Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 326


After Chiba Erica heard Lin Yi's words, she coldly snorted and pulled the blackened Shibata Mizuki into the quilt.

It's not that she is obedient, the main thing is what Lin Yi just said. If he is not obedient, he will not guarantee what happens next...

Chiba Erica's clothes had been broken before, and she didn't want to wait for Lin Yi to do more to her.

"Ok... so hot!"

The same things that were done on Mayumi Nanakusa and others appeared again on Shibata Mizuki...

Shibata Mizuki, who had fallen into pieces because her clothes had been turned into pieces, could not help but groan with a ruddy face...

Even Chiba Erica, who was watching this scene, blushed because of Shibata Mizuki's groan...

"Ghost... Teacher Guihu, what are you doing?"

Chiba Erica looked at Shibata Mizuki's somewhat refreshing look, and then forced to resist the shyness in her heart and asked Lin Yi.

"Want to know?"

"Come and try it yourself and you will understand..."

After fixing Shibata Mizuki, Lin Yi retracted the hands that had just raged on Shibata Mizuki and looked at Chiba Erica with a smile on her face.

"I...I'm not rare!"

"It's definitely not a good thing..."

Regarding Lin Yi's temptation, Chiba Erica pressed her curiosity and said vigilantly while holding the quilt in her arms tightly.

"Old... teacher, I still want..."

Just when Chiba Erica was defending Lin Yi, Shibata Mizuki, who was a little sober because Lin Yi stopped, directly looked at Lin Yi pleadingly with her blurred eyes.


"I didn't take the medicine either?"

Regarding Shibata Mizuki's request, not to mention Chiba Erica was a little shocked, even Lin Yi himself was a little strange...

"Old... Teacher, you have to be responsible to me!"

Shibata Mizuki's words in Lin Yi's puzzled eyes suddenly made him understand...

Unlike others, even if Lin Yi took advantage of it, he couldn't let go...

And Shibata Mizuki should be regarded as confessing her fate, so she begged Lin Yi.

"It looks really comfortable! It's a pity I can't experience it myself."

At this moment, Lin Yi also understood that the transformation of his magic power could make their bodies and even consciousness reach a certain climax... So Shibata Mizuki had no patience after resigning.

"Want to be so exaggerated?"

Seeing Shibata Mizuki's desperate and dissatisfied voice, Chiba Erica felt like she was going crazy... Sankan felt a little collapsed...

"Try it and you'll know..."

"Just a moment! Don't mess around..."

"Relax, trust the teacher's morals..."

"Hmm! It's really comfortable!"


With the passage of time, Chiba Erica and Shibata Mizuki have unconsciously exposed their bodies to Lin Yi, and they have not even experienced this matter...

"So comfortable..."

"it hurts!!!"

Even when Lin Yi took off his virgin body while sinking, he ignored the past...

Chapter 70 The Forgotten Fujibayashi Kyoko

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as the sun rose early in the morning, there was a knock on the door...


Lin Yi yawned lazily and got up from the bed...

"Who? It's so early in the morning."

The bathroom in the room was very close to the door. When Lin Yi passed by, he directly pulled out a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. At the same time, he asked impatiently outside the door.

During the battle last night with the two maids of Chiba Erica and Shibata Mizuki, Lin Yi naturally couldn't wear clothes, so he put on a bath towel, otherwise it would be bad if he opened the door as an exhibitionist.



After Lin Yi opened the door, the person standing at the door suddenly shocked him...

"What's the matter with you?"

But in the strange eyes of everyone, he calmed down quickly, and asked calmly.

"Dear guest, I am the manager of this hotel."

At this time, the first to speak was a middle-aged man dressed in formal clothes, and he introduced himself after a slight salute to Lin Yi.

"It turned out to be the manager! Is there anything I can help you with?"

After hearing the middle-aged man's self-introduction, Lin Yi was a little confused... He really couldn't understand what the hotel manager called him?

"Could it be that the soundproofing effect of the hotel room is not good, and the noise with Shibata Mizuki and the others was too loud to the people next door last night?"

"That's not right! I remember that the rooms near me are all students from our school! Why not just let Mayumi say it?"

When Lin Yi asked the hotel manager, one thought after another could not help flashing through his mind...

"Dear guest, our hotel sent two waiters for the package you ordered yesterday. I wonder if you have ever met them?"

The hotel manager’s words instantly made Lin Yi understand. He suddenly remembered that Chiba Erica and Shibata Mizuki wore maid outfits yesterday because they worked in this hotel. Now that they did not return overnight, it naturally caused the hotel’s troubles. attention.

Had it not been for Lin Yi to be a teacher at the First High School Affiliated to the National University of Magic and Magic, I am afraid the hotel had already called the police.

You know that the two girls last night are underage girls. The reason why the hotel accepts them to work is not only because of their relationship, but also because of their status as high school students.

"They were in the room and worked privately because they did not have the teacher's permission. So they were punished and they only slept early this morning."

"That's it for the time being about this job! Our school will compensate for the cost of the two maid outfits."

When things were resolved one by one, Lin Yi directly decided the fate of Chiba Erica and Shibata Mizuki...



Originally, the hotel manager wanted to refuse. From now on, Lin Yi's dress is not difficult to imagine what the so-called'punishment' was last night...

But then he thought that Lin Yi was the teacher of the first college, and there would be no problem thinking about it, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Now that your matter is settled, please help me prepare some breakfast!"

Lin Yi did not give the hotel manager a chance to speak more, and then Lin Yi directly ordered the hotel manager who was still a little tangled at the moment.

"I see, it will be here soon!"

After seeing Lin Yi's attitude, the hotel manager stopped talking, just nodded to show that he understood, and then started to leave the door of the room.

"Well! What can you do?"

After watching the hotel manager leave, Lin Yi once again noticed the man in front of him.

"Excuse me, I'm just an ordinary resident. I just want to ask if you saw our companion yesterday."

"She disappeared near here last night, but she couldn't find it for some reason, so I came to ask."

At this moment, who appeared in front of Lin Yi was Shiboda Shigeru Sanada, a member of the independent magic outfit brigade, because as Fujibayashi Kyoko did not return to everyone overnight, they were naturally very worried, and it was very likely that Lin Yi captured Fujibayashi Kyoko. As Siboda couldn't appear in front of Lin Yi either, he came to Lin Yi for these questions.

At that time, he was shocked when he saw Lin Yi still need to line up in front of the door, and then talked with the hotel manager to make him more sure that Fujibayashi Kyoko was detained by Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi saw the photo in the hands of the young man in front of him, he suddenly felt awkward...

"I seem to have forgotten her..."

Lin Yi couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment in his mind looking at Fujibayashi's photo.

"Sorry! I haven't seen it."

"It was too busy last night, so I didn't go out."

"I'm sorry I can't help you."

Although a trace of embarrassment flashed in Lin Yi's heart, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

In the end he just said to the young man in a helpless tone.

"It's okay, thank you for the message."

Although Lin Yi's answer was beyond Sanada Shigeru's expectations, he had no plans to entangle him...

It is good for Lin Yi to admit, but if they deny it, whether it is true or not, they will have to increase their search efforts.

After all, everyone in the independent magic outfit brigade is very important, not to mention that Koriko Fujibayashi is still the granddaughter of the tenth division elder Kyushima Retsu... It is impossible for them to think about it seriously because of this relationship.

"Excuse me, goodbye!"

After Sanada Shigeru and Lin Yi said hello, they left in a hurry.

"So what do you do?"

"Could it be possible that you still want me to remake it for you?"

"Now there is a charge!"

After watching the two strangers leave, Lin Yi shifted his eyes to Mayumi Nanakusa and others...

"Mr. Lin Yi, what's the matter with this hotel attendant?"

After Lin Yi's ridicule, Qi Cao Mayumi's face blushed, and she quickly reacted and glared at Lin Yi and asked.

"Sorry, it seems that the noise was so loud last night that you slept."

"Don't worry, I will use the magic circle to isolate the sound tonight, so that you can enjoy a good sleep."

Regarding the question of Mayumi Nanakusa, Lin Yi returned with some questions that could not be answered.

"Who...who asked you last night...what happened last night..."

"I want to ask why there are waitress girls staying overnight in your room? Just listened to your conversation with the hotel manager, they are still students in our school..."

"Should you not give us an explanation?"


Just after Nanakusa Mayumi's questioning, she got Lin Yi's awkward answer: "Uh? It's not illegal to pick up girls!"

"Just use public money to open a house without being authentic! It's not a big problem, right!"

"We are all you love me..."

Chapter 71


This sudden door opening sounded like an angel's knock on the door for Fujibayashi Kyoko... In anticipation and alert, Fujibayashi looked at the direction of the sound...

"Good morning!"

In Fujibayashi's expectant and vigilant eyes, Lin Yi's figure appeared in front of her.

Facing this somewhat silent scene, Lin Yi took the initiative to say hello.
