Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 1037 Such "Generous" Frenchman

"As for the disagreement between our two sides, my boss believes that there is absolutely no need for us to continue arguing on this. Anyway, it is impossible for your country to have money to purchase refining equipment. Exporting crude oil is the only opportunity. Of course, when there is no capital. In the case of investment, you can't even exploit it. Oil is called a resource only if it is sold. Can it be called a resource if it is buried underground and cannot be turned into money?" Fallujah didn't have the slightest bit of scorn right now. In an instant, he changed from a gangster to a shrewd businessman in negotiations.

"Really? Mr. Fallujah, please continue..." Taya sneered in his heart, no matter how the French changed their conditions, they would not be able to respect their country's sovereignty like the Chinese.

The Chinese provide them with equipment and funds to help them develop their domestic industry and economy, but they don't require any ore mining rights or oil exploration rights, which they force into the Chinese hands.

After all, only by giving more benefits to the Chinese can they invest more money in the economic development of Mauritania.

This is also the reason why Taya had to cooperate with the Chinese at the risk of being overthrown by a military coup instead of accepting the French's terms.

"In view of the stalemate between our two sides for such a long time. My boss believes that we can fully develop the oil fields that have been explored within your borders by means of cooperative development. We will provide funds, equipment, and personnel. Your Mauritian government will do everything. No need to pay, just wait for the money. Mr. President, what do you think?" Fallujah's heart was bleeding.

If it were not for the Chinese to kill halfway through, they would never have to pay too much to obtain these oil fields in Mauritania, and at most they would pay a small amount of tax.

Of course, if it is the Chinese government, they are not worried, but the other party is a Chinese lunatic, and one dares to challenge the American lunatic.This makes them very painful. The boss behind Fallujah won't worry about what the madman will do, but the opponent often doesn't play cards according to common sense at all.

Given that the situation in Indonesia is still very chaotic, the French government warned everyone not to provoke this lunatic.

There is no problem with using normal means or anything, and there is no problem with using illegal means, but there is a prerequisite that cannot be caught by others.

There are a lot of people in this world who want to kill Yun Fei, but that guy is like a tortoise and never goes abroad.Even his whereabouts in China are very unstable.No one can be sure.When Yun Fei went to the United States, that was the best opportunity. Unfortunately, when he learned that this guy was going abroad, this guy had already returned to China.

Even in China, that guy always carries a large group of bodyguards when he goes out. Huaxia has always kept a close eye on foreigners entering China from abroad. It was impossible to assassinate Yun Fei.

"How to divide the final benefit?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Taya's mouth.

"Because all the funds, equipment, and personnel are all provided by us, plus every barrel of crude oil you will collect taxes domestically, so my boss meant that we accounted for 80% and you accounted for 20%. First, in a few decades, you will be able to repay the foreign debts owed by European countries..." When he said this, Fallujah's heart was bleeding.

This is a huge profit of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Originally, the people behind him gave 30% of the profits to the Taya government after knowing that the Chinese had interfered, but Fallujah felt that 20% was more than enough.Once the oil is exploited, it will bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to the Taya government every year. Taya has been president for fifteen years, and it seems that he has never seen such a lot of money.

When Taya heard this, the smile on his face began to increase.

But his smile was cold.

If the Chinese hadn't appeared before, he would definitely agree to such conditions.

The Chinese are not as cruel and cruel as the French, but they are more generous in promising to help them build railways, expand ports, provide primary steel smelting equipment, and provide various equipment for oil refineries...

Such a comparison reveals the difference between the two sides.

Although Fallujah is only a representative of some large French families, those large families can completely influence the French government.

The French government has enslaved them for hundreds of years. At this time, they still regarded them as colonies, but they changed from government behaviors to civil behaviors. They were very secretive, which was unacceptable to any country.When no one cares about them, these poor African countries can only endure silently. After all, they have no right to speak internationally.

Taya even believes that as long as the Chinese cooperate with them, the French will be driven out from all of West Africa and even the whole of Africa.

"How about, President Taya, are you satisfied with such conditions?" Fallujah saw the smile on Taya's face, thinking that this guy was happy, and said with a smug expression: "In addition, our boss thinks, given that Your domestic labor costs are rising. The ore supply contract that was originally signed when you came to power, we can renegotiate with both parties. As for the nearly 20 million tons of iron ore that you have produced, our boss charges $12 per ton. The high-priced acquisition of, and starting next year. The annual ore supply can increase from 12 million tons to 30 million tons..." When it comes to this, Fallujah’s heart is dripping blood.

He has been taking the difference in various domestic transactions between France and Mauritania.The price of iron ore by the people behind him had already risen to fifteen dollars, but he felt that the price of twelve dollars was completely acceptable to the Taya government.

The people of the Taya government have no idea about international ore prices.

"Mr. Fallujah, these prices have not risen for many years. Moreover, twelve dollars is not even enough for the production cost..." Taya didn't want to talk to the other party at all. Their iron ore was asking for sixteen dollars. It was only fifteen dollars, or even 14.5 dollars. It was completely unexpected that the Chinese did not hesitate at all, and directly accepted the ore price of 16 dollars per ton.

This bastard is actually ashamed to say that the twelve dollars he gave are already high!

It's shameless.

If it weren’t for worrying that this guy would be so embarrassed that he would encourage those who want to be president and those officers and soldiers who are about to starve to death to launch a military coup tonight, Taya would definitely not even bother to talk to him.

"Mr. President, your ore is mined using the mining equipment and Black Moorish slaves we provided to you that year. This is almost unnecessary. That is, the use of train transportation requires some cost..." Fallujah But he is unwilling to increase the price further.

"Mr. Fallujah, or the Chinese are willing to pay a higher price to buy our iron ore." Before Taya could speak, Oluit next to him suddenly came out.

Damn Chinese!

Fallujah cursed the Chinese in his heart, and began to smile on his face: "Mr. Oluit, do you think the Chinese will be at ease? After they use tactics to divorce the relationship between our two sides, do you think , In the absence of competitors, will they give you high prices?"

But just as he finished speaking, Fallujah couldn't wait to slap himself twice.

Nima, isn't it because I mean to remind these fools that this is a monopoly?

"It is true, Mr. Fallujah, thank you for your reminder. So we have decided to expand the annual iron ore mining volume to 50 million tons starting next year. Of this 12 million tons will be used to repay your country’s money according to the agreement. Foreign debt, as for other ore, is put on the international market. Whoever has a high price will sell these ore to whom." Taya said with a smile.

Hearing Taya's words, Fallujet stood up suddenly.

"Taya, do you think your slaves can mine 50 million tons of ore in a year?" Anger, sneer, and even an indescribable emotion is in it. Feeling that the Taya government is out of their control?

"Mr. Don't worry about this. Starting this year, our Mauritanian government will start the first five-year economic development plan. All kinds of equipment will come from China!" The smile on Taya's face grew more and more. concentrated.

"Mr. President, Mr. Ren Zhiguo from China wants to see you." Just as Fallujah was about to say something, Luyaka's voice in a little panic rang at the door.

"What? Don't the Chinese arrive until tomorrow?" Fallujah stayed at once.

He really has to stay.

Because Mauritania will have an unsuccessful military riot tonight. It was planned by Fallujah, not for anything else, but to put pressure on the Taya government to allow the other side to submit before the Chinese arrive.

Chinese people are here now, doesn't that mean that all of your own is in the control of the other party?

When he thought of this, Fallujah immediately stared at Luyaka angrily.

At this time, Luyaka seemed to be stupid, his eyes were dizzy, and there was no trace of brilliance.

"Mr. Taya, I am very happy to be received by you. We have been in your country for several days. I think it is time to start our work. We are not working these days. Our boss has already wasted a lot of telephone bills. ......" Ren Zhiguo and Taya have already met. After they arrive in Nouakchott, few people know about it. They are to help Taya catch those guys who are preparing to carry out a military coup to overthrow the government.

At the same time, their two hundred security personnel have undergone adaptability training over the past few days and are barely accustomed to using the old-fashioned rifles they once discarded...