"That's the truth. I personally experienced it. What's the secret? That bastard, the son he had with another woman is a son, and I am not his son. He actually cheated me for his only a few years old son. , Isn't he afraid of retribution?" Yun Fei said coldly.

"Yun Fei, in fact, back then...Forget it, you wouldn't understand if I told you..." Jiang Jianxing opened his mouth and said nothing."Anyway, there were a lot of things that you didn't understand. Especially the older generations, who have not experienced it, you will never understand..."

This tone was very desolate.

"Nothing I don't understand. I haven't experienced the great turmoil in the 1960s and 70s. Haven't I heard of it?" Yun Fei didn't want to talk about it anymore.No matter what happened that year, as a father, Yun Jianjun should not treat his son like this.

If it weren’t for the life experience of this body, if it’s not for Yun Jianjun’s death of his wife in order to marry another woman, if it’s not for Yun Jianjun’s first visit to the house, it’s for his infant son. , This time he came to pit his eldest son for that son again. Yun Fei would not be so unsympathetic to him.

Blood will always be thicker than water.

If it hadn't happened this time, maybe Yun Fei would forgive Yun Jianjun, maybe not?Even if he would not forgive, at least he would never ask Yun Jianjun's life or death.Especially in the past, I have never avenged this body of Yun Fei. It stands to reason that if he robbed another person's body, he should avenge him. At least he could not make Yun Jianjun better, right?

He is kind enough.

"How is the situation of our five-axis? Should it be done?" Jiang Jianxing obviously does not want to mention this matter again, and some things, let him be buried in history.

"The whole range of rectification these days is just for this. Yu Cheng and the others are too shameless. They have long been telling them to pay attention to high-end customers who need five-axis. It turns out that it is not good at the moment. The information is not complete. Even many small customers who buy our processing center do not have information!" When it comes to this, Yun Fei can't help but complain.

All this was basically caused by Jiang Jianxing's connivance.

Hearing Yun Fei directly addressing Cheng and others by name, Jiang Jianxing's heart was taken aback, but he was relieved when he thought of Yun Fei's current status.He also knew that Yu Cheng and others had done too much. When he presided over the work of the entire group, he had always been very clear about this matter, and he had talked to them in private, but it seemed to have no effect.

These people are all Yunfei personally named and asked to remain in their posts, just to let the customer resources related to the entire company be in his own hands.

Jiang Jianxing always thought that Yun Fei would handle this matter himself, and that he wanted to move these people, no matter from a personal standpoint or a company standpoint, it would be inappropriate for him to do it.After all, they are all decades old friends.He changed the positions of these people or expelled them directly. Not only could he not get better, but Yun Fei could not get better.

They are changed positions, but other positions are simply not suitable for these guys who have not studied much. Is it possible for them to enter the logistics management system?It is estimated that these guys are simply not up to the task, after all, the entire group company is now beginning to automate office.

"If it doesn't work, just move them. This person, once a lot of things are taken for granted, he will not even know him..." Jiang Jianxing sighed.

Yun Fei nodded, and said to Jiang Jianxing very seriously: "Uncle, it's not that I am fond of love, but that this thing really can't continue like this. In the past, our company's profit was high, and the profit of a processing center was very good. More than ten thousand, but it doesn’t work anymore. The market is new enough, and there are more and more competitors. Our scientific research team has kept up, but there are problems in the sales link. Yu Cheng and the group of people I originally thought that they should be equipped with some Capable subordinates, just like Lao Wu, as long as they honestly take their share of money, I will open one eye and force one eye, but now it seems that this is not the case at all..."

This is the first time that Yunfei regretted adopting the family management model.

Although this cohesion is high, the drawback is also very obvious.

"Think about this for yourself. Not everyone is able to put themselves in the right position like Wu Zhongda." Jiang Jianxing said very vaguely.

Wu Zhongda knows his own weight. He is often frightened because Yunfei has given him the things he cannot do. The assistants and subordinates that Yunfei arranged for him are extremely respectful, and he never takes credit for others, because he understands , Everything he had was given to him by Yun Fei.If Yun insisted on supporting him, no one could shake his position.

But Yu Cheng these people are different.

They grew up looking at Yunfei. They think that Yunfei has a few kilograms. They all know very well. The development of the entire company depends on sales, especially when it was first produced by Jiuyi Heavy Industries. CNC lathes and CNC milling machines are not only domestically produced, but the same types that are not imported in terms of technology are much better.

They sell the equipment, many of which rely on their eloquence and invite those buyers to eat and drink.

Yun Fei has always emphasized that sales are sometimes more important than scientific research.

In their eyes, it becomes that sales are more important than scientific research.They are the uncles.It was the CNC machine tools they sold that Jiuyi Heavy Industry could not produce at all that made Jiuyi Heavy Industry develop so fast in a short time.Of course, this is only part of the people.

"The key is that they can't do other positions at all..." Yun Fei was very upset about this problem.

"Should I talk to them?" Jiang Jianxing suddenly understood what Yun Fei meant.

Hearing Jiang Jianxing’s words, Yun Fei smiled bitterly: "Uncle, I don’t mean to drive them away. For the company for so many years, even if there is no credit, there will be hard work, and the relationship between them and our family is there. If they were erased, the old people of 9327 would feel a sense of crisis in their hearts..."

"It's right to have a sense of crisis. We are engaged in a business, not about human relations. If you make money, everyone is easy to say; if you don't make money, no one will have a hard time. You always say that we should respect talents, but the situation of our company You can see for yourself, apart from the research institutes that don’t have these problems, where is the entire group company? It has always been emphasizing the need to introduce professional managers. Where are you bringing in?” It’s okay not to say this, Yun Fei. Jiang Jianxing suddenly became angry.

"Your boss has to take full responsibility for the company's situation!"

Yun Fei also became embarrassed after being scolded by Jiang Jianxing.Doesn't he know these questions?

Knowing is one thing, but actual operation is another.

Only when you are in such an environment can you experience and understand.Anyway, Yun Fei couldn't be so cruel.

"This time, when I arrived in the UK, I went to Cambridge to listen to their professional MBA lectures for a few days. They used our domestic companies to do analysis. It just so happened that in terms of internal organization and management institutions, we Take Jiuyi Group as an example. I don’t know when the other party conducted an internal management survey on our group company. Our workshop organization is said to be the most concise and effective in the world, but our senior management is efficient in the world. The lowest...because most of our seniors have to be equipped with several professional assistants..." Jiang Jianxing said this, his face was painful.

It will be painful for anyone to go to the class and hear the lecturer analyze the situation of his company.

Moreover, the lecturer pointed out directly that the only capital that the president of Jiuyi Group took office was the uncle of the boss Yunfei, not how many large companies he had managed, nor was he had any proud experience.Throughout the analysis, it can be found that almost all the senior executives of China's fastest-growing group company Jiuyi Group are the cronies of the boss Yunfei.

This is also a microcosm of the entire Chinese private enterprise.

"Are we embarrassed and lost to the world?" Yun Fei suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Do you know who is doing this survey? Old man Myron’s MCL management consulting company. This old man has been in our group company for a long time, enough for him to understand these things. You know why you give 30 million a year The old man Dollar Myron doesn’t take over our management consulting business? Because the old man knows that no matter what effective suggestions he makes, it must be approved by your boss. If you want to change the senior level, you may not understand it, but there is definitely A competent professional manager, you would never agree..." Jiang Jianxing's words made Yun Fei have to face this issue.

The old man Myron is a professional manager Yun Fei invited from Germany with a huge sum of money.

However, after entering the Jiuyi Group, Yun Fei gave more power to Jiang Jianxing instead of Myron.

Jiang Jianxing’s ability is okay if he is only engaged in business and procurement, but he basically has no experience in management, plus he has no strong talent at all, so the entire Jiuyi Group has experienced more and more chaotic.

Management reform has failed once and failed again and again.

Yun Fei never faced this problem squarely, nor did Jiang Jianxing.

Because the interests of their company are looked up to by all domestic private owners every year.

Profits can cover up all problems.

"It's not to disagree. After all, our industry must be handed over to someone who can rest assured, right?" Although Yun Fei understood in his heart, he was unwilling to admit it verbally.

"Anyway, the company is yours, and how to manage it is also your business. With my ability, it is difficult to be competent in the aircraft factory, but this project is too important for us, so I don’t plan to resign by myself. That’s fine. As for Yun’s holdings or Jiuyi Group, you should consider these for yourself..." Jiang Jianxing saw Yun Fei just finished saying a word, his mouth started to move again, and he immediately took the words and said that Yun Fei hadn’t said it yet. The words are blocked.