Instant Death
Ten stories doesn't make sense. I only have a feeling!
"It's okay. Yo! With Ho-kun's Red Lotus Sword, the iceberg will evaporate in an instant!
A relaxed woman was heard from next to Chichika, who was looking up at the luxury passenger ship.
From the content of the story, I guess I'm talking to Chichika.
Looking next door, a long-sleeved woman was smiling at Chichika.
"Uh, is that a special attack or something?
"Stop it, Mother! Why are you interrupting a stranger's story!
The woman held the boy from behind.
There's a woman's busty breasts on the boy's head, and he looks a lot uncomfortable.
If you've walked this far at this rate, it must have been quite remarkable.
"It is. I was worried about the iceberg, so I was trying to reassure you. Ho-kun is so strong!
"Really, excuse me... my mother, because the air is unreadable..."
"So it's okay if it's an iceberg or a pirate! Leave it to Ho-kun, the Red Lotus bond!
He seems confident, but he doesn't come across any hostility in particular. Chichika didn't know how to react.
"Sorry, so you don't know, do you? We're like a small group of mercenaries. I'm hired to escort this ship."
"Uh, are you with that mother?
"... Yes... I have other sisters and sisters..."
The boy got a look at the distance. I wonder how hard it is.
"Are there pirates out there?
Night fog heard.
"Yes, but ships of this size are rarely attacked, and that's why we're here. Look, I'm coming! We're all waiting for you!
The boy urged his mother, shivering and headed to the ship.
"... pirate out..."
Chichika had an increasingly unpleasant feeling.
"But there's nothing but going by boat. If you really don't like it, you can look for another wise man."
But the clear location was about Joshifumi, the wise man of the Ent Empire.
The city of Hanabsa, where I stayed before, seems to have been left under the control of the wise man Alice, but there is a considerable distance from here, and not necessarily the person there.
"Well, I've come this far."
"Description of a cluttered event? Forward swing, B"
When I was worried, I was called out again.
Turning around, a Japanese-like boy stands, staring at Chichika.
I also thought it was a mistake, but the boy still seems to be talking to Chika Chichi.
Chichika was just a little offended.
Because it was like bluffing the boy's tone, making a fool of him.
"Heh? I thought you were the explainer's mob, sounds different. From the looks of it, what's the heroine for the next event?
"Um. Who is it?
I thought he was a classmate if he was a Japanese boy, but he wasn't in Chichika's memory.
But there are quite a few Japanese in this world.
Apart from summoning wise men, they come in many different ways.
So it's not so strange to have Japanese, but I'm familiar with it for the first time, and what I'm saying is suspicious.
Chichika turned out to be an increasingly surprising face.
"I'm Shu Yosuke. Does being able to talk mean being a party member? Oh, never mind. Because it's about this way."
"Japanese, right? Have you been transferring, too?
"Hmm. That's the setting. That's a rare NPC."
"I only have a feeling it doesn't make sense!
Chichika was remembering the people she came to this world and met.
Mostly, the overconfident ones in these hands don't listen to people.
"You think maybe this is the place in the game?
Chichika thought it was useless to just talk, and the night fog spoke to Yosuke.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's a hell of a development, isn't it? I'm curious. You said you recognized that the game character was in the game, that's it. The one who destroyed the fourth wall, right? I can't help but wonder what a scenario writer might do."
Yosuke looks at me. Apparently, he doesn't mind talking about night fog.
"Sorry about the irresistible scenario, but I was wondering if you could just follow the story for a moment"
"What the hell. Isn't there some kind of event going out to sea by boat? Well, if this is the flag, then..."
"If this is where the game is, what perception is that to you? You even grip the controller in front of the TV?
"No way. I thought it was a VR for what?"
VR. It would be about virtual reality (virtual reality).
Chichika somehow knew what it was like.
"How is that happening? I don't think we've ever had the technology to build a real world before."
"I don't know the details, but it's in there even though it's like a capsule when you play"
"How old do you think you are now?
Yosuke's answer was pretty much the same as when the Chichikas went on a school trip.
I mean, they don't even mean products of future technology.
"Is that like being able to log in, log out?
"... that's enough. I don't want to see such a boring development in the corner fantasy RPG world."
Abandoning that, Yosuke headed for the ship. Later, the likes of the companions continue.
Because I heard the story earlier, I could see where the people were, unwilling dolls.
"... Huh? What is it? What do you mean? I don't know what that means, but what was the guy just now?
"In the game? I couldn't help thinking about that hand, so I ignored the possibility."
"Huh? Games are lies, right? You can't be this real, can you?
"Well, it could be possible,"
"Is it possible!?"
"It's a hell of a future high-performance computer, for example, a world where all elementary particle level movements are simulated. But you don't have to prove it. It's like a dream of a butterfly or a hypothesis five minutes ago."
"Well, if this world is real, it's a lousy world with magic and stuff..."
"So I can't help but care, if it's a game, there's a good chance I'll be able to log out and go back to the original world."
From the night fog point of view, he's come to another world while he's asleep, so I guess it's possible he was forced to participate in the game at that time.
But Chichika knows the moment when she has come to another world. When I was on the bus, I suddenly came to a different world, and I didn't really think they were making me play VR games.
'Mm-hmm. But don't limit that to if you start the game at some point. If you were created as a character in the game from the beginning, you wouldn't be able to log out or anything like that'
has also been a part of this story.
But Chichika has vast experience and memories from before she came to this world. I don't really think they're all crops, etc.
"Yes. If we're the people inside, it's just useless to care because there's nothing we can do about it... although he's the one who needs to care"
"What do you mean?
"If he thinks this world is a game, he could do something unscrupulous."
"Oh! If it's a game where you can kill NPCs, there are things you can do!
"Mr. Tannoura, is that a Yu-type? I can't, can I? So even Skyrim couldn't make it to the assassin quest."
"Huh? What, this flow? I'm being brutally outrageous!?"
He can't even play the game at night fog that's been killing people without hesitation so far.
It was Chichika who somehow felt unreasonable.