I don't know why, but Shitang Kyu is not as scared of Chen Feng as before.

"Then... shall we go?" Ancestral Temple Kei cautiously asked.

"Go by car!" Chen Feng said suddenly.

"Ah? What?" Keitang Kei and Miki Naoki were taken aback.

"I said, go by car. I didn't think too much before and felt that it was the same. Now I think about it and find that something is not right. If my intuition is correct, I will probably make a big discovery in Xunzhiqiu Middle School. "Chen Feng didn't cover up his figure, and walked towards the vehicle that was coming by him.

Seeing this, the two dared not separate too far from Chen Feng, so they could only trot to follow.

Because Chen Feng didn't even bother to cover up the sound of his footsteps, the surrounding zombies quickly found three pieces of fresh meat here, and slowly gathered around.

Chen Feng got in the car, started the ignition, waited until the two girls fastened their seat belts, and started in second gear and quickly cut to fifth gear.

The zombie's encirclement hadn't formed its target before it formed. Although some stubbornly tried to chase after him, he couldn't even smell his exhaust within ten seconds.

The zombies who had lost their target wandered again.

Xunzhiqiu City Police Headquarters.

It used to be the security of Xunzhiqiu City until the zombie disaster happened.

It has been one and a half months since the zombie disaster occurred, and the Xunzhiqiu Police Headquarters was empty in June.

When the three of Chen Feng came here at a pace of two kilometers per hour, it was already in tatters and was looted by countless people.

Why did you come here?Because the car's engine went wrong under Chen Feng's violent driving...

Chen Feng doesn't know how to repair a car. In this case, he can do it and there is no time, so he can only walk over.

"Be careful, each. There may be some survivors who come to look for guns in places like the police headquarters." Chen Feng looked at the police headquarters not far away and said to Keitang Kei and Naoki Miki seriously.

The two nodded, indicating that they understood.

"But now it's not far from Xunzhiqiu Middle School. We can go directly after we look up a round of information." Chen Feng nodded, he was quite satisfied with the situation.

Many zombies wandered outside the police headquarters.

"Take out a weapon and at least learn to protect yourself." Chen Feng looked at the zombies with a serious expression.

"Of course." Keitang Kei and Miki Naoki didn't want to rely on Chen Feng all the time, and took out all kinds of baseball bats.

The top of this kind of baseball bat is wrapped in cowhide, and it is full of strength, even if their power is just swinging, it is enough to smash the zombie's head.

Chen Feng was always on the front line all the time, and they naturally wanted to do something.

Taro Maru screamed softly, indicating that something is coming.

Chen Feng also heard the slow footsteps approaching, clenched his fists and cautiously bypassed a car whose front cover was lifted, and twisted the neck of the approaching zombie.

Turning back, Chen Feng's expression was very serious.

"There are a lot of zombies here. I can't clean up all the zombies before going in. There should be a back door or a back window here. Go around from there."

"I know a way. I was here last time." Ancestral Temple Kei whispered, leading the two around to a rear window.

Enter here is the back kitchen, because of the ventilation problem, you can enter the police station directly after entering this window.

"Good job!" Chen Feng praised.

An anti-theft net was installed on the windows, but the glass was broken and clean, and only some glass ballast was still on the windowsill.

Chen Feng took out a toolbox from his backpack, took out a handful of Qiqi from it, and carefully and slowly dismantled the anti-theft net.

This toolbox is the smallest. There are only three different types of open and adjustable wrenches and a small claw hammer.

There are no cross heads, wrenches, sockets and extension rods in the conventional toolbox.

However, Chen Feng couldn't bring a conventional toolbox. The conventional toolbox was too big, and Chen Feng's backpack was limited.

"Zhu, dismantle the anti-theft net of the Police Headquarters... I'm going to eat in peacetime." Chen Feng said with a smile, and slightly eased the tension.

"Hey? Shiina-kun, what does it mean to go in for dinner?" Naoki Miki was really puzzled.

"It's not a good person to dismantle the anti-theft net, don't you? What's more, what I dismantle is the anti-theft net of the Police Headquarters... Once I am found, I will be arrested. Then I can only go to the detention center to eat. This is not going to eat. What is it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"..." The two of them were speechless at once, but after thinking about it carefully, what Chen Feng said was really correct.

Chen Feng carefully put the removed anti-theft net aside, took out a folded piece of clothing from his backpack, and used it to clean the glass ballast on the window sill and the window.

"Well, let's go in, the target is still the data room and archive room." For a long time, Chen Feng said in a low voice.

The two nodded.

Chen Feng first went in to find the way, and by the way, some wandering zombies were disposed of.

Shrine Kei then went in, took the Taro Maru that Naoki Miki had handed over, and then helped Naoki Miki in.

This is the kitchen of the Police Headquarters, but it has gone through a large-scale looting, and now only some large kitchen utensils have not been removed.

Shitang Kei tried to open the refrigerator, but it was empty and even the mouse had to come out with tears in tears.

There is a large area of ​​clearly visible blood on the ground, and it is not known whether it was caused by the zombie attack or by the survivors competing for supplies.

"Hurry up, you won't be able to see the words on the materials when it's dark." Chen Feng peeked in through the door outside the kitchen and prompted.

"Don't you have a flashlight when it gets dark?" The two naturally understood what Chen Feng meant, and obediently followed Chen Feng out of the kitchen.

But Ancestral Hall Kyu played a little bit with Chen Feng.

"If you use a flashlight to read a book in a dark environment for a long time, you will be short-sighted. When you are short-sighted and can't see things, I can't give you a pair of glasses." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How can it be so easy to be nearsighted." The little character of not admitting defeat made Xiantang Kei unable to help Chen Feng.

"It's best to be able to check information during the day when the sun is good. If it's because of me, you accidentally short-sighted, then my sin will be serious." Chen Feng gently touched Ancestral Hall Gui's hair.

"Don't be mad! The president is not high." Ancestral Temple Kyu shook off Chen Feng's hand and trot ahead.

"Beware of zombies!" Chen Feng shouted, and reluctantly followed.

Naoki Miki was stunned, and Taromaru who followed behind hit her ankle and looked up at her suspiciously.

"Blushing..." Naoki Miki stared at her girlfriend's face, looking like hell.

Thinking of the way Shrine Kei was before, look at the present.

"No... Could it be that..." Naoki Miki thought carefully in fear.

Naoki Miki thought about the appearance of Keiji before the disaster, and then think about now.

I thought of Chen Feng's performance all the time...

"It seems that it really works...what am I thinking about!" Naoki Miki shook her head, seeing that the two of them had already gone far away, and quickly trot to follow.