Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 303 Military Products Hidden Under English and German Drawings

With the development of China's manufacturing and manufacturing technology, more and more products need to be processed by four-axis machining centers in China.

The largest demand for four-axis machining centers in China is not the civilian machinery manufacturing industry, but the military industry.

For example, many parts of the missile and many link screw holes on the missile require centripetal holes to be drilled on the tapered arc, which requires the machine tool to be able to perform at least one axis linkage.Although the most suitable for the processing of these holes is a five-axis machining center, China has no way to get a five-axis machining center. The only way is to use tooling to ensure the realization of an axis that does not require a high schedule. , So as to realize the five-axis function on the four-axis linkage machine tool.

With the emergence of simple four-axis refitting in China, foreign machine tool manufacturing achievements understand that they can no longer stop the Chinese people from studying four-axis machining centers.In order to stop China's technological progress, high-end four-axis machining centers began to export large quantities to the Chinese market.As long as there is demand in the Chinese market, they will export without restricting the quantity.

Although the four-axis exports to China, if China wants to get the five-axis, that is something you don't even think about.

And the threshold of four-axis to five-axis is not so easy to enter.

Four-axis CNC machine tools can also implement simple fourth-axis functions by installing a PMC module-driven rotary table on the three-axis machining center, but it is simply impossible to obtain a simple five-axis using this method.

On the surface, the five-axis linkage machining center has only one more automatic angle of swing than the four-axis linkage, but it is an increase in the swing angle. The technical difficulties and manufacturing technology are more than ten times higher. .

The high price of the four-axis machining center has been greatly reduced after the emergence of the simple four-axis modification of the domestic rotary table.The four-axis machining center imported by the military from West Germany at the time can be completed with only about 1.5 million US dollars.

This price, compared to the initial two million yuan, although it has been reduced by a quarter, the price is still not acceptable to ordinary private enterprises with insufficient strength.

The imported CNC machining center with four-axis linkage is not comparable to the domestic four-axis three-linkage machine tool equipped with a hydraulic rotary table to achieve simple four-axis functions.Many high-precision parts that require a four-axis four-link machining center to complete, such as some parts of aircraft wind tunnel tests, and the heat dissipation shell of aircraft engines, cannot be completed by simple four-axis.

Even if it can barely be completed, the processed effect cannot meet the design requirements.

Yunfei originally wanted to suggest that Xin Kaixing use the profits accumulated over the past two years for the purchase of four-axis machining centers, but Wang Qingfeng proposed to divide the money at the beginning, and he could not stop it. Wang Qingfeng is this one. The boss of the factory.

"Xiaoyun, are you dissatisfied with this distribution?" Wang Qingfeng asked Yun Fei as soon as the meeting was over.

At the meeting, he said that after dividing the company's profits, he clearly saw Yun Fei's mouth move.

"Pharaoh, we should now purchase at least two four-axis machining centers when there are no four-axis machining centers in the domestic private market." Yun Fei said seriously to Wang Qingfeng.There are no outsiders now. The purchase of a four-axis machining center is also related to the future development of Huadu Xinkaixing. If he does not say, I am sorry that Wang Qingfeng gave him the 20% share.

Don't owe favor debt to any debt.

"Didn't our company have four four-axis machining centers? Still buying them?" Wang Qingfeng thought Yunfei was going to say something important, but in the end he found that Yunfei was talking about buying four-axis machining centers.

Huadu Xinkaixing Company placed an order for four refitting when Sun Lin and Situ Heyun produced hydraulic workstations and rotary tables.The company’s current four four-axle units were supervised by Sun Lin and Situ Heyun personally.

It cost a full 1.2 million just to rebuild these four processing centers!This is the friendly price given by the other party because Yunfei is also a shareholder of Xinkaixing!

These four-axis machining centers do not have enough business to keep them running 24/7.In many cases, the added fourth axis is removed and used as a three-axis machining center.

"Are we called Four Axis?" Yun Fei curled his lips, despising Wang Qingfeng.

"What is this not a four-axis? Isn't our four-axis machining center with a rotating fourth axis?" Although Wang Qingfeng has been able to rank among the top three in the industry in the Huadu area, he is the CEO of CNC machine tools. , He still doesn't really understand.

"Old Wang, go out in the future, don't tell people that you are Xin Kaixing's boss..." Yun Fei directly distanced himself from Wang Qingfeng.

Nima, it's too bad to be with this guy.

As the boss of a factory focused on CNC machining, he didn't even understand a real four-axis machining center.

"..." Wang Qingfeng was speechless.

He has never seen a four-axis machining center abroad.

"Our four-axis machining center can do some small shaft parts and box parts, what else can it do? Those large box parts, or larger disc parts, heavier shafts Kind of parts, can it be machined?" Yun Fei's words instantly let Wang Qingfeng understand how the four-axis machining center used in their factory is different from the real four-axis machining center.

The total number of imported four axles in the country will not exceed 20. All except a few have entered the research unit, and most of them have entered the confidential unit.

It is mainly the aircraft manufacturing industry in the aviation field, and the rocket and missile manufacturing industry in the aerospace field.

For example, some core parts such as tanks and warships can be processed with a four-axis machining center to ensure the spatial geometric dimensions and some form and position tolerances, but it is far less urgent than the aircraft industry and the rocket and missile industry for high-end machine tools.

Wang Qingfeng has never seen a real four-axis machining center such as EP6, which is forgiven.

"We, Xinkaixing, are mainly engaged in CNC machine tool processing business. Many important customers have many businesses that require high-precision processing machine tools. These customers are the customers we should focus on. As long as their four-axis machining We can afford the business, three-axis business, will they not give it to us?"

Yun Fei did not explicitly tell Wang Qingfeng that more than half of the foreign trade orders they made in the company now belonged to the military, most of which were from the navy.

Now Xin Kaixing has established a cooperative relationship with the navy's military factory. Wang Qingfeng does not know about this.

Many military processed products are transferred through Ren Zhiguo of Kmart. Therefore, in many cases, Kmart has people supervising the production of Xinkaixing in Xinkaixing's production workshop.It is most obvious that the inspection becomes more and more stringent when the product is delivered to Kmart for inspection.Even if it's a little bit too close, it won't be counted as a substandard product, but just thrown into the waste box.

Yun Fei didn't know it at first, but in order to avoid being guessed, the military actually converted those drawings into English drawings.

Since the establishment of Jiuyi Heavy Industry, Yunfei has rarely dealt with Xinkaixing's technical matters.When I arrived here last time, in the workshop, I saw that the tolerances marked on the English drawings and German drawings were too small, and they were very different from the general English drawings. In general, it is said that they come from several companies. Yun Fei only discovered the silly stuff inside after the drawings.

The factory where Yunfei was originally located was a state-owned enterprise engaged in military products.

Compared with military products and civilian products, although there is not much difference in many cases, the standards adopted are still very different from the standards adopted by civilian products.

Domestic military production uses the national military standard, starting with G**, while civilian products use GB. However, if there is no obvious mark in these standards, people who are not very familiar with the two standards will not be able to Discovered from subtle differences.

The most significant difference between the national military standard and the national standard is that even the most common and common materials are absolutely not allowed to appear.In the military's own factories, if you want to substitute materials, there are many procedures.

Each product is accompanied by a quality tracking card, and each batch has a material appraisal report, and the batch number of the furnace is something that is not used on ordinary civilian products.

"Then how much is one?" Wang Qingfeng knew, and Yun Fei solemnly said that the price would never be cheap.

In just three years after Yunfei entered the company, the company has grown from a small factory with an annual revenue of two to three million yuan to an annual profit of more than 20 million. This has made Wang Qingfeng regard Yunfei's opinion as a golden rule.

"Now it is estimated that it will cost seven or eight million!" Yun Fei said lightly.

"It's robbing money, this is!" Wang Qingfeng was shocked by the numbers Yun Fei said out of his mouth, so that he could put a goose egg in his mouth.

Seven or eight million is actually just the price of one unit!

"It's pretty cheap. A five-axis machining center is about the size of our 1280 bed, and the price is more than 25 million. It's still priceless. Foreigners don't sell it at all!" Yun Fei was very disappointed.

If the five-axis machining center can be sold now, Xinkaixing will be invincible for at least ten years.

"What are we buying for? Now, there is no product that needs that kind of function!" Wang Qingfeng was really reluctant.

Seven or eight million one machine, even if it costs five hundred yuan an hour, twenty-four hours a day, it is only twelve thousand. Such a machining center takes more than two years to recover the cost of the machine tool!

"As long as you have the equipment, there will be a large number of orders!" Yun Fei said to Wang Qingfeng mysteriously.