Infinity Armament

Chapter 1292 Electromagnetic Ray

Shen Yi was also listening to Sherry at the factory when the war was raging on the border.

“The first shipment has been sent, but it looks like they haven't paid much attention. ”

“They'll pay attention.” Shen Yi smiled.

He already knew what Arlent was going to do, and when Arlent's men hit a bloodshed in Salva, it was time for the Second Legion to do it.

The truth is, as he expected.

After an unfavourable attack on the first day, Arendt organized a covert infiltration of the dead into Salva that night.

But waiting for the nine dead is an ambush that the Lion Heart Kingdom was prepared to ambush.

The tragic dead were killed by the Lion Heart Warriors without even a chance to get close to the Alchemy Tower.

Arendt's blast plan failed, and he could only storm the walls with all his might, hoping to use his powerful remote firepower to consume energy from the Alchemy.

Of course, the Lion Heart Kingdom did not show weakness, with a spell laying heaven and earth, while sending a Shadow Assassin unit to infiltrate the Twin Peaks City to counter-assist the generals.

But the assassination failed as well.

The big credit is the T800 Terminator.

As terminators with artificial intelligence, terminators are not really good at their hard shells - the terminators' strength is somewhat understated in the face of all sorts of surreal abilities.

But their loyalty to duty, tirelessness and fear of death, coupled with greater responsiveness than human beings, make them remarkable in terms of safety protection.

When those generals of the Arendt Empire were assassinated, the T800 Terminators were the first to react, blocking them with their own bodies for the first time, blocking deadly attacks and causing a total defeat to the assassins.

With the assassination past, the generals of the Aronte Empire finally began to value the presence of the Terminator.

They quickly realized that this was actually a very promising group of soldiers.

They react flexibly, loyally and reliably, because they are not afraid of life, they are not afraid of death, they do not need a pension, and they do not bargain for the task, although the price is not cheap, it is a one-time investment, they really use it, even better than the mechanical soldiers.

As a result of the previous agreement, the terminators could even be used free of charge, as long as the materials were provided, the Ministry would simply have to pay for the damaged terminators.

So the military soon came to a unified opinion - to immediately subscribe 3,000 Terminators to the Blade Company.

After a bargain, Blade discounted the Ministry by 80%, provided that 3,000 units were scheduled to be raised to 5,000.

After the agreement was passed, the company took a breath and rented four large plants, and now they have eight plants open day and night, but nobody knows that the newly rented plants are not T800.

In order to ensure smooth production, Shen Yi had to call back the soldiers who were working to assist.

Even so, Shen Yi actually had difficulty completing such a large number of orders in a short time, but it's okay, Shen Yi had no intention of completing the order of 5,000 terminators.

He did not even intend to complete a thousand units, and the factory did not produce a second batch after the first batch had been delivered.

A clause was added to the new agreement: if the Ministry refused to accept the subsequent termination, it would have to pay 10 million in compensation for the refunded portion.

They will soon find out how stupid this clause is.

The first terminators of the new factory were transported to the frontline at the fastest speed and put into battle for the first time.

So the battlefield became more lively, the flaming tide of the heavens and the earth, the huge and powerful statues of the gods of war, the fearless holy horsemen with the blood of the gods, and the large number of fierce and fearless Terminators and human soldiers, the steel collided with flesh and blood, knocking out the gorgeous medals of war.

A terminator in charge of front-line reconnaissance will return the image to Shen Yi every day. When Shen Yi is okay, he will sit there and watch the war film - he doesn't even do the task much now, the main focus is on the business. Anyway, there are not many tasks in the city right now, and summoning soldiers is enough to solve them.

Whenever a Lion Heart soldier dies in battle or dies in the end, Shen Yi shakes the glass: “It's a shame that life is a match for steel, even if it's a three to one exchange ratio, it's not a good deal! ”

That said, but in a sighing tone, Shen Yi's eyebrows had a deep laugh - the military department was deeply satisfied with the terminator's unscrupulous use, and he now had a large amount of money on his accounts.

The war has been going on for three days.

With the powerful attack of Arendt, the Alchemy Tower glow of the Lion Heart Kingdom grew darker and seemed to last for little longer.

Some soldiers have begun to climb to the city of Salva, where both sides are engaged in a physical battle.

Since the warriors of the Lion Heart Kingdom are mostly muscular fierce men, and the soldiers of the Arendt Empire are always wearing thick armour, the battles between the two sides look like battles between animal soldiers and ethnic fighters.

Muscle brothers expensive pair of iron cans!

The giant axe is chopped on the city, the battle flag is flying in the fire, the bullet chain pulls out a beautiful arc in the sky, life one after the other scares the city head to send a powerless sad cry, even the god of war giant statue must carefully protect itself before this tragic killing, only the terminators stand silently on the path of the attack, until it is completely crushed, never cease to break the rhythm of their own attack.

Shen Yi sat on the sofa with a glass of wine. She watched the image of blood talk in her spare time. Her mouth still chirped from time to time.

When a flying lion flag fell, the soldiers of the Arendt Empire shouted victorious cheers, but Shen Yi softly whispered to himself: “It's almost time, too. ”

A ray of light split the sky and struck the soldiers' armor.

So something amazing happened, and the soldiers' armor sparkled with splashing brightness, and one circuit element after another burned under the light.

A soldier stunned to find himself unable to move, and a fierce giant roared and cut off his head with an axe.

More rays hit those Terminators, and the otherwise brave Terminator warriors suddenly burst into their bodies simultaneously with white smoke, one side falling towards the ground.

Even the great statues of the gods of war fell into that endless direction after barely resisting for a moment.

This sudden scene immediately disrupted the Arlent Empire, where the original victory had been held, when they saw an army of strange, tube-shaped weapons approaching from afar under gentle leadership.

The weapons in their hands are like mechanical killers, droids, lights everywhere, and all the mechanical equipment is paralyzed.

Electromagnetic Ray Gun!

It was Shen Yi who sold it to Lion Heart Kingdom.

The Big Universe program has enabled the Blade Team to actually have a complete technology system, and a significant portion of the technology equipment is already self-produced.

It's just that most of them are eliminated during the renewal, but really when you look back on the past, you'll find that some of the weapons that are eliminated actually have value as well.

Electromagnetic Ray Gun is one of them.

While it was stated that the weapons and equipment produced in the home world could not be sold to others, there was no limit to the equipment produced in the mission world using existing pipelines.

Shen Yi finally had a big opportunity to do business.

Shen Yi was overwhelmed with the thought of the other party defeating his country with the weapons he sold them.

Is it true that my moral standards are getting lower and I'm starting to break the bottom line? Shen Yi touched his chin and thought, this understanding made him helpless.

However, watching Arendt's army defeat under the attack of the opponent's new weapon on the screen, Shen Yi could not suffer.

He had to squeeze out a sympathetic deity to show his helplessness.

“It's a shame, but it's okay, I'll help you get it back.” Shen Yi sipped a toast and laughed confidently.

Then Shen Yi went to take a shower, then sat on the sofa playing a boring little game and started waiting for a critical phone call.

An hour later, the phone finally came to me: "Mr. Shen Yi, we can't buy more Terminators from you for now. ”

“What, you guys use termination and appointment? No, no, you can't do that. You know I've spent all my money on production!” Shen Yi growled loudly with the "How can you do this to me" tone.

“Nor can I help, because they possess a special weapon that releases rays that have a devastating effect on the precise parts of the machine, and your Terminator is restrained. ”

“Are you accusing me of my product? ”

“No, not just your product, but our armor and god of war statues as well. God knows where they got these weapons, and even we don't have them! ”

“Maybe some sort of alchemy technique.” Shen Yi shamelessly divided the Electromagnetic Ray Gun into the Magic Technology System for the first time.

“It is possible, but in any case, we will not be able to purchase your Terminator for the time being until we have resolved each other's weapons. ”

“That's too bad, your practice will undoubtedly cost me a lot... luckily I'm a prudent person and I remember we had a termination indemnity clause, right? ”

Officials on the other end of the phone wiped the sweat: "… Yes, we will make reparations for that. ”

“Very good.” Shen Yi laughed. “So... I wonder if you guys would be interested in buying some gear that isn't afraid of that kind of weapon? ”

“What did you say?” Officials across the street are clearly corrupted.

“I said, I might be able to help a little if there were weapons across the street that would only work on precision machines. ”

A moment later, across the street, he said, "What is it? ”

“The T1000 Terminator, a liquid-metal Terminator, does not exist so-called precision instruments, nor will it be burned by any rays, can be automatically deformed, or even adhered to your equipment as armor, can block electricity… Alchemy fire attack. Moreover, such T1000 terminators are not very compatible with ordinary terminators, so they are still not available on ordinary terminators, otherwise there are unknown consequences. ”

Shen Yi did not want the other party to resume the contract - he only wanted compensation.

“Are you sure?” The other side is happy.

“Of course, but don't expect new contracts to offset old ones. There is also a T1000 Terminator that costs about five times as much as a regular Terminator, and you can buy it at your own discretion. ”

“… you are extortion, Mr. Shen Yi. ”

“I am making a selfless contribution to the survival of the country, and I assure you, Sir, that if you agree, I can deliver a batch to you now.” The factory he rented behind him was used to produce the T1000.

“Well, send me the information, I need to see the details and report back to the top. ”

Shen Yihaha laughed: “You'll love it. ”

Send already prepared data to the past.

Well, it's been a long time since I've been able to produce too many T1000s for the Big Universe project.

Now I can finally use these guys' hands to own a T1000 unit.

With enough T1000 and invisible armor, warrior statues and nine-star arrows, 100 soldiers should be able to destroy a demon, right?

Probably not enough. After all, the demon gods behind them are getting stronger and stronger. Shen Yi is somewhat sorry to think.

And the soldier alone defeated a demon god. This idea is also a little out of the ordinary, don't you want too much?

Forget it, I don't want them to kill the demon god. Just 50 soldiers to destroy a demon king's level. This time, it's not greed. Shen Yi is proud of his “knowledge and constant joy”.

Thinking about it, Shen Yi couldn't help but laugh. He was about to go back to rest and suddenly frowned and looked out the window.

Countless lights flashed in the night, and a young face flashed away.

Shen Yi whispered to himself: “Did you catch on so soon? A little bit of skill. ”