Infinity Armament

Chapter 1407 Trial

10: 00 AM the next day.

The Interstellar Alliance Tribunal sits.

Cases of trials of adventurers have spread across the system, and not many people have gathered here, and some journalists have waited at the gate against long-gun guns.

When Shen Yi came out of the car, the flashlight lit up. Some journalists stormed the human wall and delivered the microphone to Shen Yi: “General Shen Yi, how do you feel about this trial? Do you think the trial was reasonable? ”

Shen Yili reasoned his words and replied: “I personally express my absolute support for the Interstellar Alliance's trial approach to investigating the incident. I stand ready to be tried by the Coalition with any legal provisions and bear all the consequences. ”

The answer made the audience loud, and the reporter shouted, "So you admit you started the war? ”

“It is for the Tribunal to decide.” Shen Yi smiled and answered.

Some also wanted to continue questioning that the soldiers in charge of supervision had struggled to push away crowds on both sides and clear a path to bring Shen Yi and others in.

The court is already full of people, almost half of whom are adventurers, including Colonel Cliff Hua Tianrui Ashuro Merrill and others.

Wei Lambai also arrived. He had been in five difficult months, but the infrastructure had been completed, and this time he came to see the trial in particular.

Hua Tianrui gave Shen Yi a thumbs up, indicating that what he had asked for was done.

Shen Yi smiled and nodded, leading the way to the defendant's seat, while gentle others waited outside the courtroom.

The Tribunal is headed by a Lord Chancellor, assistant judges on both sides, while behind the bench there is a row of seats, none of which are empty, except for one transmitter per seat.

It appears that the Supreme Council, while following the matter, will not appear and will not preside directly, but will only follow the trial in this way.

In the middle of the bench and the audience, it is indeed a jury of twelve jurors.

What surprised Shen Yi was that the Evil Emperor was here.

… Interstellar Alliance is really hard work.

There is a rigorous process for the selection of jurors, and it is best not to allow anyone with any connection to the plaintiff or the defendant to appear before the jury and not even to have heard of them in order to ensure absolute impartiality.

The evil emperor became a juror. All he could say was that the law was easy to play. He also sat down with the Interstellar Alliance's determination to punish him.

But Shen Yi didn't care. He even said hello to the evil emperor: "Hi! ”

“Defendant, you cannot engage in any form of contact with the jury," the Lord Chancellor said immediately. ”

Shen Yi spread out his hands: “I was just saying hello to an old friend. ”

Seeing Shen Yi in position, the Lord Chancellor struck several times with a hammer, indicating silence, and the trial began.

Perhaps because of the large number of reproductions, the trial process was not very different from that of Earth, with the prosecution filing a complaint and then the defence counsel defending it. The only difference presumably was that the legal texts cited were different, after all, from that of Earth.

Since Shen Yi defended himself, he did not have a defence lawyer on his side.

At this moment, His Excellency the Prosecutor is making a generous statement in which he deplores Shen Yi's actions to wage war.

His emotional performance was quite high, and his words were even more aggressive. To put it bluntly, Shen Yi was the culprit of the war and pushed all his faults to Shen Yi.

The judge turned to Shen Yi when he finished his presentation: "Defendant, do you admit, on the charge of the prosecutor, that you attacked the Interstellar Union carrier? ”

Shen Yi replied softly: "I deny this accusation. ”

“According to the investigation, however, you used an electromagnetic pulse before the battle and caused communication interference to the Union carrier. ”

“Yes, I did, and I apologize for the inconvenience caused to your fleet, and I am glad that there were no casualties during that electromagnetic interference, and of course I would like to express my sincerest apologies to the Alliance for that. ”

There was a laugh in the courtroom, and the judge had to count the hammers in order to show silence.

And then the judge went on to say, "But you realized before the attack that this could happen, right? ”

“Did you?” Shen Yi chuckles: “The only consequence I know is that the attack will not kill anyone, it will only bring those damn ghost fighters out of their ghost state. ”

“It remains offensive in nature. As you know, electronic warfare is the beginning of the war. ”

“Electronic warfare for the purpose of paralysis, Your Honor, does not include accidental injuries. ”

“But at least it was injured and the false injuries were offensive, and you should have been aware of that before you did.” The words of the judges are clearly biased.

“I said I'd apologize.” Shen Yi stall hands.

There was another laugh in the courtroom.

Only Huatianwei Cliff and others frowned.

Shen Yilingteeth on the surface, but Shen Yi's statement is actually tantamount to disguised acknowledgement that before the electromagnetic attack, he knew it would affect Utred's ship.

This is extremely detrimental to Shen Yi's assertion of “self-defence counterattack”.

Indeed, on this occasion, the Prosecutor began to point out that the attack was initiated by Shen Yi, while the attack by Utred was merely a misfiring of a minefield attack.

He confirmed the huge difference in behaviour between Shen Yi and Utred by “knowing beforehand the impact of electromagnetic attacks on the transport fleet” and “Shen Yi would initiate a mine raid if Utred did not know he was attacking a mined area”, and for this purpose broadcast footage of the movement of the Dominant.

“Mr. Shen Yi, did you admit that when Utred ordered the attack on the minefield, you voluntarily ordered the warship to approach the minefield? ”

“Yes, I admit, Your Honor.” Shen Yi replied silently.

There was a lot of noise.

“In other words, did you admit that you were deliberately inducing a convoy attack and took the opportunity to fight back? ”

“Yes.” Shen Yi replied calmly.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Cliff et al. are almost mad.

Shen Yi is beginning to admit the charges against him!

The prosecutor also seemed surprised by the progress, and he rushed to Shen Yi: “So did you admit that you ordered the shooting to continue after Lieutenant General Addison sent you a truce request? ”

The judge immediately said: "The prosecutor is reminded that the defendant may not answer this question before you are free to ask. ”

“It doesn't matter, I can answer.” Shen Yi: “I admit that it was I who asked my men to kill the transporter and detain Utred. ”

“This is insane, Shen Yi. What are you doing?” Wei Lambai stood up and shouted.

Judge Hammer knocks hard: "Silence, or you will be expelled from court! ”

Shen Yi made an apologetic gesture, and the guard snorted and sat down in disgruntlement.

Is that how this bastard defends himself?

The judge just said: "The prosecutor is now free to ask questions of the accused, but please note that these are limited to events related to the case. ”

“Thank you, Your Honor.” The young blonde prosecutor stood up complacently.

When things got to this point, the prosecutor felt he had won.

To be honest, he was somewhat unsatisfied with Shen Yi's performance because he was too weak to be able to resist.

For this complaint, he made many preparations, investigated a large number of specific incidents and even prepared a large number of witnesses. He can be sure that Shen Yi, no matter how he defended himself, will not escape from his hands, which will be his successful first battle.

But as it is, even witnesses are not required to appear in court, and he is about to win.

Victory like this really doesn't have a sense of achievement.

Nevertheless, the prosecutor stood before Shen Yi: "Mr. Shen Yi, after the battle, you ordered Yamato to be taken. Do you know that your actions are suspected of illegally encroaching on the property of the Interstellar Alliance? ”

“I didn't take the Yamato, I just dismantled it for security reasons.” Unexpectedly, Shen Yi did not admit this accusation and left the prosecutor stuck.

“But your actions have caused the Interstellar Alliance great losses. ”

“Yeah, I lost a lot of money for that, too.” Shen Yi shrugged her shoulders.

“What did you lose? ”

“Lots of ammunition. ”

“ …… ”

Laughter comes back.

Shen Yi has rightly said: "Yamato is a warship, and I do not believe that attacking enemy warships in combat is an act of vandalism or usurpation of property. It is absurd to say that it does not belong to civilian property, let alone an illegal usurpation. ”

The prosecutor finally got some excitement: “So, Mr. Shen Yi, did you ever think, before you issued your attack order, that the consequences of that order might trigger a war between adventurers and the Interstellar Alliance? ”

Shen Yi replied: "I never thought my actions would start a war. Interstellar alliances and adventurers are interdependent relationships, and together we confront our enemies, the Bugs. Individual events are not enough to lead to an outbreak of war between adventurers and interstellar alliances, as has been proven…”

Shen Yi refers to twelve jurors on the jury.

Yes, Shen Yi and Utred fought, but this still does not exist when it comes to the overall war between the Interstellar Alliance and Adventurer.

Deny again.

“But you cannot deny that this undermines friendship and feelings between the two sides and may affect subsequent cooperation.” The prosecutor said without hesitation.

“Yes, I admit it. ”

Loud again.

Shen Yi admitted it again!

“This bastard... what does he really want to do?” Even Cliff was speechless this time.

Asura suddenly said, "That's what he wants. I can feel it. ”

Hearing this, Huatianwei realized something, and he muttered: "Crimes against the united front. ”

“What?” Cliff didn't understand.

Hua Tianrui has muttered: "Crimes against the united front! He wanted the charge, he refused to admit to waging war, he refused to admit to usurpation of property, but he admitted that he had broken the friendship between the two sides… he wanted the other to try himself on the charge. He gave that prosecutor a chance, and as long as he wasn't an idiot, he'd take that chance. ”

“Why?” Everyone was mute.

“How do I know!” Huatianrui doesn't have a good airway.

Shen Yi asked him to use his relationship to prosecute himself for the crime. He thought he would give Shen Yi something to use.

But now it seems that Shen Yi really wants to be convicted of this crime against himself!

What does he actually want to do?

The prosecutor also seemed very confused with Shen Yi.

He looked at Shen Yi and shook his head eventually: “I have nothing more to ask, I request to ask the next defendant. ”

Shen Yi has admitted some crimes, that's enough.

The Interstellar Alliance did not want him dead, but simply needed him to plead guilty and take the opportunity to punish him.

On what charge?

It doesn't matter.

At least not for the Interstellar Alliance.

Shen Yi was then taken out and gently brought in.

This time she was prosecuted as an accessory to the Shen Yi offensive fleet.

Perhaps it was because Shen Yi's performance had spoiled the prosecutor so much that his passion at the time of filing the complaint had diminished considerably.

When the question began to be gentle, he replied softly: “I denied all the accusations against me, that the attack on the fleet was Shen Yi's personal act from the beginning, had nothing to do with my Blade Squad, and we did not support his approach from the outset and strongly opposed it. ”

What do you mean?

Everyone stays together.

The prosecutor also obviously beamed: “You are shirking your responsibilities. You and Shen Yi are on the same team! ”

“I have not shirked my responsibilities.” Gentle replied: "Due to his willingness to act alone, members of our team have long been dissatisfied with him and officially deprived of his post as captain two days ago, expelling him from the team. He's not a member of my Blade Squad anymore. I'm the new captain! ”


Everybody stand up.

“But you're his woman!” The prosecutor screamed almost out of control.

“Divorced.” Gentle answer.