Infinity Armament

Chapter 1321 Slaughter

Under the bloody sky, a war has just ended.

The bodies of demons were everywhere, and a King of Massacre became the final winner of the battle.

It stood in a hilly corpse with cold eyes surrounded by everything that was dead and silent, as if the King of the Necromancer were touring his territory.

It absorbs the forces roaming in the air, a hint of black gas haunts its mouth and nose, and red light appears on it, making its body stronger, and in the unknown, yet another god is gradually forming.

Yet the never-ending quest for power soon made it hungry again.

This hunger comes from its deepest body and mind and cannot be stopped, making its entire body unbearable to tremble.




Find a target, kill them, or be killed by them!

It feels that this is the full meaning of its existence!

It walks down the mountain, crosses the sea of blood, and begins to move forward step by step.

Roaming in hell.

Suddenly, loud rumbling sounds came from the sky.

The King of Slaughter looked up and saw the thick clouds in the sky suddenly opening as if they could never be opened.

A giant steel monster with countless lightning flashes across its body appeared above its head.

The whole dark and bloody world was lit by its appearance, and it hovered so still in the air.

Despite its motionlessness, the King of Slaughter felt an unknown threat.

It raised its head, looked at the sky, and then suddenly lay back, lying on the ground...

Several lights flashed, several people appeared on the ground, and huge figures in the sky flew far away.

“Goodbye! ”

“Good luck! ”

Humans said, laughed, unconsciously stepped across that bloody muddy land and walked all the way.

It waits quietly for each other to approach,

Hunger burns like fire, almost burning its entire body.

Finally, the target approached.

It jumped to its full strength and launched its strongest attack on the nearest person.

“Careful! ”

It can hear each other shouting.

When the light shines, it sees a delicate face filled with shock and fright.

That's Schmuck.


In the loud roar, Hung Wang punched out the thunderfall air stream, shook the air, and struck out the sounds of the line-up rejection.

Wild forces struck the King of Slaughter, screaming, pulling out a long phantom in the air and vanishing.

“It's gone!” The gardener shouted.

“Will come out again.” Hung Chang snorted and looked back at Shuki: “Are you all right? ”

The wood extruded a slight expression of fear.

She was well aware that if she did not have the flood punch, she would have to be seriously injured if she did not die.

Although we knew from the outset that life in hell was not easy to deal with, we broke in without fear and somewhat paralyzed the hearts and minds.

Until this moment, when we got off the battleship, there was a deadly sneak attack, and everyone recognised that this was hell!

It's a terrible world to live in!

In a world like this, people depend on how to survive, and only a pervert like Blade Squad ever needs to think about maximizing their interests.

When you think about it, a few wooden gardeners can't help but sweat - they stay here in order to kill more monsters and get some benefits.

But after disengaging from the Battleship and Blade Squad, they discovered that the first thing they encountered was a survival crisis, which was ironic.

Here they are hunters, also prey.

Shimu looked at Hung Wang with some nerve: "Brother Hung, is that King of Massacre? ”

“Mm-hmm.” The waves nodded again: "Killing a major race in hell, mighty, belligerent, brave, and insidious. ”

“It's clever enough to know to fake death.” Ye Jiguang said he temporarily joined the Barbarian Bulls, representing the Barbarian Bulls as a resident representative in Hell Killing.

“So we have to be careful, this is killing hell, there are corpses everywhere, no one knows where a pile of dead people will come out and raid us unless they step on a pile of bones.” Another adventurer said. His name is Crowe, nicknamed Crow, and he's a member of Eternal Night, and he's good at throwing attacks, he's capable of being near and he's capable.

“Even bones have to be careful, there's no shortage of dead spirits here.” Hong Lang solemnly warned: “In hell, even the dead enemy is not a good enemy! ”

“…” Together we are speechless.

As the gardener was about to speak again, Hung Wang suddenly turned and pressed the gardener to the ground, punching him behind the back again: "Careful! ”

The waves stacked, blasting a flame of light, a huge shadow flew out in a whirlwind, the King of Killings who had just disappeared.

The body developed a phantom in the air, and at one time it was impossible to see where it was, followed by a luminous stab door.

Ye Jiguang shouted, the golden bow rose and fired an arrow. The King of Killing had blamed the sky for flying, disappearing again.

“This... what's going on?” Everyone was stunned.

Gardener looks at Hung Lang: "Brother Hung, have you not heard that King of Massacre has invisibility? ”

“Well, I haven't heard either.” The expression of the flood waves remains calm: “But it is not good to say that there is no shortage of mutant organisms in hell, which tend to mutate some non-ethnic abilities. In addition, some organisms are even able to absorb the capabilities of others. There are other rules and environments that are relevant, and in some of their own home environments, some seemingly ordinary capabilities may be enhanced and play a stronger role. Maybe we meet now, one of them. ”

“What should we do?” When you hear the response from the flood waves, you can't help but change colors.

Instead, the waves burst out laughing: “What should we do? It's fun to be strong, and your rewards will be a little rich after you kill them. Aren't we here for the good? My opponent is powerless, I am not rare.” The words are crazy, but with strong confidence.

This is also the confidence that a fierce warrior deserves, no matter how powerful his opponent is, a fierce warrior will march forward and never retreat.

“So what do we do now?” The gardener asked.

“Find it first, of course!” Hung Chang snorted and he removed the Axe of the Overlord, suddenly slashing a corpse to the ground: “Splash! ”


A ray of lightning has risen from the foot of the flood wave, rushing in all directions.

Skill Splash Attack with the Axe of the Healer: When the target is hit, deals 75% damage to all enemies within 20 meters of the target. Attack is of a normal nature, does not trigger other effects, lasts 1 minute, consumes 10 spirits and cools for 5 minutes.

Combines the Thunder God's Hammer's Healer's Axe and automatically attaches Thunder Power Attributes when attacking, which works on all targets within range. Nevertheless, the ordinary nature of the attack prevents it from really hurting an invisible target like the wind.

However, as this axe descended, the fierce hissing burst, lightning, a figure appeared, exactly the king of the slaughter.

It's all haunted by the lightning, and its bloody eyes stare at the flood: “How do you know...”

Hung Lang laughed and shook his axe: “I don't know! But I know that invisibility doesn't mean invisibility, and invisibility doesn't mean you won't get beat up! You are the king of fucking killing, not the shadow assassin, you can hide, you really think you can do what you want?! ”


The sharp axe wind swept through the air and the King of Slaughter whizzed away, accelerating in an instant, pointing a finger at the flood wave.

Slaughter finger!

As it punched this finger, the flood swung forward, waving its axe out.

Two bumps.

The King of Massacre was also struck by his axe.

It's just that the golden light flashed on Hung Wang, but Vajra's indestructible body was born to offset most of the damage, but the King of Killings also took advantage of flying back and forth, and it was born to remove most of the damage.

Speed is the king of slaughter's ace. It not only avoids attack, but also reduces attack damage. Rage warriors are predominantly attacking, which is exactly what can be attenuated.

At this moment, the King of Slaughter's Axe swung swiftly and swept again into the wood.

This is a lifelong battle, the best at choosing an opponent. Shimuki is an auxiliary healer and the weakest party in the team of five, so it attacked Shimuki at all costs.

Hung Wang shouted: "Vampire array! ”

The gardener pointed to the ground and a large blood-sucking vine drilled underground, and the next moment countless blood-sucking vines rose from all around, surrounding the entire area. Millions of blood-sucking vines shake into the sky, as if they had created a jungle flat.

After his efforts to cultivate this blood-sucking vine, it finally developed and grew. Even if Shen Yi wanted to walk around in this blood-sucking vine, he had to be sucked into adult dry.

King of Slaughter is rushing towards Shimu. I didn't expect to produce so many blood-sucking vines on the flat. He was instantly pulled away and screamed terribly.

This time the pursuit could not be completed, Hung Lang has chased after him, even though he jumped into the bloodsucking vine, facing the King of Killings another axe: “Tie it up! ”

A large number of blood-sucking vines are tied to the King of Killings under the command of the gardener, but the blood-sucking vines are unintelligent plants. Those uncontrolled blood-sucking vines still spontaneously roll into the flood wave, and a rake bites on the indestructible Vajra body of the flood wave, sounding as if they were biting gold stone.

“Hiss!” the King of Slaughter screamed, trying to hide again.

But the reason the flood waves let the gardener suck the bloodbath is to keep the guy from disappearing.

He rushed towards the King of Slaughter: "Bloody Madness! ”

With the whistling of the flood waves, his attacks surged at this moment, cutting each other with axes and axes, while long-range attacks by Crowe and Ye Jiguang fell.

Blood! Blood!

This is exactly how a Rage Warrior fights best.

The difference is that Hongwang has an Immortal Body Protector at this time, a tree to add life to himself, and a comrade to help him output, so he must win.

The mad attack fell on the King of Slaughter, who had been slaughtered alive by the flood waves and several spirits flowing into the air as a bloodbath burst.

“Pretending to die? I'll let you die!” Hung Lang leaned his mouth and swung his hand, a trap net had captured a god's soul.

At this moment, his expression was full of pride, and even a few gardeners were a little dull.

Since when does this motherfucker's brain work so well?

Sputtering cracks first, then sucking the blood formation, besides the advance, this guy has a string of commanding operations?

What a rarity!

On the other hand, the flood waves were somewhat disdainful.

Who says tampering must be stupid?

Poor character and no IQ are two concepts altogether, Hung Lang was never a fool, but many times there was Shen Yi, he preferred to solve problems in a simple and direct way.

Being able to refer directly and simply to the core key is in itself a wisdom.

Don't forget, he was the first to hold Shen Yi's thighs.

This simple wisdom, in fact, is the most important wisdom, and there are still many people who do not understand it.

Likewise, in the absence of Shen Yi, the current battle is still pointing directly at the core in his simplest way.

Flood wave command is simpler, more effective, and easier to implement than Shenyina's dazzling arrangements.

“How many nets do we have left?” The gardener asked.

“There is one left.” Hung Lang replied.

“Too bad.” Everyone sighs together. One left, which means they can only get one more god next.

Instead, Hung Lang smiled: “Who says soul trapping has to catch the nets? ”

“Hmm?” Everyone looked at the waves together.

Looking over his head at the King of Slaughter, who was merging into the Resurrection, Hung Wang replied: "When we first got our souls, we didn't have any nets. ”

His fist gripped: "Enough strength, sometimes to solve the problem! ”