Infinity Armament

Chapter 1412: Hell Camp (Lower)

Awesome alarm sounds pierced the tranquility of a long night.

Shen Yi woke up from his sleep, and he sat up and looked out the window.

Karl was screaming, “Bug attack! Bug attack! Collect all!!! ”

He shouted so loud that he didn't have to honk over the siren.

“The loud voice still makes sense!” Shen Yi is a little admired for this guy.

Zhao Lin, who was hooked up with Shen Yi like an octopus, woke up: “Did the Bugs attack? ”

“Mm-hmm.” Shen Yi responded.

On the third day of Hell Camp, Shen Yi welcomed his first battle.

Jumping out of bed and getting dressed, Shen Yi said: “You guys sleep here, I'll be right back. ”

“Let's go too.” The second woman said in the same voice.

“It's not necessary, it's a shoot-out, it's not for you, and it's also a small-scale fight... I'll go back and wait for my spirit. ”

This makes the two girls blush at the same time and retract the nest.

Inspired by the alarm, the soldiers quickly got up, put on their armor and flushed out of the barracks.

They roared wildly, as if it were not a big battle of life and death, but a great football game with a hard psychological qualities.

Some soldiers stormed the barracks fence, while more entered the bunker along both wings. The cannons and towers of the camp and the various types of heavy weapons are also pointed in the direction of the enemy. In the darkness, the sound of the sea breeze can be heard.

Shen Yi was also wearing a heavy infantry armor and later went to the wall. He stood beside Karl and looked through the darkness. He had seen the fierce tide of worms.

“It was a mantis based ground assault force, packed with snakes and lurkers, a small-scale raid. ”

Karl suddenly didn't hear Shen Yi's voice and looked closely before suddenly realizing: “I thought which son of a bitch had such a good eye. I said, how could you wear this? ”

He refers to Shen Yi's infantry armor.

“Do you want me not to wear it as the only exception in your camp? ”

“I just don't think you'll see it, you adventurers are all copper skin bones... Come on, come on, you bastards, bugs won't wait for you in line!” Karl yelled at the soldiers who were still on their way. The distant Bug Shadow has gradually emerged and is rushing toward this side at high speeds.

Several of the mantis at the forefront had entered the minefield, followed by a shocking explosion.

Unlike StarCraft, a mine can kill a bug, even a mantis can withstand the bombing of several mines, and there are enough mines here to be cheap enough.

There is already a flame in front of us, and behind us there is a lot of gunfire, countless shells, beams of energy, flying over the hell camp, falling into the frontal bugs, blowing up one bloody sea after another.

Unlike the fights imagined, on the real battlefield, humans actually used artillery fire to separate the bugs and blow them up into an unrelated block, while soldiers used the weapons in their hands to strike the scattered bugs with precision.

Soldiers alone cannot resist if the tide of worms is truly crushed like the ocean.

Shen Yi looked at the crowd of bullets that had crossed the sky over her head and replied: “The defense of this armor will not be harder than my skin, but wearing it will at least have the advantage of making it less easy for others to recognize me, which makes me more free to wield fire. ”

Shen Yi said that he had taken out the Soul Spear: "Ranged. ”

The Gaussian rifle is good, but far less powerful than the Soul's.

He aimed the gunpoint at the distant insect clan and started the first attack.

“You think that way they wouldn't know it was you?” Carl flipped his white eyes helplessly. Please, the Bugs are not in range yet, and you've fired first. Just before that, he told the soldiers to hold their fire until the bugs reached their effective range.

Along the brightness of the bullet, Karl sees a sudden burst of blood on the head of a mantis in front of him, and the servant falls to the ground. It's not dead yet, but the next moment countless mantis have stepped on it and crushed it...

“Gun credit!” Shen Yi slapped the gun and replied: “Besides, if I make too many exceptions, I won't give you face. And as things stand, all you have is a pretty good soldier, not a lame general. ”

“Exactly.” Karl Doo, he looked at Shen Yi: “It doesn't look like you've come to trouble me. ”

Shen Yi smiled and shot again at the distance.

He's a good shot.

Even Mantis in a sonic burst cannot escape his shooting.

Unlike the last bell tower attack, this Shenzhen long-range soul gun is no longer focused on the pursuit of overshooting ranges, but ensures the speed of each shot per second while hitting the target for an extra bursting effect.

So almost invariably, any mantis hit by Shen Yi would fall from a blow to the head, and then be run over by a group of insects.

The Interstellar Alliance has always relied on a solid wall line of defense formed by the number, countless artillery, machine guns, tanks, heavy armor, bunkers.

Shen Yi gently and easily harvested dozens of insects at this moment, and a large crowd of cheers have been sent out in the camp.

Someone shouted at Shen Yi: "Hey, man, you're a good shot! Are you a ghost soldier? ”

The Interstellar Alliance also has soldiers with superpowers, ghost special forces, commonly known as ghost soldiers, that are equally far-ranging, powerful and capable of locating nuclear bombs, and here, of course, the latter have been cancelled and replaced by more powerful tactical combat capabilities, but far worse than adventurers.

“Yes, a ghost soldier who made a mistake was punished here.” Shen Yi answered aloud, and he smiled at Karl: "This is a good identity, use this later. ”

Karl stalls: “Whatever you want. ”

“I don't think you can beat those ghosts!” Someone called again.

“That's right, at least they're not running fast without you!” Someone has already recognized Shen Yi.

Shen Yi answered aloud: "Even in the Ghost Army, I am the best.” Raising his hand again took out one of the foremost mantis, but he was quick to kill and the insects were pushing faster, looking at the minefields that had already been crossed and rushed to the vicinity of the camp.

“Everybody ready!” Carl shouted.

Hurrah, all the gunshots were aimed at the distant bugs at the same time, watching as the bugs approached, and some of the cowardly foreheads were sweating.

“Fire! ”

All soldiers fired simultaneously, shots were fired over the camp, the fire lit up the whole sky, and a dragon from the bullet chain struck the insect herd, causing an awesome howl.

Meanwhile, the assassinated snakes spit large amounts of corrosive venom across the camp.

A soldier was sprayed with venom and his armor dissolved during corrosion. The soldier mourned his hands and fell heavily from the wall.

More mantis used a high-speed sound impact to approach the camp, and even Shen Yi had to change his soul gun from a long-range type to a standard form, pursuing higher levels of killing.

Yet Mantis is so fast, watching them rush against the city wall, and Carl has yelled, “Electromagnetic impact! ”

The next moment, large pieces of electric light suddenly rise and interweave into a huge grid in the air.

Several rushing mantis hit the power grid on the spot and were electrocuted into a scorched black fall. Even Shen Yi couldn't help but tremble.

It's a large number of electromagnetic rifles that are collectively powerful and can form a powerful grid with current interactions, a more frightening form of defense than an energy grid, with powerful counterkill capabilities.

In addition, these electromagnetic rifles themselves can be attacked individually.

After the grid blocked the swarm, a huge pole had been generated in the grid, running wildly in the air, such as a lane snake drilling into those bugs and pouring out immediately following a huge metal storm, tearing them apart into pieces.

“Well done, boys!” Naked and excited, he fired wildly and the rifle in his hand jumped out of a large number of yellow, clear shells.

“It's really good.” Shen Yi couldn't help but sigh.

If Shen Yi and these soldiers from hell camp fight, he is 100% sure to kill the whole thing.

But when it comes to battle injuries, it turns out that these soldiers with high-tech weapons are stronger. Even if Shen Yi's cards are exhausted, there will be no more bugs killed than these soldiers.

That's why adventurers must have warships.

High-tech weapons transform quantity into qualitative advantages, at least not in the bloody urban world, at least not in the present circumstances.

Personal force cannot prevail over all unless…

Shen Yi was not thinking about going on. He just pulled the trigger and aimed at the bugs coming up again and again.

From time to time, insects jump onto the wall, and every time they are close to each other, it is the end of the soldier.

Often a mantis can harvest the lives of seven or eight soldiers, and the screams of the soldiers are remembered from time to time in the ears.

Shen Yi does not overpower the firepower of Hell Camp, but he can at least choose to make his attacks more targeted, so whenever a bug jumps on it, he gets Shen Yi's first shot.

With more bugs coming up, Shen Yi will rush over, one sweep will throw the bugs out.

Occasionally, Shen Yi is also attacked by insect clans and broken by mechanical armor.

But this is lighter for Shen Yi - this stuff is really too burdensome for him.

So he saw the wall, Shen Yi wandered like a idle courtyard walker. From time to time, a fire appeared when he was shot, and under his feet were full of worms.

For a long time, everyone also discovered that whenever there was danger, they ran to Shen Yi's side, or sent out a direct cry for help. Just one battle made everyone see Shen Yi as a godly being.

By sunrise, the fighting had finally ended, with corpses everywhere inside and outside the camp.

Most of the soldiers sat heavily on the walls, some even went straight to sleep, while others greeted Shen Yi, who was still full of energy.

“I knew it would be like this.” Carl walks in complaining: “Is that what you're saying about shooting at soldiers and not letting them find out? ”

“Don't act like a bureaucrat, I'm just trying to save your soldiers.” Shen Yi chuckles: “I assure you, I used only a tenth of my strength. ”

“... Anyway, I have to thank you for saving my soldiers.” Karl reached out to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi gripped back: “Unfortunately, many soldiers are still dead. ”

“You are not a god, it is impossible to save everyone, this has been the least casualty of my battalion in this time, I will ask for your praise. ”

“Forget it, I had already renounced all merits before I came here. By the way, there's a question I wanted to ask you. ”


“How did you know the Bugs attacked? Don't tell me that, although the satellite has a full picture, it can't focus on all the sites at the same time, and this dark invasion was supposed to be hidden. ”

“We certainly cannot live on satellites, and the Alliance has its own reconnaissance positions close to the Bugs. Every insect raid, the reconnaissance stronghold sends us a message. Of course, these positions are one-time. ”

“Are those positions maintained? ”

Karl frowned: “No frontal front, but some covert scouts arrived with dedicated scouts. However, this work is very dangerous and, once discovered, sometimes it is too late to escape. Scouts can be said to have higher mortality rates than hell camps. If you ask, it won't be...”

“I want to go.” Shen Yi resolutely said.

Carl was stunned: "Do you know how close those strongholds are to the Bugs? That's what they do under their noses. ”

Shen Yi smiled: “Yes, I know. Can you let me go? ”

Carl sort of figured it out: "Is this your goal? You want to get close to those bugs... My God, do you want to betray humans? ”

Shen Yi rolled his eyes helplessly: “That's only if the worms accept it. Carl, hurry up. I'm not interested in your position. I just want to go to the front. ”

“I'm not responsible for this part. ”

“But at least you have the right to send your own scouts. ”

“... not many of my outposts have just been destroyed tonight. In that case, then go...”

“I'll set up my own outpost, I'll set the spot!” Shen Yi chopped off the railroad.

Calvin beams: “This is against the rules. It states that outposts cannot be more than 20 kilometres from the Bug Nation's territory and must have sufficient field of view to observe their actions. It is to be neighbours to the Bugs! ”

“If you agree, don't be a neighbor, it's okay to sleep in a bed. ”