Infinity Armament

Chapter 912: I Exist, That Is Eternity

Creator, create a true, omnipotent God.

Whether there is a god in the universe or not, no one knows, but there is no real god in the dream space, but everyone knows it.

It has been argued that God may exist, that dreamspace is the divine kingdom left behind by God, and that the energy of space is divine power.

Because of its omnipotence, there is also omnipotence in the possession of this energy.

However, no one can truly own it, and therefore no one can be the true God.

The so-called masters are just a bunch of hypocrites who have stolen space. But they have the space to be creative, but they cannot be true gods because they are spiritual relationships.

Perhaps that's why they found the Bug Nation, tried to combine the physical and spiritual levels, and then created the True God.

But they failed.

For mankind, however, this may not necessarily be possible.

Unlike domination, humans are real life, without the limitations of dominating the spirit, but they also do not have the capacity to fully manipulate space systems as they do.

Although they have created subsystems, their creativity is still far from that of the main system. And like the main system, they follow the basic principle of giving and returning, and paying a return ratio far below the main system.

Therefore, the price that must be paid to create a truly powerful God is also immense and unsustainable.

But even so, they did - hundreds of adventurers gathered in the square at the final failure of the war, activating a great deal of spiritual annihilation.

It was the means they used to deal with dominance, but they targeted themselves in the first official application!

Powerful spiritual annihilation wipes out all nearby life and radiation reaches the surface. Spiritual annihilation kills hundreds of adventurers, destroying them not only directly at the spiritual level, but even their fleshbones are ashamed.

With the demise of so many lives, a terrible new life was born.

You can totally imagine how horrible that is.

It is the true divine life created by the adventurer with his own power in space, at an unprecedented and significant price.

To be precise, it is the manifestation of life morphology in space itself, so it creates any storm, calamity and slaughter that you want to create, killing any life that you want to kill.

In this space, it is invincible and omnipotent.

According to the subsystem, the true existence of this True God is actually only 0.001 seconds.

But this is the time of 0.001 seconds when this true God, acting on the will of the adventurer, killed all invading worm tribes, destroyed the Tower of Heaven, exterminated a large number of Querez people, and dissipated into space...

This war, which was the largest number of deaths in the third century, caused the worst losses, while also placing the dominion in the worst hit war.

Unfortunately, the masters did not die.

In order to open up space for the bug family to enter and continue to block space after the death of the rebellious adventurer, some of the dominance has been outside space.

They escaped this terrible killing.

They survived, went back to the city, blocked the entrance, repaired the system, and started rebuilding the space.

They no longer publish any explicit rules, take the initiative to build cities for adventurers, improve adventurers' chances of survival, open up a world of tasks, and are actively committed to improving their relationship with adventurers.

As a result, people's living conditions had changed dramatically, contradictions were no longer sharp and a new era had arrived.

But it's not over.

Nor are the sacrifices of the Adventurers without a backward path, and they pray that God will resurrect Himself after He has destroyed Him, while making their prayers.

This is contrary to the principle of space donation and harvest.

But the laws of giving and harvesting are not irreversible.

According to the adventurer's reasoning, when the Querez discovered the space, they would never be so nervous as to impose such a rule on themselves.

That provision should therefore be established as a product of a helpless compromise after no other means of leveraging power could be found.

Since it was a product of the rules of forced helplessness, domination could never define it as the supreme principle of immutability. To be precise, if one day masters find a way not to exchange equivalents, space energy can be dug up as easily as mining, and they will definitely repeal that rule.

So adventurers try to use their systems to shock this rule —— when God disappears, the energy returns to space, the spirit returns to the adventurer.

An incomplete resurrection, potentially accepted in space.

They succeeded, and they failed.

Because they died so thoroughly that even the remains could not be preserved and the spiritual regression had no place to rest, they could only wander around the earth all day.

The ash capital, and thus a special piece of land in the wilderness - every time an adventurer dies, as long as a complete corpse is preserved, those spiritual bodies lend their souls.

Unfortunately, it's not their own body, so they can't really resurrect, and their memories are flawed, and there are more instincts, and ultimately they can only wander around like wild ghosts, integrating into space, integrating into the system, becoming part of the urban system...

That's why the spirits they meet in the Ashes City are so smart.

Some of them were the most brilliant geniuses before their lives, and they were still outstanding ghosts after their deaths.

They will never be truly killed, they will just wander on the ash capital and occasionally get an entity, drifting like a fierce beast for some time.

Although spiritual extinction and the birth of the True God are momentary events, their consequences affect the long term.

Due to residual energy, the ash capital became a forbidden ground and even the living masters dared not enter, so that they could not eventually destroy the last system, which had itself been badly damaged in the battle, and no one could ever repair it again unless those adventurers were resurrected.

And so the master didn't know that before those adventurers sacrificed, some secret maps were sent into the reward system of the main system.

They hope that in the future someone will find this place, and if the Lord is not extinguished, and if they are not resurrected, they hope that the Successor will help them to fulfill and fulfil these aspirations.

The map is the only key to access the square, and as Shen Yi speculated, it is just a front and a hope for those adventurers to continue exploring.

“You said they left something behind?” Flood waves get excited.

“Yes.” System answered.

Hung Wang excitedly punched his hands with boxing: “I told you, it's easy to find this maze, it should always be a little strange to encounter something. Senior Legacy, can't be too petty. Let's start with 20 artifacts. It's not much. There's a share of the fellow visitors here. Add a few more large pills, take one to boost the full attribute by a hundred points, then a few more pounds for the Eye of the Pluto. ”

He was so excited that the Eye of the Pluto was starting to talk about it.

Everyone was silent together.

The system has answered softly: "There are no artifacts in the third century. Societies are developed, as is the system of forces in space. Without the support of real alchemy, the adventurers of that time were far less powerful and comprehensive than you are today, so real alchemy is the most valuable thing left behind by the former. ”

Shen Yi asked: "Are you saying they left behind the true alchemy technique? ”

“Yes.” The system replied: "But let me remind you that real alchemy is a scientific system based on space law, but it has changed as a result of changes in the basic laws of space, and many capabilities are largely unusable. But real alchemy has evolved in system architecture, and if you can study system architecture carefully, you can discover new rules and recreate new alchemy based on those rules. So real alchemy is not about giving you strength, it's about giving you strength. But that takes a lot of time to study. Finally, the study of real alchemy is likely to be discovered by the master. Now, is any of you willing to accept it? ”

Everyone was silent at the same time.

Are you kidding me? True alchemy may indeed be powerful, but it is undoubtedly a prohibited weapon.

It's a force that's completely out of the urban power system, uncontrolled, and it's like you're building another government next to it.

I dare you to hang up.

So we sighed together.

The adventurer's life is much more favourable today than in the past.

Once a month, the mission fails. If they pay a fine, they can live. If they don't worry about money, they don't have to worry about their lives. They don't have to worry about their homes, their vehicles and all kinds of enjoyment. Some of the wires go into the city and even feel more excited and happy than the planet. Although there are lives at stake, there are few who want to rebel.

Complaints do, of course, but like a bunch of people, it's impossible to really let them do something.

Even Shen Yi himself did not intend to overthrow the "present government”, and it is precisely because he has never said or done so, coupled with his own excellence, that the Supreme Council can tolerate it.

In this case, to pick up some "National Jade Seal”, that's really no shit to look for.

The problem is that it's really powerful, and it's itchy for a bunch of people.

Still, Hung Wang said with a thick face: “This thing is too complicated. Our minds are simple, we probably can't get it. Let's see, you give us some other good stuff, like skills, props, real alchemy, you keep it, we don't want it. I'll introduce you to another business sometime. How about that? ”

His mouth is full, the system is not angry, just a faint answer: “The so-called artifacts, skills, props are the result of the application of space capabilities, only in different ways. If you have real alchemy, you can create it yourself, and you can get as much as you want. While a certain amount of effort is also required, it is much lower than that required by the dream system. ”

Build as much as you want...

The crowd fainted again.

But it's also true, after all, that true alchemy itself is a theoretical system, and all dream systems can make it. The only difference is that dream systems don't give processes, they only give results, real alchemy needs to be comprehensive, and there can be no false development process.

Shen Yi smiled and said, “Actually, artifacts, skills and other things, I'm not too rare, but I do have some interest in true alchemy skills. ”

“Shen Yi you...” King Kong shouted: “Shen Yi, don't go crazy, this thing is good, but definitely can't take it. It's a sweet and deadly trap, just like the white girl promised! ”

Shen Yi has waved: “So can I ask for a look at real alchemy and system architecture? ”

“No problem, that would have been left to future generations. ”

The system energy screen has emitted a light that shows dense and numb text and graphics.

Shen Yimi looked without turning a blind eye.

At this point, the time is unexpectedly long.

His face was so serious, he couldn't let go without thoroughly studying this true alchemy technique. Everyone didn't dare to rush him, he had to wait anxiously.

Sometimes someone tries to pull him off, but he punches him out.

So there was no second dare to pull.

Later, when I was tired, I went to sleep. When I woke up, I found Shen Yi was still watching.

It took Shen Yi almost twenty hours to finally make a long appeal, and he said, "I've seen it, thank you for your help, but I'm sorry I can't accept this gift. ”

“My grandmother!” Hung Lang cried out: “You've seen it quite a bit. That's great. You must have carried everything down, right? I knew you'd do that. ”

Shen Yi looked at Hung Wang strangely: “Why should I carry it down? If I wanted real alchemy, the system would just give it to me. What's the point of me being strong? Besides, the danger of real alchemy lies in the ability itself. Do you think the Supreme Council would tolerate my speculation? ”

Hung Lang was speechless.

“If that's the case, why are you looking at it for so long?” Vajra asked.

Shen Yi replied: “Real alchemy is good, dream alchemy is good, all are essentially connected, all are a magical technology system. It's just that true alchemy relies entirely on the power of the rules, acting according to the law, complex but unfettered. Dream Alchemy relies on space power and is simple and constrained. But the underlying theories of the two alchemies remain the same and can even be complementary. ”

“I see.” Gentle has learned Shen Yi's meaning: “You are actually looking for ways to upgrade alchemy in the system. In the beginning, you obtained alchemist's notes to gain alchemy expertise. Now you are also obtaining equivalent more alchemy notes in this way. You are using forces outside the system to improve the power in your system, right? ”

Shen Yi smiled: “That's right. Alchemy itself is supported by the system, so it doesn't have to worry about being blamed by the city. I didn't intend to devote my energy to this, but now that I have the opportunity, it would be good to upgrade some. But given that the upgrading now could lead the city to find us here, I deliberately missed something and asked Zeus to write it down for me? ”

“Then you've been watching this for so long. ”

Shen Yi shrugged: “Try to look at the part about system construction, which is an interesting model of rules that can analyze events that have already occurred and extrapolate space laws backwards to recreate… That Alexandra Lawler is indeed a genius. ”

Vajra frowned: “So you're still learning system architecture? ”

Shen Yi replied: "Incomplete, can only be used for partial analysis, will not have an impact on the basic rules, will help us in our future tasks, but will not pose a threat to the city. I'm sure even if they knew, they wouldn't have done anything. ”

For Shen Yi, this is already his option to maximize the benefits of this underground trip.

If we go further, the consequences will be unacceptable to him.

The system has no expression on Shen Yi's rejection. It is already a system. There is no human feelings. For it, finding a successor is its mission. This time it is not finished, just wait for the next time.

It's never finished, and it won't feel guilty.

But Old Meng was very dissatisfied with this: “So what we came here to do was listen to a story, and then let someone read a book at the cost of wasting 20 people a day to improve their alchemy? ”

Shen Yi smiled: “The harvest isn't as big as you think, but it's not necessarily as small as you think... Don't you want high-level youth water? Maybe I can make it for you. ”

“What did you say?” Old Meng shook up.

Shen Yi has answered softly: “The totally legal kind, the price will also be cheaper than expected. ”

Old Meng looked at Shen Yi and couldn't speak. Shen Yi had patted Old Meng's shoulder. “Knowledge is power. A real alchemy technique can give adventurers the ability to defeat the dominion and create the true God. What is a few bottles of potion? Believe me, we have gained far more than you can imagine, and stop staring at all the artifacts. ”

Hung Lang Du: “I'd rather have the artifact. ”

“Well, we already know everything we need to know, and we should get out of here.” Shen Yi told everyone that he looked at the system: “Thank you for your answers and let us know the mighty stories of the heroes of the past. Unfortunately, I can't inherit their will, but at least I know what it means to respect those great predecessors. So I promise I won't divulge the secret here. I mean... I'm not a good person, and even if I did, I could actually squeeze some oil out of the rocks. This matrix itself, for example, has many rare alchemy materials. ”

He said that everyone got excited at the same time.

Yeah, this super hexagon array itself can be made from a variety of precious materials, and maybe some things will still be worth a lot of money if it's broken up and sold.

But Shen Yi had already said at the next moment: "But I will not let them do so, because it is disrespectful to the dead, and the will and stories of those who preceded them should be circulated, and this star array should continue to be preserved. ”

“ …… ”

What are you talking about? All depressed together.

Shen Yi grabbed the map and tore it to pieces.

As a result, there are no maps, and no one else is free to enter here except him.

The system reacts flatly to this - it will not be angry at Shen Yi's refusal, nor will it be grateful for Shen Yi's respect and respect for the dead.

On leaving, Shen Yi suddenly thought of something, and he asked the system: “There is something I don't quite understand. ”


“You completed your final mission after the sacrifice was launched and fell asleep until today when we woke you, no one had ever found you before, had they? ”


“So how did you know there was still a ruler alive? ”

“I don't know, but just when I woke up, I found this in my system memory. ”

Shen Yi couldn't help but say: “What? You said you didn't know how it happened? ”

“Yes, I don't know. But that tells me that the dominion is not dead, and space is still in motion. ”

“Is there anything else? ”


“What is it? ”

“If I exist, I am eternal! ”