Invincible King System

Chapter 216 Blood

The red blood line drilled out of Chen Feng's palm and hung in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

'I don't understand how your thoughts came about, but my own consciousness is very fragile, not enough to support a long-term body movement.Even if I grow up, what expands is only the number of my body, not my consciousness.You should know that I have no soul, only consciousness.'

'How do you make me trust you?'

'My former master used me for more than tens of thousands of years and never doubted me.'

'Maybe he has already been robbed of consciousness by you?'

'Then I would not choose to be parasitic on you. Compared with the previous master, your ability is too weak.'

'Parasites themselves are not very hostile, as long as they can support growth.'

'But I choose, my parasitic minimum standard is also God.If it wasn't for the former master who insisted that I be parasitic on you, I would leave after saving you.'

There was silence again, this time Chen Feng was thinking.

'I can help you grow, but I will not kill innocent people.'Chen Feng shook his head and refused to kill anyone nearby.

'why?The people on this boat should be as small as ants on the roadside to you.'

'Because I am still a person, although my hands are covered with blood.'

'Your thoughts are ridiculous, you don't care if your hands are stained with blood.'

'I am a human, and they are also human.I have my own life, and they have it too.Taking the lives of innocent people violently will be condemned by God.'

'According to your thinking, you should be killed by the sky thunder now, but you are still alive.'

'Retribution will come sooner or later, and I can't continue to deepen my sins until then.'

'A ridiculous idea, really.'

"Don't give up the last persistence in your heart, even if it seems trivial." This sentence was said by me in the future, and I didn't understand it at the time. Now it seems that he is warning me.'Chen Feng said.

'This kind of persistence is a ridiculous idea.'

'But not for me. This is my last insistence: not to take the lives of innocent people violently for my own benefit.'

The two sides are deadlocked.

'Well, then no killing.'The red blood line finally served softly.

'I will prepare a speedboat and drive directly to Neon.'Chen Feng sighed.

'In fact, I can also use fish from the sea. Fish meat is also useful, although the blood is a little bit less.'

'really?That's good!'Chen Feng was quite excited.

'Your persistence is really ridiculous.Innocent people are innocent, isn't innocent fish innocent?'

'A man is a man, and a fish is a fish.I am a human being, so I think about people when I do things, and fish are not in my consideration.'

'Fish also has its own life.'

'But they have no wisdom.'

'They have their own wisdom.'

'They cannot communicate with people.'

'If there are fish that can communicate, will you treat them kindly?'

'Probably it is a direct destruction. It is impossible for human beings to allow other intelligent life to appear on the earth.Even if the pacifists are shouting nicely, the five gangsters cannot listen.'

'So you are actually an egoist.'

'Individuals and groups cannot be completely consistent. I personally may treat fish who can communicate well, but it is impossible for human groups. You are partial.'

"Hey..." The red blood line sighed.

'Raise your right hand.'Said the red blood line.

Chen Feng raised his right hand and sprayed a large amount of red blood line from his right hand into the sea.

Like a straw in the animation, masses of material squirming within the red blood line are sucked towards Chen Feng.

'Raise his left hand.'The red blood line said again.

A large amount of red blood spurted from the left hand and plunged into the sea.

There were more and more red blood lines, and finally Chen Feng almost turned into a fluffy creature like a sea urchin.

This kind of scene makes the san value plummet.

'enough.'The sound of the red blood line can't hear the joy or anger, but it seems to be satisfied.

'Take your things and let's go.'

Chen Feng changed his clothes, and his previous clothes were torn to pieces by crazily sprayed red blood lines.

Standing on the deck, Chen Feng coldly looked at the neon direction.

Red blood lines spurted from his back, and they formed each other, turning into big wings like butterflies.

"Fly..." Chen Feng was in a trance, and the wings behind him waved with all his strength.

Nirvana Space-Tenshen Elementary School-Second Floor of the Annex-Dongtong Road-Staff Room

Dim, dead, and empty.

The magic circle on the wall originally glowed, and three people appeared in the open space in front of the magic circle.

"Tenjin Elementary School... I didn't expect that I would come in on the initiative..." Mochida Tetsushi and Kishinuma Yoshiki looked at the surroundings with emotion.

"Hey! Shinozaki! Where are you?" The anxious Yoshiki Kishinuma shouted immediately.

Thirteen months Aishou didn't stop him, just holding a sickle to watch the surroundings.

His voice was absorbed before it could spread far, and I don't know if anyone heard it.

"Boy, be careful, there seems to be something weird around." Thirteen months Ai Shou warned.

"The resentful spirits? Haven't those resentful spirits been killed by Shiina Chen Feng?" Yoshiki Kishuma turned his eyes to her.

"Idiot, this is Nirvana space. Nirvana space itself will attract the resentful spirits from the outside, and the new controller has put in a large number of monsters that did not originally belong to Nirvana space. Now, Nirvana space is more dangerous than the former Celestial Elementary School. Bai...coming!" Thirteen Moon Ai Shou immediately stared behind the wall not far away.

"What?" Chi Tian Zhezhi followed her gaze.

"What is this...?" The two looked at the figure with the axe in amazement.

It was a man over two meters tall, with only a waistcoat on his upper body, a pair of shorts, and his body was stained with blood that obviously did not belong to him.

He was dragging a huge axe in his hand, and the axe was also full of blood.

His biggest feature is the triangular mask on his face, which only shows his eyes, nose, and mouth, without showing his appearance.

"People who used to be blackened, as a result of the rapid expansion of their bodies, the masks on their faces were probably pressed on after they burned red. Be careful, these monsters are not easy to deal with." Shisanyue Aishu held tightly. sickle.

"We are unarmed, how can we deal with this monster?" Mochida Tetsuzhi was a little anxious as he watched the masked monster approaching here.

There is a wall behind him, and a monster in front of him. There is no way to escape.

"Who said you were asked to deal with these monsters?" Thirteen months Ai Shou mocked, raising his sickle and rushing towards the masked monster.

Thirteen Moon Ai Shou clearly knew his weakness in strength, so he dodged flexibly and quickly discovered the weakness of the monster.

The sickle in his hand seemed as light as nothing, flexibly creating wounds on the monster.

The monster roared angrily and swung the axe in his hand wildly, but it didn't even hurt Thirteen Moon Aihun's hair.