the city. It makes it easy for you not to obey anyone and makes it very difficult for people to get your help, only with enough effort and cost. Therefore, renouncing dignity and your desire for freedom is in itself a way of fighting urban control. ”

Megatron hammers the ground: “So, as you said, adventurers can only get my help after enough effort and price, and why do you persuade me in a few words? Don't you think you're paying too little? ”

“Not necessarily.” Shen Yi immediately replied: “Diplomacy is a way of trying in itself, and mouth is also the composition of strength. Well said, when the power is strong enough, the power is diplomacy; when the power is not strong enough, diplomacy is power; you too, Hercules, you are all powerful enough people, so do not despise diplomacy, but you cannot deny that good diplomacy itself can do half as much. And then again, how can you say that I didn't pay a price? You see, now I have to summon you in order to convince you. If my persuasion fails, then I'm wasting a valuable summoning opportunity, can't you say that opportunity cost is not cost? ”

Megatron was stunned.

Shen Yi has laughed: “So, in order to get your support, I've been trying. ”

He hasn't carefully used words like yours to avoid irritating the arrogance of the powerful.

He said, "If you choose me, you will not be my servant, but my friend. Of course, a contract is inevitable, but I can assure you that in it you will be fully respected and free. ”

Weizheng narrowed his eyes: “What kind of contract? ”

When I heard that, Shen Yi smiled.

He deliberately said that, in fact, he wanted to shift the attention of Meizhen Tian from "whether or not to follow Shen Yi” to “how do I follow Shen Yi" in an invisible way.

When the parties enter into negotiations on the contract itself, it means that Mighty Heaven has actually compromised in principle.

All we have to do next is bargain on some details.

And as a Transformers, to be honest, Shen Yi really doesn't know what benefits Weizhentian can ask for from herself.

The next moment Shen Yi replied: “Of course, it's a friendship agreement, we don't hurt each other, we help each other...”

“No!” Weizhentian waved: “That sounds good, but you're the only one in trouble. How could it be me, saying that we're helping each other, or am I the only one who can help you? ”

He didn't arrive silly and immediately heard Shen Yi's trap.

Shen Yi chuckled: “So what do you want? ”

Megatron thought, "I can follow you, but I must be absolutely free. Unless necessary, you cannot confine me for any reason, interfere with me, let alone compel me to fight, and I have the right not to accept any of your orders. ”

Softly listened and flinched: “Then what do we want you to do...”

Shen Yi has blocked her tender mouth: “No problem, I accept your offer. ”

Shen Yi promised to be so cheerful and let Weizhentian beam.

He looked carefully at Shen Yi. Shen Yi had laughed: "Don't worry, there are no traps. You want to know why I promised you? I can tell you, because I'm not worried you won't save me when I'm in danger. Remember, Megatron, you depend on our existence, and if I die, your results will remain as meaningless as the space after Hercules' death. ”

Megatron's face changed.

Shen Yi laughed: "According to the urban principle, the higher the battle power, the higher the price must be paid to get it. Megatron, you are so powerful, even if you are willing to sign an agreement with me that I am the only one from, I am afraid the city will be stuck from it, and balance it in some other way. But now, with this agreement, your right to liberty has increased dramatically, and the chances of urban infarction have diminished, and nothing is inappropriate for me. While I may not be able to rely on you most of the time, that's enough as long as you come out and help me at a critical time when I'm in danger… I'm not there yet and I need you to do everything. And finally, there are feelings between people. Although you have the right not to accept my orders, I believe that as we get along, we will always cultivate friendship, so I have good reason to believe that you will only help me more and more in the future, but there is no compulsion on you... you were my last card before, and you will still be, the only difference is, you were locked up before, and now you are free, you see, isn't that good? ”

Megatron sounds stupid again.

He thought about it for a while and confirmed that Shen Yi was telling the truth. There was really no need to pit him in this regard anymore. He finally nodded: “Well, I accept your invitation. ”

Shen Yi reached out: “Welcome to the Blade Break Team. ”


Bloody crest tells us:

“No. E5371 signed a partnership agreement with Megatron. During the term of the Agreement, Megatron retains the highest degree of freedom, has the right to freely choose whether to participate in the battle or not, and has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time. ”

“Megatron's current loyalty is 40 percent, and its maximum loyalty has increased to 70 percent. ”

“The Bloody City prompts you to pay 30,000 Bloody Points for the conclusion of this agreement due to your partnership agreement with the Demonic Divine Presence. Are you sure you want to pay? ”

“Confirm payment.” Shen Yi shook his head and laughed bitterly. Indeed, he was right. Even if he could handle Meizhentian on his side, the city would still plug a lever from the middle, so that the value of the agreement fee at 30,000 points versus Meizhentian could be neglected.

“Congratulations, you've completed a legend! ”

“At the end of this mission, you can return at any time. ”