Although she is the master of Nirvana space, she is also the first time she has seen a person who has been darkened but still maintains a complete sense of reason.

"Run! Run!" Chen Feng didn't see Sachiko's eyes, and just wanted to escape at the moment.

Fortunately, the two girls didn't have any soft feet, so they turned and ran away.

Chen Feng, who was clearly the closest to the door, was two steps behind at the moment, allowing the two to escape first.

The two of them just ran out of classroom 2-A, when Chen Feng was about to go out...

The door closed mercilessly.

The furious Chen Feng kicked the door fiercely without making a sound.

Space locked!

"Never stand alone! Never act alone! No matter what the circumstances, you cannot act alone!" Chen Feng yelled at the door, regardless of whether the voice could be heard or not.

"You are very interesting..." A curious and childish voice came from my ear.

Chen Feng froze in place and did not dare to move.

No need to turn around, Chen Feng knows.

At this moment, Sachiko was behind him, no more than ten centimeters away from him!

Almost talking next to himself!

"Is it interesting? What's interesting?" Chen Feng couldn't help speaking, trying to distract her.

"According to your blackening reaction, you should have lost your mind now. Why do you look no different from normal people now?" Sachiko asked curiously.

"That's because..." Before he finished speaking, Chen Feng turned around and kicked, and at the same time black mist was still wrapped around his left foot.

This is the usage that Chen Feng came up with after studying the black mist. The black mist can be used locally to avoid the black mist from eroding itself to a greater extent.

Unfortunately, it was useless, because Sachiko still stood there and never moved.

Chen Feng looked at Sachiko in astonishment.

why?Obviously the voice of speaking is in my ear...

"Oh, elder brother doesn't seem to like Xingzi? If you kicked that kick just now, Xingzi would get hurt?" Xingzi actually laughed. Although it is very cute, Chen Feng seems to have no difference with the smile of the god of death.

"Sachiko? You are the man behind Tenshen Elementary School, right?" Chen Feng said coldly.

"Hey? Big brother knows me?" Xingzi didn't answer Chen Feng's question.

Chen Feng did not speak, and began to think about how to slip.

It’s impossible to beat it, and you can’t run it now... Now you have to wait to die or learn to master the star...

Chen Feng just wanted to talk, but found that he was already speechless.

"I'm curious about my elder brother... Can you let me Kangkang?" Sachiko stepped forward slowly.3

Not only was Chen Feng speechless, he couldn't even move.

I go!You seem to be seven years old, but you are already close to seventy

What does this old woman want to do to me?do not!Don't take my clothes off!

"It's weird... what's this on you?" Xingzi stared at Chen Feng's body with curiosity.

Chen Feng stood stiffly on the floor, speechless.

His top is a shirt and a zippered jacket. Now the zipper of the jacket is unzipped and the shirt is cut by Sachiko with scissors.

It can be clearly seen on his chest and abdomen.

The weird black text intertwined with each other, forming an inexplicable pattern on his chest and abdomen.

The black text is not any kind of text, it is more like meaningless graffiti.

This black pattern appeared after Chen Feng entered Tianshen Elementary School for the first time. So far Chen Feng has not figured out what the black pattern is about.

Why does this black pattern appear on his body but he doesn't know it?

This black pattern is not a tattoo, and even changes its position. It is not what it looked like the first time I saw it.

Sachiko curiously touched the black pattern, and found that the black pattern actually bounced her hand away.

"Fun...interesting!" Sachiko actually smiled.

Chen Feng felt cold all over, and the moment Sachiko's hand touched him, the hairs all over his body seemed to explode, and they all stood upright.

Goose bumps spread all over the body instantly.

"Ah, big brother, did you say that I just killed you like this, or did you turn you into a gear here?" Sachiko seemed very entangled.

'You let me talk!'Chen Feng roared inside.1

Are the resentful spirits here like this?Asking questions while holding people down. This is how Liaoge is, and the same is true for Xingzi. How can I answer if I don’t let me speak?

"If you don't answer, I'll kill you." Seeing that Chen Feng didn't answer, Xingzi shook his head disappointedly, while raising the scissors in his hand.

"Then, it's coming!" Sachiko smiled and waved the scissors in his hand.


As soon as Nakajima Naomi and Shinohara ran out of classroom 2-A, they heard the door lock with a click, and only heard kicks and Chen Feng's roar.

"Never stand alone! Never act alone! No matter what the situation..."

"Chen Jun is locked inside!" Nakajima Naomi said in horror, and immediately turned to pat the door.

"Chen Jun! Chen Jun!" Nakajima Naomi shouted.

However, it was quiet inside.

"Isn't it? I was talking just now!" Shinohara realized that something was wrong.

The two entered classroom 2-A and found that Chen Feng and Xingzi were gone.

"It's a lie... It's gone..." Naomi Nakajima knelt on the ground with a soft leg.

" the multiple enclosed dimensional space that Chen Jun said?" Shinohara Shiyiko froze in place.

"What should Chen Jun do if something happens... Obviously he could run out ahead of us, but he stayed behind and was locked up..." Naomi Nakajima couldn't help sobbing.

"Naomi, now I can only pray for his great fortune... Faced with different dimensions, we can't do anything for Chen Jun..." Shinohara patted Naomi Nakajima on the shoulder to comfort her.

In the past, Shinohara Shiyoko would directly hug Naomi Nakajima and make fun, but now he can only be serious in this heavy atmosphere.

"Chen Jun definitely wants us to live well? Or he won't say that in the end..." Under the comfort of Shinohara Shiyiko, Nakajima Naomi slowly controlled his emotions.

"Now we must live well, otherwise we will fail Chen Jun's expectations." Nakajima Naomi said firmly.

"And Chen Jun may not be in trouble. Didn't he say that? He wiped out a lot of resentful spirits here, and the resentful spirits here are afraid of him. Just now it was just that we were here and he was not easy to make a move." Shinohara Shiyiko Say.

"That's right! Now he may be better than us alone now..." Naomi Nakajima said in a low voice.

"Okay, okay, we must live, otherwise Naomi will not see Chita-kun." Shinohara said that the atmosphere had begun to ease, and said strangely.

"What! Seiko." Naomi Nakajima couldn't help reaching out to pinch Shinohara Seiko's face.

The originally tense atmosphere also began to relax.

"Okay, Naomi, your feet... shall we go to the health room?" Shinohara Shiyoko said, rubbing his face.

"Yeah!" Naomi Nakajima nodded heavily.

"Chen Jun... Don't have an accident..." Walking out of classroom 2-A, even though there was no communication, the thought flashed through both of them.