Intelligent Industrial Empire

Chapter 1428 Spring and Autumn Chain Internationalization Opportunity

The South African government strictly controls the market.

Of course, this is for the Chinese side.After all, I didn’t want to fall out with white people in Europe and America.Now it's different. These can be exchanged for their national interests. China's trade proportion in South Africa must be increased under such circumstances.

Since the blacks came to power in South Africa, the country has become fattened and chaotic, and the public security situation is very bad, whether it is white or yellow.

If the government supports it, it will be easier for the Chinese to start their business in South Africa.More importantly, the products such as wheat mobile phones and Xingmeng computers are handed over to the South African government for sale. Just as in the previous era of Big Brother, the domestic postal department also sold analog signal communicators. How much profit there is very obvious.

"Is this sure there is no problem?" Yun Fei didn't quite believe this matter.

"Mr. Yun, we can sign a contract. Except for machinery products and mining equipment, your personnel will be responsible for everything else. We can also take care of the rest. In addition, regarding the establishment of Spring and Autumn Chain in our country, this can help us solve a lot. Employment issues..." Any job position is very important.

Especially in the tertiary industry, such as shopping malls, which do not have much demand for service personnel and sales personnel.

"This is no problem. As long as the life and property safety of our Chinese employees can be guaranteed, these are no problems." Yun Fei said with a smile.

Chunqiu Chain now has a relatively high stake in it. Originally, he believed that it should advance to the South American market, where the purchasing power is stronger than that of Africa.But I didn't expect that under the current situation, it would actually advance to Africa.

"This is a must!" Davis originally thought that Yunfei would not agree to increase investment in their country.

The rise of Spring and Autumn Chain in China is a miracle, and it even has a larger market than Wal-Mart in China.This is due to the support of Yunshi Holdings.

The withdrawal of foreign capital in South Africa is very serious. In order to increase domestic employment and reduce government pressure, South Africa needs a large amount of foreign investment.

The rich local tyrants in China are their best choice.

"In this case, if I refuse, I am a little bit ignorant to praise. Lao Yang, my principle is that you can do whatever you do yourself. In terms of funds, you can transfer accounts in our name, but you can't do it through our company. There is no problem, right?" Yun Fei couldn't continue to oppose this matter.

As long as it can give them benefits, and the risk is less than the benefit, for him, there is nothing that cannot be beaten.To suppress them internationally, even without these things, they cannot escape.

"Mr. Yun, what do you think about the contract between our two parties?" Davis was also relieved when he saw Yun Fei agree.

"This is just a contract of intent. We just need to sign it. As for equipment modification and other automated production lines, it is enough to have your professionals talk to our relevant personnel..." Yun Fei said with a smile.

Davis, this is the God of Wealth.

This will send money to him, and it must be impossible to extrapolate it.

"Well, let's all prepare again. Then, what do you think of a grand signing ceremony?" Yun Fei moved his mind and felt that it would be better for more people to know about this matter.

In order to avoid people who look at them squeaky and crooked.

After seeing Davis away, Yun Fei went to Chunqiu Chain.

Due to the shortage of properties in the 91 Building, the second phase of the project has just begun. Currently, the factory is waiting for the relocation of the 754 Factory. The 754 Factory has allocated a piece of land on the side of the Economic Development Zone and is building factories nervously.When the 754 factory began to relocate, their old factory buildings had to be demolished at the same time.

The headquarters of Chunqiu Chain has until now been rented as the original office building of Chengdu City Government.

"Mr. Yun, Mr. Ye is in a meeting, please wait a moment..." Yun Fei just arrived at the headquarters of Chunqiu Chain, and the sister at the front desk saw him and said to Yun Fei with a smile on her face.

Yun Fei had called here before he came.

"What meeting?" Yun Fei couldn't help but froze. Ye Wuqiu hadn't said that there was an important meeting before.

"We don't know the content of the company's high-level meeting. The managers of all districts are back." The front desk said the situation again.

Although Yunfei took a large portion of Chunqiu's equity, he did not interfere with management.The entire Yun's Holdings is nothing more than the supervision of financial issues.

"Okay, I'll go to their meeting room..." Yun Fei nodded and didn't ask any more.

"President Yun..." The lady at the front desk wanted to say something, but finally she stopped.

Yunfei is a major shareholder of Chunqiu Chain. What meetings cannot be attended?

"...Wal-Mart and Carrefour are currently investigating our domestic market on a large scale. From the beginning, when we enter other regions, we have concentrated on developing business in big cities. It is impossible to avoid competition. But we must do well in advance. Prepare to improve service quality..." When Yun Fei just walked to the door, he heard Ye Wuqiu's crisp voice.

The domestic economy is developing faster and faster, and the Chinese economy has become the engine of world economic growth.But in the large shopping malls and supermarkets, the development is not very clear.

Many regional local supermarkets have emerged in China, but the spring and autumn chain is the fastest growing.

There are international retailers entering or preparing to enter in the first-tier cities. It is very obvious how much impact this will have on the spring and autumn chain.

"Didn't you tell me to wait for a while? I'll look for you when we are over..." Ye Wuqiu frowned when he saw Yun Fei push the door in.

It is not that Yunfei cannot participate in the company's management meetings, and she does not want Yunfei to interfere too much in the development of Chunqiu Chain.

She didn't care before, but not now.Yun Fei has set the general direction, and other things have already begun to let go. If Li Lu can do it, she thinks she can do it too.

"I came here this time for important things. Since everyone is here, it just saves a lot of trouble. Chunqiu Chain currently has a relatively large strategic adjustment. The pace of domestic expansion has temporarily slowed down and it is preparing to enter the international market. Mauritania It's the first one, and the other one is South Africa. The specific layout in South Africa is my purpose..." As soon as Yun Fei's words were spoken, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

Ye Wuqiu's brows frowned tightly.

"Yunfei, didn't you let us stop even the domestic expansion? Now to enter the international market, how much pressure does this put on our company? Funding is a problem. The market situation in Mauritania is not good, and South Africa , There are many international retail giants, and at the same time, as the white elites leave in large numbers, the public security environment is getting worse and worse..." Ye Wuqiu disagreed with Yun Fei's decision.

Africa is not very suitable at all at present.

Those countries are too poor, and oligarchs such as Carrefour and Wal-Mart have occupied the territory first.

"What is the reason, can we talk privately?" Yun Fei couldn't tell everyone about the signing of the contract with the South African government.

People are very mixed, and no one can tell what will happen in the end.

This is also the reason why he has never told certain strategic ideas to people he doesn't trust.It is also the reason why he does not want to trust too many people.

Most people will betray others, the only difference is that everyone has a different bottom line.

Yun Fei thinks so.

"First of all, let’s talk about the situation in Mauritania. The situation there is because of our company. I think everyone has a certain understanding. We will have one hundred thousand industrial workers in the nine-one city over there. These people, the current situation According to the plan, only a few will be deployed from the country, and most of the others are white people recruited from South Africa. The consumption level of these people depends on our wages..." Mauritania is indeed poor enough, and there is already a Carrefour in their capital.

Yun Fei was unwilling to let their employees in the September 1st Industrial City be slaughtered by the French. This matter had long been considered, and he had mentioned it to Ye Wuqiu when he was sleeping, but Ye Wuqiu didn't take it seriously.

"In the past, we had too few people over there to support a huge store. Now, a large number of white South Africans will continue to enter..." Yun Fei's intentions were obvious.

Although these white people have no assets, they cannot have no assets even if they leave their country.

They had to survive before receiving the first salary from Yun's Holdings.

"Moreover, although South Africa is poor, their White Moorish nobility spending power is still very impressive. We can't passively challenge, but take the initiative. We can't go to Europe and the United States for the time being, and there will be no profit if we go. The economic situation there is not good. So, at this point, we only have Africa and South America..."

Yun Fei's words made everyone unable to refute.

It is not easy for a company to go global.

If Chunqiu Chain wants to become an international retailer, it cannot justify not going to the international market.

"Let’s talk about South Africa again. With the withdrawal of capital by white people, the unemployment rate in South Africa is getting higher and higher, and the situation has become chaotic. This is a disaster for white people in Europe and America, but for us, this is an opportunity. . We can bring them investment and employment. At present, the South African government is negotiating with our government, mainly on business..."

South African Minister of Industry and Trade Davis' visit to China, although there is no large-scale report, the other party is also very low-key, but it is definitely not without news.

These are all elites in the business world, and the international situation must be concerned.

The battle between the Spring and Autumn Chain and the international retail giants is about to begin. How can they not pay attention to this at such a time?