Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 135

"I want to post a mission..."

But the first words of Chuan Shen Bai Dai made everyone confused...

They usually take on tasks, and they really haven't considered releasing tasks...

"Sister, what mission do you want to post?"

Although Naoe Yamato wanted to let them do it directly for you, but after taking into account the feelings of other people... Naoe Yamato, who was silent for a long time, then asked Kawanshin Hyakudai.

"I'm looking for someone, her name is Lin Yi..."

"It's the person who suddenly appeared on the battlefield last time..."

Chuan Shen EMI is actually telling who he is looking for. Why bother to release the message originally buried in the heart?

This directly caused Dai Yukie, who was still normal, to flush instantly...

"I want to live..."

After that, Chuan Shen Baidai didn't know what the reason was, and added a sentence at the end...

"Even if you don't say that we will stay alive!" xN

To Chuan Shen's reminder, everyone answered together.

"That's fine, as soon as possible!"

After Kawanshin EMI passed the task to Naoe Yamato and the others, he left...

"Why did my sister look for Lin Yi?"

Naoe Yamato couldn't help but wonder, and at the same time a sense of crisis came out...

Chapter 34: Caught by Kojima Plum...


Lin Yi, who was lying on the bed at the moment, didn’t know that Chuan Shen Bai Dai was looking for himself. After the exchange, he yawned and fell on the bed. At the same time, he hugged Chuan Shen in his arms and fell asleep...


I don’t know how long it took, when Lin Yi was in deep sleep, he suddenly felt pain in his arm...

This couldn't help but make him wake up...


When Lin Yi slowly opened his somewhat loose eyes, he realized that Kazuko Kazuko was already awake and was taking revenge...

"This is all your masterpiece"

Lin Yi looked at the neat rows of teeth marks on his two arms that were bitten by Chuan Shen at the moment, and couldn't help but asked silently.

"Instant Recovery"

Although the tooth mark on my arm is not very serious, it is not good-looking after all!

"This...this can you get the power of Chuan Shenliu??"

Chuan Shen, who was still a little angry at Lin Yi's question, was instantly stunned by Lin Yi's skills...

Even if the students who weren't Chuan Shen Academy were surprised at using Degawa Shinryu's skills, it would be completely different if Lin Yi used them...

You know it hasn’t been long since Lin Yi came into this world. Suddenly, a guy who didn’t know what qi was suddenly transformed into Lian Chuan Shenliu-a master who can instantly restore this advanced skill...

How can Kawashin Kazuko, who has been working hard towards his sister Kawashin EMI, who has been working hard...

"Thank you for this!"

"So when I defeat Chuan Shen Baidai, you will also have some credit..."

Lin Yi was a little surprised and dumbfounded by seeing the tooth mark on his arm disappearing instantly. After pinching his Qiong nose, Lin Yi said with a smile.

"What...what? My credit?"

Chuan Shen was shocked by Lin Yi's words, and didn't understand what this meant...

"Yes, to the extent that I can improve my strength due to my passionate dedication... Do you think this is your credit?"

Lin Yi smiled and replied with the puzzled look of Chuan Shen Yizi.


"Obviously you are a shameless fellow who forcibly did this kind of thing to others, how could I do this kind of thing..."

Chuan Shen couldn't help but feel shameless about Lin Yi with the urge to take a knife and chop him...

"I'm not talking nonsense!"

"I don't know who was crazier than me in the end... and kept screaming don't stop"

Lin Yi looked at Chuan Shen with a smile, and asked pretendingly.

"Don't discuss this matter..."

"Just ask if the things you told me before are true? Don't you just want to trick me into bed?"

"If that's the case, I'll never end with you"

Originally, Lin Yi would be ashamed of Chuan Shen, but he did not expect Chuan Shen to say something that made him a little absent...

"What's wrong with this world?"

"Isn't I awake yet?"

Lin Yi is obviously a little confused about the question of Chuan Shen Yizi...

Shouldn't the most concern now be what happened in bed?Why is breast enhancement more important?

Could it be said that as long as her method is feasible, she will not care about herself?

At this moment, Lin Yi's mind is full of doubts caused by such questions...

"If I tell you that the method I said is indeed effective, then you have no opinion on what happened today?"

After being silent for a while, Lin Yi asked slowly at the urging of Kawan God.

"how is this possible……"

"I have a big opinion today. I can tell you if the method you said doesn't work, I will just let you..."

Kawashin, who was about to say something, suddenly thought of something and paused...

"Well, I am no longer your opponent, then I will let my sister destroy you humanely..."

"It seems a bit too much, so cut off the source of your sin!"

After Chuan Shen Yizi simply said these words, looking at her serious face, Lin Yi felt a chill in his heart... and even a feeling of egg pain came instantly...

"Ahem... don't worry about this!"

"The last thing an honest person like me likes to tell is a lie. I say that it can be big if it is big..."

Lin Yi said solemnly after a dry cough.

Not everyone can see the shameless nature of this guy Lin Yi at a glance, after all, there are very few people with discerning eyes...

So after seeing Lin Yi's sincere expression, Kawashin nodded with satisfaction...

"Of course, this is not unrequired..."

"At least there will be no less activities like today..."

After Chuan Shen was not as angry as before, Lin Yi immediately pinched her firm...small chin and said softly.

"Although I lost the duel today, I will definitely win it next time..."

The words of Chuan Shen Yizi directly made Lin Yi's words that had just been molested immediately froze...

Lin Yi suddenly felt that he couldn't keep up with the thinking of Shang Chuan Shen, and even felt that the two of them had not been on the same channel...

"What can I say besides the word'service'!"

Although Lin Yi doesn't care much about the feeling of not being on the same channel, Lin Yi actually expects her to work against herself. After all, the domineering spirit is too invincible... Feeling conquered...

"Chuanshen EMI will not be so easy to surrender!"

"I look forward to her response... It's not too cool to conquer the queen..."

"Queen! Suddenly I feel a bit narrow in my mind. Since I can travel through the animation world, let alone a queen in the future, even a goddess is possible"

In a short moment, a series of thoughts flashed through Lin Yi's mind...

"While we still have plenty of time, let's have a fight!"

After recovering his senses, Lin Yi instantly pressed Chuan Shen behind him and said provocatively.

"Boom boom boom"

Haven't waited for Lin Yi to do anything... Suddenly there was a knock on the bedroom door...

Lin Yi looked at it in surprise, only to see Meizi Xiaodao next to the door that was not closed at this time looking at... well, looking at Lin Yi with a scum expression...

"Teacher Kojima..."

When Lin Yi's face was a little stalemate, Chuan Shen, who was pressed by Lin Yi, couldn't help but look up...

When she found out that the person was her teacher, Meiko Kojima, she just gave a cordial call, but there was nothing wrong with the situation of the two at this moment...


Compared to Lin Yi who is more comfortable at the moment, Dahe Naoe and the others can't help but have a headache...

"What about Yamato now?"

"The puppy hasn't been found yet, now sister EMI has asked us to find someone..."

"Which one should we do first?"

Following Kris's inquiry, Naoe Yamato's head grew bigger...

Chapter 35 Minors!

"Hmm... You came to Lin Yi to do such a thing?"

After hearing Kawanishin Kazuko say hello, Kojima Meiko asked with a dry cough.

"It wasn't like this, but I was forcibly held by Lin Yi, and I couldn't help it!"

Kawashin explained that Lin Yi suddenly felt that he was about to finish...

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Kawashinichiko, Kojima Meizi suddenly stared at Lin Yi with a look of your own scumbag...

"Lin Yi, I don't care too much about you for doing something like that to me..."

"But how can you do something to my students?"

"Not to mention that she is still a minor"

At this moment, Meizi Kojima suddenly burst into the emotion of protecting her...As a teacher, she naturally wants to seek justice for her students...


Lin Yi really couldn't refute Xiaodao Meizi's words. When Lin Yi learned about the identities of their heroines or female partners, they simply ignored their age...

Now Lin Yi suddenly feels a little weird, is it possible that he likes this kind of immature?

"Why? Is there anything else you want to explain?"

"Don't tell me, it's too tempting, that's why you can't help it"

"I can tell you that I don't accept this statement..."

After hearing Lin Yi's dry cough, Xiaodao Meizi thought he had something to say and immediately gave Lin Yi a chance...

"That...I have nothing to defend..."

"After all, this is a fact that has happened, even if it is said that the cooked rice will not turn into raw rice..."

"So you should just open and close your eyes on this matter! Otherwise, I am afraid that you will kill me in the future..."