Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 202

She found that these students were fine and healthy... it felt like they had fallen asleep...

"Could it be that Lin Yi made it?"

After this happened, the first person Levi Kazama thought of was Lin Yi...

No way, although Lin Yi has already caused the school to collapse last time!

According to Lin Yi's character, it is very possible to deliberately faint these female students and then play around with them...

"No matter what, let's find Lin Yi before talking!"

"Even if he didn't get it, he might know what happened..."

Levi Kazama, who has made up his mind, will not hesitate to shuttle in the academy in an instant to find Lin Yi's trace...

In less than ten minutes, Kazama Levi easily came to where he was with the magic left when Lin Yi returned today through the corridor...

"Huh? Girls bathroom?"

"Is it true that he did it so that he could do things like this to the girls in the bathroom..."

After seeing where he was clearly, Levi Kazama was surprised...

Then there was a scene in his mind where Lin Yi was arrogantly attacking the girl in the bathroom...

"How can Lin Yi, who has not been in contact with Demon Dao in detail, have such an ability?"

Kazama Levi walked directly to the bathroom in a panic of confusion...

Before reaching the door, Kazama Levi, who was about to push the door open, suddenly heard the dialogue between Lin Yi and Yalin...

When Lin Yi finally said, "This phenomenon is the last one among the seven magicians that Lin Yi has not seen...", Levi Kazama instantly thought of Kurata Yui...

"What happened to Yui-chan?"

Levi Kazama came in directly from the bathroom door with the words he cared about...

"pretty close……"

Lin Yi, who was chatting with Yalin, was not surprised by the sudden appearance of Kazama Levi, because she did not control her breath when she came, and Lin Yi had already felt it when she was far away...

So Lin Yi answered without concealing Levi's caring words.

Lin Yi, who is in charge of the development plot, can sometimes pretend to be a magic stick. After all, no matter how big a storm Lin Yi this butterfly drives, many important plots will still happen...because this is the basic rule of the world...


After hearing Lin Yi's affirmative words, Kazama Levi frowned slightly and quickly got a little trouble...


Kazama Levi, who was still thinking about how to solve it, was suddenly pulled into the bath by Lin Yi's hand...

When she was suddenly attacked, she suddenly made a cute cry...

"Problems are all used to solve them, it's useless to be sad..."

After Lin Yi pulled Kazama Levi into the bath, Yalin stopped her actions...because she knew that Lin Yi would definitely go to find out at this moment...otherwise I would be sorry for his character as a harem man... …

Lin Yi was comforting her by pulling Kazama Levi into the water, but from Kazama Levi’s own view, that's not the case...

"I understand, can you now remove your hand from my chest?"

"And don't just stretch your right hand into other people's clothes..."

For Lin Yi's inconsistent actions with his hands, Kazama Levi couldn't help but said helplessly.


"Habits become natural, it's mainly Levi that your body is tempting me, otherwise such embarrassing things won't happen..."

"Sure enough, Levi, you are too attractive..."

When Lin Yi, who was dismantled by Levi Kazama, was talking on the side, he couldn't help but continue to explore with his hands a little unwilling, and at the same time hoped that her words had attracted her attention away...

"Although your praise makes me very happy, but if you can stop the action in your hand, we should still be good friends..."

Levi Kazama's face turned black at this moment, who had been helpless, and she did not expect that Lin Yi's shamelessness would one day be fully displayed on her body...

"It seems that I still know too little about Lin Yi's skin thickness..."

After Kazama Levi sighed inexplicably...


Just listen to the clothes on her body directly turned into pieces, this is not a good thing for Lin Yi...

After Kazama Levi shattered the clothes condensed by magic power on his body, he immediately backed away when Lin Yi saw that his body was a little startled...


After Levi broke free of Lin Yi in the wind, the clothes on his body condensed with magic power once and again...

This time it happened in just a few seconds...

"I just saw an incredible scene..."

After Lin Yi saw Kazama Levi break free, he recalled the naked body that had just come into his mind and muttered to himself.

"Husband, I'm back..."

When Lin Yi was in a daze, Yalin's words directly brought him back to his senses...

"Alin, ready to prepare... we will meet cute Yui-chan..."

At this moment, Lin Yi has also taken advantage of it, and it is time to settle the business...

"good husband……"

"Connect to the anger library and execute the theme..."

Following Ya Lin's answer, the moisture on her and Lin Yi's body quickly evaporated, directly opening the Magician Mode...


As soon as Lin Yi and the three of them walked out of the bathroom, a shock came from under their feet...

"No, Mi La and Akio have already set off..."

After feeling the shock, Lin Yi heard some nervous words from Levi Kazama before he spoke.

After Kazama Levi confirmed through Lin Yi that the collapse was caused by the clothes, he naturally understood what the vibration was under his feet...

You must know that Kurata Yui's location is in the underground city of the school...

Chapter 46 Little Girl Wants to Practice?

"They are really violent! They actually hit a straight channel directly from above..."

Lin Yi felt the vibrations from time to time under her feet. I don’t know what Mi La and Akio were doing...

You must know that the dungeon where Kurata Yui lives has a passage, but Mira and Akio attacked directly from the center of the magic burst in order to save trouble, preparing to artificially make a direct passage...

"Then what shall we do now?"

After Kazama Levi asked a word, she and Yalin simultaneously turned their eyes to Lin Yi and asked.

"Since there are people doing coolies, then why should we hit others!"

"Just walk slowly behind them..."

Lin Yi said that he couldn't help but yawn somewhat boredly...

Although this dungeon has passages, Lin Yi knows that there are some miscellaneous fish in it...they are all things that were swallowed by the magic way because of being lost...

But Lin Yi wouldn't have nothing to do to wipe out them!

He would rather have a good night's sleep with two beautiful girls than do such thankless things... Besides, if someone wants to create a straight path for them, why bother to find it uncomfortable!

"Is this really okay?"

Kazama Levi and Yalin couldn't help but hear Lin Yi's decision... Okay!Yalin had no opinion at all, and showed support for Lin Yi's actions. Seeing this situation, Levi thought about it for a while and couldn't help calming down...

It's useless for her to be anxious!If Mi La and Akio really want to kill Yui, it would still be a bit difficult for them to go to each other by themselves...

"Find a place to rest first!"

"We are leaving in five minutes, and they should almost get through the passage by then..."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he walked directly to a nearby classroom without waiting for the two of them to express their opinions...

"I found you..."

Just as Lin Yi was about to walk into the classroom to enjoy Yalin’s massage, Lilith’s familiar voice came from behind...

"Huh! Where are the two sisters Lisai and Celina?"

Lin Yi turned around and saw that Lilith was the only one coming, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Because Celina's magic power is weak and she has already fallen asleep, so Lisai is taking care of her at this moment!"

Regarding Lin Yi's question, Lilith didn't give Lin Yi a wink. After all, compared to her and their sisters, they were already Lin Yi's women, so Lilith didn't conceal anything.

"Take care, I think it's a prank!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but spit out a little helplessly after thinking of Li's game.

"Let’s talk about serious matters first..."

"I have already asked the principal of the school, the source of this collapse..."

Before Lilith finished speaking, Kazama Levi interrupted and said: "We already know that this powerful magic power is gushing out from the ground, so the source of the collapse should be Yui-chan..."

Lilith was surprised at what Levi Kazama said...

"Don't look at me like that, Lin Yi said all this..."

For Lilith's inquisitive gaze, Levi Kazama directly asked her to divert her target...

"Why do the little girls want to practice? The bed, the kitchen, the classroom...well! The corridors are also fine, anyway, they are all fainted now..."

Regarding Lilith's gaze, Lin Yi did not hesitate to look at him... Even in Lin Yi's eyes, Lilith saw all the violations he wanted to do to herself...

In conjunction with Lin Yi's answer, Lilith felt that she was going to be dizzy by Lin Yi...

"What kind of practice! The ghosts do this kind of thing with you!"

Lilith glanced at her without hesitation and ignored Lin Yi's words...

"What about the principal of the school! Wouldn't he come to help?"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere at this time, Levi Kazama couldn't help but ask Lilith actively...

You know, as the head of the school, he has the responsibility to protect the school!I didn’t personally participate in solving such a big matter...

"He said a word, so I beat him up and tied him up and threw him into a secret room specially made for him..."

"I think it's almost cooked now!"

Just after Kazama Levi’s words fell silent, Lilith cast a glance at Lin Yi and answered calmly...




Lin Yi and the three of them were speechless for Lilith's answer...

"Suddenly discovered that the principal of the school still has a cute side! It seems that if you want to find a sandbag in the future, just let him act as it..."

After Lin Yi looked at Lilith silently for a while, a flash of inspiration in his eyes suddenly said.

"But compared to this human-shaped sandbag, I am more curious about his words..."

"What words made Lilith so angry?"

Levi asked Kazama more curiously.

"This old man is not ashamed to say that taking this good opportunity to do some pranks on these lovely female students..."

"Of course I, as a teacher, don't allow this kind of thing to exist, so after he spoke, I first beat him up... and then asked about this incident, the head of the school who had no use value would naturally be destroyed by humanity..."

Regarding Kazama Levi's doubts, Lilith replied somewhat righteously.