Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 275

"I made a mistake. Since they are willing to surrender to me, I naturally want to protect them."


"Want to take them away from me? Dream!"

A passage of Lin Yi almost exposed his inner sexuality... But fortunately, he corrected it in time, but even if his reputation has been darkened, he still stared at Lin Yi with a scumbag expression...


"Human, you better go to die!"

Following the words of Lin Yi resolutely protecting the Bismarck sisters, the whole scene could not help but calm down...

However, the prestige was not silent, and the prestige who was calm and blackened for less than ten seconds lowered his head and uttered a word, and suddenly a thin sword made of nano materials appeared in his hand...

The rapier had already arrived on Lin Yi's chest in an instant, and he had no mercy for Lin Yi, the enemy's blackened reputation at the moment...

Between the flashing red cold light, the position of Lin Yi's heart is only as thin as a piece of paper...


There was a crisp sound, and Fame found that he couldn't get in, even if he only moved forward a millimeter...

"Ah! This human being will be killed by the blackened reputation."

"Sister, let's run for our lives! Otherwise, hard times will come."

Sister Bismarck suddenly panicked when she saw the rapier pierced into Lin Yi's chest in the hands of Fame...

In their knowledge, human beings are so fragile as long as some vital parts of the body are injured, there is no chance of survival, let alone an important part like the heart...

Compared to the frightened Bismarck sisters, the prestige look opposite Lin Yi is much more serious...

The Bismarck sisters are not easy to see behind Lin Yi, but the prestige in front of him can be seen clearly. Not to mention hurting Lin Yi with her rapier, even Lin Yi's clothes did not pierce...

"Just kidding, this dress is made of my magic power. If you want to pierce it, it's so easy..."

Lin Yi couldn't help but explain proudly to the prestige that was unbelievable in front of him and his eyes were somewhat shrinking.

"It deserves to be the man our sisters are fond of, just amazing..."

"It's not easy to deal with scum reputation"

The Bismarck sisters couldn't help but light up when they saw that Lin Yi was safe, and even slapped Lin Yi's flattery on the side...


The prestige at this moment can't control the Bismarck sisters, I saw her retreating vigilantly... She looked at Lin Yi seriously and said: "Leaving this sea area, we will stop chasing you..."

Although Renmin deliberately used artillery fire to experiment with Lin Yi's power, at this moment the Bismarck sisters stood next to Lin Yi, which made her difficult to use...

The prestige who has no choice but to rescue his flagship at the cost of ignoring the command of the general flagship Musashi...

If the flagship is gone, then the first fleet will not exist.

"So kind?"

"I'm not going to leave yet..."

Regarding the prestige conditions, Lin Yi didn't agree... he was naturally uncomfortable if he wanted to fight. Besides, he came for the reputation of being a maid maid, which made it easy for Lin Yi to give up.

"What do you want?"

At this moment, the prestige was almost sobered up, she looked at Lin Yi who had not agreed to her condition, and asked with a slight frown.

"Actually, I have a few maids there, but they are all novices, so I hope to have the reputation of the maid master to help me train..."

For the question of prestige, Lin Yi said with a smile.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect that there are still people who want to have reputation?"

"I thought she would never get married!"

Just as Reputation frowned and thought about Lin Yi's request, two dead little loli appeared again...

"You can live in the hands of prestige until now is the most amazing thing!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but vomit in her heart for the whispers of the Bismarck sisters.

Chapter 56 The Disruption of Wales


Although Lin Yi felt helpless for the two Loli Bismarck sisters who liked to die, he couldn't help but stepped up to interrupt the prestige's words and directly persuaded her.


Prestige is very tricky for Lin Yi's request. Faced with this kind of plan to sell her own flagship to the enemy, she really doesn't know how to go next.

If I agree to Lin Yi's request, it means that I have compromised with the Bismarck sisters surrendering to the enemy. This is simply ignoring the Sea Fog Code, and the surrendered myself is the same...

But her boss has already surrendered to the enemy. If she still insists on disobeying the order, and a little bit against her maid's way, the contradiction between the two makes her stupidly unclear. It is really a bad choice...

"Life is full of choices, always in the middle of choices..."

"Although you have no way to know whether your choice is good or bad, but..."

Lin Yi seemed to see the entanglement of prestige, and could not help but persuade him.

After speaking, it stopped at the key point, which involuntarily aroused the curiosity of reputation...

"but what?"

Prestige asked eagerly about Lin Yi's words.


"We are also curious..."

Not only the curiosity of prestige, but even the Bismarck sisters around her were attracted by Lin Yi's sudden words.

"But you can be happy... after all, life is unsatisfactory in all probability..."

"Life without setbacks is imperfect."

"So... tell me your choice!"

Lin Yi said with a smile about the prestige and curiosity of the two loli.

For these life philosophies, Lin Yi actually feels a bit empathetic. After all, he faced the pressures of social life before crossing. Although he also wanted to think about nothing, he couldn't help himself...

As every novel says, it’s not you but the world that is wrong...

"In that case, then I choose to refuse..."

Regarding Lin Yi's question, Reputation raised his head and looked at Lin Yi seriously, and rejected Lin Yi's proposal with a serious tone.


Lin Yi, who was originally confident, was choked by the words of prestige...

But this was nothing to Lin Yi. He knew that he didn't always go well. It wouldn't be enough to let those women throw in his arms every time he came into the world.

Is there any chance to hone such a straightforward face... So Lin Yi has not lost his choice of prestige... because the next time he chooses...

"Will it be stunned and taken away? Or should it be stunned? Or should it be stunned and taken away?"

Lin Yi looked at the prestige in front of him and thought carefully...

"It always feels like you are thinking about something rude..."

Because Lin Yi's eyes naturally fell on her chest when she looked at Fame, which caused Fame to feel a little strangely staring at Lin Yi on her chest, as if he could see his bad intentions...

"Shoo, hoo..."

It is said that the most important thing to do or prepare to do is that someone will come out to make trouble. Just when Lin Yi was about to stun the prestige to take away, only a few blue and white beams came from the original surprise attack and directly attacked the Bismarck battleship. on……

"Boom boom boom..."

Fortunately, the Klein force field of the Bismarck battleship is always on, and the few beams only shake the battleship and there is no accident...

"That's it..."

"The common people over there are ready to surrender!"

As the beam cannon ended with a greeting, a somewhat haughty voice came from a distance...

"The big cow is here..."

Without Lin Yi's question, when the distant fleet appeared, the Bismarck sisters directly recognized the second fleet headed by the flagship battleship Prince of Wales in the Sea Fog European Theater...

"The milk volume of big cows is amazing. Have you ever beaten humans?"

"But she has this advantage, poor big cow...our IQ can directly crush her."

As soon as the Prince of Wales appeared, the Bismarck sisters could not help but began to mock...

This is not to blame for the two of them, who made them, who are the same battleships, the figure of a primary school student, not to mention the so-called milk volume compared with the Welsh of a royal sister.

"You two little ones, do you think I can't hear it?"

Regarding the taunting skills of the Bismarck sisters, even Welsh at this moment heard their taunts from a distance.

"Huh? The big cow has grown in intelligence, so gratifying!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Surveillance radar is still used! It's not easy!"

Regarding the poor tone of Wales, the Bismarck sisters are not afraid of the slightest. They still look like I am dead. What can you take me to...

"Swish swish..."

"Shoo, hoo..."

Compared to his mouth, the Prince of Wales, who has the character of a proud princess, opened up all the weapons that can be launched, except for the supergravity gun...

"Big cow are you crazy?"

Regarding the Prince of Wales attacking with all his strength, even though the Bismarck sisters like to die, they dare not to be careless...


With the strange noises in the mouths of the Loli sisters, one guided artillery shells were launched from the battleship. Although the beam cannon could not be effectively intercepted, there are still ways to solve the artillery shells in the air and the torpedoes in the water...

If the Prince of Wales is allowed to bombard unscrupulously, they will be silent when Klein’s force field is saturated, so they dare not let these shells and torpedoes come close easily...


"How do you feel like you are soy sauce?"

"If I come late, will it be enough for me to clean the battlefield?"

Lin Yi looked at the sudden fight between Bismarck and the Prince of Wales, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

"That's it..." x2

Just as the Bismarck sisters and the Prince of Wales were in full swing, the prestige and the maid on the side of the Prince of Wales battleship spoke up...

The maid who spoke at the same time as the prestige sister was the prestige sister who fought back... After they spoke at the same time, the two battleships stopped fighting... It can be seen that the counterattack is on the Prince of Wales’s status and the prestige here is the Bismarck sisters. The fear status brought here is similar...

"Sister, can you tell me about the current situation?"

Chapter 57

"In fact, the situation is not serious, it's just that Master Bismarck is preparing to surrender, and at the same time the wanted human is on the battleship!"

Regarding his sister's question, Reputation answered without any embarrassment.


"Hello! Isn't this serious?"

"These two little girls are surrendering? Are they crazy?"

Regarding prestige, the counterattack has not yet commented on it!The Prince of Wales heard by the side of the counterattack was not calm.

You must know that her arrival is to assist the First Fleet to destroy this human being and his Nagato and others... Now Prestige suddenly tells her that her only ally is going to fight back. How does she accept this?

"The Lord Prince of Wales said that Lord Bismarck must be crazy..."

"So after retreating this humanity, I decided to spend time to educate the two Bismarck masters..."