Instant Death
Chapter 15.
Faisal seems to be a demon king.
I say "seems" because Faisal himself is not aware of it.
The current demon king is supposed to be Tesla, but the adults who treat Faisal well say that Faisal is the demon king.
Tesla is the daughter of the previous demon king.
Faisal thinks that it is natural for Tesla to inherit the demon king, but some people don't approve.
Faisal's potential magic power is incomparable, and she has qualities that far surpass not only Tesla but even the previous demon king. The demon tribe is a meritocratic society, and the strong are the righteous. Faisal had been taught that it was only natural for the strongest one to become the Demon King.
However, Faisal, who is only eight years old, does not understand this situation very well.
If Tesla is stronger than Faisal at this point, then Tesla should be the Demon King. If Faisal becomes stronger, then he can think about replacing him at that point. But some adults don't think so. They are plotting this and that to install Faisal right now.
Faisal thinks that it doesn't matter who is the demon king.
They should all just get along instead of fighting over such things.
Faisal doesn't mind Tesla being the Demon King at all, nor does he want to be the Demon King.
So I want him to go home, but he has been locked up in the tower for a while now.
I don't think this is the way to treat a demon king, but I was told that this was to protect Faisal.
He said that there are surprisingly many forces that want to get rid of Faisal. Faisal's existence is a threat to the forces that support the current Demon Lord, as well as to other forces aiming to overthrow the current Demon Lord.
However, the daily routine of being trapped and only seeing the minimum number of people was boring.
Looking down at the ground from the top of the tower, he could see a bustling city under Tesla's rule, and he wondered why he was here.
Faisal was the daughter of a blacksmith.
The demand for armor was strong in this war-torn demon country, and Faisal was well off in her own way. Faisal was living a comfortable life.
Then, the three demon generals, who were directly under the demon king, arrived.
And they took Faisal with them.
In demon society, hierarchy is absolute, and buying a child who is not yet old is not a problem.
And now that he was in this situation, Faisal had nothing to do.
There were plenty of toys and books available, but he soon became bored with them. Playing by himself was also somewhat boring.
It was about half a year after I was brought here that a change came to my life.
People suddenly stopped coming.
The three demon generals who were obeying the demon king Tesla, but were working behind the scenes. They had stopped coming to Faisal.
The outside of the house seemed to be in a state of panic, and food was no longer being brought in.
It must be a very critical situation.
But Faisal didn't feel so threatened, he just thought it was quiet these days.
He was looking forward to the meals, but even without them, he didn't have much trouble.
I felt as if I was getting hungrier, but that was it if I thought it was just my imagination.
It wasn't until a week or so of not eating or drinking that I realized something was wrong.
Demons are tougher than humans. But there must be a limit to that, too.
Faisal decided to see if he could get out.
First, he tried the doorway, but it was locked.
He thought it would not be so easy, but as he fumbled with the knob, the door came off with a bang.
Apparently, it was a bit more fragile than I thought.
As soon as I stepped outside, I found a staircase. I walked down the spiral staircase and found a door.
The door was also locked, but it opened easily with a light push. The lock seemed to be broken, but since it was an emergency, it could not be helped.
As he stepped out of the door, he saw a corridor stretching out.
Faisal remembered when he had been brought to this tower. The tower was part of a larger compound.
I need to get to where someone is. ......
He walked down the corridor, opened a nearby door and went inside.
There was a person lying on the ground.
I approached and touched it, but it didn't move, it was cold, and it looked a little rotten.
I wondered what was wrong with him.
I went into the other rooms, but they all looked the same.
There were people lying on the floor, dead. There was no way Faisal could do an autopsy, but he could at least tell that they had probably been dead for a while.
There was no one alive in the house, so Faisal went outside for the first time in a long time.
There were people lying there too.
They were lying in the street. He could tell at a glance that they were dead.
Let's go home for now!
There was no one to blame in this situation. I was free to go anywhere I wanted, even back home.
As we passed through the upscale residential area and headed towards the shopping district, the appearance of the fallen people changed.
Up to this point, they had fallen unharmed, but gradually they were being maimed and killed.
Buildings were being destroyed, and armed people were lying on top of them. It wasn't just the demons with horns on their heads that were dying.
It seemed that the humans had invaded the city and started a battle.
Worried about what had happened to his family, Faisal headed for the workshop town.
The situation here was similar. There were traces of battles between humans and demons, and corpses were scattered about.
With some difficulty, Faisal climbed over the dead bodies and headed for home.
There was no one in the workshop or on the second floor where the house was located. He would have to assume that they had managed to evacuate somewhere.
But now Faisal didn't know where to go.
There might be people still alive somewhere.
Faisal wondered where he should go.
Humans and demons are irreconcilable enemies.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.
So what is the purpose of the humans who invaded? Probably the head of the Demon Lord.
Thinking so, Faisal decided to go to the Demon King's castle. Normally, they would win if they occupied the castle, so he thought that the humans would also go there.
The castle was located on the north side of the city.
As I headed towards it, I could definitely feel the presence of people. Something was active around the castle.
"What is it? There's a girl coming!
She's got horns! Demons!
There were human soldiers around the castle.
Faisal was lost. Humans were the enemy and should not be approached. However, they were the only ones who knew anything about the situation in this town.
But while he was lost, an arrow flew at him.
It pierced Faisal's shoulder, and he was blown away.
"Kill the demon tribe!
Don't stop! Don't stop! Make sure you stop them!
Arrows rained down on Faisal, and at the same time, magical fire, ice, and even lightning struck him.
What a terrible thing to do to one little girl like this. Faisal thought about it, but then he remembered that people and demons have no choice but to kill each other when they meet.
Oh. That's right. Humans have to be killed, right?
Faisal got up even though he was hit by arrows and magic.
He was taken by surprise earlier and fell down in a heap, but if he knew it was coming, he could withstand it to a certain extent.
In the event you've got any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, you can contact us at our own web site.
I can't hold my wards!
"Damn it! The miasma that was spreading in the city was caused by him!
As Faisal approached the castle, something popped up around it.
That must have been the warding they were talking about.
Faisal was going to attack now, but it was already settled.
The humans immediately began to suffer.
Then he flopped down and became quiet.
"I see. Could it be that it was my fault that people were falling near the tower?
As I thought about it, I became aware of an invisible force dripping from my body.
I don't know, but they've probably taken over the castle.
If that's the case, we should get it back.
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
The machine, known in this world as the hedgehog, broke apart and fled.
To increase their chances of escaping the enemy as much as possible, they split their bodies into the smallest possible pieces and launched them in every direction.
If he did this, he would not be able to recover some of them, but he was determined to do so.
In fact, only about a third of the parts were able to be rebuilt around the central processing unit.
Our strength was greatly reduced, but we had no choice but to do this in order to achieve our goal.
That's what I think.
We had found our target, the goddess.
However, she was no match for her family members who were guarding her.
I couldn't win even with my original power, so what should I do in this situation?
If we can't win in our current situation, we must find a way to win.
First of all, I gave up on retrieving the parts as soon as possible. It would take a long time and even if we could get it back, it wouldn't help us win.
That's why I plan to strengthen it.
It formulates specifications for gaining more power than the goddess and her dependents, and determines the resources needed to do so.
Of course, there is no guarantee that they will be available as envisioned, but in that case, it will only change the specifications to match the resources obtained.
It ran the sensors at maximum output.
Up until now, he had used the sensors only for the presence of God, but not now.
Any will do. It was expanding its target to see if there was anything that could be used for enhancement.
It had discovered a powerful force that had suddenly appeared.
It wasn't clear what had happened, but it had appeared suddenly.
It started to run towards the power in a straight line.
Faisal crossed the moat, pried open the castle gate, and entered the castle.
Most of the soldiers were cut off by Faisal's approach. It's not that he did anything in particular, but the power that he naturally emitted must have affected them.
If he tried hard enough, he might be able to suppress his power, but Faisal did not.
There seemed to be only humans here, and he didn't think he needed to worry about them at all.
I've never been to a castle before, and I don't know where the humans are. ...... Then let's go ahead and give them more power!
I've never been to a castle and I don't know where the humans are.
In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it for a lot of purposes.
Faisal didn't know what exactly he should do, so for the time being, he tried to put all his strength into his body.
When he tried to exert himself to the point that his arms began to plump up, he felt as if the force leaving his body had become stronger.
It was as if the force that filled the area was gaining momentum.
Then I noticed that there was a place where the power was not flowing in.
There seemed to be something there.
Faisal decided to head in that direction.
The place he arrived at looked like a warehouse. There were loads piled up everywhere, and there was an unpleasant feeling in the air at the entrance. It seemed to be a warding system that prevented Faisal's power from entering.
There were four men and women there.
They consisted of a swordsman, a sorceress with a staff, an archer, and a woman in priest's uniform.
Faisal thought that this might be the party of heroes he had heard so much about.
The demon king has a tradition of selecting four of the strongest among the humans and beating them.
I'm not sure if the demon king was killed by the brave men or not.
I'm not sure what to make of that.
I'm not sure what to do.
I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm not sure what to do.
You can't just call yourself the new Demon Lord without any kind of backing.
In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it to get the most out of your money.
I'm not sure what to say. I hope your wards are okay!
I don't think it's going to hold, but if worse comes to worst, I'll just protect myself.
'Why the hell not!
The swordsman man was shouting at the sorceress.
I'm not sure what to do. It's not like I'm good at warding either.
"Then it's Anne! You're a priest, so you must be good at warding off evil, right?
In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, you can contact us at .......
It was kind of noisy and looked dumb.
He didn't look very strong, so even Faisal might be able to defeat him.
Faisal thought that he should avenge him for now.
He might lose, but that didn't matter. It seemed strange that he was the only one who was still alive while all his friends were dead.
As Faisal walked into the warehouse, the warding at the entrance popped.
Faisal's power, which had filled the outside, flowed into the warehouse at once.
The archer woman and the woman in priest's uniform collapsed.
The sorceress' body was wrapped in light. She must be defending herself with it. The swordsman was wearing white armor, which seemed to protect him from Faisal's power.
What the heck! I thought you said the demon king was dead and we could invade with ease!
"Yes. It was supposed to. I'm sure that now that the demon king and the three demon generals have fallen, it was the perfect opportunity.
"Well. Can I ask you something?
Faisal spoke to the sorceress.
Are the Witch King and the three generals dead?
...... Yes. Tesla, the demon king. Demon Lord Tesla, Demon Lord Orifice, and Demon Lord Exia are dead. The High Priest Mimiru was also supposed to be a demon general, but he is missing.
For some reason, he answered honestly. It might have been an attempt to buy time.
I'm not sure what to do.
I'm not sure what to do.
If you are the last one, you will have no choice but to become the representative of the demon tribe.
Faisal made up her mind, but that decision was the last thing on her mind.
Suddenly, something came through the wall and pierced Faisal's head.
It came for power.
It was the first time I had ever seen such a thing. It's a great way to get the most out of your life.
It crossed oceans and came here in a straight line, without regard to buildings.
It arrived at the source of the power and thrust its hand blade into the head.
Fortunately, the source of this power was just a being with power.
It didn't know how to use its power efficiently, so it was just pouring out its mighty power.
Even though this had greatly reduced its strength, it was still a simple matter to penetrate the interior of an existence of that level.
The other side did not have a good defense.
It invaded the whole body through a hole in the head of the source of power.
It then takes control of the entire body. It fused its own body with the flesh, optimizing it so that it could penetrate the whole body and draw more power. He fused with his opponent's brain to search for memories to see if he knew how to become stronger.
It gained a new power.
It gained the power of the strongest demon king ever.
Rimlet was staring blankly at the scene.
I can't seem to catch up with my understanding.
The girl who can only be considered the worst demon king suddenly came and broke the ward, and then suddenly the wall broke and the girl fell.
The body of the fallen girl was convulsing violently.
I hope she dies just like that. Rimlet prayed to the gods, but his prayer did not seem to be answered and the girl stood up with jerky movements.
The girl's eyes met hers, and Rimlet almost swooned at the sheer awesomeness of the girl.
It was nothing compared to the demon king Tesla.
He instantly understood that she was the true demon king, and he despaired.
However, he was still able to understand so far.
The most powerful demon king in history was born here, and humanity had no chance. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, Rimlet was able to accept it as it was.
But what happened in the next moment threw Rimlet into further confusion.
UEG Krash!
Someone had fallen through the ceiling and hit the demon girl.
It was a girl, too.
A young girl in a white headdress was stomping on the demon girl.
It was an unnatural situation, if you think about it.
The demon girl's head had been smashed. The head of the demon girl had been crushed into a lump and was not in its original form. It was a reasonable result considering the force of the fall, but there was not a scratch on the floor.
"Hmm! Quick attack! It's not like I took him by surprise and forced him down! It's not that I'm not a fan of this kind of thing. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.
"Yeah, I mean. So, does that mean it's dead ......?
Rimlet couldn't help but ask.
That's what I mean. The mistress has precisely destroyed the center of this existence. There is no backup, so it will never work again!
It was true that the violent miasma that had been spewing around the demon girl had stopped.
If it was still alive, it would no longer be a threat.
It's ...... Thank you?
Rimlet hesitated, and then gave a subtle thanks.
I thought you were confused. I thought you might be confused, but it's an auspicious gesture to be able to say thank you. All right! I'll kill you myself. Originally, I would have left an insignificant person like you to my subordinates, but it was fate that brought us together like this. You should be grateful to her!
"Well, what is it?
What do you mean by that?" Rimlet could not swallow what was being said.
The mistress is UEG, the Ultimate Absolute God of Killing. She is the god of ultimate and absolute slaughter, the one who exterminates all intelligent life in this world. Of course you're going to die, aren't you?
The U.E.G. had a sword in his hand before he knew it. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
It's a good idea to put up some resistance as a memorial, isn't it? It is not often that a mistress takes time for a small fish like you. You might as well give it a try.
"Don't be silly! Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you can get away with anything!
This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your time with your family.
In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a number of things you can do.
In the face of the UEG, the holy armor that the brave man wears had no meaning, it seems.
I'm not sure what to do.
He had no intention of resisting any longer.