Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 210

"It does matter"

"What kind of magic book is it?"

After Lin Yi nodded, Lilith was shocked and asked.

To know how much power is needed if a book of magic can destroy the entire school.

Besides, the three major magic schools are not...vegetarians, especially the principals of the three major magic schools, who are at the level of the big magic masters, and playing against each other may cause the world to collapse.

"That is my other magic book "The Out of Chapter of Ulyas""

""The Out of Chapter of Ulysses"!"

Before everyone recovered from the shock, as Lin Yi's magic book "Aster's Manuscript", he couldn't help but uttered in surprise.

"Master, I didn't expect you to know this magic book. Didn't she be taken away by Kasuga Saint? How could she appear in that school?"

"Astil's Manuscript" directly transformed Loli's appearance, appeared in front of Lin Yi and asked curiously.

"Holy Spring!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but remember after hearing Xiaokong from the Magic Book of Magic say the name.

"When I first came to this world, I met her by accident."

"It's just that I lost her when I came out of that... Void Space. Now I suddenly hear this name and I still miss her!"


For the words that Lin Yi missed, black lines flashed across everyone's foreheads.

"What the hell is it to lose people"

This spitting word flashed across the hearts of everyone.

"Oh! By the way, when I leave with Mi La, you have to pay attention."

"That magic book is not the culprit in destroying the school, our school is also one of the goals"

Lin Yi, who was reminiscing, suddenly remembered the scene of the school encountering an attack after they were drawn away in the original work, and he suddenly woke up to remind everyone.

Chapter 58

"What does this mean?"

There are some doubts about Lin Yi's reminder.

"It's nothing, just to remind you that there should be an enemy invading after I leave. Be careful."

Different from the original, this time Lin Yi intends to only go with Mi La and Akio. As for the others, they will stay to protect the school. Otherwise, the school will be destroyed by that time. Where does Lin Yi live?

In fact, it’s okay for Lin Yi to go alone, but think about it for a long time. Wouldn’t it be a little lonely if there is no personal company? So Lin Yi decisively brought Mi La and Akio with them. It can make the body and mind happy, and sometimes it is a good choice to flirt, it is better than being alone.

"So this accident will deliberately lead us away!"

Although Lilith is easy to be shy, she naturally has her own wise side as a teacher.

After she heard Lin Yi told the news that someone was going to invade the school, she immediately understood the main effect of the accident.

To know the destruction of one of the three major magic schools, they will naturally not send one or two people to investigate here, so the most likely thing is that the seven magicians will leave in all likelihood. After all, the principals of the school will feel at ease. go away.

When the time comes, the invading forces only need to shoot a master to contain the head of the school, and the school will be over.

"Although you don't know if what you said Lin Yi is true or false, you can't take it lightly."

"But I'm still a little worried about Lin Yi, you and Mi La and the others."

"Report this to the principal of the school first! Then make plans."

"Although I know you want to be alone with the two of them, it's best to have a super-friendship relationship, but for your safety, Lin Yi will temporarily extinguish this heart before this!"

After Lilith reached the conclusion, a series of words directly interrupted Lin Yi's fantasy.


"It seems that I was too kind yesterday. I should have tossed you out of bed last night."

Regarding Lilith's series of words, Lin Yi looked at her helplessly, and then expressed his regret.

"Lin...Lin Yi"

"You are too bad, how can you just say anything like this"

Lilith, who was still calm and made a decision, suddenly became confused with Lin Yi's words, her face flushed and angrily stared at Lin Yi and said angrily.

"Oh oh... Teacher Lilith has met the nemesis"

"It seems that I will bully Teacher Lilith in the future, so that Lin Yi will have a higher attack power!"

Regarding the cute contrast between Lilith's front and back expressions, Levi on the side couldn't help but said with a grin.

"Levy sauce, you are so evil, but it feels very funny."

Regarding Levi's suggestion, Celina stretched out her finger and exclaimed.

" two"

The conversation between Levi and Celina made some Lis even more embarrassed, especially when she recalled the various shy poses that Lin Yi had forced her to pose last night, and Lilith made a calm decision. , With Lin Yi's words, he suddenly became confused, his face flushed and angrily stared at Lin Yi and said angrily.



"Lin Yi, you should plan to dormant for life!"

Lilith, who was almost molested, immediately exploded, and the concrete alchemy cannon in her hand was on her shoulders and pointed at Lin Yi.


"You have turned the head!"

For Lilith's behavior, Lin Yi instantly appeared behind Lilith, slapped her hips directly, then hugged her small waist and whispered in her ear.

"I know it was wrong."

"Quick... let go of me"

Lilith, who had been a little irritable, suddenly calmed down, her body softly leaning against Lin Yi's arms.

"For the sake of your begging for mercy, I will let you go today, and wait until I come back to let you realize the greatness of your husband and me."

After Lin Yi whispered in Lilith's ear, Lilith put her soft body on the seat.

At this moment, Lin Yi, who stood up, suddenly noticed that someone pulled himself.

"Husband, I want to go with you."

I saw Yalin said silently behind her.

"Alin, you have to use your ambition as the main room and protect my harem, and don't let the enemy destroy it."

Lin Yi, who had already thought of a good idea, made Yalin abandon her original plan in one sentence.

"That... OK!"

"You must also pay attention to safety"

Under Lin Yi's insistence, the principal of the school agreed to Lin Yi's request, and at the same time Lilith and the others were prepared to defend themselves at all times.

As for the ordinary students, they arranged for them to enter the dream world created by Yuyi at any time. Under the leadership of the school principal, Lin Yi, Mi La and Akio came to the so-called teleportation formation.

"It's said that this teleportation array is a bit exaggerated!"

Lin Yi looked at the more exaggerated decorations around and said silently.

While Lin Yi was talking, a screen above his head suddenly showed the location of the teleportation.


As in the original work, a disturbing force appeared just before the transmission.

That is interference from the transmission location.

"Don't worry! I bet that I will send you over in the name of my magician."

Regarding the interference of the transmission, under Mi La's worried eyes, the school principal said with a serious expression.


After Lin Yi felt the weightlessness, the scenery in front of him changed.

"The environment here is not right!"

Lin Yi, who came to the location through the disturbed teleportation array, said with a frown as he looked at the silent scenes around him.

At this moment, there is no one else besides Lin Yi. Mi La and Akio, who were sent along with Lin Yi, are obviously not with Lin Yi.

"Master, you are finally here"

Suddenly a voice came from behind Lin Yi.


Lin Yi turned around curiously.

"Kasuga-san seems to be wrong!"

Lin Yi looked at the familiar face in front of him, and couldn't help thinking of the girl he met when he first came to this world.

Chapter 59

Lin Yi looked at the familiar face of the girl in front of him and was not tempted.

Especially her master has already betrayed her identity.


The moment the girl appeared in front of Lin Yi, Xiaokong, who had been staying with Lin Yi, showed his figure.

"Master, she is..."

After seeing the girl in front of him for the first time, Xiaokong naturally knew through her magic that she was not Kasuga, it was just a magic cover.

Just when Xiaokong was about to remind Lin Yi, Lin Yi stretched out his hand to stop her from speaking.

"Of course I know who she is, but there is one thing I want to verify. Don't interfere."

After Lin Yi stretched out his hand to stop Xiao Kong's words, looking at the girl in front of him, he couldn't help but say something eagerly.

"Little girl, do you want to take action against my master now?"

"Then you have to be prepared."

Lin Yi said a few words before waiting for the opposing girl to refute, but Lin Yi's figure flashed behind her in an instant.

"Fast speed"

The girl who was startled by Lin Yi's speed sighed in her heart, planning to defend herself, but was stunned by Lin Yi's next actions.

"I pinch!"

I saw that Lin Yi's hands did not attack, but instead placed them on the girl's European school.

"Oh! Master is out of help"

Xiao Kong, who had originally thought that Lin Yi would fight with Yi Liya, immediately covered his forehead, and sighed with helpless Lin Yi.

That... The girl who became the Sage of Spring is exactly the entity girl Ilia of the other magic book "The Out of Chapter of Ilias" that Lin Yi said.

"Sure enough, even if the face changes, there are still subtle differences in the body."

"Although the size is similar, the softness is still slightly different."

Lin Yi put his hands on Ilia's Opie and nodded and commented from time to time.

"Master, is it okay to take advantage of Ilia as soon as you come?"

Regarding Lin Yi's words, Illiya couldn't help but blackened and asked.

"It's okay! I don't mind anyway."