Infinity Armament

Chapter 1275 Instakill

Five minutes later, all soldiers were assembled at the entrance to the third level.

This is the last floor of the lab.

Shen Yi looked at Philips and others, who were already killing each other. He nodded satisfied: “It looks very ambitious, and I look forward to your next performance. ”

Said he had taken the lead in turning to the third level.

The third floor is a large hall, surrounded by stone columns that burn bears' torches, illuminating the dark underground world.

There are bizarre monster statues all around the lobby, and a giant mechanical device stands directly in front of the lobby.

The device has four wheeled giant feet, the body is connected to some tentacled long lines, a crystal compartment filled with blue liquid in the center, and a head with white hair in the compartment, with countless lines connected to the person's head, leading to various parts of the device.

Shen Yi had just entered the laboratory, and the man opened his head and looked at Shen Yi. He made a mocking laugh: “Has anyone thrown themselves online again? Good, good. I need more material for my experiment. ”

The laughter began with a low and low sound, which quickly spread throughout the hall. In the laughter, each of the sleeping statues moved, the mudstone fell, and a dull low roar was emitted, and all sorts of strange sounds instantly rang throughout the hall.

Soldiers followed Shen Yi into the formation at the first time, but Shen Yi's eyes just stayed on the head of the mechanical device, and he smiled: “It's good to hear this familiar saying, Dr. Barber, it looks like you haven't changed much. It's good. ”

The head was obviously stunned: "You know me? ”

“Of course, the mighty presence of the ancient times, the king who crashed in the wars of the demons, the true owner of the laboratory… although you once had the name of Hervé, the fact is that today you are just a pathetic creature with only a head left, soaked in a potion, and relying on a life support device. Your long life brings you nothing but pain. The only successful experiment of your life is yourself. Shen Yi said sympathetically:“ You can't even understand why you have such a destiny. ”

“Ow!” the head yelled angrily, “Who are you? Is it Dagama? Or Black Root, or did Bradwell send you? ”

Although his voice is full of anger, his heart (if he still has a heart) is already appalling.

That's right, this Dr. Barber is the creator of the lab, the demon-class powerhouse that fell in ancient times.

In that war, people thought he had fallen, and no one knew that this guy had left a head and went back to his lab, using the experimental equipment he had studied to continue his life and commanding those who had been laboratory murderers.

In fact, he's not only the creator of laboratories, he's even one of the creators of civilization on the tech continent, and that's why he has the tech continent today.

Differently, after the crash, Barber's research on technology shifted direction, and every day he tried to get himself back into the human body, where the technology of soul transfer and body remodeling became the focus of his research.

It was unexpected that, just as his experiment was nearing completion, someone would have found him and knew his bottom line so well.

It made him panic and think of the three great enemies of life and death.

Hearing him, Shen Yi smiled: “Oh, those three idiots? Who are they to send me? And they're not in the mood, you crawler with no body. But don't worry, after I've solved you, I'll solve them, too.” Shen Yi crooked his head, his neck crackled, and he shouted, “Well, let's cut the crap. Fighting is the final solution. Let me give you some advice and start upgrading your weapon right now, or you won't have time to get it to its strongest. ”

The pale head once again looks stunned: “You...”

Shen Yi impatiently said: "Attack! Eliminate the little one first, don't give him the chance to use the haemophage cloud fog. ”

Barber was obviously stuck when he heard the blood cloud fog.

This is a powerful drug that he specially developed in the laboratory. It can greatly provoke the attack power of the monsters under his hands, but was not expected to be broken by Shen Yi.

“You know what?”

“Sure," Shen Yi chuckled. “Not only did I know you had haemophiliac cloud fog, but I also knew you had regenerative demon fog, dramatic poison, but unfortunately, you didn't have a chance to make any of these things work. ”

As he spoke, a large number of Terminators had taken the lead in firing at the monsters on both sides of the hall, and the gunfire instantly spread throughout the hall.

The burst attack made Barber obviously a little overwhelmed, the bullet hit the survival device, flashing a rainbow-like light, and the survival device was also protected by an energy shield.

After waking up from the statue state, a large number of monsters began to roar towards Shen Yi, greeting them with a mad bouncing rain, fierce flames and a large energy column.

One monster after another died directly on the way to the attack. More monsters barely approached the target, but were stopped directly by Chu Sheng, Zhou Yiyu and four Transformers.

More gunfire explodes in monsters, blue, red, blue, yellow, colorful bloodshed of all kinds.

“Huh!” A alien-like monster jumped fast and was torn to pieces by heavy artillery fire in the air, and purple blood drifted down.

“Careful, its blood is corrosive!” Zhou Yi Feather, the T1000 has been turned into an iron curtain blocked in the air.

Corrosion's blood falls on the T1000, creating a white smoke that fails to harm anyone.

Soldiers fired simultaneously at several other aliens and killed them before they approached.

The battle began in a violent and ferocious state, with hundreds of soldiers forming a giant semi-circular shape and four layers of crossfire raging across all corners of the hall, with virtually no dead ends. The monsters were hit hard in the first place, with heavy casualties.

Hundreds of poly cannons, beams of energy, and heavy weapons are several times more harmful than the entire Blade Squad combined, and even a group of adventurers dare not resist here.

They are like inferior monsters in the invincibility of heroes, relying on a stack of lethal forces, no less weak than senior soldiers, whose only constraint is their limited life force. As long as they are properly protected, they are skeleton soldiers in the cemetery, frightening and frightening.

“Fire, attack, motherfucker!” Philips whistled loudly and the multi-barrel machine gun in his hand pulled out a large barrage almost insanely.

A flying beast rushed through the barrage to Philips, and Lippe grabbed him with his claws against Philips' shoulder, but Philips just swayed and shoved the gun straight into the beast's mouth: "Fuck you! ”

A lot of bullets poured into the mouth of the beast, and the sound blew the whole head to pieces.

“Well done, strong!” Michelle said the right-hand bloodshed spear was picking a monster that was rushing up, and a fight was blowing up at the tip of the gun, also blowing the monster into a piece of meat.

“Of course we're not those delicate airborne soldiers!” Philips replied with a laugh, a group of soldiers simultaneously making a hey hey laugh.

Frost snorted, “You provocative bastard! ”

“Then let them also see our strength.” Lyle replied.

As he pushed his hand, a red mark had appeared at the foot of a group of monsters in the middle of the hall, followed by a cloud bomb exploding at the foot of the group, causing a bloody rain.

Hobbie, John and Knight smiled at each other, eyes of death, a blizzard, the iron hook to deter the soul simultaneously, and an elite poacher who had just emerged from the shadows was instantly killed.

At the same time, there is a red smoke in the hall.

Frost laughed and reached for the smoke, a storm suddenly rolled up, the cloud fog rolled directly into the sky, instantly disappeared.

Cloud mist from Barber was useless before the Frost storm.

Philips looked at each other and hummed, “What's so great about it? ”

The fighting became more bloody and brutal, and the situation of the attack was a one-sided one. A lot of monsters were slaughtered, and Barber looked at each other with some surprise at the incredible firepower.

He shouted angrily, "Do you think this will defeat me? This is my turf, these idiots are just my puppets, let me show you my real baby! ”

A fine tube attached to the head suddenly floated and pressed on one of the life support devices to twist.

Pressing this twist, twelve giant crystal columns emerged abruptly on the floor of the lobby, each sealed with a giant steel monster.

Armored Beast: Extraordinary life, half monster and half mechanical life modified by Dr. Barber, with powerful power and technological armament.

They look like the Goddess of Vengeance in Biochemical Crisis 2, with its tall image, huge multi-barrel heavy machine guns in its right hand, and a giant arm dragged to the ground in its left hand, looking like Ashuro's wrath, the shape of Ashuro's arm as he transformed itself - the whole unrivaled world is a crude and indiscriminate composite of all sorts of plagiarism, so that quite a few monsters can find prototypes in various video game works.

Although the armored beast is a combination of the Goddess of Vengeance and Ashuro, the poacher is a hard-haired mouse from the dark world, even Dr. Barber himself was designed with Dr. Zombie as a prototype, and the brain-only lifestyle compartment is common in many sci-fi works.

Shen Yi whispered: “Finally a little decent. ”

Compared to those lobby guards, the twelve new armored beasts are one of Barber's elite guardians. They have up to 150 Points of Power, 1800 HP, 80 Defense, and an extra 2,000 points of Armor, 150 Armor Defense. Left arm melee, with a power doubling effect similar to a deadly blow, right arm long-range, possession of multiple weapon systems such as machine guns, rockets, etc., although less agile, powerful long-range combat capabilities effectively compensate for this shortcoming.

These twelve armored beasts are much harder to deal with than the average BOSS.

Twelve energy columns have just appeared and Shen Yi has rushed towards the center of the lobby.

He rushed to a unique black floor in the middle of twelve columns and stood still.

Exactly twelve armored beasts came out of the column at this time.

They haven't had time to raise their guns, and Shen Yi has fisted right: "Energy Storm! ”

The blue flash instantly spread across the hall, twelve armored beasts flashing a fierce flash of light at the same time, falling out in a series of electric sparks.

These twelve armored beasts rely mainly on very high defensive armor to protect themselves, but Shen Yi's energy storm attacks on armor ignore defense, not only through armor can damage lives.

Dual defense in the face of an energy storm actually means only double damage. Shen Yi's own energy has risen to new heights and is more powerful than before.

As a result, twelve armored beasts were hit hard at the same time.

This is the way Shen Yi tailored himself to fight. In exchange for any adventurer here, he does not have the ability to storm energy. To solve the 12 armored beasts simultaneously, it is necessary to go through a hard battle.

In order to ensure that the energy storm strikes, even the distance of the twelve columns, everyone has carefully measured, confirming that Shen Yi can cover all twelve armored beasts under his own attack as long as he rushes to the marked position, and walk out of the columns into battle. The distance in the middle of this is the time of Shen Yi's snatch.

At this moment, Shen Yi's hand shook: “Shoot the moon! ”

A flaming light has been drawn through the air, circling a large circle in the air, pounding, continuously through the body of twelve armored beasts, and twelve armored beasts die simultaneously.

One shot not fired.