Liu Mingyuan looked at the small hand that grabbed his fist and looked up to see her smiling eyes.

"The original words are returned to you. Before you make a decision next time, you still know your opponent well. I am not a general spiritualist. In addition to the spiritualist, I also follow the route of physical training. When I met me today, you lost!" Youyue said with a smile, and then broke it hard, and Liu Mingyuan's hand was turned over by her.

Then she flicked her right hand and punched him with a punch, directly knocking the person to the ground.She immediately followed, and the other party did not move slowly. Although she took a punch, she still turned quickly, avoiding Sima Youyue's next kicking motion, and also stood up.

The two again formed a confrontational situation.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and watched Sima Youyue cautiously.Unexpectedly, in this round, he actually suffered a fiasco. The opponent not only has the same strength as himself, but also takes the body training line, and is better than himself. His advantage is useless in front of her.

The people in the audience were also stunned by the result. She actually injured Liu Mingyuan?

Many people see her eyes have changed, at this time in their eyes, she is no longer a freshman, but a strong opponent.

"Humph-community, come out!"

Liu Mingyuan snorted and placed Sima Youyue at the same height, so he did not intend to hide the clumsy. Since neither her spiritual power nor her body could quickly take her down, then use her partner!


A huge python appeared on the arena, almost occupying the entire venue. The thick body of the bucket stood beside Liu Mingyuan, and it was quite suitable for one person and one animal.

The third-level super-beast is a relatively rare contract beast among ordinary people.

"You think you have the super beast!" Liu Mingyuan said contemptuously, they said contemptuously in the stands.

Tang Yan glanced at Qu Fatty. Although he didn't know the fat man, Sima Youran and the others around him knew him. It seems that this group of people are with her!

"Chongming, come out and play with the little snake." Sima Youyue finished, and a Chongming bird appeared in everyone's eyes.

Immediately after coming out, the python on the opposite side shrank immediately, very frightened.

"Come on, be careful, don't play dead for others." Sima Youyue said.

Pat the wings wisely and step forward to grab the python and take it to the air.

Liu Mingyuan looked at his python and was arrested, so he froze.

"Head Liu, it's fatal to be in a daze at this time." Sima Youyue kindly reminded, "what other tricks do you take out earlier, don't say that you didn't do your best!

Liu Mingyuan was choked by Sima Youyue's words, his heart was horizontal, and he called out a super-beast.This was when the family quietly asked him to make a contract when he returned to the family last time. Others never knew that he was preparing for the goal of rushing into the top 30 this time.

I didn't expect today to be forced to be exposed in advance.

But compared to exposing his strength, being defeated by a freshman in front of so many people makes him more unaffordable.

"This Liu Mingyuan actually has two super-beasts, which were hidden deep before!" Tang Yan shook his fan and commented.

"It seems that it was prepared for the Third Congress." Mo Bin said with a rare mouth.

"I don't know what she will do. It is not easy for a person to deal with Liu Mingyuan and his super-beast." Tang Yan said.

"She didn't panic." Mo Bin looked at Sima Youyue, believing that she had her own way.

Sima Youyue looked at the second super-beast and smiled and said, "Qianyin, you come to play with it, or that sentence, don't play dead."

Thousands of sounds came out, and eight tails were wide open. Without giving the opponent a chance to be surprised, they rushed up.

"Head Liu, are there any more?"

Looking at the smile on Sima Youyue's face, Liu Mingyuan felt extremely dazzling, and condensed his spirit to attack her.Sima Youyue flew to meet, the two hit the air from the ground, and then hit the ground back from the air.

I have to say that Liu Mingyuan still has some fighting power. The two men went together with spiritual strength and physical strength, and Sima Youyue couldn't take him for a while.

Everyone was stunned by the dazzling duel. The people in Perak saw a chill in their hearts when she saw that she could fight the leader for so long.

It turned out that she really showed mercy to them before.

Although others looked at them as if they were evenly matched, Liu Mingyuan knew that he was not playing easily.He has done his best, but the other party has reservations.


Sima Youyue kicked Liu Mingyuan on the foot, causing him to fall to the ground. When he turned over, a long sword was already placed in his neck.

"you lose."

Liu Mingyuan bowed his head unwillingly, indicating that he had conceded.

"Then you have to remember the agreement and restrain your team members." Sima Youyue glanced at the people under the stage.

The people of the Perak Society were so contemptuous that they shrank their necks subconsciously.I thought the other party was bullying, but I didn't expect it to be someone they could only look up to.

She retracted Linglong and turned to walk down the ring.

At the same time as she stepped down, Liu Mingyuan's two super-beasts were shot down beside him, no life threatening, but they seemed to be very depressed and fell into mistreatment by their opponents.

"Yueyue!" Bei Gongtang They had been waiting for her at the exit.

"I think the people of the Perak Society don't dare to trouble us. You have to be careful what small actions they are doing behind them. If you set up a society, the goal will be bigger." Sima Youyue said.

"You can rest assured that with you in today's battle, they would not dare to deal with us." Sima Youqi said.

"Go back. Hungry." Xiao Qi didn't like so many people and said to grab Sima Youyue's hand.

"Okay." Sima Youyue lowered her head and smiled at her. "We have been out for a long time, and we are hungry. We are seven. Let's go back. Brother, let's go back first, and the team formation will be yours."

"You can rest assured." Sima Youqi said.

"Xiaoqi, let's go, triumph today, go back and give Xiaoqi some delicious food today!" Sima Youyue took Xiaoqi and nodded to everyone.

Others also went out one after another, and some of the people left thoughtfully.

"Did you see clearly just now, the child next to Sima Youyue is really her?" Tang Yan forgot the fan in his hand and stared blankly at the back of Sima Youyue's departure.

Mo Bin also felt a little weird, but he nodded affirmatively: "You are right, she is the one."

"How could Xiaoqi be with Sima Youyue? And it seems that Sima Youyue doesn't know Xiaoqi's identity yet."

"I don't know now, and I will know in the near future." Mo Bin said, "I believe that the three conferences will be very exciting in the near future!"