Hongyuan went out, and the people outside immediately stood well and did not dare to show one.

Xiao Qi glared at him and ran quickly into the yard to see the situation of Youyue.When he ran past Hongyuan, he narrowed his eyes and did n’t look at her deeply into the yard. Even if he disappeared, he did n’t look back.

"Master priest?" Hua Di whispered softly.

Hongyuan drew his gaze and said, "You two come with me."

These two people refer to the two patriarchs.


The two patriarchs obediently followed Hongyuan, and Bajazi gave his grandfather a sympathetic look, then ... quickly forgot him behind his head and ran to find Sima Youyue.

Hua Xiu and Hua Jing also followed, Wu Lingyu had returned to the house, and only Sima Youyue and Xiao Qi were in the yard.

"Yueyue, are you okay?" Bajazi walked over and looked at Sima Youyue worriedly.

"It's okay." Sima Youyue said.

"Really?" Bajazi didn't believe it."I heard that this priest has the strangest temper, and he hates human beings in particular. Now he knows that you have a contract with the king. Did he really treat you?"

"Look at me, how is it like me?" Sima Youyue spread her hands and shrugged.

"It looks like ... it really doesn't matter." Hua Xiu felt his jaw, his face puzzled. "It stands to reason that even if he doesn't kill you, he will make you feel comfortable. Just leave? Weird! Weird! "

"Go to you!" Sima Youyue slapped past, "You didn't see me hurt or not?"

"No, no, where do I dare! I'm not curious." Hua Xiu quickly smiled.

Just kidding, this is the woman Wang likes. If she is hated by her, and then known by Wang, that's okay. It will be no more than that in the future!

"Youyue, how did you let him let you go?" Bajazi asked curiously.

"I didn't do anything?" Sima Youyue said, "And he didn't do anything to me. Why are you all nervous like this?"

"That's why you don't know what kind of an adult priest is." Bajazi said, "If you knew it, you would know why we were so worried before, and now we are so surprised."

"Okay." Sima Youyue said, "Anyway, thank you for your concern."

"There is nothing to thank." Bagjaz held her hand and said, "Although you are a human race, we are still friends!"


On the other side, Huadi and Balangqi followed Hongyuan to the meeting hall.

"Are you ready for everything Wang Fu needs?" Hong Yuan sat down on the throne, and the two patriarchs could only sit beside them.

"I am ready to go back to the priest," Huadi said. "But the energy is a little low. I have sent people back to get some crystals."

"No need," Hong Yuan said.

"Master priest, if the energy is not enough, it may affect the king's integration." Balangqi reminded.

"Yes." Hua Di said, "Wang postponed the integration time, we can go to the Devil Realm to get some over to ensure that nothing is wrong."

"I said no." Hongyuan said, "The magic thing has been solved."



Red Abyss took out the magic crystal stone, and the two old guys' eyes lit up immediately, two steps over, excited and dancing.

"Such a large magic crystal stone ?! Lord priest, where did you find it? It's two or three times larger than before!" Balangqi's two eyes were about to stick to it.

"With this, there is no need to worry about the lack of strength during the fusion." Hua Di said, "Master priest, such a big magic crystal, how was there no movement before birth? I don't know where it was dug out?"

"I didn't find it." Hong Yuan said.

"Not what you found?"

"Huh." Hongyuan put away the magic crystal and said, "This was found by Sima Youyue in a small realm."

"Yuyue son found?" Balangqi sighed, then sighed, "Yuyue son is really the king's blessing. If it weren't for her, the king's soul was still asleep, and it will dissipate in the sleep. Now find it again. With such a big magic crystal, the Wang soul fusion has such a great help! "

Hua Di frowned at Hong Yuan and made Ba Langqi look. Ba Langqi immediately stopped sighing and shut up and stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, the two did not get angry at the two at all, just said: "Since the king has handed over the preparations to you, you must check it several times in person, and you can't make a mistake. Do you know?"

"Yes, Lord priest."

"Master priest, if you come to the human world, is it okay with the demon king? Will you find anything over there?" Balangqi asked.

"I've arranged it, and Molou still can't doubt anything. Now let's check those things again ..."

In the following days, everyone was very busy. Huajing they ran east and west, and Huadi they were too busy to see the figure. Even Wu Lingyu and Mozha also left together and did not return for several days.

In the entire yard, only Sima Youyue and Xiao Qi are free.

"Yueyue." Xiaoqi ran to Sima Youyue and placed a flower on the book in front of her.

"What's wrong?" Sima Youyue closed the book and asked.

"Tomorrow is the day of their integration, aren't you worried? How can you still read books?" Xiao Qi asked.

"What can we do without reading?" Sima Youyue asked back.

"You can go and see, what is there to do. You have to worry about always realizing it." Xiao Qi said.

"Unfortunately, I'm worried that it's useless. The thing is not that we are preparing, and the fusion is not the two of us to merge, so all we can do now is to wait and see the changes. When the time comes tomorrow, the contract will be released." "Now we are going to help. Those who don't understand the devil world can only help. It is useless to worry, it is better to do your own thing here."

"You're really open," said Sima Youyue, "you don't worry about the safety of your brother? You two shared the same bed."

"Randomly described." Sima Youyue reached out and poked Xiaoqi's head. "No matter what happens behind him, Brother must take this step. His soul is not complete, which affects his future life, and will also give the old man of Shengjunge a chance Poisonous hand. So Brother did not have to choose. After this step, he may still get a freshman. If I can't, I will not know how to tell him when the master asks about the situation of the brother. "

This demon old man, since he said last time he was going to find Feng Ruyan's trail, the whole news has disappeared, no matter what dangers happened to his two apprentices, what he did.

Alas, incompetent master!

"Ah ..."

An old man who was far away from thousands of miles felt his nose itchy, reached out and rubbed it, and muttered in his mouth who was scolding him again ...