Sima Youyue narrowed her eyes and stared at Lanyue. It took a while to say, "Sure enough."

If it were not for a high status in the auction, how could he get this news so quickly.

"I can't help it, everyone wants to live!" Lan Yue said.

"Hehe." Sima Youyue smiled and took out a bottle and threw it to him.

Lanyue took out the Elixir and smelled it, similar to the previous one.This time he had no doubts and took the Elixir directly.

After a while, he felt that the spiritual power in his body had returned to normal, and he knew that the poison had resolved.

"Come on, where are they from the cold wind." Sima Youyue said.

"Dark Sea City." Blue Moon took out a note and threw it to her, with some news about them on the cold wind.

After seeing it, Sima Youyue condensed a flame and burned the paper, and said to Wu Lingyu: "We will go to the Nether Sea City."

"Yueyue, didn't you ask your cousin to check? There has been no news for so many years, how come there is news at this time? How do they know you are looking for them?" Fu Xi said doubtfully, "Will this Is it a trap? "

"If it's a trap, we're going too." Sima Youyue said.

These people are all subordinates of the mother, according to their mother's nature, it is impossible to ignore.

"How to determine the authenticity of the message?" Wu Lingyu asked.

"Leng Yun said, there is a code word between them. This code word is only known to them. There is a code word in this news." Sima Youyue replied.

Because there are code words, it should be said that Leng Feng and others should be there. If it is a full set, it is also a trap with them.

"In that case, then go." Wu Lingyu said.

She called out Chongming, and the three flew to Chongming's back and headed towards Ninghai City.

Lan Yue watched her leave without saying a word to herself, and suddenly felt a little lost in her heart.

"How did you get it?"

"The big manager told the chairman, the chairman sent someone."

"That arrives so fast?"

"The chairman is nearby. Hearing about you, he sent the news, but he didn't come."

"Oh." Blue Moon was silent for a while, murmured in doubt: "How does the righteous father know that this news will be useful to Sima Youyue?"

"Master, have we gone back?"

"You go back and tell the chief executive that the auction will proceed as usual, and the rest will be ignored."

"Master, if you don't go back, the big manager will say it."

"Don't care about him, if the big manager asks, then I will go to the Nether Sea City."

"Master is going to find them?"

"I'm just going to watch the excitement. You go."

"Yes, my subordinates will come back as soon as possible."

They have connections with their masters and know how to find them.

Sima Youyue sat back and returned to the city, turning around several times, and came to the Nether Sea City.

Nether Sea City is a mixed city of soul race and ghost race, because of the proximity to the infernal hell, occasionally people from there will come.

Sima Youyue came out of the teleportation array and was immediately locked by dozens of sights.These people looked at them with inquiry, curiosity, abuse, and various interests in their eyes.

"These people look really scary." Fu Xi woke his nose and said in disgust.

"The tribes here are mixed, and people should come and go, but looking at them, they seem to be very interested in strangers." Wu Lingyu said.

"You will always know why." Sima Youyue said, "And, it seems that it doesn't take long to wait."

"Shall we go to the inn first, or will we find them in cold wind?" Fu Xi asked.

"Go to the inn first. The situation here is not yet understood, it is best not to do anything hastily."

They went to find an inn, and the shopkeeper enthusiastically gave them an independent small courtyard.When he went in to live, Sima Youyue looked at the courtyard next door and asked, "Are there people living beside me?"

"Yes. The people over there have been living for several days." The shopkeeper said.

"How long have you lived? It seems that your business here is good!" Sima Youyue said quietly.

"The two yards are relatively small, so it's easy to rent out." The shopkeeper explained.

"The shopkeeper, the tribes here are mixed, should they be chaotic?"

"It's really messy, but it's not as messy as the outside."

"Who is in charge here?"

"The three tribes have great powers here. Usually, everyone is doing little things. Those great powers will not be controlled, but when it comes to the big things between the three tribes, the great powers will come out to manage." The shopkeeper said .

"Powerful? Is Silmer too?"

"Hush-Sylmer's name can't be shouted casually. He is the power of Infernal Hell. He needs to change His Sovereign." The voice of the shopkeeper stopped her, "If the people of Infernal Hell heard you call him Will be arrested. "

"Okay, thanks for the reminder from the shopkeeper. Didn't the people in Hell say they couldn't leave there, how could they come here?" Sima Youyue asked curiously.

"That said those who break the oath can not leave, some indigenous people can still, as long as they can find a way."

"There is still a way!"

"Of course! It's just that these methods are not publicly available, or else you want to go to other places." The shopkeeper said, "Well, this yard has these places. Are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, there are other places. . "

"Just here. This is a deposit." Sima Youyue took out a bag of spar to the shopkeeper and told him to leave.

"Silmer is the one who catches them?"

"Well, the news said that they were taken away by Silmer's cold wind."

"If it was really Silmer, it would be more troublesome to save."

"If it's really under him, you have to save if you have more trouble. So, all we have to do now is check the news."

"So many years ago, as for the three of us, I don't know when to go."

"There will be a way." Sima Youyue said.

Fu Xi looked at Sima Youyue's chest, and knew she was thinking of a way.

He soon understood that it was not that she had a solution, but that she had already been prepared.He was peeling walnuts aside, and from time to time he looked at the person standing in front of them and talking.

"Little Princess, I'm Di Jiujiu. Everyone calls me Jiujiu. Did you get the news from the general?" Di Jiujiu asked.

"No, I got the news from someone else. What's wrong?"

"Our news was passed back, so it shouldn't be that time to come so early." Di Jiujuan said, "Little Princess, where did you know the news? Ordinarily, no one knows this matter . "

"This shows that someone is checking the cold wind about them." Sima Youyue said, she suddenly thought about what she understood, and smiled clearly, saying: "So it is."