Infinity Armament

Chapter 1280 Wine Party

Central City.

Standing under a tree opposite the entrance to the military prison in Barbosa, gently seemingly bored with the computer in hand, the screen shows the prison defense footage returned from the reconnaissance bee.

Though the whole double-edged world is designed by Blade Break Team, the world is too big for Blade Break Team to be personally responsible for everything. The vast majority of content systems are still the responsibility of designers, and Blade Break Team is only responsible for that part of their focus.

Prisons are just outside the Blade Squad plan - until then, Blade Squad had no plans to loot prisons.

So gentle, they don't really know much about prisons.

Shen Yili, who went to prison once, gained a general understanding of the general situation of the guards, but in the end only walked through the horses and flowers, and many things could not be mastered too clearly, so it was up to them to be gentle in the end.

On the images returned by the reconnaissance bee, two teams of soldiers wearing single armor were patrolling back and forth under the high walls of the prison, where searchlights with the effect of breaking down low-level invisibility were constantly shaking, and next to the tower was an alarm, with a grid attached to the high walls, which appeared to be some sort of World War II military prison.

More images return, and a specific topographical map of the prison has been presented on the computer.

Gently observe while contrasting with the information diagrams in hand.

The prison is divided into two rings, the outer ring is the guard, the inner ring is the prison, and the repeat and minor prisoner zones are divided. The Felony Zone is all held in the second building, where Carmela is located in 401 of the second building, which is the presidential suite of the Felony Zone.

After confirming that nothing had changed, the position of the ear bearer was corrected: “No problems were detected. There were only 48 prison guards, all low-ranking soldiers, and Battle Armor was the lowest level. ”

“Did you confirm Carmela's location?” Weena asked that she was standing on the other side of the alley looking around.

Gentle reply: "The scout bee shows that there are at least four guards on the fourth floor and they should not have been moved. ”

“Good. What are you going to do?” Old Meng asked.

“I'm going to rescue people, and you're going to intercept four rescues. Old Meng intercepts the South Gate, Weena intercepts the North Gate, Fatty intercepts the North Gate, Mighty Sky, Bumblebee, Hera attacks the West Gate, ready to leave there. ”

“No problem!”

“No problem!”

Everyone answered together.

At this point, the gentle bloody crest suddenly sent Shen Yi's voice: “Wait, gentle, I just passed a message with Carmela, she was secretly transferred, she is not in 401, she is transferred to an underground cell, Carmela only knows what should be in the first building, but she is not sure which room. ”

“Shen Yi?” Gentle Beam: “You're back? ”

Shen Yi's communication has not reached the point where he can contact Carmela on the Death Plains, which means he must be in Central City by now.

“Well, General Atkins invited me to a liquor party, and he was going to introduce me to some friends, and I just came back, considering the mission was almost complete. ”

“Really?” he asked softly. “Is there any other reason? ”

It's not surprising that there was a wine party before the war broke out.

In addition to being a social occasion, the Aronte Wine Club also serves many other important purposes, one of which is fundraising.

War Donation!

This is a very special system of war mobilization, which relieves the financial pressures of the empire through the private interaction of generals, while also increasing the strength of generals to form de facto warlords, albeit with limited strength. The generals are therefore more keen to raise money and bring strength to the army through qualitative upgrading.

Such a system was not suitable for a peaceful and united State, which could cause division, but could maximize internal energy in the face of strong enemies.

At the same time, this system is the best stage for war traffickers.

Shen Yi was helpless: “What am I lying to you about? ”

“So you came back without first contacting me, but first contacted Carmela? ”

“...” Shen Yi stagnated. "I just cared about you, so I asked her about her side first. Look, something did happen, didn't it? ”

“But I always felt there was something else. ”

“You're biased against me, gentle.” Shen Yi was helpless.

He did receive an invitation from General Atkins to introduce him to some business associates.

Of course, he could not go, but Shirley recommended him, considering that he had just handed over a few more tasks, Shen Yi agreed.

And of course, “by the way," contact Carmela again to let her know what to say and what not to say.

Gentle hum: “It's not prejudice, it's experience! ”

“Pfft!” All the eavesdroppers laughed.

Gentle, this reminds me that I haven't turned off the phone yet. Although she is usually dissatisfied with Shen Yi's various kinds of complaints, she is finally a private complaint of the nature of the small couple. She is obviously not very good at this. At this moment, she blushes and her tone improves: “Okay, I'm kidding. Don't worry, I'll be careful. ”

“Well, let me know if you need any help. ”

“We don't need you as much as we can. Tenfold attacks are not fun.” Gentle smile.

Ten times the damage of NPC is a systematic disciplinary injury, effective only against adventurers entering the region, it is useless to soften them, these hostile forces, otherwise together, hostile adventurers will be directly bombarded into slag, and nothing will be useful.

Therefore, Shen Yi can provide limited help here, accidentally exposing herself, but not more clearly.

Hearing the gentle words, Shen Yi nodded: “Well, you take care, stay in communication, I want to know all the time. ”

“Well, I will. ”

Stop the call, Shen Yi put down the crest.

A luxurious trolley drove from afar and stopped in front of Shen Yi.

A waiter stepped out of the car: "Mr. Shen Yi? ”

“Yes, it's me. ”

“Please get in the car, sir, the General and the Count Courtney, and a few more gentlemen are already waiting for you.” The waiter politely opened the door for Shen Yi.

Get in the car and drive along Elysée Avenue before parking in front of a white villa after crossing Wall Street.

Shen Yi got out of the car and saw Sherry waiting at the door. She was dressed up today in a black half-breasted velvet dress with a series of layered diamond necklaces hanging in front of her snow-white chest and wearing two crystal clear and permeable drop earrings, which looked elegant and elegant.

“You look beautiful today.” Shen Yi gently extended his left arm and Shirley walked up to the front and sat down: “Don't I usually look bad? ”

“Nice, but not for a bright, big look, Michelle would be jealous. ”

“Then you'll be disappointed because Michelle is here this time. ”

Shen Yi was shocked: “Why didn't I know he was here? Even if Michelle didn't believe me, wouldn't she believe you? ”

Shirley was a little ashamed: "Watch your words, sir, Michelle is the commander of the newly formed security forces, and of course he's coming on this occasion, you don't know I'm in charge of commercial matters and I have the right to decide who to send... that's what you said. ”

Shen Yiyantian plays haha: “Just kidding, Sherry. ”

“I know.”

The two walked toward the villa together.

The villa lobby is already lit up.

The Aaron Empire's wine will be a buffet in the standard modern Western form. People gather at the table, walk freely and choose their favorite foods, while waiters in white tuxedos serve their Guests with plates.

Guests get together in threes or threes, they talk to each other, their voices are very low, so although there are many people, they don't look

The noise.

As soon as Shen Yi and Shirley entered the door, they saw General Atkins talking to several friends, standing beside Michelle.

When Shen Yi came in, Atkins waved to him.

Shen Yi walked over and Atkins held his shoulder and laughed: "It would be good for your business to introduce you to a few friends. ”

Shen Yi, today, has emerged not only as Atkins' lifesaver, but also as an arms dealer, which is actually more meaningful to realistic politicians.

Especially after Shen Yi notified Atkins in advance of a possible war, his value increased and the enthusiasm from Atkins became evident.

Unfortunately, Atkins' friendship is always hovering around 150 - Shen Yi finds this person's friendship below 150 is particularly easy to obtain and difficult to get up.

Perhaps it is the nature of politicians to decide, that low friendship is the basis for a small amount of money, and that high friendship means the degree to which one's life is handed over to the other.

Politicians don't take pictures of anybody.

So... maybe it doesn't make more sense to continue to improve friendship with Atkins, so it's more like a real deal, Shen Yi thought.

At this time, Atkins had brought Shen Yi to the front of the guests: “Let me introduce you, this is my friend, Mr. Shen Yi, my lifesaver, who saved me twice, and now is an excellent businessman, next to Miss Shirley, your fiancée and manager of Mr. Shen Yi. Michelle, go with your fiancée. ”

Michelle smiled and picked up Shirley from Shen Yi's side, and the two walked up together.

Atkins has introduced Shen Yi: “This is Count Courtney, the owner of this house, where we are eating and drinking for nothing; this Mr. Chipman is the chief sales representative of Enco, and you know Enco is one of the three largest arms dealers in the Empire. This is General Alfred, the future mainstay of the Empire. ”

“Count Courtney, hello. ”

“Mr. Chipman, hello. ”

“… Hello General Alfred.” Shen Yi finally looked at the young general with a doll face in front of him and extended his hand of friendship.

“Hello.” Alfred extended his hand and shook Shen Yi: “Do you look like you know me? ”

Shen Yi drowned down: “The youngest general in the Arendt Empire, a graduate of Imperial College No. 31, scored 1,342 points in theory, including tactical command, personal confrontation of the entire hospital first, combined ability third, and third because you delayed your field performance that year to help an injured classmate. After graduating, you have successfully completed all the appointments entrusted to you by the Empire and have struck the Legion of the Clouds in the Battle of Mount Thunder… You are the genius leader of the Empire, the future Empire General, and I have heard of you. ”

How could he not know Alfred? You know, this guy was the first target he planned to pull...