Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 264

Suddenly the seeds of doubt flashed through the heart of King Kong at this moment...


Just as King Kong was thinking about it, the radar reacted...

According to passive radar, a fleet is approaching in the distant waters...

"Huh? I didn't expect Bi Rui to come earlier than I thought..."

After King Kong stopped the thoughts in his mind, he immediately understood through the active radar that the fleet coming from a distance was the Student Union of Mist led by King Kong-class second ship Hiei...

Except for the student union president Hiei who is the King Kong-class battleship II, the other student union members are heavy cruisers, the vice president Shigeru Myoko, the student union accountant Nachi, the student union secretary Ashigara and Haguro...

These four heavy cruisers belong to the same heavy cruiser as King Kong and the others. The Myo Senior Heavy Cruiser is Myoko No. 1, Nachi No. 2, Ashigara No. 3, Haguro No. 4...

Of course, the members of the Student Union will not only have these warships, but they are not here at the moment!



After Hiei led the student union to King Kong and the others, Hiei spoke to King Kong with some joy.


Before King Kong could speak, Bi Rui stretched out his hand to manipulate the data in front of him. The shackles that originally restricted King Kong and others opened instantly, and they regained the control of the battleship...

"Yeah! Finally free."

"Hi, you did a good job..."

Kirishima cheered directly when King Kong frowned slightly.


"Sister-sama, this is the order of the flagship, Mr. Musashi. According to the intelligence and spy forces, Iraq 400 and Iraq 402 have betrayed the sea mist..."

Bi Rui explained immediately when he saw King Kong frown.


As soon as Hiei said this, the expressions of Kirishima and others looked like they had seen a ghost...

"Am I still awake? The world has changed so much..."

Regarding Hiei's news, Kirishima muttered to himself.

"Not only that, there is a bigger news..."

Chapter 36 The Nagato Sisters on the Thief Ship

"Nagato, the flagship of the Second Cruiser Fleet, also betrayed the sea fog..."

After Hiei informed King Kong and the others of the news, the screen was different from the original exclaimed scene. King Kong and others were silent at this moment, apparently considering the reason for the defect of the battleship Nagato.

"Any useful information?"

After a long time, King Kong raised his head and asked Bi Rui.

"Only Nagato and Atago rebelled against the sea mist, and the other Nagara-class light cruisers were all sunk."

"According to the order of the flagship, Mr. Musashi, we will investigate this matter..."

In response to King Kong's question, Bi Rui shook his head and said.

There was no way that she was already on her way here before receiving the news from Musashi, so Musashi had to ask her to go back and forth and wait for others...then investigate the matter again.

"I understand."

"The integrated fleet is ready to go..."

After getting Bi Rui's answer, King Kong directly took over the command and said to everyone.

No one objected to King Kong's order... King Kong, as the only flagship in this sea area, even if Bi Rui had established a student union alone at this time, but it was still under her leadership...

"To understanding……"

Kirishima and the others replied heartily and left King Kong's battleship and returned to their battleship...

After a while, the group of people who had finished sorting headed towards the waters where the Nagato Fleet was destroyed under the leadership of King Kong...


"You... what do you want to do?"

After accepting Nagato and Atago, Lin Yi’s first order was to go to the station where Nagato was originally located...Because they still lack nanomaterials to help Hyuga, the Yi 400 and the others came to build the hull... even combined this paragraph. Time Iona Kaohsiung and the others have collected resources to evolve more warships...

To put it bluntly, it means that the spirit of the idiot in Lin Yi's heart has endured to the limit. The naval battle has not stopped for a while, and it is simply a tragedy for Lin Yi, who is lazy and likes to enjoy...

Just like the dream he said at the time, he just wanted to have a villa on the beach facing the sea, and the spring blossoms...but there must be a requirement before that, that is, the best women are indispensable...

Not just after arriving at the destination, Lin Yi's evil thoughts appeared...

"Will your sisters share?"

Lin Yi pressed sister Nagato against the wall with a wicked look, and stroked her silky kimono with her right hand... But she asked a strange question in her mouth.

"We are the dual core of the Nagato battleship. Naturally, the senses must be shared, otherwise how to control the battleship..."

Although Sister Nagato was very strange about Lin Yi's question, Lin Yi did not do anything excessive at this moment, so Sister Nagato still answered her new admiral's question seriously.

"That's good……"

"What good?"

After getting the answer from Sister Nagato, Lin Yi had just finished speaking and before Sister Nagato asked clearly, her lips were blocked by Lin Yi...


Sister Nagato's eyes widened for Lin Yi's violation, and she even forgot to resist...


Lin Yi, who suddenly kissed to the depths, suddenly felt the strength on his arm increase suddenly, and then stopped his movements...

"Yes, sweet..."

The first sentence Lin Yi left sister Nagato’s lips made her have the urge to cover her face and run wild...

According to the different mental models, their personality differences are not small... Sister Nagato belongs to the kind of Kazuko Ofu... Sister Nagato may be crooked!On the contrary, the character turned black...

"Today we will discuss the secrets of warship transformation..."

Lin Yi's next sentence calmed down sister Nagato who had been violated...

" let me go..."

Haven't waited for sister Nagato to ask!She was turned over by Lin Yi and turned her back to him, and at the same time pressed against the wall...

"Don't...don't touch...itch..."

Before Sister Nagato resisted, suddenly Lin Yi's hands stretched in through her loose kimono...


"Nagato, I didn't expect it! You hide so many resources here..."

At this moment, Hyuga, who was following Nagato's sister to count the resources, said in amazement when he saw the materials in the warehouse.

"Huh... it's okay!"

Sister Nagato took a sip of the cigarette in response to Hyuga's words, and replied calmly after vomiting it out for a long time.


"What's wrong with Nagato?"

Seeing Nagato's face changed, Hyuga asked strangely.


Before Nagato's sister could explain, her face suddenly became ruddy...The cigarette stick in her hand couldn't even fall to the ground...

Holding the kimono tightly with both hands, it seems to be suffering some kind of pleasure...

"Your face is red! Is it a virus?"

Regarding Hyuga's guess, Nagato glared at her irritably... without speaking, he walked quickly and sat down beside a seat...

"Huh... Lin Yi, bastard..."

After a long while, sister Nagato sighed after taking a soft breath.

"what's the situation?"

Hyuga stared wide-eyed at Nagato who was in a flushing state again, not knowing why...

Although she knew that Lin Yi would do something with the sisters, she didn't expect them to share their senses...

So I did not guess that sister Nagato was accepting conquest from Lin Yi not far away...


"No... no more..."

"Let me go...I...I don't want to reform..."

At this moment, sister Nagato, who was lying on the wall with both hands open, said weakly to Lin Yi behind her.

"This is the admiral's test for you. I'm holding on..."

For sister Nagato's words, Lin Yi said softly, lying in her ear.

"You... go find your sister!"

"I'm about to break..."

In response to Lin Yi's request, Sister Nagato sold her sister in tears...

Chapter 37-Healthy Exercise


"Main Task 2: Contract Three Wedding Ships (Completed)"

"Task Reward: 50% of the current world ownership"

Just when Lin Yi sent the sister Nagato in front of her to the pinnacle of life, the voice of the system wizard Lori rang in Lin Yi's ears.

"Ah! It shouldn't be!"

Lin Yi was puzzled by the information prompted by the system. The so-called completion of the marriage contract, Lin Yi naturally understood that when Iona and Kaohsiung had a relationship with Lin Yi, Lin Yi had already been prompted...

But what makes him wonder now is that the Nagato battleship belongs to the twin core, shouldn't they be dealt with together with their sisters?

"Forget it, what do you want to do, then it's okay to bring their sisters together for a double flight..."

However, Lin Yi quickly emerged from the doubt... After all, these are not important things. Too much attention is just a waste of energy!

"I... I'm out of strength..."

When Lin Yi recovered, Sister Nagato, whose face was still flushed, collapsed directly into Lin Yi's arms and muttered weakly.

"I will hold you back..."

"Master, what are you doing?"

Just when Lin Yi put on the loose kimono of sister Nagato... At the same time, a princess hugged her in her arms and planned to find a room to settle in... The indifferent voice of the little Lolita from Yi 400 came from behind... …


"It's nothing, she's just sick, I'm planning to take her back to my room to rest!"

At this moment, Lin Yi, who was questioned by Yi 400, did not consider the condition that he could not get sick as the core of his mind, and made a serious nonsense.

"Huh? Can mental models get sick too?"

"This is the first time I have seen this situation! Can I see it?"

Little Lolita 400 didn’t doubt Lin Yi’s explanation, but showed interest...