Infinity Armament

Chapter 911 History

As the dialogue with the system unfolded, a war story long ago gradually uncovered its mysterious scroll, when they truly understood what had happened in the past few centuries.

Unlike what Shen Yi knew, resistance did not occur once at the end of every epoch.

Rather, the resistance of human adventurers to domination has never ceased since the first century.

Because in the earliest days, the Lord did not realize the importance of hiding His own existence, adventurers knew at an early age that the Lord was not God, they were just a group of people who had stolen God's space and stolen another life of His power.

The absence of fear of God, coupled with the oppression of death, led to the adventurer's rebellion from the beginning.

Although, after entering the second century, dominance retreated behind the scenes, avoiding excessive exposure to more of its vulnerabilities, what had already come out could not be completely eradicated.

So the war of resistance of human adventurers is like a protracted war of anti-aggression, it never stops, but the intensity varies, and every turn of the century, the dominance of making concessions, is a necessary consequence of a massive war of resistance.

Shen Yi, what they see now, is one of those massive anti-dominance actions, and they don't even know if it was the end of the third century war that led to the rise of the bloody city. Because after this war, the subsystem is on the verge of collapse, and today the subsystem is left with only the most basic memory export capabilities.

In an era where the oppression of death was hundreds of times higher than it is today, adventurers tried to do everything in their power to survive and to freedom against domination.

Numerous sparks of wisdom and super-realistic miracles erupt in intense struggles.

The creation of the subsystem is based on this.

But at first, adventurers didn't intend to create subsystems.

“The creation of subsystems was carried out by all adventurers, but at first adventurers wanted not to create subsystems, but to annihilate the Hexagon Array. ”

“Spiritually annihilated by the Hexagon Array?” Shen Yi repeated: “What kind of array is this? ”

“The Six-Star Array of Mental Extinction is an attacking array based on Alexandra Lawler's systematic architecture, targeting primarily dominance.” Subsystem Answer: "Alexandra Lawler, a German scientist, worked in physics and chemistry before coming to the bloody city. When he was on Earth, he was not famous, but he was the founder of the theory of system architecture. System tectonics, which is the real alchemy in your mouth. This is a new discipline built entirely on the laws of dream space, and it exists to figure out how the dominion actually sets the pattern of operation in this space and to find ways to use it. ”

“Great idea.” Shen Yi praised: “I've been studying the rules of the city for some time, but they've never appeared publicly in any way. It's like setting up a law for you, but not allowing you to know what the law is about, for once, gave me a very headache. ”

“This is exactly what Alexandra Lawler's system architecture entails. During the period of Alexandra Lawler, the degree of secrecy that dominates the rules is not high, and, as you said, if people are to abide by the law, the law must first be made public. The corresponding result, however, is that Alexandra Lawler can easily grasp the way the world works. If he lived long enough, maybe he could reveal all the secrets of the world, but he didn't make it to that point. The price of his commitment to research was that he was too weak, and many people didn't realize the importance of his existence at the time...”

In an era where survival was the primary goal, Alexandra Lawler was never the stronger of adventurers. As a result of his commitment to studying the laws of space, his life was arguably quite difficult and difficult. In fact, most of the time, he was famous for “dragging others back" when he was fighting alongside other adventurers.

According to the subsystem, this is a “incompetent” guy with a slightly clumsy mouth, weak hands and feet, and little guts to shrink forward in battle.

He once bored his peer adventurer and was abandoned many times.

However, Alexandra Lawler never abandoned his deeper and more thorough study of space fundamentals, and he firmly believed that as long as there were laws in the world, as long as he mastered them, he would have the most powerful power.

But the truth is he was wrong.

He only studied the preliminary theory, let alone failed to put it into practice, that the system architecture itself had not developed, and he died in an animal tide attack.

However, it was his theory of system architecture that was inadvertently acquired for another adventurer, Jiang Hongyuan, the initiator of the Six-Mountain Array of Spiritual Extinction.

Jiang Hongyuan was one of the few alchemy masters in the dream space at the time.

While alchemy knowledge is virtually pseudo-knowledge, it is different from pseudo-knowledge in the general sense.

It's not entirely false.

To be precise, the knowledge of alchemy itself has evolved according to space rules. It's like a science fiction novel, with theory, with results, just without considering practical problems.

As the theory of relativity tells you, time can be bent, people can go back to the past, but that doesn't mean that through this theory you can complete practice. But with alchemy, you can skip the real problem.

But in this space, when Jiang Hongyuan combined his knowledge with Alexandra Lawler's system architecture, he found that there was much in common with each other.

Alexandra Lawler's system architecture is to discover that Jiang Hongyuan's alchemy is to be realized.

When the two are combined, many problems are solved automatically.

So he took over Alexandra's research and started creating true alchemy.

Unlike Alexandra, Jiang Hongyuan is quite powerful in space itself, so shortly thereafter, Jiang Hongyuan pulled together a group of adventurers with the same wealth of knowledge and experience to further upgrade the architecture of the system.

In addition to efforts, opportunities are sometimes needed.

Jiang Hongyuan is in the era of the third century of dream space.

By this time, the Lord had realized that control over mankind could not be accomplished by mystery alone, so, following the bloody crest of the Second Century, the Lord introduced the Tower of Tong Tian in the Third Century, promising to return as long as the adventurer accomplished all his tasks, while also accepting the adventurer's request to improve his own living conditions and create a wild city.

This is the origin of the Ashes Capital.

And of course, at that time, it wasn't called the Ashes Capital, it was called the City of Hope, because the Tower of Heaven was their hope to go home.

Initially, the presence of the Tower did relieve the adventurer's resistance, as their battle was no longer a meaningless battle to death, but rather a possibility to return home.

But as a battle descended, and no one was ever able to complete the Tower of Heaven mission, the adventurers gradually realized that this so-called Tower of Hope was nothing more than a mirage of the sea and a means of deceiving everyone.

They got angry again.

At that time, Jiang Hongyuan's research and development on real alchemy technology had reached a peak stage, but he was still unable to make the final breakthrough due to bottlenecks.

So he figured out a way.

Together with a number of adventurers, he began a comprehensive process of construction of the City of Hope, which began on a massive scale on the grounds of "expanding human settlements, strengthening defence security and securing the survival of more people”.

In relation to this approach, the presidency did not initially find any problems.

However, they did not realize that Jiang Hongyuan would take the opportunity to expand the City of Hope and did two major things at the same time.

The first thing he did was he took the opportunity to expand the city by breaking the earth and approaching the Tower of Tong Tian.

Tongtian Tower is created by the dominant manipulation of space energy by the system, and it is itself the greatest manifestation of space rules. With the help of system architecture, Jiang Hongyuan, through the study of Tongtian Tower, actually solved many problems that were not originally conceivable, and completed a major breakthrough in system architecture.

With this breakthrough, he gained a way to shield the dominant perception.

The second thing is that he started building the underground Hexagon Array with this project.

The construction of the Six-Mount Star Array took a long time and lasted until Jiang Hongyuan died, but while he was alive, he laid a good foundation for the Array and provided a theoretical way to eliminate dominance - spiritual extinction.

Spiritual extinction, as the name implies, is a direct and powerful impact on the spiritual level of people. This attack is lethal to the Querez because of their mental state. Jiang Hongyuan believed that they had the hope of wiping out all the Querez through this great battle.

After Jiang Hongyuan's death, the six-star array continued to be led by his best friend and successor, Fang Haobo, Dan Doute, and Boulder.

However, at this point, an unexpected appearance occurred.

Dan Daughter, who specializes in system construction, inadvertently discovered that in a small-scale energy impact experiment, their array energy resonated somewhat with space energy.

This resonance can go beyond their initial design and no longer follow a fixed procedure, but can direct instructions.

In other words, they have inadvertently touched the threshold of manipulating space energy.

The discovery was ecstatic to all, and they realized for the first time that it might bring them more gain than they expected - a space manipulation system.

They may even use this system as a substitute for domination and become gods of space.

As a result, differences emerged in the direction of development.

Fang Haobo insisted that priority should be given to spiritual annihilation, with the primary goal of annihilating the dominion.

Dan Daughter insisted that priority should be given to building space systems to infiltrate the dominant dream master system.

Boulder, for his part, believed that the power of the system should be used to make him stronger and even truly omnipotent.

Dan Daughter and Boulder had different ideas in terms of usefulness, but the means were to build the system, so the dispute ended with two winners.

The Great Array of Mental Extinction did not eventually take shape, but retained some of its capabilities, while the Great Array moved in a direction dominated by the construction of systems.

This development has led to a significant slowdown in the formation of the Great Formation and to a crisis in its exposure.

“The fuller the ideal, the more boney the reality is.” Shen Yi sighed: "The creation of space systems is great, but time will always come first for any rebel. Excessive pursuit of the ultimate goal inevitably leads to a variety of changes. ”

“That's true. The subsystem replied:" The long-term expansion of the City of Hope has long raised suspicions of dominance. On the day the space system was built, all the adventurers involved had an all-night carnival, resulting in a downward psychological preparedness. No one thought that the response from the Lord would be so rapid. In fact, just three days after the completion of the system, the Punishment Force dispatched by the Lord came... "

Vajra sighed at the interface: "Then they suffered a mad slaughter, and a great rebellion failed. It is also a tragic war… it has always occurred between humans and humans. ”

The so-called punitive forces, in fact, are the city guards, the most powerful adventurers who have left the city to confront the insects, by completing all their space missions.

It is therefore helpless that the war between dominion and adventurer should ultimately continue to be between humans and human beings.

Unexpectedly, the subsystem replied, "No, the adventurers didn't lose. In fact, they fought back, killed all the punitive forces and won an unprecedented great victory. ”

“What did you say?” Everyone at the same time.

It's amazing how urban guardians are killed by adventurers in space, which sounds like graduates losing to school students.

The system has answered: "Adventurers have mastered the power of real alchemy, and many of their abilities can no longer pass through dominance and have their own power systems. True alchemy is founded entirely on the laws of space, like the laws of physics on Earth, which cannot be changed. It's like an atomic bomb on Earth, and whoever owns it is the most powerful. ”

“What's going on back there?” Gentle and surprising: “If the master loses, then why does the latter happen? ”

Without waiting for a systematic answer to this question, Shen Yi had a gloomy face interface: “I guess... the ruler was forced to do nothing, and eventually chose to put the insects in, right? ”

Simultaneous buzzing in the minds of people.

At that moment, Kong, Hongwang, Gentle, Fatty and others remembered the vast, mountainous corpse of Ashes Capital, and the horrible scars on it.

It turns out that it was not a war against the invasion of enemy worms by humans, but a war that dominated the destruction of the rebels by the hands of insect clans!

The system has answered softly: "Yes, the master has let the insects in, using the power of the insects to exterminate the rebels, while at the same time the master is risking the collapse of the system, forcibly modifying some space laws. Of course, this change is only minor, and too big a change can lead to the collapse of the system that dominates itself. True alchemy, though powerful, is based on the laws of space. It does not work outside space, nor does it work when the laws of space change. It's like when the melting point of gasoline changes, all cars can't start. The biggest problem with the invincible power of true alchemy is that it relies on too weak a foundation. Therefore, after dominating the change of rules, the adventurers lost some of their most powerful means of fighting…"

Shen Yihu's long exhale: “So the adventurers lost the battle on the whole line and eventually retreated here to start a sacrifice? What is the sacrifice? ”

“The ability to manipulate space energy at the expense of one's own life, using parts of the subsystem that are equally available, completes a third option that has never been realized before… creativity! ”