Infinity Armament

Chapter 1212 Cost

In a modern war, the key to a war's success is not a smart military command, not high-tech weapons and equipment, but a strong source replenishment capability and equipment reproduction capability.

A war, even if it kills a million people, with enough human and material reserves, the warring side can quickly pull up another team and continue to fight, consuming the enemy through this constant input until the opponent is defeated.

The Red Police Corps, for reasons that prevented it from leaving the world, had been thrown away for many adventurers, but its powerful reproduction capacity allowed users to theoretically create a constant force to crush opponents, provided they had sufficient resources.

Even if the adventurers are stronger, with such constant strength, there is only one way to lose.

And they're going to lose so much —— they can't even meet adventurers on the other side, they can't even pull a cushion to death.

For Edmund, if the Tri-Zone Alliance didn't run at the time, and with the tremendous drain of adventurers at the time, Edmund would certainly have chosen to strike one.

But since the Tri-Zone Alliance wants space for time and time for recovery, Edmund doesn't mind letting them know that time is on their side.

So he wasn't in a hurry to attack, but let the red police force in the rear continue into production.

The energy consumed can be restored, the spirit can grow, the medicines and props used will not be restored, and the adventurers of war and death will not be able to survive...

Some strength, disappearing, disappears forever.

At this moment, after understanding Edmund's thoughts, everyone's face became unusually ugly.

“So what do we do now? We can't just wait here until Edmund's assembling an army against us, can we?” An adventurer rushed.

Shen Yihua Tianrui and others pondered silently.

Now the situation is neither offensive nor defensive.

The offense, the 3rd District Alliance has gone this far, now run back to find trouble, it is self-torturing, the other side waits for labor, enough to kill them in time.

Defense, that is waiting for the enemy to replenish its troops and do another wave.

The Ankhed defensive battle, in which the Tri-Zone Alliance first took the lead, then surrounded the ambush, and then killed most of the troops with blood, paid the price of 11 adventurers' deaths.

One more wave, I'm afraid, and it's all gone.

Everyone is thinking, but no one can come up with a good idea.

Vetschberg finally got a little restless: “We can't wait any longer. In any case, we can't let the Purgatory sect organize another legion to surround us. We rushed back, smashed their formation, destroyed their base production line. ”

Shen Yi faintly said: "- We don't know where their base production line is. And even if we could find it, there could be a lot of troops there. Third, even if there are no troops, Eva is there, and as long as Edmund releases the field, they can go back to support at any time. Run over and send the sheep into the tiger's mouth. ”

“Better than waiting here to die!” Nguyen Chang Hedao.

“Waiting to die? Not necessarily.” Shen Yi suddenly said.

Hua Tianrui heard what this meant. He looked at Shen Yi: “Do you have an idea? ”

Shen Yi chuckled: “I can't say what I think, I just have a few questions. By the way, King Hua Eagle, King Lin Tian, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you. ”

“What?” they said in unison.

“Why are there only a few million bets in your districts? I thought, with the strength of the four organizations, you'd have to bet on tens of millions of dollars anyway. ”

Lin Weisheng laughed: “Do you think it's all you? Can you make millions of dollars on a mission? Yes, the four major organizations are a big business, but it's not a company after all. ”

Lin Weisheng said that the biggest difference between the four major organizations and traditional companies - that is, the relationship between adventurer and organization - is not as interdependent as the company and employees.

Between the company and the employee, a revenue goal is achieved by pooling multiple forces. Employees create benefits for the company and the company distributes dividends to employees.

In the bloody city, because of the limited number of people in the world, it is almost impossible for the major organizations to carry out their tasks together. The tasks in which adventurers participate are largely unrelated to the organization and their independence is extremely strong.

Major organizations bring stronger connections through bloodlines, mentors, etc., but in the distribution of benefits, they do not have the power to allow adventurers to hand over the bloody points they earn so desperately.

They can only collect a small number of points through membership dues, religious devotion, teacher filial piety, etc., but even fanatics rarely pay most of their risk-taking earnings in the larger context of a society where money is life, and therefore earnings remain limited.

The benefits of the major organizations are still concentrated in the wilderness, through the delineation of areas.

Yet the wilderness is too big to be eaten by major organizations, and adventurers do not go to places where others take advantage to pay for protection without special needs. Even the Broken Blade team in the wilderness encountered areas delineated by the major organizations were basically bypassed.

As a result, the four major organizations have consistently lacked a clear profit growth point.

The lack of a long-term operational goal is a congenital limitation of the four major organizations, not shifting to the will of the human person.

Therefore, the four major organizations are essentially not unitary organizations that exist for the purpose of capturing interests, but loosely allied organizations that have a basic need for joint self-preservation, information-sharing and interconnection.

For the same reason, millions of these gambling games that matter to the interests of the big organizations are already spending all of their gambling.

To really count, millions of dollars is the price of a four-day adventurer. When a war is fought down, the value of the death adventurer far outweighs the gambling gain.

But for the big organizations, dead adventurers can recruit again, and the gains from the gambling are truly their own, which is a bit to the detriment of national interests and fat themselves.

Therefore, the Supreme Council is actually more heartbroken about the loss of adventurers than the major organizations. If we think of the major organizations as State enterprises, and the Supreme Council as the centre, then the heads of the major organizations are executives, and the adventurers themselves are interests, and we can understand all of this.

Shen Yi suddenly asked this question, making Lin Weisheng a little confused, but he knew that Shen Yi would not ask questions for no reason, so he just looked at Shen Yi.

Shen Yi nodded: “In other words, for the Purgatory sect, millions of bloody dots of investment is not a small investment, right? ”

“Of course, it can't be a small investment in anyone… well, it's kind of normal for you, I hear you've invested tens of millions of dollars in your big cosmic program.” Lin Weisheng laughed: “Even for an organization, it's not easy to do this. ”

“Then it's done.” Shen Yi nodded: “As long as Edmund hasn't been luxurious enough to throw millions of points into the water and float, I'm sure he won't have too many troops next. ”

Hua Tianrui understood what he meant: "The building of the Red Police Corps requires resources, but so does the bloody point. Points consumed depend on locally available resources. The more resources are available locally, the less points are consumed, but in any case, the most basic points are consumed. Tatooine is not a mine-rich planet, and Edmund is afraid to invest no less than three or four million points to build such a force in a short period of time. ”

Lin Weisheng also understood Shen Yi's meaning: “The strength of the Purgatory Sect is actually based on Edmund's blood. As long as he can win, the gains from the gambling will naturally make up for him. ”

“Not only that!” Shen Yi replied: “Before the death contest, the Purgatory sect was hit by three major organizations, paid a heavy price and lost its prestige. Edmund urgently needed a war to make up for everything he lost. So for him, saving face is the first priority, and the bloody point is the second. If I were Edmund, I would choose to make a full estimation and throw all possible gains, including gambling, at the cost of this operation! ”

“Yes, Edmund is actually making a profit in the upfront gambling to create an advantage for himself... this guy really deserves the money!” Hua Tianrui couldn't help but sigh.

Other organizations want to take advantage of this opportunity, but Edmund is gambling on the basis of abandoning all profits, which is why he has been able to beat the Tri-Zone Union.

“Then why can't there be more?” Lin Weisheng asked.

“Because investment is out of proportion to return. Edmond can earn prestige by forgoing profits, at least the Purgatory sect did not lose this war, and the victory has led to the elimination of the strengths of the four major organizations, making Purgatory the equivalent of money. But if the Purgatory had invested tens of millions in victory, instead of earning the expected profits, it would have been a huge victory that would have been unacceptable to the people. The reason I asked you earlier why the major organizations invested only a few million dollars is to know that those millions are not important to the major organizations. Since it's important, Edmund can't just burn it! ”

“Exactly.” King Kong agrees: "That's why he's going to fight us once he's assembled his first unit. Look at the gaps and decide on follow-up inputs. Otherwise, why would he do it in batches? Five hundred Apocalypses works better than 300, doesn't it? ”

“The problem is that millions can't be burned randomly, hundreds of thousands can still be. At least Edmund got the money himself.” A gentle reminder.

“No!” Shen Yi shook his head immediately: “The cost line is a psychological watershed. If the investment does not exceed the cost line, then it is only a matter of making more or less money for the Purgatory Sect. Once the cost line has been crossed, even losing a bloody spot is tantamount to the Purgatory Sect making a bad deal. Either Edmund keeps the input below the cost line, or he simply releases everything to victory. Eleven of us died in the last battle, and the situation has been very bad for us, and there is no need for him to go out just crazy. ”

“I support Shen Yi's view.” Hua Tianrui immediately said that he was the successor to the Dragon League, and it was clear that Edmund's place in the Purgatory Sect was not untenable. Bloody city wars are not instant strategy games either, and there is no such thing as spending all your money on victory.

The military serves politics.

Edmund won a war, no matter how unacceptable, but lost the result of internal support.

So now that he's full, he's putting the remaining expected profit into production and manufacturing, but he'll never cross Shen Yi's cost line.

“But if he finds out he still can't win, he'll go crazy.” The good monk, who doesn't like to talk, finally interfaces.

Cost neutrality is based on victory, and if this does not win the Tri-Zone Alliance, even the expected gambling gains will be lost. At that point, I'm sure Edmund won't have to worry about the cost line anymore, like a red-eyed gambler, and the only way to get him to fight back is to invest more.

“So the next battle, we fear, will not be able to run, and we must not give him a third chance to build troops.” Shen Yi sighed. The guerrilla warfare plan, because Edmund's military factory, was completely abandoned, and some things had to be resolved by fists after all.

Everyone was still talking. Frost came from afar and gave Shen Yi an illustrative look.

Shen Yi collapsed and said to everyone: “I still have some business to do, leave first. ”

He walked up to Frost and said, "What is it? ”

Frost whispered, “Michelle has news. ”

Shen Yi hastily stopped Frost and walked toward no-one together.

When Shen Yi left, everyone stopped discussing the pleasure. While Edmund is still building troops, let's get some rest.

The unfavourable situation leads to some lack of confidence in victory.

Activists think hard about countermeasures, passives drink alcohol to relieve grief, activists hold fast, Rakuten inspires morale and, of course, there are nervous players. They don't care about the imminent threat, but their minds wander in other ways.

Baiyan Magic Girl leaned back against the rock, her right leg pressed against the wall, her left leg standing upright, and was repairing her nails with a small nail clipper. After fixing it, she stretched out her fiber jade hand and shone a light at the sun, reflecting the colour of Kodam.

Then she took out a makeup box and dressed it up against the little mirror above.

Hung Lang walked over.

Leaning against the stone beside Magic Girl, she said, “I see you women are all leisurely, in this case they don't forget to dress up. ”

A smile appeared on Baiyuan's face: “You men are also good, in this case you don't forget to play with girls. ”

Hung Wang Yantian laughed a few times: “There is nothing there, just idle but idle, to see you are lonely, to chat with you. ”

He raised his hand and stretched out his waist. As he lowered his hand, he naturally fell between the necks of Baiyuan Magic.

Test moves when standard men seduce women.

Baiyan Jixi didn't push the left arm of the flood, she just blurted: “I like direct men. ”

"I want to sleep with you," said Hung Wang immediately. ”


Not far away gently laughing out loud.

Hung Wang glared at her.

The woman who loves to listen to the roots of the wall is indeed the most annoying.

Baiyuan Magic Girl also smiled, eyebrows like flowers looking at Hung Lang: “Why me? ”

She pointed her jaw at Jin Shengjie in the distance: “Isn't she nice too? ”

“You're different...” The waves coughed softly, and he approached the ears of Hundred Demons: “Can't you deform? Heard you turned Eva's pussy last time? Having you is like having a woman from all over the world. ”

So that's how it is.

Emotion is when I heard about myself and Bogus, this bastard thought he had a chance too...

Bai Chang Ji looked at Hung Lang with a dramatic look: "So... who do you want me to be? ”

Hung Lang glanced at him tenderly. He only saw his gentle eyes stabbing himself like a knife. Once in his heart, he looked at Zhao Linger. He also looked at Zhao Linger coldly. He was shocked in his heart. How can everyone be prepared for himself? I had to whisper, “You're doing fine. ”

Bai Chang Ji smiled softly with her mouth covered: “I want to go for a walk. Would you be interested in accompanying me? ”

“Happy to accompany you!” The waves know that they have made a good start.

“Then come with me.” Baiyuan Magic Girl threw a glamorous eye at Hung Wang and took the lead behind the mountain.

Flood waves followed with joy.

Watching the two of them leave behind, Zhou Yiyu said with jealousy: “I bet a day washing dishes, he can't go to the woman, he is just being played by the woman. ”

“I bet he can. In fact, in a woman's eyes, waves are still attractive, and action is always more attractive than language.” The Vajra interface.

“Shen Yi definitely doesn't support your argument, so I bet he can't, three days.” Gentle smiled.

“Then let me have one too.” Hua Tianrui suddenly walked over: “I bet Hung Wang will be half successful. ”

“What does it mean to be half successful?” Everyone doesn't understand.

Huatianrui laughed: "Then you will know what it means. If I win, I want you to tell me, in this place, what is Shen Yi's arrangement and backhand besides that wrecked steel wall? ”

Everyone changes color at the same time.

Meanwhile, not far away in the jungle.

Hung Lang and Bai Chang Ji are rolling with enthusiasm.

The flood swept through the woman in its wildest posture, white and delicate skin appearing one red halo after another under his greedy big mouth attack.

Women gasp high beneath them, stirring up the exciting nerves of the flood.

She deformed in excitement, turning into Kim Seung-hee's appearance to have sex with Hung Wang.

This makes the waves even more exciting: “I knew you could do it! ”

Bai Chang Ji smiled more and more happily: “What more do you want me to look like? ”

“Audrey Hepburn, she's my goddess! ”

So the next moment, Baiyan Magic Girl has become Audrey Hepburn, entertaining with Hung Wang.

Hung Chang was more and more excited to pull in: “This is so wonderful, today I know that the demonic woman is the most valuable power. ”

“Unfortunately, it will also give you an extra layer of blue skin that you will never be able to shake off...” Baiyu sighed.

“Didn't you solve the problem? ”

“Who said I solved it?” Baiyuan demon Ji whitened a glance at Hung Lang: “People just never want to use this form! ”

Hung Lang's punching speed slowed down considerably. He stared at Baiwei Demon Ji: “You... you mean... the original... that...”

“That's my usual form, it's just been used for a long time, and everybody thinks that's what I am.” Baiqi looked at Hung Wang in a playful way.

So that's how it is.

“So... what is your body like?” The waves are curious.

“Do you want to see it? ”

“Of course.”

“You won't like it.” The woman replied leisurely.

The beauty in front of him began to change, and the beautiful face gradually vanished, and the heart of the flood gradually fell to the bottom of the valley.

He felt like something was lifting him out.

Everything is broken in my heart.

“Oh, no... no...”

In the small jungle, the hong waves roared like pigs, echoing the four wilderness:

“Man... my god... you are a fucking man!! ”