Invasion of the second element

Invasion of the Second Element Chapter 360

"Will Gabriel, one of the four blazing angels, be your sister?"

"Is there a more outrageous explanation?"

After Lin Yi finished speaking, Seraphim, who was the demon king, looked directly at Lin Yi in mockery.

You must know that as one of the Four Great Demon Kings in the Demon Realm, she naturally knows her old adversary, the Four Seraphs...

"Luchan! Long time no see..."

After hearing Seraphim’s taunts, Gabriel’s attention was immediately attracted...

I saw that she greeted with some joy after seeing Seraphim...

"Long time no see, Big Cow..."

"What are you doing here?"

"Michael is not afraid that you will be trafficked?"

After hearing Gabriel's greeting, Seraphim couldn't help but turn her attention away from Lin Yi...

But after seeing the fullness of Gabriel’s chest, Seraphim suddenly felt upset...

"Huh? Trafficking?"

"Michael said it would be okay to have Lichan by my side."

"But... where is Li Chan?"

Gabriel answered without hesitation after hearing Seraphim's inquiry.

But after she finished answering, she realized that her Li Chan had disappeared...

"Don't mention this little in advance, why do you come here first?"

"And why are you with this guy?"

Regarding Gabriel’s cuteness, Seraphim, who knows her character better, couldn’t help but cover her forehead with some helpless hands...

However, Seraphim soon interrupted Gabriel, who was a little confused, and asked with a serious look.


"Michael just asked me to come down and get in touch with Lin Yijun, as for the other Michael and Li Chan haven't told me yet."

After Gabriel finished answering, Seraphim suddenly understood...

"Lin Yi..."

"Where is Grisada Kwata?"

Seraphus had only been in contact with Lin Yi for a short time, but she also guessed that Glyceda Quatta, who came with Gabriel, was definitely hidden by him...


"Lin Yijun, do you know where Li Chan is?"

After Gabriel heard Seraphim's inquiry, he also shifted his gaze to Lin Yi and asked.


"She left you after handing you to me, I think she has returned to the heavens!"

Lin Yi said very'sincerely' to the inquiring eyes of Seraphim and Gabriel.

"oh, I see!"

Gabriel directly chose to believe Lin Yi's words...



Compared to Gabriel, who is more dull and cute, everyone else showed a look of unbelief...Irias and Juno Himeshima were most suspicious...

"Of course, I swear by my integrity!"

Lin Yi shouted with some righteousness to everyone's suspicious look.


"You still have morals? Isn't it broken?"

Swearing to Lin Yi's so-called ethics, draw Cang Na attacked from the side.

"Gabriel, follow me first!"

"Before Grisida Kwata appears, it's better to guard against this guy!"

Compared to the taunt of taking Sanna, Seraphim directly pulled Gabriel away from Lin Yi...


"My lovely Gabriel..."

Lin Yi looked at Gabriel who had not resisted and left him, and couldn't help but let out a painful cry...

Chapter 46 The Devil's Visit

"Hey! What plans does Yijun have next?"

After Seraphim took Gabriel away, Junai Jijima looked amused at Lin Yi, who was supporting the wall in pain and asked.

After Lin Yi heard the question of Junai Jijima, Lin Yi, who had pretended to be in a painful state because of Gabriel’s departure, instantly returned to normal...

He turned around and neatly adjusted his clothes, and calmly replied: "What are the plans for the beauties next? Don't mind if I participate!"


Regarding Lin Yi's see-through and attentive gaze, Lias gave him an angry look, then turned her head and left without paying attention to Lin Yi...


Looking at the figure of Rias leaving, in Lin Yi's somewhat speechless expression, Junai Himejima couldn't help shrugging her shoulders and then left...

"Sure enough, the cat sauce is more cute, let me hug!"

Lin Yi looked at Lias and Himeshima Juna who had left, and stared directly at Tacheng Baiyin who was about to follow in the footsteps of Lias and others...

Without even the consent of Tacheng Baiyin, Lin Yi embraced him as he talked to himself, and chased Lias and the others...


"Do you feel it?"

Just after Lin Yi held Tacheng Baiyin to catch up with Lias and Juno Himeshima, a sudden strong wave of magic shocked Lias and the others...

"It seems to be in the supernatural department. Let's hurry and go back."

The magical aura that erupted somewhere in the academy directly caused Lias and Juno Himejima, who had been strolling around and planned to wait for Lin Yi to catch up, to instantly increase their speed to a level, not waiting for Lin Yi and the white sound of Tacheng in his arms. After reacting, the two disappeared in front of them.

"Um! Who is it?"

Lin Yi also felt the breath, and couldn't help muttering to himself somewhat helplessly.


Just when Lin Yi was a little confused, Tacheng Baiyin in his arms suddenly pulled La Lin Yi's sleeve to attract his attention...

"What's the matter with kitten sauce?"

Lin Yi asked curiously about Tacheng Baiyin's reaction.

"This breath is Master Lucifer..."

After hearing Lin Yi's question, Tacheng Baiyin said slowly.


Tacheng Baiyin's answer made Lin Yi not react for a while, but he always felt that he was somewhat familiar with this title.

"The older brother of Lord Rias, Lord Serjex Lucifer..."

In Lin Yi's somewhat puzzled look, Tacheng Baiyin answered again.

The answer this time is more detailed so that Lin Yi doesn't understand...

"It's him! I didn't react for a while..."

"But what does he come out for now?"

"Could it be because I abducted his maid?"

After hearing Tacheng Baiyin's detailed explanation, Lin Yi couldn't help but suddenly realized...

But soon Lin Yi was puzzled about the appearance of Serjeks...

You know that in the original book, he appeared in the world, that is, in the talks between the leaders of the three major forces. Shouldn't he appear now?

"Could it be because of me?"

Lin Yi galloped towards the activity room of the Supernatural Department with doubts in his heart...


At this moment in the Supernatural Department...

"Brother...It's really you..."

After Lias returned to the Supernatural Department for the first time, she saw Serjeks sitting on the sofa at the moment, and she couldn't help but greet some surprises.

"Master Devil, Gui'an!"

And Shuna Himejima, who was behind Rias, also gestured slightly after seeing Serjeks.

It's just that Juno Himeshima just bowed slightly, and did not kneel down to express respect like in the original book...

Because Junai Jijima understands that his man Lin Yi is also a demon king, he can't be ashamed of being rude in this respect.

"Long time no see, Lias!"

"There is also the newly promoted Madam Demon..."

After hearing the greeting, the long-haired man sitting on the sofa couldn't help but stood up with a smile and looked at Rias and Himeshima Juno who appeared at the door.

"Brother, did you come to the world?"

"Could it be because of Lin Yijun?"

After seeing Serjeks' smile, Lias couldn't help but came to his side with pleasure and asked curiously.

"Yes or not!"

Regarding Lias' question, Serjeks gave Lias some inexplicable answer with a smile on his face.


"What do you mean?"

Lias obviously didn't react to Serjax at once...


Before Serjeks could answer Lias' question again, Lin Yi's voice came from outside the door...

"the stupid one is you……"

After hearing Lin Yi's voice, Rias instinctively checked her seat, and retorted...

"This is Lin Yijun!"

"Meeting for the first time! My name is Serjeks, I am glad to meet you!"

After looking at the two people who might quarrel, Serjeks directly interrupted.


Lias, who wanted to say a few more words, couldn't help but snorted and turned around and stopped looking at Lin Yi...

"I am also very happy to meet you, I have been with you for a long time!"

"I have an unrelenting request. I wonder if Uncle Brother can ease it?"

Lin Yi seemed very enthusiastic about Serjeks’ greetings...