Infinity Armament

Chapter 1193: Dauntless

Enter the stone fortress, first into the eye curtain is a garden.

A middle-aged man is pouring flowers in the garden.

His method of watering is special, the kettle empties in front of him. If an invisible hand grabs the kettle and dances over the bushes, the droplets fall apart automatically, forming a rain screen that evenly crosses the leaf gap and falls into the earth.

By the end of the rainy day, the branches had not seen a drop of water, but the soil had been moistened evenly.

Shen Yi and Hua Tianrui's eyes solidified at the same time.

Hua Tianrui whispered, “Can you do that? ”

“No." Shen Yi replied: "This requires instantaneous analysis of the voids in each flower leaf and precise control of each drop through those voids… even the supercomputer is difficult, I can't do it. ”

“No analysis, no calculation.” The middle-aged man looked up and said.

His eyes first fell on Asoka and then on Zhou Yiyu.

This gaze stayed so long that Zhou Yiyu only felt uncomfortable as if he had been swept by some scanner.

Finally, I looked at Shen Yi speaking.

This man is Obi-Wan Kenobi.

He does look a little like Obi-Wan in the original, just a little older.

“No calculations?” Shen Yi repeated.

“No calculations.” Obi-Wan repeats it with great certainty: "The Force guides you and tells you where the right path lies. Follow what the Force tells you, and you'll find the right path. ”

His hands waved gently, and the kettle floated in the air after the water had been sprinkled, automatically returning to its original position.

Obi-Wan walked all the way out of the sea and all the flowers automatically made way for him.

“It's funny, if so, why are the warriors of the Force on different paths?” Shen Yi asked very vaguely, but was already implying Anakin's betrayal.

This is an adventurous approach to revealing scars, which may upset Obi-Wan into anger.

However, Shen Yi decided to do so, because it was the only way to suppress Obi-Wan's flame - not necessarily arrogance, like Obi-Wan now doesn't even ask who the other party is, and comes directly to a force shower, as if everything is under control, which is really what pushes him to the realm.

But the most important thing is that Shen Yi eats properly and Obi-Wan doesn't get angry.

Jedi knights are mostly people who are able to control their emotions, they are bright hearted, big hearted, angry at the words of others, not their style.

In that case, why worry about Shen Yi?

Good people are always easier to bully.

Now that Obi-Wan has chosen to be a good man, he will also be aware of this.

Obi-Wan's gaze faded.

He said: "There is only one end, but there is not necessarily one road, the force leads the way, the samurai chooses… Anakin, he is too anxious. ”

“Are you saying that Force doesn't care about Light and Darkness, which causes all this, or the samurai themselves? ”

“Not all of them. The end points are the same, but the paths chosen are different, and the resulting methods will certainly change, and the results will change. ”

Shen Yi understood: “I understand, like living at sea and on land, it's all about living, but because of the different environment, the ability to adapt to survival is different, and the resulting culture becomes different, over time, different populations will gradually form. ”

Hua Tianrui also interfaces: “Humanity is a process of continuous pursuit to improve one's life, and our choice of life path actually determines how we improve ourselves... Lord Obi-Wang is right, Anakin is anxious. ”

Obi-Wang didn't expect the two young people in front of him to be perfectly clear, and he couldn't help but snooze.

Ahsoka bowed to King Obi: "Master, I am here to...”

Obi-Wan stopped her: “I know what you're doing here, but the Resistance doesn't need help from outsiders, especially these separatists! ”

His resolute tone, his firm attitude and his clear intention not to need the help of separatists is not surprising, in fact Obi-Wang did not say to kill them now and has surprised Shen Yi - you know that they are ready to fight this time, otherwise why bring Takei Jing to do it?

“But, Master, they are now enemies of the Imperial Army. Aren't we supposed to join forces against the Empire now?” Ahsoka Expressway.

“Excluding joint evil!” King Obi nailed the railroad and looked at Ahsoka: “The resistance to the Empire is a long war, and any attempt to resolve it quickly is unrealistic. Ahsoka, you're a smart girl, but you look like your teacher. Think about Anakin. How did he fall into the dark? He lost himself in the pursuit of power because he was too much in pursuit of it. What difference does it make between us and Anakin if we now join forces with these evil separatists in order to overthrow the empire? ”

Ahsoka glanced at Obi-Wan, unable to speak for a moment.

Even Shen Yi couldn't help sighing.

Convince a person that it is easy, that it is easy, that it is not difficult, that they are most afraid of what kind of intelligent mind the other party has, but that the other party has preconceived stereotypes and self-explanatory theories.

The former, such as the Forum, argues that the opposing party will not let loose, even if it is annoying, because of its position, however plausible you may be.

The latter, such as religious theories, whether they believe in God or not, each have a self-proclaimed system to support, making them innate and impeccable.

When both exist at the same time, you can't let the other side change their mind, even if it's a big day.

Shen Yi greatly ignored the power of divinity in the past. He had no disadvantage, because most of the goals he encountered did not have a theory of self-organization to support his opinions, and his position was not firm, or their position was always the pursuit of maximization of interests. Shen Yi can find their ultimate goal, and naturally the symptoms can be drugged.

Everything will be different when we get to Obi-Wan.

People are pursuing justice, and the least separatists are justice, which means natural antagonism.

People have their own set of theories that cannot be confluenced with dirt. Even the negative example of Anakin comes out. If they are not helpful, they can use the “guide” of the Force as a shield.

Convincing him means destroying King Obi-Wan's three views before destroying his trust in the Force - which is probably harder than killing him.

Therefore, Shen Yi and Huatian Ruili knew worse at this moment.

Obi-Wan looked at Shen Yi and said, "For Asoka's sake, I'm not going to kill you. Now... get out of here! ”

He looked at Ahsoka and said, "You stay! ”

“Yes… master.” Asokawan replied helplessly, looking at Shen Yi, expressing in lip shape a sorry meaning.

“Then don't blame us...” Zhenyin tested Takei, saying that he was about to do something to Little Luke, but Shen Yi suddenly did. He grabbed Jin's throat with his opposite hand, making him unable to spit out a word, and then bent over to Obi-Wang to show respect, saying: “Since the master is not welcome, let's leave first. ”

When Wujing angrily wanted to shake Shen Yi's hand away, Nahe Shenyi's power at this moment was incredible. Zhou Yiyu and Zhao Linger's hands had grabbed Wujing's arms at the same time, making him immobile - Zhao Linger's sudden appearance also caused Obi-Wang's eyes to suddenly contract.

Shen Yi, like a chicken, carried Takei Jing out of the stone fort and walked all the way to the empty space before leaving Takei Jing Jing.

“You bastard!” Takei pulled out the demon knife with anger.

Vetschberg went up and punched him, knocked him off and then turned back to Shen Yi: “Why don't you grab Little Luke? ”

Unlike Shinji Takei, Wei Lambai, who also immediately grasped Xiao Luke's idea of threatening each other, has learned to respect Shen Yi's choice.

“Do you think King Obi-Wan won't be ready for us?” Shen Yi grinned.

Hua Tianrui said quickly: "They didn't trust us from the beginning, they wouldn't give us a chance at all. You only see Obi-Wan, but there are at least three Jedi knights in the fort. They've already locked us in, and as soon as we do, they'll save lives. ”

“This is not the most important.” Shen Yi: “In fact, the reason King Obi-Wan wants to see us is because he wants us to use force. He cares about Ahsoka, who he thinks we tricked him into. What do you think Ahsoka would have chosen if we had a strong player in front of Ahsoka? ”

Vetschberg understood: “She will pour Goh immediately, she is a Jedi knight anyway... Obi-Wan wants Ahsoka to know us completely... damn, cunning old thing! ”

“So if we try to force them with little Luke, not only will we completely lose the opportunity for peace talks, even Ahsoka will be our enemy...” Zhou Yiyu sighed.

“Yes, now that Ahsoka has returned to the Resistance Army, but we have not done so, Ahsoka still has a crush on us and hopes for us. With her, it should have some effect on Obi-Wan.” Shen Yi nodded.

“So what? Is there any chance of peace talks now?” Wujing's voice growled with chastity. Shen Yi just pinched too hard, causing some damage to his vocal cords. At this moment, how loud the cry must be.

Shen Yi looked at Shizhen Takei with disdain: “You idiot, how could I let go like this if I didn't get the chance? ”

“Oh?” Huatianrui entertained. “What else do you think you can do to convince Obi-Wan? ”

Shen Yi shook his head: “Obi-Wang can't be persuaded, but he can't persuade Obi-Wang, which doesn't mean he can't unite with each other. Who says there has to be some inevitable connection between the two? ”

As soon as that word comes out, everyone beams.

How can we unite the Resistance without convincing Obi-Wan? He's the leader here!

“Are you still trying to support you with the mutiny of the Resistance?” Huatianrui smiled.

Shen Yi also laughed: "Hua Ying Wang, why are you confused? I see you've been in the city a long time, making habitual mistakes. We used to negotiate with interests as a bond, agreements as a guarantee, but you forgot that apart from agreements and interests, people can actually get along more moderately? ”

Hua Tianrui shrugged and thought: “You mean..."

“Emotion!” Shen Yi replied: “When the interests do not make sense, emotions are spoken. As long as you're human, you always have feelings. Previously, we were negotiating with adventurers, or life and death, and interests and lives were paramount, and emotions could go without saying. But this is not the kind of person we're dealing with. They have their own theories, their own positions, their own ideals, their own pursuits… and their interests do not make sense, then emotions. ”

Hua Tianrui narrowed his eyes: “That's interesting. What are you going to do? ”

“Easy, stay, stay in this town. Didn't they think we were evil? Let them know that we have abandoned evil and done good deeds! We learn, Comrade * *, to be good people, to do good things, to help the suffering civilian population in this town. The Resistance Army feared exposure and did not dare to come forward. We dare them to know who is truly good. ”

Everyone was staring and Shen Yi continued: “Obi-Wang can stand firm and ignore it, but his men may not be able to do it. We are going to let them know that the separatists in their mouths, the evil that exists, are working to change everything that is happening to civilians in this town and are making their lives better. We change ourselves, and they... are shrinking turtles! ”

“We must suppress their self-righteousness! ”

“We want to shake that firm belief in their hearts! ”

“We want them to know that justice should be tolerant, that narrow justice has no place, and that the hearts and minds of light should be vast and broad! ”

“They can hold on to their pride, nobility and glamour, and we're going to stick our hot faces to their cold asses! ”

“Stick it up fast and embarrass them to come at us. ”

“Whatever they do to offend us, turn a blind eye, scoff and even punch and kick, we have to smile and greet each other proactively. ”

“In short, one word: cheap! ”

“He likes to pretend, Obi-Wan, we pretend to be cheap! ”

“Out of the standard, out of wisdom, out of energy, out of our light and our heat, out of our big breasts! ”

“There is an old saying in China that says don't stretch your hand to beat smiling people. Even the coldest and most heartless people in the world, with such enthusiasm, will gradually let go of their stereotypes and accept us. ”

“As long as they are human beings, they can be instilled by us! ”

In a nutshell, everyone is completely stupid.

Shen Yi concluded: “Go get the other adventurers too. If we're going to play cheap, we're going to be cheap together. Nobody's going to run away. There's a lot of people and a lot of power. We're going to make the whole town of Ankhead totally love us! By then, all we need is an opportunity. ”

“An opportunity to change everything completely, fortunately, we have, and more than one…” ”